The Oracle Series: Volumes 1-3

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The Oracle Series: Volumes 1-3 Page 19

by Cynthia D. Witherspoon

  I saw Cyrus' hand shimmer as his golden blade appeared by his side. He couldn't be thinking of fighting them. Not while they had information about Elliot. I freed myself from Joey's desperate grasp and moved to stand by Cyrus. I put my hand on his arm, but it wasn't my touch which got his attention.

  It was my words.

  "Please, Cyrus. We must know what they want in exchange for Elliot." I waited until Cyrus' sword disappeared before I turned to the creatures in front of us. "That's why we are here, isn't it? You want to do an exchange."

  "We do not barter with the likes of you." Alekto sneered. "We are here with a message."

  "Alekto, your manners." The one in the center frowned at her companion. "First, let us introduce ourselves to the Sibyl. I am Megaera and these are my sisters, Alekro and Tisiphone."

  "I'm familiar." I glanced over at Cyrus who had done what I asked. His sword was nowhere in sight. "You said you have a message for me."

  "More like a summons." Megaera held up her hand as a small scroll appeared in her palm. "You are to be judged for your crimes in one week's time."

  "Crimes?" I laughed despite myself as she handed me the scroll. "Are you sure you have the right person? I won't trip over my own shadow without apologizing to it. There's no way I have committed any crime."

  "Ah, but you have. This is why we were called forth; to seek vengeance against you." Megaera sighed in obvious disappointment. "Yet we are not allowed to simply strike you down. Athena won't allow it."

  "So you must put me on trial for a crime I have no knowledge of." I crossed my arms as I faced the girl. "You must find me guilty before any harm can come to me."

  "Yes. A pity, really." Megaera nodded. "But we are not without reason or logic. There are ways to influence our decision."

  "How?" I felt Cyrus wrap his hand around my arm, but I ignored him. "Tell me what I need to do to help Elliot."

  Megaera floated past me as she focused on Joey. He stayed still as she circled him. When she finally stopped, she turned to me again.

  "You will film the trial. The wraiths speak of your travels to a place called Bachelor's Grove. We will hold proceedings there. If you are found innocent, then you and the soul you call Elliot will be free. If you are not, then you will join us below. We will only release the boy once the verdict has been read."

  "Then who will serve as the Sibyl if I am in the Underworld with you?" I tapped the scroll against my palm. "I seem to remember a clause in my oath you may have forgotten. I'm immortal for as long as I hold Apollo's mirror. And no offense, but I'm in no mood to commit suicide anytime soon."

  "Really, it is extraordinary." Megaera shifted so that she was standing inches from me. "You have the appearance of the very first Sibyl, yes, but much more spirit. Tell me, Cyrus, was that done on purpose? However did you find a girl who looks exactly like your lost love?"

  Lost love? I whipped my head around to look at my keeper whose mouth was set in a hard line. The girl laughed at my response.

  "At any rate, we have already found your replacement for. We were called forth by someone more than willing to become the Sibyl. She will serve us well."

  "Megaera, you surprise me." Cyrus tightened his grip on me. "I thought you three were above the whims of a simple girl. Death pact or no, release the boy's soul. He has nothing to do with this."

  "The boy is insurance." Alekto moved to join her sister. "We will release him only when the trial is complete."

  "And you get what you want." I tilted my head to the side as I studied the three girls. "Here's what I don't understand. Why do you want the trial filmed? There has to be something in it for you other than putting Thomason in my place. You don't need cameras for that."

  "We want to be introduced to the modern world." Megaera took her sisters' hands. "Humans will remember us. They will remember our purpose. We will be revered once more. Make no mistake, Sibyl. You will help us. You will be replaced. Or your Elliot will suffer dearly for it."

  "Why is it always death and destruction? Why can't you just threaten me with a lifetime of bad hair or clumpy mascara?"

  I muttered as the three girls faded into the shadows. When I knew they were gone, I turned to Joey.

  "I need you."

