Her Secret Ranger (The Men of at Ease Ranch)

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Her Secret Ranger (The Men of at Ease Ranch) Page 19

by Donna Michaels

  So…“Yes. Yes, I love your sister.”

  “Then call her.”

  “Wait…” His heart stopped, then resumed beating at a rapid pace. “Are you giving me permission to date her? Your blessing?”

  Cord held out his phone. “She’s miserable. Make her happy.” Then he withdrew the phone, just out of his reach. “But don’t make her unhappy again.”

  Before Brick had a chance to respond, the doorbell rang, echoing down the hall.

  “You can put that away.” Jovy rose to her feet. “That’ll be Beth. Unlike you, I know how to use a phone.”

  He stilled, even stopped breathing. “Beth is here?”

  “Yes, relax, Romeo.” She walked over to him with a grin. “I invited her here to discuss a business proposition. Maybe by the time we’re done, you will have found your brain, although that’s not what’s needed to make a great apology.” She patted his chest where his heart was racing out of control. “This is all you need. All she wants.”

  Beth had his heart. Hell, she owned his heart. He just wasn’t sure she wanted the rest of him. Not after all he’d cost her.

  Chapter Fifteen

  Whatever reason Beth thought was good enough to have her step foot on At-Ease ranch again escaped her mind the second she rang the bell. What was she doing here? Brick was here, although she hadn’t seen his truck in the driveway. Still, he could return before her meeting with Jovy was over.

  Panic set in and had her turning away, when the door flew open.

  “Beth, hi.” Jovy pulled her in to a hug then slipped an arm around her shoulders and led her inside. “Come on in. Thanks for meeting with me so late. I had prior business to deal with first. Some of the men can be stubborn.”

  She nodded, relieved when Jovy led her straight into the empty office and shut the door. Safe from any Brick encounter. It had crossed Beth’s mind that this meeting could’ve just been a ploy to get her to the ranch for a sweet but misguided attempt at matchmaking. A wasted attempt. She refused to come between Brick and her brother. But, thankfully, the subject of business seemed legit.

  Releasing a breath, she sat down on the couch and relaxed into the cushions as her friend settled across from her into a winged chair.

  “So, have you given any more thought into opening your own event planning business?”

  Beth nodded. Other than Brick, she’d thought of nothing else since Jovy had called and made the suggestion on Tuesday. “I’m definitely interested, but do you think I’m experienced enough to make a go of it myself? I mean, I don’t yet have my business degree, and well, now it’s going to take even longer than I’d planned to get it.”

  Her stomach rippled with several R’s: regret, remorse, regurgitation. It made her sick every time she thought about wasting her hard-earned money on a stupid act brought on by testosterone overload.

  “The more important question is do you think you’re experienced enough?” Jovy asked.

  “Yes,” she immediately answered. “For years now, I’ve been handling the majority of the planning for the events at Chadwick Events. My boss—well, former boss—Georgina even let me take credit for a few.”

  “Ah, she was one of those kinds of bosses.” Her friend scowled. “You’re definitely better off working for someone who gives credit where credit is due. You.”

  Beth nodded, but insecurity over the financial end made her uneasy. “I know the job inside and out, and I’ve actually gotten a few calls from some people I met at Rachel’s wedding.” Luckily, the cards she’d handed out had her cell phone on it, so when they called Chadwick’s and discovered she no longer worked there, they called her direct.

  “That’s wonderful.”

  “Yes, but I don’t have the working capital to get the ball rolling.” Didn’t that beat all? She had the drive. The knowledge. Now the clients, but no money. “Takes money to make money.”

  “Don’t I know it.” Jovy laughed. “And now you will, too. I meant what I said on the phone. I’d like to invest in your business and help make All Occasions a reality.”

  “But…why? I mean, you barely know me to take such a chance.”

  “I know a great business opportunity when I see one. And with your aptitude for planning, drive to learn, and desire to succeed where there is obviously a need… They equal a great business opportunity. As for you? I know you are smart, driven, and fair. Heck, you successfully planned two events while under a great amount of stress this month. You’re exactly the type of person I want to do business with as a silent partner.”

  Beth sat there in stunned silence. Jovy was saying everything she wanted to hear. Giving her everything she wanted on a silver platter. There’d never been a silver platter with her initials on it. Ever. “W-What’s the catch?”

