The Unwritten Rules, naked coed exhibitionists

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The Unwritten Rules, naked coed exhibitionists Page 10

by Ardor

  "Yeah." I replied in a whisper.

  "It's not as bad as it seems. You get used to it."

  It seemed like I should say something back to her but I didn't know what so I just stood there with my mouth open. She chuckled at me and then spread her legs to wipe.

  After she flushed she walked over to the shower, fiddled with some knobs and turned it on. The lower shower heads came on and she adjusted the water temperature until it was as she liked it.

  With the shower head aimed right at her crotch she stepped in front of it and thrust out her pelvis and thoroughly washed her vagina. Then she turned around and spread her behind and washed herself back there. When she was done she shut off the water and went over to the towel rack. All the while I kept on looking to stunned to speak.

  She looked at me and chuckled as she dried off her legs. When she was done she walked over to me and said, "You're going to have to go eventually. When you do don't think about it just sit down and do it. After a while you won't think twice about it anymore."

  "Yeah, but what about when you have to..." I asked not having the nerve to complete the sentence.

  She smiled and said, "Same thing, you just sit down and do it. No one is going to think anything of it. It's what's expected here. Besides it's better then the alternatives."

  "W-what are the alternatives?" I asked hesitantly.

  "Having an accident because you couldn't hold it in any more."

  "Oh my god!" I said with a sharp intake of breath and wide eyes.

  "Constipation, which leads to a trip to the nurses office and what amounts to a public enema."

  I couldn't even say a word. I just looked at her horrified.

  "Then there's the cocktail."

  "W-what's that?" I asked.

  "Once the seniors find out you haven't been going, and believe me they look out for the first year students so they'll know, they'll slip it in something you eat or drink. Then you'll be pooping your brains out for a day or two."

  "Oh."I said in a small gasp.

  "So, like I said, when you have to go just go. It might help to wait a bit, you know, until you really have to go. Not so it's an emergency or anything but a definite need to go. That way it comes right out of you when you sit down, you don't make funny faces pushing or anything and it's over faster. Just a little tip to make it easier. All of us do it."

  "Kind of an unwritten rule or something?" I said with a smile.

  "Yeah, I suppose so." She said smiling back.

  "D-do you always shower after you, go?" I asked.

  "When you could be asked to display yourself at any moment you want to make sure you're always good and clean don't you?"

  "Oh my God yes." I said with every ounce of my being.

  "You'll be fine." She said with a comforting smile. "Did you have to go now?"

  "Um, no, I'm looking for the registrar's office."

  "It's right around the corner about half way down the hall on your left." She said pointing to the hallway just past the bathroom.

  "Thanks." I said still a little stunned.

  She looked at me for a second or two and then pulled me to her into a warm hug. Our naked bodies pressed together as she patted my back and said, "You'll be fine I promise."

  Then she gave me a little kiss on the cheek and walked away.

  Chapter 10

  "Hello?" I asked afterI opened the door to the registrar’s office and peered inside.

  When I didn't hear anything in response I took another look at the door to make sure I was in the right place and then walked inside. It was a fair sized open room that was bright and sunny because of two large windows that overlooked the campus. Underneath the windows were some chairs and a small table with magazines spread over them.

  Opposite that, in one corner of the room, there was what looked like a small photo studio. In the other corner there was a clear glass desk surrounded by file cabinets on one side and a computer on the other side of it. This was all starting to look familiar but something was missing.

  "Damn it! Get over here!" I heard an annoyed female voice say.

  I looked in the direction the voice was coming from and saw that there was a woman kneeling on the floor. Her right arm was stretched out trying to get something that must have fallen behind one of the file cabinets. She was balanced on her right knee while her left leg hung in mid air. The top half of her body was wedged between file cabinets but her lower half stuck out and left everything on display.

  "Um, hello?" I said timidly to her wiggling behind.

  She continued to yell at whatever was stuck back there as she tried to grab it. She was totally oblivious to me as she struggled but I couldn't help but look, well, right up inside her. As she struggled to reach for whatever it was behind the cabinet her left leg lifted and fell making her lips open and close. At the same time her cheeks flexed and separated giving me flashes of her butt hole. I didn't know what to say or do so I just stood there until she said, "Ha! Got you!" Then she pulled herself out of the file cabinets and knelt on the floor looking at the papers she had been reaching for.

  "Excuse me?" I said.

  She looked up at me a little surprised and said, "Can I help... Oh, hey, came to catch the live show huh?"

  It took me a second to recognize her and figure out what she meant.

  "I guess I should have recognized you from the web cam." I said with a laugh.

  "Well, I do keep flashing it at you don't I?" She asked with a smile as she stood up and walked to her desk.

