The Earl's Stolen Bride (Marriage by Deceit Book 4)

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The Earl's Stolen Bride (Marriage by Deceit Book 4) Page 15

by Ruth Ann Nordin

  “Thomas,” her mother said, turning to her father, “do something!”

  “I would,” her father replied as he crossed his arms, “but since I’m a gentleman, I’m too wrapped up in my own importance to pay attention to what’s happening around me.”

  Her mother let out a cry of despair, but Chloe ignored her. She settled back into the seat and focused on the townhouses as they passed them, each one bringing her closer to Orlando. Even with the argument, she couldn’t help but look forward to seeing him, and now that everyone was going to find out about the marriage, she saw no reason to delay publicly being his wife anymore.

  “What are we going to do about Alexander?” her mother asked. “Dr. Harvey won’t tend to him now.”

  Chloe took a look at her mother’s tears and almost relented. Almost. But if she backed down now, her mother would have an even firmer grip on her. No. If Chloe was going to do this, she had to do it tonight.

  “We’ll have to find someone else,” Chloe said. “Surely, there must be a good physician somewhere in London who won’t care if a scandal touches one of his patient’s family members. Tomorrow, I’ll start looking for one.”

  The carriage came to a stop in front of Orlando’s townhouse, and she hurried out of it before the footman had a chance to open the door. She rushed up the steps. She was sure she heard her mother protest, but it was hard to tell for sure over the rapid beating of her heart or her shaky breaths.

  She’d never done anything this bold before, and more than her open defiance to her parents, she was now standing in front of a gentleman’s townhouse, a gentleman no one knew she’d married a month ago.

  Steadying her nerves, she knocked on the door. As tempting as it was to look behind her to see if her parents were still there, she didn’t. She kept her gaze forward, focusing on the door.

  Footsteps grew louder from the other side, and instead of feeling more at ease, her tension only increased. Orlando’s servants would be surprised to see her. They didn’t know he was married, after all. But to the footman’s credit, he didn’t give away his surprise when he opened the door.

  She cleared her throat. “I came to see Lord Reddington.”

  “May I ask who wishes to see him?”

  “His wife.”

  After a moment, he nodded and gestured for her to come inside.

  She did, and she was greatly relieved when he closed the door. Now she was separated from the rest of the world, at least for tonight. Following the footman to the drawing room, she realized this was the first time she’d gotten to see Orlando’s townhouse. Yes, she’d seen his estate, but it was filled with so much of his family’s history.

  In this townhouse, she got a better understanding of Orlando as he really was, and what she learned was that he had a wonderful sense of humor. The titles of the books he had propped up on his desk made her chuckle. Next to those were a collection of caricatures he was saving. One made fun of the latest fashion by embellishing the flaws in the clothes the people were wearing. Another poked fun at the Prince Regent.

  Upon hearing approaching footsteps, she turned toward the doorway, hoping it was Orlando, but it was the butler. “May I get you something to eat or drink, my lady?” he asked.

  “Is there peppermint tea in this house?”


  “I’ll have that.”

  “As you wish.”

  A moment after the butler left, Orlando came running into the room. “Chloe?” He closed the distance between them and hugged her. “Are you all right?”

  “I’m fine,” she said. “I just found out I’m going to have a baby.”

  “But I thought you weren’t. That’s why we were using the sheath.”

  “I lost track of the days. I conceived while we were at Edmonstone and didn’t realize it.”

  “That’s wonderful!” He cupped her face in his hands and kissed her. “There’s no one else I’d rather have be the mother of my child.”

  She clasped her hands around his and smiled. “I’m happy about the baby, too.”

  “But…?” he asked when her smile faltered.

  “Alexander will need a physician who has the same skill Dr. Harvey does. I can’t hide my pregnancy forever. Dr. Harvey doesn’t know yet, but he will soon enough. My parents are right. He’ll find my marriage to you a rejection of Lord Hawkins, and given his friendship with him, he won’t take care of Alexander anymore. You should have heard him tonight at dinner. Dr. Harvey thinks Lord Hawkins was perfect.”

