Dark Stranger sb-4

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Dark Stranger sb-4 Page 3

by Heather Graham

  Then she saw that his gaze was resting on her chest, too, and that just the hint of a smile was playing at the corners of his mouth. She almost lowered her lashes. Almost. She kept her eyes level with his and raised her chin a fraction. Then she inclined her head toward the glass of Pa's that he held — the little pony glass seemed ridiculously small contrasted with the size of his bronzed hand and the length of his fingers — and smiled graciously. "I see that Shannon has been taking good care of you."

  He grinned at Shannon, who sat on one of the deacon's benches with a happy smile glued to her features. "Your sister is a most courteous and charming hostess."

  Shannon colored with pleasure at the compliment. Then she laughed and jumped to her feet with the curious combination of grace and clumsiness that always reminded Kristin of a young colt. "I'm trying, anyway," she said. "And you two haven't been properly introduced. Miss Kristin McCahy, I give you Mr. Cole Slater. Mr. Slater, my sister, Miss Kristin McCahy."

  Cole Slater stepped forward. He took Kristin's hand, and his eyes met hers just before his head lowered and his lips touched her hand. "I'm charmed, Miss McCahy. Quite charmed."

  "Mr. Slater," she returned. She tried to place his accent, but she couldn't. He didn't sound as if he came from the deep South, and he didn't sound as if he came from any of the New England states. He wasn't a foreigner, but he didn't speak with the twang of the midwesterner, either.

  He was still holding her hand. There was a feeling of warmth where his lips had touched her flesh, and the sensation seemed to seep into her, to enter into her bloodstream and head straight for the coil of liquid heat that churned indecently near the very apex of her thighs.

  She pulled her hand away.

  "We really don't know how to thank you, you know," she said, remaining still and seeking out his eyes again.

  "I don't want to be thanked. I stumbled along at the right moment, that's all. And I'm damned hungry, and everything cooking smells damned good. A meal will make us even."

  Kristin raised a brow. "You'll forgive me if I find my life, my friends, my sister, my sanity, my—"

  "Chastity?" he offered bluntly.

  "My person," she returned quietly, "are worth far more than a meal."

  "Well, now…" He set his empty glass down, watching her thoughtfully. "I reckon that you are worth much, much more, Miss McCahy. Still, life isn't like a trip to the dry-goods store. I don't sell my services for any price. I was glad to be here when I was needed. If I helped you —"

  "You know that you helped me. You saved all of us."

  "All right. I helped you. It was my pleasure."

  His voice matched his eyes. It wasn't quite a baritone, but it was still deep and full of the same hard, steely confidence. A drifter, a man who knew his guns. He had faced death out there today almost callously. Where did such a man come from?

  Kristin stepped back. He was a tall man, more than six feet, and she was no more than five-foot-two. She felt more comfortable when there was a little distance between them.

  And distance helped keep her heart from pounding, helped keep her blood from racing. Dismayed, she wondered what it was about him that made her feel this way. She never had before, not even with Adam.

  Of course, not even Shannon could be completely innocent here. This was a working ranch, after all. Her father's prize bulls were the most valuable possessions he had left behind, and no matter how many of their cattle were stolen, Kristin knew they could start over with the bulls. But because of them and the other animals on the ranch, none of them could escape the details of the act of procreation.

  Of course, watching the bulls made it all seem horribly crude. And nearly falling prey to the likes of Zeke Moreau made the bulls look like gentlemen of quality. She had never — never — imagined that a woman could actually wonder about what it would be like with a man, think about his hands touching her, think of his lips touching places other than her mouth.

  She wanted to scream. She wondered suddenly if Cole could read her mind, for he was smiling again, and his smile seemed to reach into the heart and soul and heat of her. He knew.

  She scowled and spun around, forgetting that he had saved her from a fate worse than death.

  "I believe the meal that is worth so much to you is just about on the table, Mr. Slater. Shannon… let's all come along, shall we?"