  "That's OK it's just us girls, right?" I said trying to make her feel better.

  "Why should that matter?" She asked with a confused look on her face.

  "I guess it shouldn't." I said with an embarrassed chuckle.

  "Don't worry about it," Tammy said putting the papers down on her desk and then walking around to hug me, "you made it and that's the important part."

  She practically wrapped her naked body around me as she gave me a warm hug. Her hands rubbed my back, our breasts interlocked and I felt her pussy against my upper thigh as mine pressed against hers. It felt good.

  When she pulled away and looked me in the eye I thought for a second she was going to kiss me. Instead she smiled at me and said, "I'm glad you made it."

  "Thanks, but why are you so surprised?" I asked.

  "Plenty of girls chicken out when it comes down to it." Tammy said sitting on the edge of her desk.

  "Well, not me." I said holding out my arms as if to say, ta da, here I am.

  "I can see that," she said looking me up and down, "and naked already, good for you, where'd you strip off? In the parking lot or before you got on campus?"

  "Before I got on campus, way before actually. I've been naked since about dinner time last night." I said shaking my head at my own craziness.

  "Really? You are an over achiever. So you drove out here naked? That must have been quite an adventure." Tammy said.

  "Well, I left home with a bikini and a T-shirt. I kind of gave away the bikini and wound up stretching out the T-shirt." I said with a shrug and a self-conscious bounce of my breasts.

  "Gave away your bikini huh? What was that about?" Tammy asked with a smile. "A going away present to your boyfriend or something?"

  "Not quite." I said with a laugh and a thought about driving away from a naked Ann. "It was sort of an experiment to see what would happen."

  "You should be careful in the outside world." Tammy said with sisterly concern. "Most guys are OK but you can't always count on that."

  "Oh don't worry. I was real careful with this guy and he turned out to be good for his word. It was kinda fun and exciting." I said with a bit of a blush.

  "Then you're handling being naked OK?" Tammy's asked.

  "It's weird, sometimes I'm totally fine with it but then out of no where I get embarrassed, nervous or, um..."

  "Horny as hell?" Tammy asked with a smile.

  "Yeah." I admitted blushingly.

  "That's totally
natural. You'll probably get over it in a week or two." Tammy said with a wave of her hand.

  "A week or two? I'll have a heart attack if it takes that long." I said with a scared look on my face.

  Tammy laughed and said, "No you won't, we all lived through it and so will you. Now come on let's get your paperwork taken care of."

  Tammy walked around the glass desk and sat down behind it. Grabbing a folder that was at her right she put it in front of her and opened it up. There was a chair on the other side of her desk so I pulled it out and sat down while she flipped through her papers.

  "OK, you filled out your registration form with your application, and I see here, you chose your classes, which is good. You've been preregistered so you got most of the classes you asked for. Here's your schedule." Tammy said handing me a piece of paper and looking up at me for the first time since I sat down.

  She practically laughed at me and asked, "What are you doing?"

  "Huh? I'm just sitting here." I said looking at her like she was nuts.

  "Yeah, like you were in Elizabethan England or something. Look at you with your legs crossed at the ankles and your hands placed ever so delicately on your thigh. This is Blanke Schande honey, loosen up a bit."

  "Well, how am I supposed to sit?" I asked.

  "Stand up." Tammy said calmly. Once I had she went on to say, "Good, now close your eyes and pretend you're dressed from neck to toes."

  "OK, now what?" I asked.

  "Take a second and really try to feel the clothes on your body," Tammy said like she was leading me through some kind of new age ritual. "Then just sit down like you normally would."

  It seemed like a weird thing to ask a girl who was expected to be naked for the next four years but I took a deep breath and tried to imagine myself covered from neck to toes like she suggested. Then I just sat down.

  "That's much better. Don't you feel more natural and comfortable?" Tammy asked.

  I opened my eyes and looked down at myself. My butt was farther forward on the chair so my upper body was leaning back a bit. This made my breasts move either to the left or the right depending on how my body moved. My knees were spread about a foot apart and my left forearm was across my left thigh leaving my hand to dangle between my legs. My purse was still over my shoulder so my right arm hung off the strap by the bag.

  "Yeah I guess so but..."

  "We're not in the outside world where you have to hide it away like buried treasure. Here at BSC you leave it right out in the open with the top flipped up so it can sparkle in the sunlight." Tammy said as she scooted to the edge of her chair and spread her legs wide.

  "I bet at least half the campus has seen up inside me at one time or another and you know what? Not one of them thinks the worse of me for it."

  "I get that, it's part of the reason I'm here. I guess it just might take me a little time to get there." I said with an uneasy smile.

