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Mason Page 12

by Christina Chavis

  Looking into his eyes, I can tell he's telling the truth, but the thought of Johnny not calling me mom anymore has m wilting a little inside. Looking towards the little boy crying on the floor, his big hazel eyes looking up at me has me making up my mind. Looking back at Steven, I say, "No. I won't tell him to stop calling me mom." With that said, I bring my knee up and make contact with his crotch. When he lets go of me and hunches over, I bring my knee up again and make contact with his nose. I hear the crunch.

  His hands fly to his face, and I grab Johnny and back us up towards the door. My hand is on the door nob when the door flies open, and the man from the clubhouse walks in. He looks from me to Steven and back again before reaching out in an attempt to grab me. Not having that, I kick out and make contact with the area between his crotch and his upper thigh. He tries to catch my leg, but he misses, and when my foot connects, he goes down.

  I'm not sure if it really hurts him by the look he gives me, but I don't stick around to find out. I picking Johnny up; I run past him and down the hall. The halls would be dark if it weren't for the lights. All the windows were covered. Finding the stairs, I take them two at a time. I could see the door from the top of the stairs, and my eyes were glued to it.

  I was halfway down the stairs when I heard the roar from upstairs and knew that Steven had recovered. Which meant he was coming for me. I speed up, hoping to be out the door before he came for me. Reaching the door, I realize there's no door handle and only a lock. Looking around, I notice all the windows are boarded up here as well.

  My breathe hitches as I realize I'm trapped in this house and have on way out. I can hear him stomping down the stairs and yelling my name. I'm standing in the middle of the living room when he reaches us, and I know my eyes are as big as saucers. I can feel the panic starting to build up as the feeling of confinement starts to settle in. Walking over, he pulls me close and says, "You've fucked up now. I was going to let you keep the little bastard, but now I'm taking him."

  He grabs Johnny and starts to pull him from my arms. I snap and start begging him not to take him from me. We're playing tug-and-war with the little body between us. Steven trying to take him from me and me trying to keep him in my arms. When I feel him slipping, I finally look up and make eye contact with Steven's icy blue eyes.

  Keeping that contact, I'm crying and saying, "Please, don't do this. Don't take my boy. I'll do anything. I won't fight back just, please don't take him." Steven stops pulling and raises a brow, asking, "Are you sure about that?" Looking down into the eyes of the little boy in my arms, I know I would do anything for him, and that gives me the strength to agree with whatever Steven's warped mind comes up with.

  Nodding, he looks toward the guy that was at the clubhouse and tells him to take Johnny back upstairs. He walks over, but I hold on to Johnny. Looking towards Steven, I make him promise not to hurt him. When he agrees, I kiss Johnny's head and tell him to go with the man, and I will be up in a few minutes. Handing him to the man, I watch as they make their way up the stairs until they are out of sight.

  Steven watches me. When I turn to him, he says, "Now that I have your consent, we're going to make a movie for our dear friend Mason." He points up, and I see a little blinking red light. Walking to stand in front of me, he leans down and tries to kiss me. Jerking back, he grabs me by the throat and says, "You want to keep the little bastard, then you do as you are told, or I'll send him away right now."

  When I nod, he pulls me over to a table. Removing the coat I'm wearing along with the bra and panties, he pushes the top half of my body down. I can hear his pants hit the ground as he stands behind me. Leaning down, he tells me to look at the camera. When I don't, he moves my head himself. He plunges in, and for the next fifteen minutes, I'm lost in my own head, not wanting to live in this moment.

  Chapter 32


  It's been almost two days since Kelly and Johnny had been taking. Roach texted the same day they had been taken and said Steven had sent him back to his place, but he would let us know more tomorrow. We've been waiting for Roach to call all day so we could go to them. I'm on edge, and I'm wound so tight I could explode at any minute. The room is quiet, and there is a heavy blanket of melancholy that has us all in its grip.

  The silence is broken by the ringing of a phone. Looking to Demon, I watch as his face twists, and he looks up at me before making his way to the door. Walking outside, he comes back a few minutes later with an envelope and asks me to walk with him. Following him to the office, he closes the down and says, "You've got another package. On the way back inside, I also got the call from Roach. He's sent the address. Before he hung up, he told me what was in this package."

  Looking at Demon, I raise a brow, but he just shakes his head, running his fingers through his and letting out a deep breathe. Looking me in the eyes, he says, "Roach said, it's a video. One that was made to break you. He says that if you love this girl that you wouldn't watch the video and wait for her to tell you what happened herself. I think he might be right about this. We should forget about this and go get your family."

