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Mason Page 10

by Christina Chavis

  She looks up at me and says, "But I was planning on cooks a Lasagna for you tonight. Plus, Dad was going to come over. Maybe we should wait and go to the next one." Walking over to her, I grabbed her hand and led her to the table before sitting down. Telling Stryker to give us a minute, he turns and headed into the living room with Johnny.

  Looking into Kelly's eyes, I say, "Kelly, I know we've been apart for ten years. I know I hurt you in the past, and I've regretted it every day since then. I want you to know I've never stopped loving you. You were never far from my mind or my heart. I plan on claiming you as mine and never letting on you walk away from me again." Standing up, I kiss her and tell her I'm going to spend time with Johnny before we leave.

  Chapter 26


  I'm still sitting at the table, thinking about what Mason said when Stryker walks in. Looking up at him, I see him wearing a smirk as he walks over to the frig and pulls out a beer. Asking, "What?" He starts laughing and says, "Your still just as in love with him as he is with you. Why do you try to fight your feelings? You're going to give in to him sooner or later. Why not just admit it to him and yourself and save us all the trouble of watching you two make fools of yourselves?"

  Huffing, I pick up my phone to text dad that I'll be cooking dinner tomorrow instead of today. Texting back, he says, "I love you, and he'll be over tomorrow around six. Ignoring Stryker, I walk into the living room to see Johnny curled up in Mason's arms and talking a mile a minute. Sitting down beside them, I lean my head on his shoulder and rub a hand through Johnny's hair. I can't help but think we would make a picture-perfect family if we were together.

  Stryker's right, I do still love him, and I do want to be with him, but I think it's too fast. I have my apartment in San Diego, and I still have two months on the lease. Even if I wanted to move back, I'm not sure I want to be anywhere near this town with Steven here. I've been here a little over three weeks, and I've been followed by a van, put in the hospital, and molested by a psychopath. It's a lot to take in.

  But I can't say I'm not tempted to just say to hell with San Diego and stay here if it means I get to spend more time with these two. These past two weeks have been the best with Johnny. He's a bright kid. I have no idea how his mother could treat him the way she did. He's wormed his way into my heart. Just like his father did all those years ago.

  Johnny jumps up and runs to the kitchen. We hear a chair scrape across the floor and then a cabinet open. A minute later, Johnny comes running into the room, holding the jar of cookies we baked yesterday and a card he made. I laugh as he shyly holds the cookie jar out to Mason. Johnny had wanted to do something for Mason, so we made him cookies.

  I watch as Johnny climbs up and sits between us. He looks up as Mason takes a bite of the cookie. Looking at Johnny, he says, "There delicious buddy. Did you make these by yourself?" Johnny shakes his head and grabs my hand before saying, "No, daddy, momma helped." At that moment, it was like the entire world had stopped breathing. I know I did, and it took Mason telling me to breathe to prevent the black spots from forming around my vision.

  Taking a deep breath, I look up to see Mason smiling from ear to ear. I can't help but think that he had something to do with Johnny calling me "Momma." I've been with him for two weeks, and he hasn't called me that once. Smiling down at Johnny, I kiss his forehead and tell him, "I'll be right back." Then I'm bounding up the stairs to the guestroom and locking myself in the bathroom.

  I hear the bedroom door open and close. I know it's Mason. I yank the door open and glare at him. He's holding his hands up like I'm about to attack him. Calming my nerves, I march up to him and poke him in the chest before I remember he's just been shot and take a step back as he winces.

  Shaking my head, I say, "You shouldn't have done that. What do you think his mother's going to say when she finds out that her son's calling another woman mom. She's going to be pissed. I know I would if my son started calling someone else, mom. I'd be ready to murder the bitch."

  Grabbing me by the shoulders, he says, "I didn't tell him to call you that. He did it all on his own. He's as entranced by you as I am. He's only known you for a short time, but he's seen something in you that he hasn't seen in his own mother. I don't really give a damn what that bitch thinks about my son calling another woman mom. She's lost that right."

