The Unwritten Rules, naked coed exhibitionists

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The Unwritten Rules, naked coed exhibitionists Page 27

by Ardor

  Then she spread her legs and everyone got a good look at the intricate design work Jim did between them. After that she turned around and showed off her back. When we had all gotten a good look at the design her hands went to her sides and slowly moved down her back. Was she really going to do it? Was she really going to show her butt hole to the entire class?

  Sure enough when her hands reached the curves of her behind she pulled them apart and showed us all the hidden surprise. I was on the side of the runway so she caught my eye and we smiled at each other again as she waved her behind at the class. Then she changed positions and waved her bottom at me. God, I have to admit that was really hot.

  After a minute or two she changed positions and waved her behind at the other side of the runway. Her breasts hung down and swayed as she moved. Her nipples looked really, really, hard. I realized mine were too.

  I had to grip my thighs tightly with both hands to keep them from wandering to other places. Thankfully she strutted off back down the runway before I got so horny I lost control.

  The few girls that came after her were sexy but for some reason they didn't get to me like Gail did. I guess it was because I knew what was going on inside her head. I knew that she was enjoying it so it made it that much hotter for me.

  When the show was over everyone crowded around the decorated girls. They complimenting them on the show and their designs. I mingled and complimented the girls also but my heart wasn't in it.

  I wanted to hurry up and get to Chrissie. I was past thinking about just going down on her. I was hoping for a full blown 69. God, I hope she was up for it.

  I saw Gail through the crowd and wandered over to her. She smiled at me and whispered between clenched teeth, "If I don't get out of here and find my dorm mate I'm going to rub myself off right here in class."

  "I know how you feel. When you showed your butt to the class it was all I could do to keep from touching myself."

  She smiled at me and I thought she was going to do more but just then Steve, Jim and Larry came up to us. They all told Gail how amazing she was up on the runway.

  Gail was listening to them and smiling but she was looking somewhere else. I followed her eyes to see that a couple of the decorated girls were talking to Ms. Mori. She looked sympathetically at them and shook her head yes. After which they picked up their stuff and, as discretely as they could, slipped out of class.

  Suddenly Ms. Mori clapped her hands loudly and said, "Attention class!"

  We all quieted down and turned to pay attention to her.

  "That was great work by everyone. You all did amazingly well. Thanks to all the girls who volunteered to be the canvases for this project. Class is officially over now. You can stay and socialize, or, if you have anything important you need to do, you may leave when you choose."

  Looking around I could see a good number of girls looked interested in leaving for some reason. No one wanted to rush out the door though. I laughed when I saw Gail make a bee line for her backpack and dig out her cell phone. I'd bet the farm that she was calling her dorm mate. I excused myself from the guys to get my own phone and call Chrissie.

  She answered quickly. I wanted to just come out and ask her but even as horny as I was I was to nervous too. I told her class was over and I needed her help with something. She assumed I meant moving and told me that she had already rounded up a bunch of people.

  She asked where my car was and told me they could all meet me there in fifteen minutes. I sighed and told her where my car was. I cursed to myself quietly as I put my phone away.

  The guys told me that Gail had already left. Envious of her I said my good byes and headed off to my car. I passed a shower on the way and decided to take a quick cold one so that I wasn't a total wreck. It was jarring but helped a little. After toweling off quickly I found Chrissie and a bunch of people hanging out in front of my car.

  Walking up to them I saw there were three guys and two girls. Chrissie introduced me to everyone quickly. The other girl was her dorm mate, Kate, whom she had told me about before. The guys were Mark, Curtis and Tim.

  Mark was a tall guy who looked nice but was a little stocky for my tastes. Curtis was handsome but he looked like an athlete. Dean, my ex, was an athlete and I had enough of jocks for the moment. Still he was nice to look at. He had short, neatly cropped hair, a ruggedly handsome face with deep blue eyes and a tight muscular body.

  Then there was Tim. Tim was a quiet understated kind of guy. He had a shy smile and a long mane of curly dark hair. He looked like a rock musician but somehow I couldn't see him acting like a drunken moron and messing around with groupies.

  He seemed to shy and sweet for that. I said hello to everyone but I gave Tim a smile and said, "Thanks for helping me bring my stuff up. It would take forever if I had to do it by myself."

  "Uh, no problem. We're glad to help." Tim said nervously.

  "Yeah, but you should move your car. The dorms are on the other side of campus." Curtis said.

  "Oh, well, I parked here because I needed to get to the admissions office first thing this morning." I said in hopes of not looking like a total idiot.

  "Makes sense but why don't you and the girls drive around to the dorm and we'll walk. It doesn’t look like there’s room for all of us with your stuff in the car. We can cut through the campus and meet you at the dorm." Curtis suggested.

  "OK, that sounds like a plan." I said with a shrug.