  I want to know what's on the video, but I'd rather have my family more. Standing up, I say, let's go. I want this bastard dead, and I want my girl and boy back. Walking back to the commons room, Demon yells, "Saddle up, boys, we have an address! I want us out of here in the next five minutes or less. Let's go bring our family home."

  There were guns and ammo flying around as everyone prepared for the battle ahead. We didn't have many details about the area. The details we did have was enough for us to know that the place was out in the middle of the woods. There were no neighbors for over twenty miles. Which means that no one would witness the events that were going to take place there tonight.

  Moving as one, we all head for the door and out to our motorcycles. It takes us almost two hours to get to the house. There's one car out front and a few guards walking around outside the house. We can't tell if there's any inside because all the windows are boarded up. Demon calls over the four men that were in the military and send them in to take care of the guards.

  We watch as they move in and take out four of the six guards walking around. One more goes down before the last takes notice and starts firing his weapon before they get to him. With the element of surprise gone, we rush out of the woods and towards the house. Justice rushes ahead of use and straight towards the door. Just as he's about to kick it in, we hear a gun cock and a few seconds later there's a hole the size of a persons head in the door.

  The shot barely misses Justice, but he doesn't let it stop him. Kicking the door in, he tackles the man and knocks him out as we all scatter, checking each room. Shots are being fired, and bodies are hitting the floor as we make our way through the house. Every door was unlocked except the last one on the left of the top level. Kicking the door in, we find a woman that looks a lot like Kelly lying naked and chained to the floor.

  My anger and worry grows as we don't see them anywhere. Roaring out, I make my way back to the living room, and I'm greeted with the sight of Kelly's bra and panties lying on the floor. Everything around me fades as the implications of what that could mean sets in. I'm about to turn and walk out when Stryker yells, "They've gone out the back door." We hear shooting, and I run in that direction, my gun raised and ready to kill this mother fucker.

  Rushing through the door, I see Stryker running towards the backwoods. Following him, I notice that a few of the brothers are already out there and have taken out the men with Steven. The closer we get to him, the easier his words are to make out. I can hear him yelling at Kelly to speed up and for Johnny to shut the fuck up because he won't stop crying. I pick up my pace.

  Rushing into the clearing up ahead, I'm greeted with him, and Roach surrounded by my brothers. I can see relief on Kelly's face as she sees me come into the clearing. The relief turns to pain as Steven yanks her head back by her hair as he sticks his gun under her chin. Walking into the circle, I point my gun at his head befor
e saying, "Were you really that stupid to think I wouldn't find you? You had to know this would end with you dead after what you've done." Hearing my voice, Johnny lifts his head from Kelly's shoulder and reaches out to me.

  Laughing, he says, "It doesn't matter what happens here. I can guarantee that if I die here today, I'm taking Kelly with me." Looking down at Kelly, he says, "We had fun, didn't we baby? You enjoyed every inch of me, didn't you?" Kissing her neck, he looks up and smirks at me. I see a lone tear roll done her cheek as she avoids looking at me.

  Keeping his eyes on me, Steven tells Roach to take Johnny. Sending a wink my way, Roach walks over and tries taking Johnny, but she doesn't seem to want to let him go. Seeing this, Steven whispers something in her ear that has her paling and letting him go. After getting Johnny, that's when Roach let his act fall. Smiling, he turns and walks over to stand beside Demon.

  Seeing the turn of events, Stevens mask slips, and I can see the panic start to set in as he realizes he's alone with no one to come to his aid. Kelly catches on to what's happening. She gets this glint in her eyes as she takes in the scene. Looking at me, she winks, and I know things are about to go from bad to worse. Not for her but for Steven. Everyone seems to think the same because they all lower their guns.

  Steven looks around, and a smile creeps to his face as he sees the guns lower, and he takes his gun from under her chin to point at me. I just smirk at him, and that's when she strikes. She tucks in her chin and throws her head back, nailing him right in the nose. He lets go of her, and the gun falls to the ground. Turning, she pulls back her foot and kicks him in the balls.

  He goes down to his hands and knees with a loud grunt. Turning Kelly picks up the gun and points it towards Steven's head before saying, "You have destroyed my life for the last time. You signed up for your own death when you killed my father and took my boy and me. This is one black mark on my soul that I will never regret." With that said, she pulls the trigger and watches as he falls to the ground before dropping the gun and running over to me.


  Things changed after the kidnapping. Mason and I decided we didn't want to waste another minute away from each other. After Dad's funeral, Mason, Johnny, Stryker, and a few more of the club members all took a trip to San Diego to move me out of my apartment. Three weeks after moving in with Mason and Johnny, we got married at the Weeping Willow Tree in the park. It was the second-best day ever, but also it was a sad day for me.