  "Well, make sure you give yourself that time. Once you adjust you'll feel free as a bird. Before I came to BSC I was totally paranoid that someone would get a glimpse down my blouse or up my skirt and I'd never, I mean, never bend at the waist. I was so afraid someone would get the wrong idea about me. Look at me now!" Tammy said scooping up her breasts in both hands and shaking them at me.

  I laughed and then said, "Well, you do seem very comfortable with yourself that's for sure."

  "Oh, you have no idea." She said smiling and squeezing her breasts together.

  "What does that mean?" I asked sensing some other hidden benefit that wasn't in the brochure.

  Tammy let go of her breasts and leaned forward like she was about to tell me a secret. Her breasts dangled over the desk, her hard nipples pointed down through the glass at her legs which were spread wide.

  "Before I came to Blanke Schande I was so inhibited that all I could have were these stifling, muffled little orgasms. I'd squeak like a little mouse and even I wasn't always sure I came. Now? Think, out of control freight trains, earth quakes that destroy the Richter scale and volcanoes exploding all over the countryside!"

  "Wow, and all of that because you got naked?" I asked in disbelief.

  "Because I got naked here," Tammy said like she was revealing the secrets of the universe. "Blanke Schande offers a woman things she'll never find anywhere else in the world. Yeah, we're naked and on display but we're also respected in a way that would surprise most people on the outside."

  "But... Well, I'm already getting confused by things around here." I said a little frustrated.

  "How so?" Tammy asked leaning back in her chair.

  "Well, I met this girl while I was waiting for the building to open. She told me this story about the time she saw a guy accidentally come in his pants. When I asked her if she gave him a "hand" she got upset with me but just now outside the building I was offered the same “hand” twice by another girl I had hadn't known for more then five minutes."

  "Weird huh?" Tammy asked.

  "Well, yeah," I replied, "how come it's OK for a girl to give relief to another girl but not to a guy?"

  "Well," Tammy said thoughtfully, "some girls do give relief to guys. It's against school policy but as long as it's done discretely and behind closed doors no one cares. However it's much more common for a girl to give relief to another girl. Guys tend to see it as more then it is but to us girls it's just comfort and release. Walking around naked in front of the guys all day can get even the most reserved of girls pretty worked up. The first year girls found that they made some bad decisions based on their hormones. It wasn't until they started masturbating more and then, relying on their sisters for relief, that things got under control."

  "Really?" I asked surprised.

  "Oh yeah, in fact," Tammy said like it was a secret, "they almost put an end to the entire experiment because of a few unwanted pregnancies and an ugly violent, incident."

  "Against a girl?" I asked stunned.

  Tammy laughed and said, "Actually, it was a group of girls that sort of molested a guy, but, the less said about that the better. I probably shouldn't have even mentioned it."

  "I won't say anything, I promise." I said stifling a smile.

  "I'd appreciate that." Tammy said looking relived before she went on. "Anyway the system sort of worked itself out. Now everyone is happy. The guys get to see all the naked women they want and the ones with wives and girlfriends find that they get laid more often then they ever dreamed possible."

  "And what do we get?" I asked.

  "We get to be ourselves. Look around and you'll see that while we're encouraged to stay in shape and healthy there isn't that pressure to conform to an unrealistic level of beauty that you'll find in the outside world. You'll also notice that the guys don't have much interest in porn."

  "Well, why would they? We're naked all the time and they can see anything they want just by asking." I said with just a hint of bitterness.

  "Yeah, but don't you see how much better that is? It forces them to deal with us. They don't go off into some crazy porno fantasy land and get weird ideas. They deal with real live naked women and learn how to respect and treat us if they want to get more then a dispassionate spread shot and cold shoulder for the rest of their lives."

  "Hmm, and this really works?" I said trying to take all this in.

  "Don't believe me. Get out there and experience it for yourself. You'll see why some of us wouldn't leave this school if you paid us ten times our weight in gold. This is my home. This is my naked little world and I never want to leave it."

  "Damn, why don't they put that in the brochure?" I asked with a laugh.

  "Don't ask me I just work here." Tammy said with a smile. "Now, you have your schedule and everything else is all set up. We just need to take your student ID photo and then you can get to your first class."

  "My first class." I said shaking my head. "OK let's get going."

  "You sure you're OK?" She asked with a concerned look.

  "Yeah, sure, it's just sinking in that I
'm really going to do this. I'm going to be naked for the next four years."

  "It's gonna be great, you'll see. Now have you given any thought to your photo?" Tammy asked walking out from behind her desk.

  "Um, what do you mean?" I asked thinking that a student ID was just your usual head shot.

  "Oh that's right you missed orientation. Some girls take the usual head shot but most like to get a little creative with it. Our IDs are two sided and over sized to boot so there's more room to have fun."


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