  He moves to the bed and pulls me onto his lap. Resting my head on his shoulder, he says, "We both want you to stay. I don't want to lose you again. So, I'm asking you to stay. Not just for me but for Johnny as well. I want what we had before, but I want it to be forever. I know it's too soon, and you don't have to answer right now, but I want you to think about becoming my old lady. Later on, we can get married. I want to spend the rest of my life with you."

  My heart swells, and I nod because I already know what my answer will be. I'll just wait a while before I tell Mason. A knock at the door has us both rising and heading downstairs to see Stryker let in a woman I've never seen before. Mason pulls me towards the woman and introduces me to her. I learned her name was Sarah, and she has been Johnny's babysitter since he was a baby.

  We shake hands, and I tell her my name. I notice the eyelift she sends towards Mason, and I know in that moment that she's in the loop on what went down with Mason and me. Smiling, she walks over to where Johnny's playing with his toys and sits to play with him. Closing the door, Mason says, "Go get ready, we leave at eight. Dress to ride the bike. I'll be back in time to pick you up. Have to go pick up the bike from the clubhouse."

  My shower was short, but finding the right outfit was a nightmare. I wanted to look suitable for Mason but still keep it to a minimum. I've seen the way those girls dressed around the clubhouse. They're barely covered. It's like their auditioning to be in a porn movie.

  Although the outfits would be great for bedroom play, I certainly wouldn't be caught dead dressing like that in public. So, when Mason showed up two- and thirty-minutes later, I was still trying on every outfit I brought here with me. I'm standing at the mirror in a black lace bra and panties when Mason walks into the room. I watch his reflection through the mirror as he reaches down and adjusts himself before closing the door and locking it.

  Walking over, he wraps an arm around my waist before pulling me close. Rocking into me, he asks, "Do you see what you do to me? I can't look at you without getting as hard as a brick. It's all for you baby. I can't wait to be in that pussy again. Are you going to let me have it?" Nodding, I couldn't help the moan that escaped me as I feel his hands cup my breast before pinching my nipples.

  Pulling back, he looks around at the mess I've made with my clothes before asking, "Baby, I gave you an extra thirty minutes so you'd be ready when I got here. Why aren't you dressed yet?" Sighing, I look around before sitting on the bed. Looking up, I say, "I want to look good for you, but I can't find anything to wear." shaking his head he replies, "Baby, anything you put on will look great. You don't have to impress anyone but yourself. Now go ahead and get dressed. I'll wait for you downstairs."

  Chapter 27


  I'm playing with Johnny while waiting for Kelly to finish getting ready. It's another thirty minutes before she finally comes down. Looking up, my breath catches when Kelly comes into view. She's wearing a leather top that reveals her stomach, cut-off jean shorts, boots that come up just under her knee, and a leather jacket. Her hair is down with a tassel look to it. Her eyes have a darker quality to them with the black around them. But what really sets it off was the red lipstick.

  I'm still staring when I hear Johnny say, "Daddy, she's pretty." Looking down, I smile at him and say, "Yeah, buddy, she's beautiful." Kissing his forehead and telling him goodnight, I get up and walk over to where Kelly's standing. I grab her hand and ask if she's ready to leave. Nodding, she says, "Yeah, just give me one minute."

  Letting go of my hand, she walks over to Johnny and bends down before she kisses him on the cheeks. Looking down, she says, "I'll see you in the morning, Johnny
. You're helping me cook breakfast, right?" He nods his little head, and she tells him goodnight before walking back over to me. Waving goodbye to Sarah, we head out to the bike. Straddling the bike, I wait as Kelly hops on and wraps my arms around me before I take off in the direction of the clubhouse.

  I could hear the music before we even got to the clubhouse. Parking near the door, I help my girl off, and we walk through the door. There're people everywhere. When they notice me walk in, they all start to cheer and welcome me back. Kelly stands back like she doesn't want to be in the way.

  Seeing this, I pull her closer to my side. I see the way the men in the room look at her, and I make a note to keep her close to me tonight. I'd hate to have to knock a brother out over fucking with my girl. Demon stops to talk, and Kelly leans in and says she's going to the bar. She asks what I want, and I tell her to bring me back a beer.