  “I know this is difficult for you, but it’s better we deal with this now than when the baby’s born. We need to let everyone know about our marriage. I don’t want people to think this child is illegitimate.”

  “They won’t. I’m not going to keep it a secret anymore. My only concern is what to do about Alexander. Do you know anyone who might know a good physician?”

  The butler came into the room and set the tea on the table.

  Orlando waited until he left before turning his attention back to her. “I’ll ask the gentlemen at White’s when I go there tomorrow.” He slipped his arm around her waist and led her to the settee. “We’ll find a physician who can take care of your brother.”

  “I hope so.”

  “We will. Lord Hawkins isn’t the only person who has influence in London.” He sat next to her then poured her a cup of tea. “There’s bound to be some uncomfortable moments ahead, but we’ll get through them because we’re going to get through them together.”

  She accepted the cup and took a sip, glad for the soothing flavor of the peppermint. Even if she had a sensitive stomach due to her condition, part of her problem still stemmed from the stress of dealing with her parents.

  “I did it, Orlando,” she said, her voice soft. “I did something my parents didn’t want. I came here. We were on our way from Dr. Harvey’s, and I made the coach driver bring me here. My mother’s face went so white I thought she’d turned into a ghost.”

  He chuckled, and she found herself joining him, something that helped ease her nerves about the evening considerably.

  “I don’t know what to do now,” she admitted. “Do I try to talk to them tomorrow, or do I wait?”

  “Maybe you should wait. Give them a day or two to get used to our marriage and what this will mean for your brother. In the meantime, I’ll do everything I can to find a physician for Alexander. Then, when we find one, we can talk to them.”

  She leaned into him. “You’re right. It’s best to wait. Good news helps in unpleasant situations.”

  He put his arm around her and kissed her. “Everything will be all right. Just give it time.”

  She relaxed and sipped more tea. “I love the way you see things, Orlando. You believe in happy endings.”

  “Of course, I do. I have you. When you married Lord Hawkins, I thought I’d never get a chance to be with you, but I was wrong. And now, I know anything is possible.” Wiggling his eyebrows in a playful manner, he kissed her.

  She giggled. “Don’t ever change.”

  “I won’t. I promise.”

  Still smiling, she kissed him in return.

  Chapter Nineteen

  Orlando rolled over and gathered Chloe into his arms, his breathing still ragged. He’d forgotten how much better it felt to make love to her without a sheath on. It’d been so intense it hadn’t taken him long to reach his peak.

  “I’ll bring you pleasure once the world stops spinning around me,” he told her, giving her shoulders a gentle squeeze.

  She giggled and kissed his cheek. “I didn’t mind. It’s rather exciting when you’re so overcome with desire you can’t slow down…or fully undress.”

  He glanced at his half-buttoned shirt and the drawers that were tangled around his ankles. Chuckling, he said, “I didn’t get all your clothes off either.” And this was true. She was wearing her shift and corselet. “I don’t know why, but I was more eager for you tonight than I was on our wedding night.”

  “If memor
y serves, I had to remind you to take your clothes off then, too.”

  Grinning at her joke, he turned on to his side so he could face her. “I forgot about that, but you’re right. Between the two of us, you remember things better than I do.” After he removed their remaining clothes, he said, “That’s better.”

  She chuckled and pulled him closer. “I agree.”

  “I’m glad we’ll never have to spend another night apart or sneak around to see each other. As much as I enjoy being in your bedchamber, I don’t really care for hiding in there.”

  “I’m sorry you had to go through all that trouble. I can only imagine how boring that must have been.”

  “It was worth it, but yes, it was boring when you were gone. But that’s over. I am now free to wander the halls at my discretion. Better yet, I can finally hang up your portrait.”

  She glanced around his room. “You brought my portrait to London?”