  Cole Slater followed his hostess through the parlor and into the formal dining room, suddenly and keenly aware of the soft scent of roses wafting from her flesh.

  Then he noted that the fragrant flesh was as soft and smooth and tempting as cream silk. Her hair, loose around her shoulders, was like spun gold. And her eyes were level and filled with a surprising wisdom.

  She was a very beautiful woman.

  Outside, not so long ago, he had seen her differently. He had seen the Missouri dirt that had clung to her, and he had seen her spirit, but he had seen someone very young then. A girl, overpowered but fighting madly. Memory had clouded his vision, and he had seen the world through a brilliant red explosion.

  He should have killed the bastard. No matter what his own past, no matter his codes when it came to dealing out death, that was one bastard he should have killed. Zeke Moreau. He had recognized Cole. Well, Cole had recognized Zeke, too. Zeke was one of the creatures that had been bred here in this den of blood, creatures that could shoot an unarmed man right between the eyes without blinking.

  Zeke wanted this girl bad. No, this woman, he thought, correcting himself. She really wasn't a child. What was she? Twenty, perhaps? Older? Her eyes spoke of age, and so did the grace of her movements, and the confidence with which she spoke.

  She was built like a woman.

  Longing, hard and desperate, like a lightning bolt out of a clear blue sky, suddenly twisted and seared into him, straight into his groin, with a red-hot heat that was even painful.

  He was glad he was walking behind her and Shannon. And he was glad his button-fly trousers were tight.

  He clenched his teeth as another pain sizzled and burned in the area around his heart. This was a decent woman, this girl who had fought a strong man so desperately. Decent and still innocent, he imagined — thanks to his timely arrival.

  This was the kind of girl men married.

  Exhaling through clenched teeth, Cole wondered if there was a bordello anywhere nearby. He doubted it. There was probably a cold river somewhere, though. He would eat and then head out and hit that river.

  Damn her, he thought suddenly, savagely. So she was innocent — maybe. The way she had looked at him had been too naked. He had seen too many things in her eyes. Too much that was sensual and tempting. He could have sworn she had been wondering about things that she shouldn't have been wondering about.

  He would eat and then get out. And he would bear in mind that his range of experience far surpassed hers. Did she think she could play cat and mouse with him? She might not know it, but she was the mouse.

  Still, when she seated herself at the head of the table, he felt the lightning again. It filled the air when she spoke. It raced through him when she lightly brushed her fingers over his hand as she reached for the butter. It filled him when their knees brushed beneath the table.

  "So…" She handed him a plate of flapjacks. "Where do you hail from, Mr. Slater?"

  Kristin watched as the stranger helped himself to the flapjacks. He buttered them lavishly, then poured what seemed like a gallon of syrup over them. He shoveled a forkful into his mouth, chewed and swallowed, then answered her.

  "Oh, here and there."

  Here and there. Kristin sat back, dissatisfied.

  Delilah came into the room, bringing more coffee. "Mr. Slater," she said, filling his cup again, "can I get you anything else?"

  "Thank you, Delilah, no. This is one of the finest meals I've ever had."

  Delilah smiled as if someone had just given her the crown jewels. Kristin sent her a glare over Cole's bowed head as he sipped his coffee.

h nudged her firmly. Kristin sighed inwardly, and her eyes answered Delilah's unspoken question. She knew as well as Delilah that they needed Cole Slater.

  "Where are you heading, Mr. Slater?" she asked.

  He shrugged. "Just drifting at the moment, Miss McCahy."

  "Well," Kristin toyed idly with her fork. "You certainly did drift into the right place for us this morning, sir."

  He sat back, studying her in a leisurely fashion. "Well, ma'am, like I said, I'm right glad to be of service." She thought that was all he was going to say, but then he leaned forward, his elbows on the table, his steel-gray eyes on hers.

  "How did you get on the wrong side of this Moreau man?" He paused again, just for a split second. "Isn't he one of Quantrill's boys?"