  As she walks away, Demon says, "Let's go to the offices. I have some information. I think you'd want to know what we've learned." Telling him, I'll meet him in his office in ten. I walk over to the bar where Kelly is talking to Stryker and Devil. Walking over, I wrap my arms around her waist and pull her into my front.

  Leaning in close, I say, "Baby, you've been talking to these knuckleheads a long time. They're not trying to take you from me, are they?" Looking up, I give Stryker and Devil the evil eye, but they just smirk at me. Turning around, she wraps her arms around my neck and kisses me before saying, "No one will ever take me away from you again." Leaning in, I kiss her. Pulling back, I tell her to stick with Stryker as I go speak with Demon.

  Looking at Stryker, I tell him to keep an eye on my girl until I get back. Slapping Kelly's ass, I turn and make my way towards Demon's office. Stopping outside the door, I hear two voices inside. Knocking, I wait for someone to say come in. Walking in, Demon tells me to close the door. Closing the door, I turn back towards the desk and notice a man is standing off in the corner.

  It's dark there, but he looks familiar. I can't place his face, but when he steps into the light, and I get a good look at him, a memory plays, and I'm pulling my gun on him again. He's the fucker who was getting his dick sucked by Cassie behind the diner. Holding up his hands, he looks to Demon and says, "Is this how you treat everyone who's helping you?" Demon looks at me and says, "Put the gun away before you fuck up and shoot the only person we have inside Steven's operation."

  Putting the gun away, I turn to Demon and ask, "Who the hell is he? Why would we have a man inside of Steven's operation, and I not know about it with everything that's going on with Kelly? Demon looks to the man, and he nods. Looking back at me, he says, "This is Roach. He's from our charter up in Tennesse. He was placed here by the National Prez to get as much info as he could by joining Steven's crew."

  Taking a deep breath, I take a seat and let it all sink in. Looking at Roach, I ask, "How the hell did you even get in with his crew? He's never around or seen unless he wants to be?" He looks back at me and says, "You should know. The girl from the diner hooked me up with him. He's her coke supplier. I just used that as my in. I'm good at reading people. He's been close to you. He's been staying in her apartment."

  Hearing this has me out of my seat and pacing and muttering to myself. Looking to Roach, I ask, "Is Cassie is with him now?" His face clouds over, and I stop to face him. He looks to Demon and takes a step back. I notice but don't say anything. Looking me in the eye, he says, "No. She not with him now. When she didn't bring the kid to him like she was supposed to a few weeks ago, he put a bullet in her head. She's in a grave not far out of town."

  "Fuck! Looking to Roach, I ask him why we're just now hearing about this? Shaking his head, he says, "Man, this is the first time I've been able to getaway. He's been having us follow some blonde that just came to town. He's got plans for the blonde and Cassie's boy. I don't know what they are, but I can tell you that when he gets his hands on them, I'm not sure they'd be the same."

  I feel my heart start to pound at hearing this. Sitting down, I ask, "What do you mean by that?" Sitting on the corner of Demon's desk, he says, "Steven's got a buyer for the boy who's coming at the end of the week. A real sick fuck. He plans on having the boy out of the country by Monday. I won't know where the boy will be going, so if he leaves that house, we may never see him again."

  Hearing this, my mind goes blank. I can't lose my son. Not to Steven. Not to a child predator. Not to anyone. Roach is eyeing me as he continues to talk, saying, "The girl will be staying with him. He's already making arrangements to have a room fixed up for her. I haven't been to the place yet, but I know it's somewhere out of town. I heard his guys talking, they say all windows to the house are boarded, and the doors are locked from the outside."

  He just keeps talking, and all I want to do is punch him in the mouth to get him to shut up. Just thinking about all the things my son and my girl will have to go through if he got his hand on them makes me want to lock them away and never let them out of my sights. I'm up and out of my seat. My fist opening and closing repeatedly. Looking up, I see Demon watching me, and I'm about to open my mouth when he cuts me off by saying, "Move your family back into the clubhouse until this is over. The boys' can do their business in their rooms. Your boy and girl are family, and we take care of family."