  “I did. I figure I’ll paint another one when we’re in the country.” He kissed her again and cupped her breast in his hand. “I thoroughly enjoy painting you.” After a moment, he ventured, “Think you’ll ever let me paint you with no clothes on?”

  “Oh, I can’t pose naked for a portrait.”

  “Why not? I’m the only one who’ll look at it. I’ll keep it locked away.”

  “But what if one of our children finds it? They’d be horrified to see their mother in such a way.”

  “I won’t tell them where the key is.”

  He brushed his thumb over her nipple, feeling a wicked flash of satisfaction when she shivered with desire. He leaned toward her and kissed her neck. She sighed and put her hand on his shoulder, bringing him closer to her.

  Accepting that as an invitation, he lowered his hand until it settled between her legs. He’d only recently discovered how to give her pleasure this way, and he had to admit the technique he learned still intrigued him. Her body was wonderful to explore. Better yet was the way she responded to him.

  She parted her legs, allowing him to run his fingers over her entrance. She was already wet, but he intentionally held off from entering her. Instead, he traced the folds of her flesh, taking his time in lightly moving over them.

  With a moan, she wiggled closer to him, an action which made one of his fingers dip inside her. She gasped and moved her hips so he was further in.

  “Eager for me?” he teased, his breath on her ear.

  She moaned again and reached down between them so she could guide another finger into her.

  “I’ll take that as a yes,” he murmured then continued kissing her neck.

  He proceeded to stroke her core, pleased when she began rocking her hips to heighten her pleasure. She was wonderfully passionate in bed, which made his time with her all that more enjoyable. Recalling her sensitive nub, he pressed his thumb over it and employed the circular motion she mentioned the other night.

  This particular move paid off very well, for shortly after that, she cried out and her flesh tightened around him. He continued with his ministrations, thinking it’d prolong her orgasm, and her moans let him know he’d been right.

  When she relaxed, he kissed her, his tongue brushing hers, hinting that soon they would be making love again. He wasn’t finished for tonight. Even if they’d be together the next day, he didn’t want to miss a single moment of being with her. Sleep could wait.


  The next afternoon, Chloe and Orlando took his carriage to her townhouse. She’d delayed the inevitable all morning, but putting it off would only make it more difficult. She’d already made her marriage known to everyone. There was little else she could do to further scandalize her family.

  As she got out of the carriage, she glanced around, wondering how many of the people passing by knew. Did word spread around fast, or did it take time before everyone knew?

  A gentleman passing by tipped his hat and offered a greeting, but she couldn’t help but wonder if he meant it or if he was merely being polite. Was this what being the object a scandal meant? Was she always going to question people’s motives?

  “Are you ready?” Orlando asked as he joined her.

  She scanned the other people who were out enjoying the day.

  “You can’t let what they might or might not be saying bother you,” he whispered.

  “It’s not them I worry about.”

  As much as she hated to admit it, she was worried about her parents and whether or not they’d forgive her for rushing to Orlando’s last night. Whatever people wanted to say about her or Orlando didn’t bother her. The two of them would be fine. Their child would be born in wedlock, and that meant he or she would be fine, too. She was even confident they would find a suitable physician to take over Alexander’s care.

  The only thing she wasn’t sure of was her parents. But she couldn’t control them. They were going to do whatever they wanted. She had no idea what that would be, but she had no doubt she’d find out soon enough. As much as she didn’t want to let it bother her, it did. Years of trying to please them weren’t going to be wiped away in a day. She needed time before she would be able to stop worrying.

  Releasing her breath, she slipped her hand around Orlando’s arm and let him lead her up the steps to the front door. She entered the townhouse, and she couldn’t help but remember the first time she came here. It was after the wedding breakfast. Lord Hawkins had introduced her to his servants. After he went to his bedchamber, he came back to the drawing room and told her he was on his way to India.

  That was it. No kiss. No term of endearment. Nothing that would give her any indication that her new husband cared anything about her. Lord Hawkins had been pleasant, but he’d also been cold.