  "What, um, hall are you rooming in?" Tim asked his eyes flitting down to my jiggling tits and then back up to my face quickly.

  "Oh," I said with an embarrassed look, "hang on, I have to check."

  Feeling really stupid, because I didn't even know where my own room was, I slipped my left arm out of the strap for my backpack and whipped it around front with my right shoulder.

  Not thinking about what the quick movements would do to my naked body I was a little embarrassed when my tits bounced all over the place. The guys looked of course and I couldn't really blame them.

  I managed to catch Tim's eye before I opened up my backpack though. A little smile crept across my face and he smiled back at me but looked away quickly. I started to get that weird feeling again. It was odd being naked around a guy you were attracted to. He was seeing things that he wouldn't usually get to see until a month or two into dating me. I wanted him to look but at the same time I didn't. This is just a really weird thing for a girl to get used to.

  I tried to dig through my backpack looking for the papers Tammy had given me this morning but it was impossible to root through everything and still hold the pack up. I looked up at everyone quickly and then just squatted down on my the balls of my feet with the pack on the ground between my legs.

  I tried to keep my mind on what I was doing but all I could think as I fumbled through my pack was that everyone could see my pussy. I didn't want to put my knees down on the rough asphalt so I was sitting on my heels balancing on just the balls of my feet.

  The tiny backpack didn't hide anything and I could feel my tits jiggling around as my busy hands searched through the pack. My heart was pounding in my chest and I just kept repeating in my head that this was totally normal here. God I hoped it was.

  The paper work had gotten buried under all the stuff from my purse. I'm gonna have to get rid of some of this junk and only carry around the essentials. Finally, I found what I needed and looked over the paper work.

  "Um," I said scanning the page, "here it is, Bloot Hall, room 532."

  "Oh, my sister rooms there." Mark said.

  "Your sister?" I said with a surprised look as I stood up. "Isn't that kind of weird?"

  "Yeah, it was at first. I didn't know where to put my eyes. Finally she insisted that I look at her, and I mean all of her. After I got a good look, she just, kinda, became my sister again. I mean, it's not like I'm gonna try to have sex with her or anything, that would be gross, she is my sister after all. When I realized that naked doesn't mean sex the whole taboo thing just sor
ta went away and she became a person to me again."

  "Huh, I guess that makes sense." I said.

  "Yeah, well, anyway, we should probably get you moved in." Mark said shying away from the subject.

  "OK." I said with a shrug.

  The girls and I walked to the car door. I thanked the guys again and said we'd see them in a few minutes. I couldn't help adding a little extra smile for Tim. He caught it and smiled back but he also blushed bright red. As the guys walked off we pulled out of the spot and drove away.

  "OK, so how horny are you?" Chrissie asked me once the guys were safely out of range.

  "What are you talking about?" I asked shocked.

  "Please," Kate laughed, "don't even try denying it. You were practically drooling over Tim."

  "Not to mention that squat thrust you did looking through your pack. Were you trying to personally introduce each of us to your pussy or just Tim?" Chrissie asked.

  "Oh God," I said upset, "they must think I'm some kind of crazy slut or something. It's just this thing happened in my last class and–"

  "Relax OK, you're gonna be fine." Kate said interrupting me calmly.

  "Yeah, the guys are cool. They know what it's like for us at first. Besides Curt is a sophomore. I'm sure he's having a chat with Mark and Tim right now to make sure they get it." Chrissie said.

  "Mark and Tim are freshman?" I asked worried about what they would think of me.

  "Don't sweat it OK? I picked these guys because I know they're cool. Just, um, go a little slower with Tim." Chrissie said with some concern in her voice.

  "Why?" I asked wondering what was wrong with him.

  "He spent all of high school in advanced music classes and rehearsals. I don't think he's spoken to a girl nevertheless dated one. That's part of the reason he's at Blanke Schande. His father said he needed to round out his life experience. I think that's Dad speak for, get laid for God sakes, or something."

  "A lot of the guys here don't have that much experience with women but that can work in your favor if you're smart." Kate said with a wink.

  "What do you mean?" I asked not getting her point.

  "Well, there's no baggage from crazy ex girlfriends and they take direction extremely well, if you know what I mean."

  I didn't at first but after a second or two my hormone soaked brain put it together.

  My eyes went wide as I thought about the possibilities.

  "Not to mention that they'll worship your body in ways you wouldn't believe." Kate said with a wicked smile.

  "Kate!" I said shocked

  "Hey, don't knock it until you've tried it." Kate said with a shake of her head. "This is my second year here at BSC and after trying a guy or two back home I learned the hard way. I'll never date outside of this school again."

  "Huh..." I said thinking over the idea.

  We were just about to pull up to the dorm when Chrissie held up her hand, waved her fingers around and asked, "Are you gonna be OK or do you need a little help?"

  "Right now? The guys will be here any second." I said shocked by the idea.