  Everyone in the club attended. The only ones missing were my Mom and Dad. So my Aunt Emma walked me down the aisle. But Mason made up for Mom and Dad not being there. He had their wedding picture blown up so everyone would see it during the wedding. It made me feel like they were there with us as we said our vows and finally became a family. Two weeks after the wedding, I adopted Johnny as my own. That day trumped even my wedding day and became the best day ever.

  I also found out that I was pregnant with twins. Mason and Johnny went to every doctor's appointment that we had. The very first appointment Mason and I both cried when we heard the heartbeats. We were so happy. That is until the doctor told us how far along I was. I shattered after realizing I got pregnant between the first time I slept with Mason and the time with Steven. It broke me for a while, but my boys put me back together.

  We didn't know if the babies were his or Steven's. Although the thought of them being Steven's scare's the hell out of me. Mason says that if their not his and I want to keep the babies or give them up that he would support my decision. That just made me love him even more.

  I didn't carry the babies the whole term. To be honest, I was lucky to even make it as far as I did. I'd developed problems during my pregnancy. I'd been put on bed rest the last two months of the pregnancy, but that still didn't help. I made it another month before having the twins. We didn't even need to do the test to find out if Mason was the father. Both girls were born with a head full of black hair.

  After the babies were born, it was like the entire club had come to see the new members of the family. I watched as Mason and Johnny showed off the girls to the club. Both had great big smiles on their faces as they introduced Maddy and Madison. Then I watched as they growled at any of the boys when they tried to touch them. That caused everyone in the room to laugh.

  I was still watching them when Demon came to stand beside the bed. Shifting my attention to him, I could see the longing in his eyes as he watched Mason. When he finally looked at me, he said, "You've made him and that little boy the happiest I have ever seen them. You've given them hope. You came back to this town when tragedy struck your family, but I think it was fate that brought you back to him. I wish you both a lifetime of happiness."

  Then he squeezes my hand, and with one last look at the girls, he leaves with that longing look on his face. After another hour, everyone's gone, and it's just me, Mason, Johnny and the girls. Johnny's curled up beside me, and I watch as Mason rocks Maddy to sleep. Thinking of what Demon said about fate and everything that lead to this moment, I help but agree with him. I know that with Mason by my side I can conquer the world


  Joshua: A Storm Reaper’s MC Book 2


  Dad came home drunk again tonight. I can hear him and mom arguing even though the door is closed, and I'm hiding under the covers. It's been this way since he was laid off at work a year ago. He would leave early every morning, saying, "I'm going to go look for a job, or I have an interview today." Then he'd come home drunk and looking for a fight.

  Tonight, they're fighting because he wants mom to ask grandma and grandpa for money again. She says, "No. We've just got money from them a few days ago to pay the car payment, the light bill, and put food in the house. You used the rest to go out and drink. I bet you're not even trying to find a job. You've blown through our savings, and we've asked all our family and friends for a loan. I'm not asking for more money."

  I hear him say, "Bitch. You'll do what I tell you to. They have the money so they can afford to give us more." Then I hear skin hitting skin and know he's beating her again. I can listen to her cries with each hit, and all I know is when he's done, he'll come upstairs looking for me.

  Not wanting to be hit again. I get up and go to my window. Opening it as quietly as I can, I throw my legs out, and when I finally touch the ground, I run. I run next door and tap on Joshua's window. He's at it a minute later. When he sees it's me, he opens his window and reaches down to help me in.

  As soon as I'm inside, I throw my arms around him and cry. He holds me until I stop and usher's me to the bathroom when he sees I'm not wearing any shoes. Lifting me up, he sits me on the counter and asks, "Did he hit you again?" Shaking my head no, I watch as he gets a rag and washes the bottoms of my feet.

  After he's done, he helps me down and walks me to his bed before we both settle in silence. After a few minutes, he gets up and reaches into the bedside table before handing me a present. A smile stretches across my face when he whispers, "Happy 16th Birthday Bella" and kisses my cheek. Kissing him back, I open the present to find a ring with a diamond heart. Joshua takes it from the box and places it on my middle finger right beside my ring finger.

  Leaning down, he kisses it before saying, "Bella, we've been friends for a long time. But I knew at a young age that you were the girl I wanted to marry and spend the rest of my life with. I'll be eighteen in a few months, and I'm going to start saving up to get us a house. This ring is my promise to you that when you turn eighteen, I'm going to take you away from all this, and you are going to be happy and loved the rest of your days."

  If only that were true. Two weeks after that night, dad came home drunk and killed mom in a fit of rage. The last memory I have of Joshua was him standing in the middle of the road, yelling my name as the police car drove away, and our future went up in smoke. I was sent to Georgia to live with my grandparents. Life went downhill after that because I rebelled every chance I could.

  bsp; Christina Chavis, Mason




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