  "Wow, Eva, I mean, I always knew you had a thing for me. But I don't think now is the right time." Joey was teasing, but I could tell he was scared. His face was as white as the t-shirt he was wearing. "Later, though. You can take me out for a drink somewhere that doesn't have homicidal manic all over it."

  "Shut up." I rewarded his attempts at humor with a small smile. "Seriously. I need you to go to the office. Tell Connor we have to move up filming the Chicago episode to next Tuesday."

  "I'll try." Joey shrugged. "You know how stubborn he is about the schedule."

  "Yeah, his dedication to budget flights and is legendary." I tucked the scroll I'd been given into my purse. "We don't have a choice. We have to be there. Even if it's just the two of us."

  "Not to be a bummer or anything, but can we leave?" Joey shoved his hands into his pockets as he looked around. "I'm not feeling the vibe here at all."

  "Yeah. We'll drop you off at the office. Find a way to charm Connor into moving up our trip. Cyrus, you and me are going to dig through all the books back at the condo. We have to know who - and what - we are dealing with when we get to Bachelor's Grove."

  I fell silent as we left the apartment and stayed that way as we made our way to the massive building which housed Theia Productions. I wanted to return to the hospital. I wanted to hold Elliot's hand and tell him that everything was going to be alright.

  Truth was, I didn't know if I could save myself from this, much less him. I spent our trip across town rehashing the entire encounter with the Erinyes. I tried to come up with a plan for when we would meet up with them again. But I couldn't focus on them. I couldn't focus on anything other than the fear which gripped my heart as I thought about the terms set for the trial.

  If I didn't give up my title, if I didn't commit suicide to release me from the binds of the Sibyl, then Elliot would truly be lost to me.

  Chapter Seven

  We were almost home when my cell phone rang. For a moment, I was convinced it would be Elliot calling me to say he was fine and that the food at the hospital was just as bad as its reputation. Instead, it was Joey.

  "Eva?" He was speaking as the call connected. "Eva, Connor isn't here."

  I pulled my phone away from my ear with a frown as I checked the time. I put it back to my ear with a sigh. "It's just after four. Did he have a meeting or something?"

  "No. A date." Joey got so quiet, I could hear him rustling around in the background. "According to his calendar, he has reservations with someone named Theresa at Spago tonight."

  "How do you know it's a date?" I glanced over at Cyrus who seemed intent on ignoring my conversation. "It could be a business meeting."

  "Could be." Joey agreed. "Except that Misty took the time to draw little hearts around the listing in her appointment book. So I'm guessing she was eavesdropping again."

  I didn't have it in me to laugh, but I knew what Joey was referring to. Connor's personal assistant had been caught listening in on the line more times than anyone could count. She should have been fired years ago, but her status as a senior employee kept her safe from the unemployment line.

  Besides, we all knew where to go when we needed unattainable information about our coworkers. Misty was both a curse and a blessing to those of us at Theia Productions.

  "Alright. I'll go find him. Just, well," I let my words trail off as I tried to figure out what to say next. I didn't want Joey to feel like he had to go back to the hospital, but I didn't want Elliot to be alone either.

  "I'm going to run down to the Research and see what the boys can dig up about Allison. They can find out more than we ever could. Maybe even something useful. When I get done, I'll go see Elliot."

  "Thanks, Joey. You're the best." I managed a smile as he g
ave me the time for Connor's date then said his goodbyes. I threw my phone back into my purse before I spoke again. "It looks like our plans have changed, Cyrus. We'll have to hit the books later. We're going to dinner first."

  "You're going to interrupt his date?" My keeper raised an eyebrow in my direction. "Are you sure that's such a good idea? You aren't one of Connor's favorite people, you know."

  "It can't be helped." I shrugged. "We're on a deadline here. He will just have to understand that."

  "Why don't you just call him?" Cyrus tapped his fingers against the steering wheel. "It would be so much easier."

  "But much less dramatic." I pointed out as I turned the car stereo off. "Connor likes the word 'no'. He likes to be seen as frugal unless he is trying to impress somebody. If I interrupt his date, there's a better chance he'll give me his go ahead to start spending Theia's money. He'll look like a big time producer instead of the cheapskate he really is."

