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Mason Page 5

by Christina Chavis

  I turned around so she could step into me when she reached me. Soon she's in my arms and laying her head on my chest. Demon looked at her and then at me. He got up and asked us to follow him to his office. I asked Kelly if she wanted something before we followed behind Demon and Justice. Once in the office and sitting in front of his desk, Justice shuts the door before taking a seat on the corner of the desk.

  Demon looks between us before he settles his gaze on Kelly. He tells her that I told them about our history, and after what he heard and seen earlier that she has the right to want revenge for what has happened to her. He tells her that what happens in this club stays in this club. He tells her that he doesn't condone violence against women, and anything that happens to Izzy here will be a choice that will only be decided by her and her only. That no one will be helping her if she decides she wants her revenge.

  I reach over and lace my fingers with hers. When Kelly looks at me, I tell her that we were planning to question her and that there was a good chance she wouldn't want to answer because she knows we would never hurt her. Which means she could choose not to talk, and we would just have to let her go. I can tell from the look in her eyes that she didn't like that idea. She got this wild look in her eyes.

  I could tell from that look that she had made up her mind, and Izzy was in for a whole lot of pain. That was made clear when she looked at Demon and said, "I want that Bitch to suffer." I couldn't hide the smile that crept onto my face, hearing those words coming out of her mouth. It seemed that my kitten had become a wildcat in the last ten years. I looked to Demon and Justice, and it appeared that they both had come to the same conclusion.

  They both had identical smiles to mine. Kelly looked at us all and asked where we planning to question Izzy. Demon told her we would start whenever she was ready. Kelly stood up and turned to the door. I turned in my seat and asked where she was going.

  She stopped with her hand on the doorknob. When she looked back with a menacing smile on her beautiful face and said, "I'm going to go take a quick shower and put on some clothes that I can get messy. This might sound crazy, but I've seen plenty of movies with torturing in them, and I've always wanted to try it out. I guess this is as good a chance I'm ever going to get." With that said, she throws open the door and walks out, leaving the three of us staring at the door with our mouths hanging open.

  I turn to look at each of them, and I can see the awe on their faces. I'm sure the same thing is written all over my face as well. Demon looks at me and tells me I better keep that woman because she's a good one and that she will fit in well around here. I tell him I'm going to make that happen. Cause I don't think I could let her go a second time. I won't let it happen, and I'd kill anyone who tries to take her from me.



  We sit around the office, and I start to wonder about some things. Almost every time we've tried to stop one of Steven's Operations, it's almost like he knew we were coming. We'd stop something but nothing significant. Nothing that would put a dent into his Operation. Now I'm starting to think he was getting help from the inside of our club. That inside helper being Izzy. With that realization, I voice my concerns to Demon and Justice.

  After a few minutes of thinking it over, we're all walking out of the office and heading towards Izzy's room. On the way through the commons, room Demon calls Stryker and a prospect to follow us. When we get to the room, the door is locked so, Demon kicks it in. The door flies open to reveal a suitcase on the bed half full and the room in shambles. It seems like Izzy was trying to make a quick getaway.

  We walk in, and Demon tells us to look for anything that looks suspicious or shouldn't be here. With that being said, we all pick a corner and start searching. Twenty minutes later, we've found two cell phones, a box full of cash, a journal with details on just about everything to do with the club businesses along with the schedules of some of the club members, and a gun. Picking everything up, we head back to the office. When we get there, I pick up one of the phones, and Justice picks up the other.

  I'm guessing the phone I picked up was her regular phone. There were just pictures of her, her family, and friends around the club. The only text messages on the phone were to those people and pretty much your standard messages. One look to Justice, and I know all the evidence we were looking for had to be on the other phone. I see his eyes narrow at the phone, and then he hands the phone to Demon.

  Demon reads through whatever is on the phone before he hands it over to me. I look at the message, and my blood runs cold. The message is to S. It has a photo of Kelly in the dress she wore to her mom's funeral. It was be taken as she was on her way out of the clubhouse as she's about to walk out the door. She must've turned to look back into the room because it was a picture of her face.

