Freeing Her (Irresistibly Bound Book 4)

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Freeing Her (Irresistibly Bound Book 4) Page 17

by Stone, Anna

  Instead, Eve pulled away and flipped Faith onto her back, propping her up against the pillows and pushing the spreader bar up so that Faith’s feet were in the air. With the blindfold on, Eve’s rough movements were disorienting.

  Before Faith had a chance to regain her bearings, she felt the tip of the strap-on against her once more. With the spreader bar keeping her legs forced apart, all it would take was one push for Eve to be inside her.

  Faith drew in a long breath. Slowly, Eve buried herself deep, filling Faith completely. A groan rose from her chest, her body loosening. She grabbed on to the pillow above her head with one hand, the other reaching up to pull Eve closer to her. Eve pierced her over and over to a steady rhythm, the vibrations shooting straight into her core. She rolled her hips back against Eve, her restrained legs trying vainly to clench around the other woman’s waist.

  In the darkness, Faith felt Eve’s cheek press against hers. She clutched blindly at Eve’s neck, holding on against the tide of sensations that threatened to sweep her away, chanting Eve’s name as she came closer and closer to oblivion.

  “Oh, Eve!” Ecstasy surged through her, overwhelming all her senses. She threw her head back, arching up into Eve. At the same time, Eve trembled atop her in an orgasm that mirrored Faith’s. Despite the tremors going through her, Faith kept rocking in time with Eve, drawing out both their pleasure.

  As they came back down to earth together, Eve smothered Faith’s lips with her own in an endless kiss. Faith had fallen into that heavenly trance that only Eve seemed to be able to bring about in her.

  Eve crawled down the bed to remove the spreader bar from Faith’s ankles before kissing her way back up Faith’s body.

  “Don’t think for a second that I’m done with you,” Eve said. “I plan to take full advantage of the fact that we have the house to ourselves for the night.” She stroked a hand down Faith’s hair, letting her fingers trail over the blindfold. “And don’t think I missed your slip up just now. You said my name, didn’t you?”

  Faith nodded, remembering Eve’s command for silence far too late.

  “I’m feeling generous.” Eve drew Faith in close. “I’ll let you have a few minutes before dealing with your little lapse. My riding crop could use a workout. ”

  Faith sank into the other woman’s arms and let out a blissful sigh. She was in for a long night. She couldn’t think of anything she’d rather be doing with Eve.

  She understood it now, what everything between them was about. There was a kind of freedom in submission. A power in embracing her vulnerability. A sweetness that came with surrendering to Eve, and an intimacy unlike anything else.

  Eve removed the blindfold from Faith’s eyes, but Faith didn’t open them. The stillness between her and Eve was too precious to disturb.



  2 years later

  E ve looked at the clock on the living room wall. Faith was due to arrive any minute now. The stage was set. The guests had arrived. All that was missing was the woman of the hour.

  Down the hall, the front door opened. Faith and Lindsey’s voices echoed through the house. The two of them had been out all day on a shopping trip to celebrate Faith’s birthday. In reality, it was an excuse to get Faith out of the house so Eve could prepare for the night. As far as Faith knew, she and Eve were having a simple birthday dinner at home with Lindsey and Camilla. She had no idea that Eve had bigger plans.

  “Eve?” Faith called down the hall. “I’m home.”

  “They’re probably in the living room,” Lindsey said innocently.

  Faith and Lindsey’s footsteps grew closer and closer, then stopped at the door .

  “Let me get that for you,” Lindsey said. A moment later, she slid the door to the living room open.

  Two dozen voices rang out at once. “Happy Birthday!”

  Faith’s hand flew up to her chest. She stared wide-eyed around the room, scanning the faces looking back at her. Her eyes landed on Eve. “What’s going on?”

  “What do you think?” Eve said. “It’s a surprise party.”

  Faith’s mouth fell open. “How did you do everything without me noticing? How long have you been planning this?”

  “Just a few months. Lindsey helped.”