  Kristin nodded.

  Shannon explained, "She turned him down, that's what happened. Pa used to know Quantrill. The bastard —"

  "Shannon!" Kristin protested.

  Shannon ignored her. "They act like he's Jesus Christ come back to life, some places in the South —"

  "Shannon! What would Pa say! You're supposed to be a lady!"

  Shannon grimaced in exasperation and submitted reluctantly to Kristin's chastisement. "Oh, all right! But Mr. Slater, Quantrill is a bloody traitor, that's all!" she insisted. "He used to be a jayhawker out of Kansas, preying on the Southerners! Then he led a band of abolitionists down here, pretended he was spying out the terrain and turned on his own people! He got out of it by passing out a lie about his older brother being killed by jayhawkers. He didn't have an older brother, but those stupid fools fell for it!"

  Kristin looked at her plate. "Quantrill is a murderer," she said softly. "But he usually leaves women alone. He won't let them be murdered."

  "But Zeke would," Shannon said. "Zeke would kill anybody. He wants to kill Kristin now, just because she turned him down. She was in love with Adam, you see."



  "Adam, Adam Smith. Adam was like Pa. He had no stake in this war. He just wanted to be a rancher. But when the bushwhackers came and killed Pa, Adam went out with a group of jayhawkers to find Zeke's boys. Kristin didn't know about it, not until they sent her back his horse. They killed him down southwest somewhere, and we don't even know where they left his bones. At least Pa is buried out back."

  Kristin felt his eyes on her again. She looked up, but that steel-hard gaze was unreadable.

  "So this was no random raid here today," he said. It was a statement, not a question.

  "No," Kristin admitted. She felt as if she were holding her breath. He must realize that once he left they were all at the mercy of Zeke's bushwhackers again.

  "You should get out," he told her.


  "You should get out. Pack your bags, get some kind of an escort and get the hell out."

  It was a cold, callous statement. But what could she say in reply? He had stumbled upon

  them and he had saved her, but it had happened almost by accident. He didn't owe her a thing. She already owed him.

  "I can't get out. My father died for this land. I owe it to him to keep it for him."

  "To keep it for what? Your father is dead, and if you stay you'll probably wind up that way, too."

  "That's all you can say?"

  "What do you want me to say? I can't change this war, and I can't change the truth. Trust me. I would if I could."

  For the first time she heard the bitterness in his voice. She wondered briefly about his past, but then she saw that he was rising, and panic filled her. He couldn't be about to ride away.

  She stood. "You're not leaving?"

  He shook his head. "I saw a few cigars in your father's study. Mind if I take one out back?"

  Kristin shook her head, speechless. He wasn't leaving. Not yet.

  She heard his footsteps as he walked through the dining room, heard them soften as he walked over the braided rug by the stairs. A moment later she heard the back door open and close.

  "Kristin, are you all right?"

  Kristin saw that Shannon was watching her, grave concern in her eyes.

  "You're all pale," she said.

  Kristin smiled, biting her lower lip and shaking her head. She squeezed Shannon's hand. "Help Delilah with the chores, won't you?"

  Shannon nodded. Kristin turned around and followed the path the stranger had taken out of the house.

  He was out back, puffing on one of her father's fine Havana cigars, leaning against the corral and watching as a yearling raced along beside its mother.

  He heard Kristin and turned his fathomless gray gaze on her as she approached. He waited, his eyes hooded and curious.

  Kristin wasn't at all sure how to say what she had to say. She folded her hands behind her back and walked over to him with what she hoped was an easy smile. Once she had thought she had the power to charm the male of the species. Once. She had been able to laugh and tease and flirt, and at any dance she had been breathless and busy, in unending demand.

  Those days seemed so long ago now. Now she felt very young, and totally unsure of herself.

  She had charmed boys, she realized. This was a man.

  Still, she came over to him, leaning against the wooden gate of the corral.

  "It's a good ranch," she told him.