  Wrote under the picture was, "Kelly Jones is back in town. She's in my way again, and I want her gone. All our plans are about to go up in flames if she gets her claws in him again. We have to get rid of her." S reply's back, saying, "I have the perfect place for her. I need a new pet. After I am finished with her, there won't be anything left of her."

  Then S goes on to tell her to leave and go to the safe house. That must've been why her suitcase was packed. She was going to run. I'm about to say something when there's a knock at the door. Stryker opens it, and Kelly walks in. She looks around at everyone. Stopping on me, Kelly raises a brow, and I give her a small smile. She smiles back then turns to Demon and tells him she's ready if we are.

  I walk over to her and grab her hand. We walk out of the office with Demon in front of Justice and us and Stryker behind us. We go out the back door and walk about a mile into the woods. Once we get to the shed, Demon, Justice, and Stryker walks in before us. I stop Kelly before she can enter the door. I want to make sure she wants to do this.

  I look her in the eyes and tell her she doesn't have to go through with this if she's having second thoughts. And no one would hold it against her if she decides she couldn't do it. She stands on her tiptoes and kisses me. Then she pulls back and looks me in the eyes and says, "I've got this. Izzy started this game a long time ago. It's time she accepts the consequences. I'm more than happy to show them to her. I'll be fine."

  Taking her hand, I bring it to my lips and kiss the back of it. Then pushing the door open, we walk in to see Izzy facing the back wall tied to a chair. I let go of Kelly's hand and walk to the front of Izzy to join Demon, Justice, and Stryker. Demon looks to me, and I start with the questioning. I'm just opening my mouth to ask the first question when Izzy cuts me off with a laugh.

  After she stops laughing, she says, "Come on. Everyone knows your precious club doesn't harm women. Which means you might as well let me go now because I'm not talking. And there's nothing you or anyone in this club can do about it. You're going to let me go anyways so you might as well untie me and do it now.

  I look to Demon and find him staring at Kelly. I turn to her and see her nod her head. Demon looks back to Izzy and asks if that's really how she wants to proceed. When she nods, he shakes his head and looks back to Kelly and says, "Don't kill her yet and don't mess up her face any more than it already is. We need her to talk.

  We turn to walk over to the back wall so we can watch but stop when Izzy asks, "Hey, aren't you going to let me go? You don't hurt women. You're supposed to set me free." Demon looks at her and says, "Yeah, your right, we don't hurt women, but we're not going to be doing the hurting. We're just here to get answers and to watch.

  She looks at each of us and says, "If not, you then who?" That's when Kelly makes her presence known. I watch as her face goes cold and she walks in front of Izzy. Izzy looks at me and then back to Kelly. She throws her head back and laughs.

  Kelly gives her that menacing smile again and turns to us and asks, "Can use anything in the shed, I want to use. Demon nods, and Kelly asks for a pair of pliers. He arches a brow and walks to the toolbox. Demon brings them back to Kelly then comes to stand with the rest of us. He loo
ks at me and then points to the pliers. I shrug my shoulders to say his guess is as good as mine. Then we all turn to enjoy the show.



  The smile I throw Izzy's way had her laughter stopping in an instant. After Demon gave me the pliers, I turned to Izzy and asked if she watches Military movies. She shakes her head, no. I nod and tell her I do. Then I proceed to tell her about a movie I seen where they used a set of pliers to remove a prisoner's fingernails. All the while I'm holding up my pliers.

  As my words start to sink into her brain, I can see as real panic began to sink. She's starting to sweat and struggle against the zip ties that are holding her to the chair. I can see her eyes moving from me to someone behind me. There's no doubt in my mind that she's waiting on someone to say this is all a joke and stop me. I'm proven right when I step up to her and start to pry her fingers apart.