  Faith glared at Lindsey, her hands on her hips. “So that’s why you’ve been acting weird all day. I can’t believe you kept this from me. Both of you.”

  “It wasn’t easy,” Eve said. “But it was worth it to see the look on your face just now.”

  “This is amazing.” Faith looked around the room again. “There are so many people here.”

  Eve had sent out the invitations weeks earlier, and almost everyone she’d invited had shown up. There were a handful of Faith’s classmates from college, and a few other people Lindsey had invited. Eve and Faith's mutual friends, including Lindsey and Camilla, Vanessa and her wife, and all the others they'd grown close to over the years. Vicki, the woman who had introduced Eve to Lilith's Den all these years ago, was here too, along with her girlfriend, although Vicki was no longer the womanizing playgirl she’d once been, having settled down long ago.

  This was Faith’s family now, all these people who loved her. It warmed Eve’s heart that Faith had finally found that family she’d been so desperately searching for .

  “Hannah?” Faith spotted her aunt, her eyes growing wide. “You’re here.”

  Faith ran over to Hannah and threw her arms around her. It had been a long time since she and her aunt had last seen each other in person, so Eve had flown Hannah to the city just for the occasion. As for the rest of Faith’s family, Faith never heard from her sister or anyone else again, but Hannah kept an eye on them and let Faith know they were okay now and then.

  With the guest of honor in attendance, the party ramped up. As Faith greeted everyone, Eve helped herself to a drink and took a seat. It would take Faith a while to catch up with all her friends. Eve watched her bounce around the room. They’d both come a long way since that day Faith had turned up at Eve’s house years ago.

  It was Faith’s house now too, although that was only a recent development. With the twins involved, she and Eve hadn’t wanted to rush into anything. The fact that Eve kept Faith on as their nanny didn’t make things easy. For the longest time, they’d hidden their relationship from the twins. It was the responsible thing to do. But as Leah and Ethan had grown older, it had become impossible for Eve and Faith to keep anything from them.

  Fortunately, the twins were fully on board with the relationship. They loved Faith. Since Faith practically lived at the house anyway, it only made sense that she move in. It had been a bit of an adjustment, but Faith was a part of the family now. They hadn’t made anything official. Faith was wary of marriage, given her history, and Eve wasn’t in a rush to get married again. However, Eve fully intended to make Faith hers in her own way .

  Lindsey and Camilla spotted Eve and came to sit down next to her.

  “Thanks for your help today, Lindsey,” Eve said. “I trust that keeping Faith occupied all day wasn’t too difficult?”

  “It was a breeze,” Lindsey replied. “Although she did start to get suspicious in the afternoon. I had to distract her by asking her to be my maid of honor.”

  “I bet that worked like a charm,” Eve said.

  For someone who didn’t want to get married, Faith sure liked weddings. When Lindsey and Camilla had announced their engagement a few months back, Faith had been giddy with excitement. But Faith had always been a contradiction of a woman, and Eve knew that, despite her experiences, Faith was a romantic at heart.

  “Does that mean you’ve finally started planning the wedding?” Eve asked.

  “Barely,” Camilla said. “There’s just so much to do.”

  Lindsey rolled her eyes. “Camilla is such a perfectionist. At this rate, the wedding is still years away.”

  “Now, everything worth doing is worth doing properly,” Camilla said. “Speaking of weddings,
I need to ask Vanessa who she used as her planner. They had such a lovely ceremony, don’t you think?”

  Camilla spotted Vanessa nearby and waved to her. Vanessa grabbed her wife’s hand and drew her over to where Eve, Camilla, and Lindsey sat. Soon, they were deep in conversation about wedding planning. Eve excused herself and went to find Faith.

  It was another hour before Faith and Eve were able to have a moment alone. Still brimming with excitement, Faith took Eve’s hand and pulled her out into the hall. The sounds of the party faded.

  “Thanks for all this, Eve,” Faith said. “This is the best birthday present I could have ever asked for.”