  "Or he could just agree to get you to leave him alone."

  "That'll work, too. Either way, I get to Chicago by next Tuesday and the Erinyes get the big production they want to introduce them to modern audiences."

  I fell silent as we reached the condo. I had so many things I wanted to ask Cyrus about. I mean, come on. Within the past two hours, I learned that Elliot's mysterious mother was none other than my predecessor and that I am a dead ringer for my keeper's lost love. I felt I had the right to have questions. So when we got inside, I tossed my purse on the couch and turned to Cyrus as he followed me through the door.

  "Cyrus, we have to talk."

  "What's there to talk about, Eva?" My keeper rubbed his hands over his face as he took the seat next to my purse. For the first time since I'd known him, my keeper looked worn down. Tired. "I've told you all I can about the Erinyes. There isn't much known about them because anyone with any sense knows to stay as far away from those three as possible."

  "There is always a loophole, Cyrus." I sat down next to him, picking at the little tufts of fluff on the throw over my couch. "If you'd ever watch Harvey Birdman reruns with me, you'd know that. We just have to find it."

  "Little One..."

  Cyrus started as he took my hands, but I interrupted him.

  "Why do you call me that?"

  "What?" He looked surprised as he tried to pull away, but I held onto him.

  "Little One. Where did that nickname come from?"

  My keeper sighed as he looked down at my hands. He rubbed his thumb over my knuckles as he gave me my answer.

  "It was a term of affection I used with Delphine. Pray, do not mistake me. Despite what your Elliot believes, I am not vying for your heart. It's just," Cyrus shook his head. "You remind me of her in so many ways. Not just your appearance. Delphine was stubborn. She was determined to survive no matter what came her way. Just as you are. The term slipped out one day with you and it stuck."

  "Delphine was your lost love Megaera was talking about." I let go of Cyrus' hands as I tried to understand what I had learned.

  You see, Delphine was the first Sibyl. Cursed by Apollo with immortality, she was granted the ability to speak with the dead by Persephone, who knew a thing or two about loneliness. Cyrus was cursed, too. But unlike the Sibyl, he didn't have a way out. There was no suicide for him. No magic mirror to pass on to the next keeper. He had served each and every Sibyl to come along since the whole mess began.

  Cyrus had told me before about how he and Delphine didn't get along. They resented each other for their fates. So I was confused by this newest revelation.

  "Wait a minute," I frowned as I studied him. "I thought you two hated each other. Where did the romance come in?"

  "As I told you before, Eva, forever is a very long time." Cyrus gave me a sad smile as he stood. "We were together for centuries, Delphine and I. We had no one else in our lives we could trust. There was no one who didn't come to see us as monsters as we lived our lives in perpetual youth while they wasted away. The love we shared grew from the hatred of others. Ours was a bond only immortals can have."

  "Until Apollo gave her a way out." I released the throw and leaned forward on my elbows. "Why? Why would she choose to die if she had you?"

  "Delphine was tired of life. She was tired of being seen as the enemy, despite the gold and followers her role brought to her. It is a feeling I understand all too well." Cyrus shrugged. "You too will understand one day, when the sun continues to rise and set with no end in sight. And when you are ready, you will release yourself from the binds Kathy placed upon you."

  I went quiet, turning the thin leather strap from my purse in my hands as I considered what I had learned. There was still so much about the history of the Sibyl I didn't know. I wasn't even sure if I wanted to know. I didn't want to tell Cyrus I'd thought about taking the easy way out after Elliot had left me. During my darkest nights, I considered relinquishing the mirror if it meant my death would heal the feelings of abandonment I'd experienced. But I was never able to figure out who or how I would damn the next girl unlucky enough to take my place. It was too cruel to pass this life onto anyone. No matter how unhappy I was with my current circumstances.

  "Why me?" I glanced up at Cyrus to see that he was running a hand through his hair. "Joseph told me that he helped set it up so that I would take Kathy Carter's place, and given what she told me today, I kinda get why he did what he did. I'd like to believe he did it out of his love for her. But what I don't understand is why she chose me."