  She starts yelling for them to stop me. Begging Mason not to let me hurt her. That she would tell them anything that they want to know. I'm still holding her finger when I look up at hearing someone step up behind me. For a minute, I thought it was going to be Mason, but it turned out to be Demon. He puts his hand up like he was going to touch me, but when I step back, he lets his hand fall and tells me to hold on.

  I look to Mason, and he motions to me with his head, and I walk over to stand in front of him. As soon as I'm there, he pulls me into his arms. I look up at him, and he kisses me on the forehead. I close my eyes and relish the feel of the brief contact. It was almost as if we were back in school. I miss them days. Well, at least the days when it was just him and me.

  An hour and a half later, Demon is done with the questioning. We've found out that Izzy has been spying on the club since they turned Steven down from joining. At first, it was only about Mason. Then Steven started wanting information on all the key players in the club. Steven told Izzy that she would be his Queen and rule the whole empire he was building with him if she helped him get rid of the club. Izzy would pass on information to him, and he was passing the information on to the people he worked with.

  She said she'd pass information about runs they were supposed to take. Then Steven would try to ambush them, but for some reason, the club would never arrive where they had set up their ambush to take out the club. She revealed that she would listen in on them, making plans to go after Steven's business and would pass it on so he could move before they got there. She laughed and said, "The men of this club liked to talk when they got drunk and fuck me." That it was the easiest way to get information from them.

  It was like once she started talking, she didn't know when to shut up. The more she spoke, the angrier the men in the room got. I could tell that they wanted to hurt her by the way they were balling up their fist. But they held themselves back because of the no hurting women rule they had. I admired their strength because I'm not sure I could have.

  When she finally stopped talking, she looked around the room, shook her head, and laughed. She looked back at Demon with a smirk and said, "You can untie me now, and I'll be on my way. We both know you're not going to break your own rules." I thought the bitch had a death wish. Who the fuck talks like that to the president of a Motorcycle Club? She was just asking for a bullet in the head. Honestly, I wouldn't blame them if they took her out then and there. The bitch was crazy.

  Demon shook his head and looked over his shoulder. We made brief eye contact before he looked down at her and smirked. Then he told her he might not be able to hurt her, but I could. That knocked the smirk off her face, and she started shaking her head. He turned and walked to stand beside Mason while I took his place in front of her.

  Standing there, I tell her, "The pain and suffering she's about to feel is just taste of the pain I've been through. Then with the most menacing smile, I could muster, I grabbed her pinky finger and attached the pliers to it. Before I could pull, she started begging Mason not to let me hurt her. I looked over to him with a raised brow, and he nodded his head for me to continue. Turning back, I looked her in the eyes and yanked the pliers up.

  Ten minutes later, all her fingernails are lying on the floor, and she's a crying mess. She's begging me to stop, and I shake my head. I tell her she shouldn't be asking me for anything after what she has done to the people in this club and me. Looking at her, I can see why men fall all over themselves to get her. That's when an idea pops in my head. One that hopefully stops her from using her looks to get men to do her bidding.

  I look at each of the men in the room and ask them for a knife. Stryker hands me one, and I ask if it's sharp. He says yes, and he just sharpened it earlier. Telling him thank you and walk behind Izzy. I lean down and whisper, "A beautiful face on an evil person won't work, and I'm about to make her as ugly on the outside as she is on the inside.

  I start to grab her face, and before I can, she starts jerking in the chair, trying to get away and yelling, not my face. I look around and spot duct tape on a bench and grab it. I ask Mason to hold her down while I tape her shoulders to the back of the chair. He lets her go, and I pull her head up and to the side. Bringing the knife to her left temple, I look up at the men in the room and watch them as I bring the blade down the side of her face. I go as deep as I can to make sure it scars.

  Doing the right side the same way, I walk to stand in front of her and look at my work. Looking at her, I'm thinking something is missing. Something that will bring the scars to an epic level. Then it hits me with a bang, and a smile takes over my face as the image of Heath Ledger's character Joker comes to mind from "The Dark Knight." Leaning forward, I grab her chin and proceed to give her a permanent smile. After I'm finished, I wipe the knife off on her shirt, then handed it back to Stryker and step beside Mason.