  Chapter 28


  I'm sitting at a table with Stryker and Devil when two women come over. They're all over the guys, and I feel my cheeks warm as I watch one of the girls run her hand over Stryker's cock. I want to look away but I can't. It's like my eyes are glued to her hand. Which means my eyes are glued to his crotch. So when I finally do look up, it's only to find Stryker looking at me with a smirk on his handsome face.

  Going a shade redder, I turn my head towards the office door that Mason went in. It's been almost an hour since he went in there. I wonder what they're talking about. But I know not to ask. We're just finishing our third shot when the office door opens. Demon, Mason, and a man I've never seen before walks out. They shake hands, and the man walks out the back door.

  Turning back to the table, my words die on my tongue as I see a threesome going on by the couch, not too far from us. I'm not even paying attention to the conversation anymore. Too caught up in the live porn show being conducted in front of me to even notice that Mason has come up beside me. Or that Stryker and Devil have stopped talking, and all three of them are watching me watch the three having sex a few feet away.

  By the time I realize I'm being watched, I'm panting and squirming mess. I can't tell if my cheeks are heating up from embarrassment at being caught watching or because I'm turned on. Taking a deep breath, I look up to Mason and see him exchange a look with Stryker. Devil sees the look, and a broad smile spreads across his face. He looks to Mason with one eyebrow raised and says, "Really, you're going to do that? You're not worried?"

  My brows furrow, because it's like their talking in code and I'm totally lost. I wait for them to say anything that could let me know what they're discussing, but nothing jumps out at me. Devil gets up and calls a girl over before saying goodnight to the guys. Before leaving, he looks at me, and with a smile, I can't decipher then says, "I hope you enjoy your night." With that, he's gone with a long-legged redhead.

  Mason pulls me up and says, "Come on, baby, I've got to get you home. We can stay at the next party. I want to get you out of those clothes." He looks at Stryker and says, "Hey, can you stay over tonight. I'm going to need your help tomorrow morning." Nodding, we all get up and make our way for the door.

  We're stopped by Demon asking, "Are you coming back tonight or tomorrow?" Mason says tomorrow, and then we're off again. Mason's bike is close to the door, so we're on it almost as soon as we walk out. We wait as Stryker gets his motorcycle from the garage, and then we're all riding in the direction of the house. I can't help but rub myself against Mason as we're riding.

  The threesome show combined with the feeling of the bike vibrating between my legs is making me want to ask Mason to stop just
so he can take the edge off. I'm so horny right now that I'm on the verge of getting an orgasm from riding the bike home. Pushing my crotch down on the seat, I'm rubbing my breast against Mason's back and gripping onto his shirt as moan after moan leaves my mouth. I feel the bike speed up, but I'm too focused on my impending orgasm to actually pay attention. I'm so wrapped up in my own word I don't even realize we've begun to slow down.

  I'm about to go over the edge when the vibration stops. Grunting, I open my eyes to an angry Mason. He grips my hand and says, "Get off now." Getting off, I stand there and wait for him to get off also, and when he does, he's on me in an instant. I hear the other bike pull up a minute later.

  Letting go of my waist, he grabs my hand and drags me towards the front door. Stryker coming up behind us as we enter the front door. I watch as Stryker goes to the couch and takes a seat. I'm about to ask why, but Mason attacks my mouth again, and all thought flies out the window. I open my eyes when I realize we're not taking the stairs up to our rooms.

  I look around and realize that we're on our way to the downstairs bedroom. Pulling away, I ask, "Why are we coming here? Stryker's sleeping here. Can't we just go to your room? I don't want to put Stryker on the couch."

  Ignoring me, he pulls me into the room and leaves the door cracked. I go to close it, but he pulls me close and starts removing my clothes. My hands run over his body, and I feel my body heat up again. After I'm out of my clothes, he lays me on the bed and undresses as I watch. When he's done, he ties his shirt around my eyes.

  Leaning in, he says, "You know every time you see a threesome, you get hornier than you do when it just you and me." I shake my head, denying it, but I know it the truth. Kissing my neck, he leans in and says, "I think we should have one. Just to let you know how it feels to have a threesome." I freeze at this because I'm trying to figure out if he's being serious or not.


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