  "What did Kathy tell you?" Cyrus stuffed his hands into his pants pockets as he studied me. "You never did tell me about your conversation with her."

  "In a minute, I promise. But right now, I want to understand why." I stood up and closed the distance between us until he had to tilt his head down to look at me. "What was it about me that Kathy saw?"

  Cyrus was silent for a moment as if considering what he should say. Finally, he responded.

  "She saw you, Eva. Kathy was a master in the arts of prophecy. She followed her son's future with unwavering devotion. When Elliot met you, she began to see her way out. It helped that you are a splitting image of Delphine. Kathy had me mention you to Apollo, and he agreed to orchestrate your fate so that you would be her replacement."

  "So was it my connection to Elliot or my appearance that damned me?"

  "Both." Cyrus leaned forward just enough to touch his forehead to mine. "But the more she followed you through her mirror, the more she saw what I see now. You may look like Delphine, but you are much stronger. You have adapted to this role with an ease that is staggering, Little One. Apollo is pleased with you."

  "Pleased enough to help us find a way out of this?"

  I closed my eyes at his touch, taking only a moment to wonder why I was drawn to him as I was. Cyrus did his job well as my protector, yet I found that he had become so much more than that. My keeper had stayed steady when everything in my life had fallen apart. He listened to me gripe about Elliot. He took the time to comfort me when I faced spirits who scared the crap out of me. Cyrus had become my most unexpected friend during our short time together.

  One I knew I couldn't face my demons without.

  "We will find a way around the commands made by the Erinyes." Cyrus pulled back first. "As you said, there is always a loophole. But perhaps, we should go straight to their creator instead of ours."

  "Athena?" I tilted my head as I considered the idea. "We can do that?"

  "Yes. I can." Cyrus stressed his words. "You, however, cannot. You are not allowed to have an audience with the gods. Direct contact is not allowed."

  "No." I stepped back with my hands on my hips as I glared at him. "This is about me and Elliot. I want to be there if we can talk to her and hear the answers for myself."

  "Eva, it's complicated. For instance, take your phone to Apollo." Cyrus went back to pacing as I fumed. "You never talk with him directly. It's through text messages. And to be honest, you are the first Sibyl to ever have that privilege. The others had to go throu
gh me. You are still very much a human and there are fears - old superstitions - the gods cling to."

  "What sort of superstitions?"

  "It is believed that any human who has direct contact with a god can obtain that particular deity's knowledge." Cyrus shrugged. "Athena wouldn't risk it."

  "Oh, that's just ridiculous." I knelt down, rummaged through my purse, and pulled the golden cell phone out. Within seconds, I was tapping away at the screen.

  "What are you doing?" Cyrus came over to stand by my side. "Surely you aren't asking for Apollo's permission. He won't hear of it."

  "Of course I am. How do you know if I can't get an audience with Athena? Have you ever asked if they will see a Sibyl in person?" I glanced over to him as I it 'Send'. "Maybe he could use some more company up on Mount Olympus other than the crazies you have me read about."

  "I don't know, I've never been told by the others to ask." Cyrus smirked. "Are you still going to interrupt Connor's date? If so, you only have an hour to get ready."

  "Dammit." I muttered as I looked at the clock on the phone. "I'd almost forgotten about it."

  "Go. Take your phone." Cyrus folded himself back on the couch. "I'll be here when you get back waiting to say I told you so when Apollo tells you 'no'."

  "We'll see."

  I managed a small smile as I took off down the hall. But before I could reach my room, I stopped in front of the door to what used to be Elliot's room. Had it really been almost seven months since he'd slept in there last? I pressed my hand against the wooden frame, leaned forward, and pressed my head against the painted surface. I missed him. I wanted him home. But most of all?

  I wanted him to be safe. No matter what the cost.

  "Hey, are you alright?"

  I jumped when I felt Cyrus' hand on my shoulder. I should be used to his sudden appearances by now, but I was still startled by him from time to time.

  "Yeah." I turned to face him. "Listen, I need to get through to Connor, but when we're done, I'm going to spend the night at the hospital. I don't like the idea of Elliot being alone."


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