  “It’s my pleasure,” Eve said. “And the party isn’t the only present I have for you.” She held out a small box. “Here. Open it.”

  Faith’s face lit up. She took the box from Eve, untied the ribbon, and opened it up. Inside was a silver eternity ring with rubies and emeralds all around the band. It was flashier than anything Eve would wear, but it suited Faith’s out-there style.

  “It’s a ring,” Faith said.

  “It’s not just a ring. It’s a promise.” Eve took Faith’s hand. “I know how you feel about marriage, but I wanted to give you something that says you’re mine. Something that says I’ll be here for you no matter what. Something that says forever.”

  “Eve.” Faith eyes sparkled brighter than the ring. “It’s beautiful. I love it.” She wrapped her arms around Eve’s neck, drawing her into an embrace. “And just so you know, I’ve been reconsidering how I feel about marriage. With everyone around us getting married, all this wedding stuff, it’s kind of sweet. I still don’t know if I want to get married myself, but who knows? Maybe one day that will change.”

  Eve smiled. “Either way, there’s one thing that will never change, and that’s the way I feel about you. I know I want to spend the rest of my life with you, and that’s all that matters.”

  Eve kissed her softly, then took the ring out of the box and slipped it on Faith’s finger.

  It was a perfect fit.

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  You can find the rest of the books in the Irresistibly Bound series on Amazon . Read on for a preview of my latest book, TANGLED VOWS.

  Also by Anna Stone

  One year. Five million dollars. A proposal she can’t refuse.

  Escort Ruby Scott is used to waking up in the bed of a wealthy woman. What she isn’t expecting is to wake up with a ring on her finger and married to Yvonne Maxwell, one of the executives behind the Mistress Media empire, a woman as alluring as she is cold.

  For ten years, Yvonne has been sitting on an inheritance she can't touch until she’s married. An encounter with an escort in a red dress presents the perfect solution—a marriage of convenience. In exchange for a year playing the role of her wife, Yvonne offers Ruby a life of glamour, decadence, and more money than Ruby ever dreamed of.

  Yvonne is adamant that they keep their arrangement strictly business. But as Ruby's submissive side awakens, Yvonne can't resist the temptation to make Ruby hers, and Ruby is intoxicated by the commanding woman and the release Yvonne grants her.

  As Ruby falls deeper into Yvonne’s seductive world of luxury and power games, both women struggle to keep their hearts from getting caught up in the passion between them. When their inner demons emerge and their fake marriage plot is threatened, Ruby and Yvonne find they have far more to lose than just the inheritance.

  TANGLED VOWS is the first book in my brand new MISTRESS series. Grab it now on Amazon , or keep reading for a preview…

  Tangled Vows - Preview

  R uby entered the hotel bar. It was past 2 a.m., but as usual, the room was buzzing. The excitement never stopped on the Vegas strip.

  She took a seat at a table midway between the bar and the entrance, the perfect spot for people-watching.

  And the perfect spot for people to see Ruby.

  A waitress came by to take her order. As Ruby waited for her drink to arrive, she crossed her legs and leaned back, surveying the room. The hotel was one of the most exclusive venues on the strip, not to mention one of the most expensive. The guests were of the highest caliber, all wealthy, upper-class, with discerning tastes.

  It was the ideal place for Ruby to find clients. And she needed clients. She’d been out of the escort game for far too long, having given it up after entering a long-term arrangement with a client. When the arrangement had ended, Ruby had taken up a job as a waitress, but she’d quit after a few weeks so she could return to escorting.

  However, getting back on the horse was proving difficult. Although she’d had plenty of interest, Ruby was struggling to find anyone she wanted to take on as a client. It should have been easy. In the past, she’d been able to pick and choose her clients as she pleased. Ruby wasn’t just any escort. Only the wealthiest could afford even a minute of her time. It was how she’d been able to make a living without needing to hustle. At least, until now.

