The Unwritten Rules, naked coed exhibitionists

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The Unwritten Rules, naked coed exhibitionists Page 34

by Ardor

  Compliment after compliment came pouring out of them. I'm sure I was blushing bright red but it did make me feel better about myself. It's not often that so many people have good things to say about you. Even if they were asked to say them.

  I almost died of embarrassment though when one of the girls at the end of the circle asked me to spread my feet a little and then complimented me on how beautiful she though my big inner lips were. She said she loved the way they hung down and were visible even when I wasn't aroused. I was so embarrassed that I almost tried to cover myself.

  I figured that was the worst of it though. How wrong could I be? The last girl in the circle asked me to turn around bend over and show her my butt hole. So right there in front of all my classmates and three glass walls full of staring people I did exactly that.

  “Wow,” the girl requesting the pose said, “you have a nice ass and a really cute little butt hole. Do you like having it played with?”

  I looked at her stunned. I couldn't believe she asked me that. I have nothing to hide and nothing to be ashamed of, right?

  “Y-yes, I do.” I said in a shaky voice.

  “Awesome.” The girl said with a smile.

  Ms. Astemendi had us get into formation after that and we started what more or less amounted to an intense aerobic work out. She put on some music and worked us up into a deep sweat for the next forty-five minutes. I knew I would feel that work out the next day!

  After class Ms. Astemendi stopped me. She wanted me to come in later that day so that we could talk about that incident in my Art History class. I must have made a face of some kind because she told me that there was nothing to worry about. No one was in trouble but I was going to see that guy again next week and she wanted to make sure I was prepared for it.

  Nothing melodramatic she assured me. This wasn't going to be a showdown at the OK Corral. He had been spoken to and made to understand that what he did was wrong. He even apologized so she didn't think he was a bad guy. Like Professor Burns said he'd just gotten the wrong idea from somewhere.

  Ms. Astemendi just wanted to make sure I knew how to handle the situation properly. We made an appointment to meet later up in the day and then I headed out for a much needed shower.

  After I left I ran into a pack of girls I recognized from Ms. Astemendi's class. They were standing around outside the door talking. Girls in a group like that can be kind of scary to a new comer but they all smiled and rushed up to meet me.

  All they could talk about was how well I'd done in the Tribute, and the class itself, for a first time. They were sweet and friendly and immediately made me feel a part of the group. Each one introduced herself and before I knew it I had five new phone numbers for my contact list. I wondered what the limits of the contact list in my phone were because it looks like Blanke Schande is really gonna test it!

  One of the girls happened to have a room in the same building as me. Although she was two floors above me. She told me if that I ever got lonely at night to give her a call. I thanked her sincerely and told her to do the same.

  I really enjoyed having someone to sleep with. I thought back happily to the night before with Kayla. Having a big bed all to yourself is highly overrated. Having someone in it with you to snuggle was much more fun.

  We chatted like old friends for a while but I was dying for a shower. I told them it was great meeting them but I needed to wash my hair before my next class.

  We said our goodbyes and I took the short walk down to an outdoor shower with a toilet. I peed and then took a nice hot shower, washed my hair and made sure I was clean from head to toe. It already felt pretty natural to scrub myself thoroughly in public.

  I soaped up and washed my breasts, spread my legs and rinsed my vagina clean with warm water, and then soaped up my butt and gave it a thorough cleaning. I couldn't see it but I imagined my butt hole shining in the California sun.

  All the while students, both male and female walked around and past me. I was really enjoying the freedom, openness and just how plain good it felt to be washing myself without a care in the world while whoever walked by watched.

  A few guys watched me soap up my breasts before they had to get moving. A couple of different guys watched me wash my butt before they moved on. As I was rinsing off a girl used the toilet and then the shower head next to me to rinse off herself. We chatted briefly before she had to rush off to her next class. It all felt so normal and natural already.

  I was drying myself off thinking how great it was that I seemed to be adjusting so fast when I heard my name called from behind me. When I realized it was my mother's voice I just stared off into space in front of me not knowing what to do.

  I was bent over at the waist. My feet were spread and there was a slight bend in my knees so I could dry my lower legs. In other words my Mother could see everything from behind. She was no doubt looking right up my totally exposed butt hole and vagina.

  I couldn't get myself to move though. It was like my brain was on overload again. I could only imagine what she was about to say.

  “Joanie, honey, we need to talk about what you're doing here at Blanke Schande.” My Mother said.

  That pissed me off. The torture she put me through at home was bad enough but to actually drive all the way out here to continue it?

  I stood up clenching the towel I was drying myself with like a weapon and turned to face my mother ready to give her both barrels of holy hell if that's what she wanted. What I saw stopped me in my tracks once again.