  Seeing my girl do her thing will forever be ingrained into my mind. Don't get me wrong I believed she would cause Izzy pain but not that kind of pain. I honestly thought the whole fingernail thing would be the end of it. But she proved me wrong. She surprised the hell out of me when she got a knife from Stryker and proceeded to carve up Izzy's face.

  The first cut had Izzy screaming so loud that it made us all flinch. It was a gruesome sight, but Kelly didn't seem to notice. She kept her eyes on us the entire time she carved into Izzy's face. Kelly was the butcher, and that knife was her instrument. She looked right at home with what she was doing. After her first two cuts, I figured she was done when she stepped back to look at her work.

  She had a thoughtful look on her face when she said something was missing. She was in deep thought for about a minute when a smile spread across her face, and she leaned down and grabbed Izzy's chin. Izzy started screaming again, but it was cut short because she'd passed out from the pain. This time she stood in front of her so we couldn't see what she was doing. After she was done, Kelly wiped the knife off on Izzy's shirt and handed it back to Stryker.

  I watched her walk towards me but looked back at Izzy when Demon, Justice, and Stryker busted out laughing. I couldn't help but laugh too upon seeing that she not only carved up the girls' face, but she also gave her a Joker's smile. Kelly was right about one thing. Izzy won't be using her looks to get men to do her bidding again. She'd be lucky if she could get a man ever again. Her consequences came back tenfold, and justice was served.

  I look down at Kelly to see her trying to wipe the blood from her hands onto her pants. I can tell by the aggressive way she's rubbing her hand that it's starting to get to her. So, I lift my hand to take hers, but she pulls it back before I can touch it. She shakes her head, and I lean down towards her ear and tell her it's okay. Then I grab her hand and link our fingers together.

  I turn us to Demon and tell him I'm going to take her back to the room and then come back to help clean up. He says okay and looks at Kelly. She doesn't make eye contact until he says her name. When she finally looks up, Demon tells her she did an excellent job and holds his hand out for a shake. She looks to me, and then she reaches
out and shakes his hand. He tells her goodnight, and we leave.

  Walking back to the clubhouse, I pull her into my side, and she wraps her arms around my waist. When we get to the back door of the clubhouse, we stop for a minute. I look into her eyes and lean down to place a soft kiss on her lips. Pulling back, I see that her eyes have shut. I wait for her to open them, and when she does, it's with the sweetest smile I've seen on her so far.

  Holding her face in my hands, I tell her she has nothing to be a shame of. That she should own what she did, and everyone here would have done the same or worse if they could. It lets people know that if they cross you that dire consequences are waiting for them. It also sends the message that you take shit from no one. It strikes fear in their hearts and stops them from fucking with you.

  So, when I open this door, you hold your head up and walk through that room with me like you own the place. Taking a deep breath, she squares her shoulders and says she's ready. She's got blood all over her hands, her clothes and on her face. You'd think she just murdered someone if you see her walking into a room. That, combined with the fierce look she has on her face, was enough to stop everyone in the room when we walked through the door.

  My brothers looked at me with raised brows and a questioning look on their faces. All I said was Izzy, and they nodded and went back to what they were doing. The club whores all paled upon hearing Izzy's name and seeing Kelly covered in blood. They stared at Kelly with fearful wide eyes and mouths hanging open. They stared until Kelly looked at them with narrowed eyes, then they turned and scattered in any direction that wasn't the way we were going.

  Walking into my room, I shut the door and pull her into the bathroom. Turning to the shower, I ask her if she wants hot or warm water. She answers hot, and I turn the water on and close the shower door. Turning back, I help her out of her clothes and into the shower. Leaving her to wash up, I walk to my dresser and pull her out a shirt and get her bag. Placing them on the counter, I tell her I have to go help clean up and I'll be back in a little bit.


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