  He stared at her relentlessly, she thought. He didn't let a woman use her wiles. He didn't let her smile or flirt or tease.

  "It's a good ranch," he agreed.

  "Did I tell you just how much we appreciate your timely arrival here?"

  "Yes, you did." He hiked himself up suddenly and sat on the gate, staring down at her. "Spit it out, Miss McCahy," he demanded, his eyes hard. "You've got something to say. Say it."

  "My, my, you are a discerning man," she murmured.

  "Cut the simpering belle act, Kristin. It isn't your style."

  She flashed him an angry glance and started to turn away.

  "Stop, turn around and tell me what you want!" he ordered her. He was a man accustomed to giving commands, she realized. And he was a man accustomed to his commands being obeyed.

  Well, she wasn't going to obey him. She had paused, but she straightened her shoulders now and started to walk away.

  She heard his boots strike the dirt softly, but she didn't realize he had pursued her until she felt his strong hands on her shoulders, whirling her around to face him. "What do you want, Miss McCahy?" he demanded.

  She felt his hands, felt his presence. It was masculine and powerful. He smelled of leather and fine Madeira and her father's fine Havana cigar. He towered over her, and she wanted to turn away, and she wanted to touch the hard planes of his face and open his shirt and see the dark mat of hair that she knew must cover his chest.

  "I want you to stay."

  He stared at her, his eyes wary, guarded. "I'll stay until you can get some kind of an escort out of here." '

  "No." Her mouth had gone very dry. She couldn't speak. She wet her lips. She felt his eyes on her mouth. "I — I want you to stay on until — until I can do something about Zeke."

  "Someone needs to kill Zeke."


  There was a long, long pause. He released her shoulders, looking her up and down. "I see," he said. "You want me to go after Zeke and kill him for you."

  Kristin didn't say anything.

  "I don't kill in cold blood," he told her.

  She wanted to lower her eyes. She had to force herself to keep meeting his demanding gaze.

  "I — I can't leave this ranch. I can give you a job —"

  "I don't want a job."

  "I —" She paused, then plunged on desperately. "I can make it worth your while."

  He arched a brow. Something brought a smile to his lips, and suddenly his face was arrestingly handsome. He was younger than she had thought at first, too. But then he was talking again.

  "You — you're going to make it worth my while."

  She nodded, wishing she could hit him, wishing he
would quit staring at her so, as if she were an unproved racehorse.

  "Come here," he said.


  "Come here."

  "I —I am here."


  He touched her. His hands on her shoulders, he dragged her to him. She felt the steely hardness of his body, felt its heat and vibrancy. Through his pants and through all her clothing she felt the male part of him, vital and pulsing, against the juncture of her thighs. She still stared at him, wide-eyed, speechless, her breasts crushed hard against his chest as he held her.

  He smiled crudely. Then his lips touched hers.

  Curiously, the touch was very, very light. She thought she might pass out from the feel of it, so startling, so appealing. His lips were molded to hers…

  Then hunger soared, and his tongue pressed between her teeth, delving deep, filling her mouth. She was engulfed as his mouth moved over hers, his lips taking hers, his tongue an instrument that explored her body boldly and intimately. Her breasts seemed to swell and she felt her nipples harden and peak almost painfully against his chest. He savaged her mouth, moving his tongue as indecently as he might have moved another part of his hard body…

  Something inside her exploded deliciously. Heat coursed through her, filling her. She could not meet the power of his kiss, but she had no desire to fight it. It was shameful, maybe more shameful than what had happened to her this morning.

  Because she wanted it.

  She savored the stream of liquid sensations that thrilled throughout her body. Her knees shook, and the coil deep inside her abdomen that was so much a part of her womanhood seemed to spiral to a peak, higher and higher. She wanted to touch him. To bring her fingers against him, exploring. To touch him as his tongue so insinuatingly invaded all the wet crevices of her mouth…

  Then he released her. He released her so suddenly that she nearly fell, and he had to hold her again to steady her.


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