  “Lady Reddington is here to collect her things,” Orlando told the butler. “They will be going to my address.”

  While Orlando told them where he lived, she went into the drawing room. There was only one thing she wanted from it, and that was the book Melissa promised she’d send over. Nothing else in the room was hers. All of her possessions were in her bedchamber. She’d never felt at liberty to decorate things to her own liking. It’d always been Lord Hawkins’ townhouse. The furniture was beautiful, as was everything else he owned. But it’d never been hers, nor was any of it comfortable.

  She didn’t know why she hadn’t understood Lord Hawkins before. Perhaps now that she was moving on, she could finally see him as he truly was instead of how she wished he’d been.

  Well, whatever the reason, it didn’t matter. She wasn’t going to spend another night here. From now on, she was going to be with Orlando.

  She went over to the desk and saw the book, wrapped in brown paper with her name written on it. Picking it up, she turned back to the doorway where Orlando was standing.

  “Did you want to keep your lady’s maid?” he asked.

  “No,” she replied. “I prefer the one I had at your estate.” The one Lord Hawkins gave her was nice, but she never did feel comfortable with her. “Everyone here will have to find another employer,” she added.

  He nodded. “I’ll let them know. Is there anything else you wish to take with you besides the things in your bedchamber?”

  She shook her head. “No. I have everything I want.”

  His gaze went to the book in her hands. “What kind of books do you read?”

  Heat rose up to her cheeks as she pressed it to her chest and shrugged. “Oh, um, nothing special.” She walked over to him. “There’s nothing else I want to get from here.”

  “All right. I’ll take care of the rest of it.” He kissed her. “I’ll talk to the servants, and then I’ll be back.”

  “Thank you,” she said.

  She smiled as he turned and went down the hall.


  As soon as Orlando stepped into White’s the next day, Toby rushed over to him. “I thought you went into hiding.”

  “Why would I do that?” Orlando asked, picking up the decanter and pouring some brandy into a glass.
  “You must be joking.”

  Orlando put the top back on the decanter and turned to face his friend. “Why would I be joking?”

  With a roll of his eyes, Toby lowered his voice and said, “Everyone knows about your marriage to Chloe.”

  “If they know about the marriage, then why are you whispering?”

  Toby blinked then shook his head. “Oh never mind. I suppose you enjoy being the object of gossip.”

  “I don’t care what people think of me, bad or otherwise.” He sipped the brandy and scanned the gentlemen in the room, most of who glanced over at him, eyebrows raised in interest. “I need to find a good physician, someone who can rival Dr. Harvey in skill. Have any of the gentlemen here been ill or know someone who’s been ill recently?”

  “There was Lord Toplyn who complained of a pain last week.” Then with a grin, he added, “I suspect the pain had something to do with his brother-in-law. It seems that ever since Mr. Jasper got voted in, Toplyn’s barely here.”

  “I didn’t think you cared if Toplyn was around or not.”

  “I don’t. I just think it’s humorous, that’s all. Toplyn used to come here all the time and he’d join in on other people’s conversations without being invited. He was a nuisance, if you ask me. I should thank Mr. Jasper.”

  Orlando shot his friend a pointed look. “Are you still upset because Toplyn suggested you enact a scandal in order to win that wager you had with Lord Pennella?”

  “He had no right to interfere. What I did or didn’t do was of no consequence to him.”

  “Sure, it was. He put a lot of money down on that wager. Many a gentleman had his hopes riding on the outcome.” When Toby sighed, he added, “I told you not to get involved with Lord Pennella. That whole thing wasn’t going to end well.”

  “Granted, it didn’t at the time, but all is fine now. Regina’s happy and I have an heir.”

  “So what you’re saying is a scandal is no reason to think the world is coming to an end?”

  Toby stared at him for a moment then chuckled. “I hate it when you turn things around on me. Fine. So the Ton is talking about your marriage to the newly widowed Lady Hawkins. I should know that, of all people, you wouldn’t care.”


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