  "We've got a few minutes and they'll wait if they have to. We'll tell them you needed to pee or something. Park the car and go around behind the dorm. You can do it by yourself or one of us can help." Chrissie said.

  "Even a little O will do you some good." Kate said like she knew what she was talking about.

  I parked the car in front of the dorm and thought it over. I was leaning towards going for it when I saw the guys walk in front of the car. I sighed, looked at the girls and said, "It's OK, I'll be fine."

  "Use the bathroom excuse. They won't think twice about it." Chrissie said.

  The idea of sneaking around behind the dorm and fingering myself while they all waited was kind of hot for some reason. I was afraid the pressure would be to distracting though and I wouldn't be able to get off. I was horny now but that would make me crazy.

  "Really, I'm fine."

  "OK, but if you change your mind just let us know." Kate said as if I was making a mistake.

  "Yeah, we'll cover for you, no one will know." Chrissie promised.

  "Thanks, but really, I'm good."

  We got out of the car and greeted the guys. Then I popped the trunk and Curtis opened the back door on the driver's side. Mark went around to the back passenger's side as I looked around in the trunk. One of the boxes of art supplies had fallen and there was stuff all over the trunk.

  I reached in to try to put things back where they came from. When I did I heard a sound behind me. I looked over my shoulder to see Tim looking right at my butt. I realized that I was bent at the waist, butt in the air and feet just far enough apart to show him the world.

  "This is Blanke Schande, just play it cool and don't make a big deal out of it." I thought to myself.

  "Sorry, one of the boxes fell over in the drive and my art supplies are all over the place." I said as I straightened up to quickly and bashed my head on the lid to the trunk.

  So much for playing it cool I thought as I grabbed the back of my head.

  "Are you OK?" Tim asked as I felt him rush to my side.

  I wobbled a step or two and he quickly steadied me. He came up behind me a little to my right with his left hand on my left shoulder and his right hand by my waist. I leaned back on him just a little but then stood on my own feet. With a smile I said, "Yeah, I'm fine."

  We just kinda looked at each other for a second until we heard a sound over by the driver's side of the car. We looked up to see Curtis giving us a funny smirk. Tim quickly put his hands down at his side.

  "She, hit her head, on the trunk. I was, just steadying her, that's all." Tim said nervously.

  Curtis looked at me questioningly so I said, "Yeah, I'm fine."

  By now Tim had backed away a few steps and the moment was gone. I appreciated Curtis looking out for me but I hoped he wasn't going to be overbearing about it.

  After I put everything back in the box I handed it to Tim. Then I took a box for myself and closed the trunk. Everyone else had something from the back seat and the car was closed up so we all headed inside. Mark guided us over to the elevator and we all crowded in.

  I was pressed up against someone but I was disappointed to see that it was Curtis. Leaning forward I saw that Tim was on the other side of the elevator behind Chrissie and Kate. He was looking up at the ceiling but I managed to catch his eye again.

  I smiled at him and he shyly smiled back. He suddenly looked panicked and then I saw Chrissie stiffen. She looked shocked and then slowly turned her head to smile at Tim. He blushed and stammered something to quiet for me to hear. She made a don't worry about it face and tried to move but there was nowhere for her to go.

  It was then that I looked down and saw that because of the way she was holding the box, and how we were all jammed into the elevator, that her butt was pressed up against him. He must have gotten hard and she felt it!

  The big question is was it her butt or my smile that gave him the stiffy? Oh, I hope it was me. Please let it be me. I wonder... Could Chrissie could tell how big it was? OK, stop it, maybe Kate was right and I should have gotten myself off when I had the chance.

  I almost laughed but cut it off quickly because I didn't want Tim to think I was laughing at him. A quick glance his way showed me that he had his eyes closed and was probably thinking about baseball or something. Thankfully the elevator opened and we all piled out before I got in trouble or Tim had an accident.

  There was a sign on the wall opposite the elevator that pointed us in the direction of my room. We walked in that direction and then down a hallway that lead to my room. The first few rooms had doors on them that were closed. The next room had no door but there was no one inside.

  We passed an another room a little farther down that had a bed on the wall opposite the door. On the bed leaning up against the wall so that she was facing the door was a girl reading something on her computer pad. She had her legs spread and the pad was resting on her
tits. She looked and smiled at us as we passed but didn't seem to care otherwise.

  A little farther down we found my room. There was a little metal plaque with the room number above the doorway. I stepped inside but didn't see my dorm mate. Looking around I did see an envelope with my name on one of the beds. I put my box down and had everyone put their boxes down next to mine while I opened the envelope. Inside was a key and a note that read:


  Sorry, I missed you. I waited as long as I could this morning but I have an internship in Lambertville and had to be there at 9:30. The bed you found this envelope on is yours and I left you a little welcome gift in your night table. The key unlocks the drawer. Don't loose it because it's almost more red tape then it's worth to get a replacement.


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