  She was naked. My own mother was naked on the campus of Blanke Schande College and there wasn't a stitch of clothing in sight. She stood there in the bright sunlight of Blanke Schande with nothing but a small purse slung over her shoulder. The anger went out of my eyes and the towel dropped from my hand onto the floor.

  “Mom? Where are your clothes?” I asked stunned.

  “Back in the car. Joanie, I'm so sorry for the way I treated you at home. Can you forgive me? Please?” My Mother asked sincerely as she walked up to me.

  “I don't understand. What changed your mind?”

  “The CEO of the company I work for.” Mom said plainly.

  I wanted to say something intelligent but all I could do was look at her completely puzzled.

  “Well, I was looking at the Blanke Schande website on my lunch hour at work yesterday. The IT department must have reported me or something because the next thing I knew I was asked by her assistant to come up to see her. Barbra Rodgers is not only the head of the company but one of the most powerful and well respected business women in the state. It turns out she's also a graduate of Blanke Schande College.”

  Mom paused to let that sink in and then went on.

  “She's giving a lecture on women in business, here on campus, in a few months and thought I was interested in going. She was encouraging me to go. The head of a Fortune 500 company was not only going to lecture here stark naked but she invited me to come as her guest!”

  Mom put her hand on my shoulder and with a sympathetic caress went on to say, “She started to talk about how great an experience her years here at the school were. How being naked out here for six years while she got her masters in business was hard at first but after a few days it got easy and combined with the excellent education Blanke Schande provided, made her the top notch, confident, executive she is today. She even has a picture of her and her graduating class on the wall of her office. Her own daughter is a student here and there's a picture of the two of them here on campus, both naked as they day they were born, right on her desk. Where anyone could see it. Basically she repeated everything you were trying to tell me Joanie. Everything that I was to stupid to listen to.”

  Now Mom looked guilty as she said, “When Ms. Rodgers started to praise me for being so forward thinking I broke down and told her the truth. I told her everything. How we argued and that you left for school despite my disapproval and now I'd probably never see you again.”

  “I expected her to be mad
but she was really sweet and understanding. She gave me today off and made me promise to come up here and look at the school myself. Then she made a phone call and before I knew it I had an appointment with Sally, a guidance counselor, early this morning.”

  “Y-you just walked onto campus naked?” I asked in disbelief.

  “I, um, tried. I even spent some time naked at home last night in hopes of getting used to it. All I wore out here was a thin little sun dress but when it came time to take it off I just couldn't do it. Sally didn't say anything even though she was as naked as we both are right now. I expected her to say something but she didn't.”

  “Well, you're not a student. Technically you don't have to be naked. You can wear clothes if you want.” I told my Mother.

  “Yeah, I know, but, I wanted to support you Joan. I wanted you to know I understood, well, now anyway. Besides, it wasn't ten minutes into my tour of the campus that I realized that being clothed was attracting more attention to me than if I was naked. We were in one of those electric golf cart things. Sally was zipping us around campus showing me everything. It was about a quarter to nine and students were all over the campus heading to their classes. Everyone was looking at me wondering who the clothed woman was. I must have been the only female wearing clothes on campus. I felt like a signal flare that had been lit off in the middle of the night.”

  “Oh Mom,” I said with a smile, “you were just being self conscious. Everyone knows that female friends and family don't have to undress on campus. You're welcome to but you don't have to.”

  “Maybe, but it sure didn't feel that way at the time. We had parked the cart and Sally was showing me around on foot. We were in some kind of commons area. There were people all around us and somehow it just felt wrong for me to be dressed. I stopped walking so Sally was a few feet a head of me before she realized I had stopped. I looked at her naked back and wanted to join her but just didn't have the guts.”

  “Aw Mom,” I said sympathetically, “you didn't have to go through all this for me.”

  “But I did Joanie. I screwed up bad and Ms. Rodgers said my best chance at making it up to you was to be naked when you saw me again. From the look on your face she was right. You looked pretty pissed until you realized I was naked.”

  “I thought you came out here to try and lecture me again or drag me home or something.” I said feeling guilty about how angry I was at her.

  “I would never do that Joanie. Not now that I understand what Blanke Schande is really about. I'm proud of my naked daughter.”

  “Oh Mom.” I said about to cry.

  I threw my arms around her and we hugged. It felt so good at first. It was such a relief to know that not only wasn't she mad at me but understood and was proud of me. There really aren't words to describe the way I felt.

  It did get a little weird when the initial feeling had passed and we both realized that out naked bodies were touching. Our breasts were rubbing together, our bellies were touching and, well, Mom hadn't shaved so I could feel her pubic hair on my leg. That's when I realized that she could probably feel my labia against her leg!

  We looked at each other awkwardly and I moved away from her to pick up my backpack.

  “So, um, how did you wind up naked?” I asked hoping to get past the awkward moment.