  Ruby needed to start making money soon. She was behind on rent. Her credit cards were maxed out. She was broke.

  The waitress returned with her drink. Ruby sipped it slowly as she watched the crowd. What had changed? Was she losing her touch? She’d always been good at her job. She knew exactly what her clients wanted. They wanted the experience of having a young, beautiful woman at their beck and call for everything from dinner to far more intimate activities. They wanted a whole experience, and Ruby delivered just that.

  And she knew how to attract the right kind of clientele. Her dress and shoes were designer, the jewelry she wore expensive but understated. She’d scrimped and saved for her outfits or had received them from former clients as gifts, all so she’d look the part. Her dark blonde hair was styled to perfection, and she’d learned to carry herself with sophistication and class, all to mark her as an escort of a special kind.

  It was all an illusion, of course. Even before she’d taken a break from escorting, Ruby’s life had been far from glamorous. She spent most of her time lounging around her crappy one-bedroom apartment in sweats. The effortless confidence and charm she projected for her clients? Also an illusion. She was a mess of anxieties and unpaid bills.

  Ruby sighed. Why was she finding this so difficult? Could it be that the problem was Ruby herself? Could it be that her heart just wasn’t in it anymore? It would be understandable, considering everything that had happened with her last client. Over time, that person had become far more than just a client.

  And then he’d shattered her, along with her life.

  Since then, Ruby had been trying her hardest to pick up the pieces, to rebuild her life, herself, again. But after being powerless for so long, she didn’t even know where to start.

  Ruby sat up straighter. She wasn’t going to let that get to her. She was going to get back into the game.

  She stirred her drink, a martini, continuing to scan the room. As she did, she noticed a woman walk through the door.

  Ruby watched the woman surreptitiously. She had long brown hair, one shade away from black, and dark, bewitching eyes. Her elegant black off the shoulder dress was form-fitting, but in a tasteful way. She was on the shorter side, but her confident bearing, the purposeful way she walked, made her presence feel far more imposing. Several heads turned as she walked past, but the woman paid them no mind. She simply sat down at the bar and ordered a drink.

  Ruby took another sip of her martini. If she’d learned one thing, it was that the kind of women who employed her services—rich, powerful, confident in their sexuality—had extremely specific desires. Some of them were exactly the same in bed as they were in all other parts of their lives, commanding and in control. Others were the complete opposite, seeking refuge in Ruby from their demanding lives, wanting to let go and hand Ruby
the reins.

  She knew which type she preferred. Which kind of woman was this dark-haired goddess?

  Ruby was getting ahead of herself. Was this woman even interested in women? Was she looking for company?

  Ruby studied her, searching for answers. The bartender set the woman’s order in front of her, a bottle of top-shelf scotch and a single glass. That was a good sign. For starters, it meant that the woman was wealthy enough to afford Ruby’s time. More importantly, it suggested she wanted to drink her troubles away. In Ruby’s experience, people in that situation wanted company just as much as they wanted to drink.

  Providing company was the main part of Ruby’s job. Her more intimate services? Anyone could provide that. But the company of a beautiful, glamorous woman who would listen to their every word was something much harder to come by. It wasn’t unusual for her clients to bare their hearts to her, their deepest desires and darkest secrets exposed between the sheets.

  What secrets was this woman hiding? What desires did she harbor?

  Suddenly, the woman looked in Ruby’s direction. Her gaze fell upon Ruby, sweeping over her body before returning to her eyes. Ruby’s pulse quickened. The woman’s stare wasn’t greedy or lustful, like the leers so many of Ruby’s potential clients gave her. The look in the woman’s eyes spoke of desire that was more than physical. It was as if she were trying to see deeper into Ruby.

  One thing was certain. The woman wanted her in a way that Ruby didn’t quite understand.

  Ruby held the woman’s gaze, ignoring her racing heart. She’d played this game enough times to know what would happen next. In just a few moments, the woman would come over and speak to her.

  But instead, the woman turned back to stare at her drink.


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