  “Oh, it was Sally who did it. When she noticed that I wasn't walking next to her anymore she turned to look at me. She must have seen the way I looked at her because she smiled and asked me if I wanted to be naked. I couldn't say the words so I just shook my head yes.”

  Sally looked at my body and asked, “Are you wearing anything under that dress?”

  “No.” I said in a quiet voice.

  She came up behind me and said, “Naughty girl.”

  The next thing she said was, “Getting undressed can be the hardest part. So I'll help you if you want. Do you want me to?”

  “Yes.” I said nervously.

  “Then I'm just going to undo this zipper back here.” She said as she pulled the zipper at the back of my dress down.

  Once it was down to the small of my back the only thing holding the dress on my body was the shoulder straps. I could feel a breeze on my exposed back as the dress fell open. Then Sally came around in front of me, looked me in the eye and said, “I want you to take a few deep breaths and relax yourself. Realize that your naked back is exposed to the world and everything is fine, right?”

  I shook my head yes.

  “Of course it is. The sun is still up in the sky, the world is still turning. There are no thunderbolts coming out of the heavens and the earth isn't going to swallow you up. Not even when I do this.” Sally said and then brushed one of the straps of my dress off my shoulder.

  My heart was beating like crazy as the strap fell down my arm, the front of my dress fell away and exposed one breast to anyone standing in front of me.

  “There, thats not so bad is it?” Sally asked. “In fact I love the warm sun and a cool breeze on my tits. Feel so good doesn't it?”

  Unable to speak I shook my head yes.

  “Good then I think it's time to do the other strap. Are you ready?” She asked.

  Again I shook my head yes. Sally reached up and brushed the other strap off my shoulder. My dress fell down but because of the way I was holding my arms it stopped half way. I think we both expected the dress to fall right off me to the ground but instead I was only stripped to the waist.

  “That's OK.” Sally said walking around me again. “Just take a second or two to enjoy being topless in the warm California sun. Then when you're ready move your arms just a bit and you'll be as naked as I am.”

  I took a deep breath and looked around me. Several people in the area were watching. A few of them smiled at me appreciatively when they saw me looking back. There was no leering, no cat calling or rude behavior. I actually felt pretty comfortable all things considered.

  My dress had slipped down a tiny bit more now. All it would take is the slightest movement of my hands away from my body and the dress would fall to the ground and leave me standing there naked in public.

  I took another deep breath, closed my eyes and just did it. I moved my hands away, felt the dress slip down my legs, and waited for something to happen.

  After twenty-seconds of nothing I opened my eyes and saw that the world hadn't changed. I stepped out of the dress, Sally tossed it in the cart and she went back to showing me around campus like nothing had changed. I was a little nervous at first but I got over it, sort of, and here I am.

  I looked at my Mom and smiled. Then so happy I couldn't contain myself I threw my arms around her again and hugged her.

  “I'm so happy you're here Mom. I'm so glad you're not mad anymore and, I love you.” I said as I squeezed the stuffing out of her.

  “I love you too Joanie. I guess I'm going to have to accept the fact that you're not a little girl anymore. You're a grown woman who can make her own decisions.”

  “Thank you Mom.” I said looking her in the eye and feeling more pride in myself than I ever had.

  “Have you had breakfast?” I asked her.

  “No and now that you mention it I am kinda hungry.” She said rubbing her naked belly.

  We walked a few feet away from the bathroom area and were behind a small group of guys when a woman, obviously a Freshman by the look of her, ran past them and straight to the toilet. She sat down on it and pooped, loudly. She must have been given the Freshman Cocktail. She was red faced and obviously embarrassed.

  One of the guys, also an obvious Freshman, was about to laugh and point when one of his friends grabbed him by the arm and pulled him away.

  “Are you out of your freakin' mind? Dude, never, tease the girls for using the bathroom.” He warned his friend with a deadly serious expression. “If you even smirk at a girl who uses a public toilet or tease any of them, in any way, for being naked every single BSC female from first day freshman to the most senior professor will make your life the worst kind of he
ll you can imagine.”

  "I heard they made it so bad on one guy he had to leave the school. They didn't expel him he left on his own." His other friend says with nervous look.

  “Never disrespect a BSC girl, ever.” The first guy said. “Yeah, they're naked and we have the, quote unquote, right to ask a girl to present but think of it more as a favor they do for us and be as polite in asking for it as humanly possible. Otherwise you'll be out on your ass and regret screwing up the best thing that ever happened to you! Dude, you've got it good right now. You're in one of the best school in the country and you're surrounded by a campus full of smart, naked, women. Don't fuck it up by being an immature asshole."

  “Sorry man, I guess, I just wasn't thinking.” The laughing guy said full of remorse.


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