  “There is none.” The woman went on to name her terms, and five minutes later they were shaking hands and comparing business plans they’d both created. “I’ll have my lawyer draw up a contract. In the meantime, find yourself a good lawyer so he or she can look it over.”

  “Okay.” She didn’t know any but would figure it out.

  “Have you given thought on the location? You going to stay in Austin? Or perhaps here in Joyful? Stone and Brick own the storefronts on Main Street. I’m sure they’d give you a good price.”

  Beth’s chest tightened at the simple mention of Brick’s name. How stupid was that? She slowly shook her head. “I’m ready to leave Austin, but I’m just not sure the demand is here. I think I need to find a spot in Braxton. That seems to be a hotbed.”

  “Okay, then, Braxton it is.” Jovy grinned. “If you line up a few possibilities, I’d be happy to go with you this week.”

  This week? Wow…her pulse kicked up. “So soon?”

  “Yes, my lawyer is fast, and we don’t have to wait on him in order to go scout out locations. It’ll be fun.” The smiling woman set an arm around Beth’s shoulders and walked her out of the office and down the hallway. “I’ve got some wine coolers in the fridge back in the rec room. Let’s celebrate.”

  “Oh…I don’t know. I should probably get going.” Before she ran into Brick. She’d managed to keep her nerves under control in the office, discussing business. Now that she was out in the open in Brick’s house her insides were rolling.

  “Just a quick one. I want to tell Stone and your brother the good news. I think he’s going to be thrilled to have you closer. Between you and me, I think it’ll do Cord good. He needs the connection.”

  Beth’s heart dropped. “Has he been bad?”

  “No, not really. I just don’t like the dark look in his eyes sometimes. It’s like he’s… I don’t know.”

  “Blaming himself for something,” Beth finished with a nod. “I’ve seen it, too.” And if having her close would help, then she’d suck it up and deal with Brick in order to help her brother.

  And as she walked into the rec room, she realized she was going to get the chance to do both. The whole Ranger crew was sitting around relaxing. Except for one. He didn’t appear relaxed at all. The big cowboy was pacing near the French doors that led outside to a beautiful gazebo surrounded by a burst of flowers. His body was tense and dark circles ringed his haunted eyes, a nice complement to the purple-and-yellow bruise on his cheek.

  Damn, he was gorgeous. She missed him so much and he…was not the reason she was there.

  “Meet my new business partner in All Occasions Event Planning, in Braxton,” Jovy announced, and all the sitting men immediately jumped to their feet.

  “Congratulations, Lizzie.” Cord came forward and pulled her in for a hug. “I’m so proud of you.”

  She held him tight, grateful for the opportunity to hug her brother that wouldn’t have him raising a brow. Three times in one week. A new record. “Thanks. I can hardly believe it.”

  “Believe it. You deserve it.” He squeezed back then released her to receive more hugs and congrats from the rest of the men.

  Until there was only one left.


  He held out his hand, and she didn’t remember moving but somehow she was standing in front of him, holding his hand, noting it wasn’t the only part of him shaking. Or maybe that was her. “Congratulations, angel.”

  Oh God…she tried, Beth really tried to hold it together, but the sound of his voice all low and deep coupled with his endearment did her in. She just wasn’t that strong.

  “Please don’t call me that.” Her eyes and throat were burning as she attempted to yank free, but he held tight.

  “I’m sorry, Beth.”

  Dammit. That wasn’t any better.

  The tears she’d been holding at bay began to drip down her face. A strangled groan rumbled in his chest, and the next thing she knew she was plastered against that hot, hard, magnificent chest with two strong arms wrapped around her tight.

  “Sorry I was such an ass for walking out on you, and then letting you walk out of here,” he uttered. “I thought I was doing the right thing, but I was wrong. You’re the right thing for me, angel. My chest is too damn tight when you’re not around. I can’t breathe, and I like to breathe. Breathing is good.”

  Tears spilled down her face faster now, and she opened her mouth to respond, but her throat was too swollen for speech.

  Apparently he wasn’t done, because he kissed the top of her head and continued as if they were both alone and not in a room full of Rangers. “You do something to me, Beth. I’m not sure I can explain it, but when you look at me it’s like a piece of me that I never knew was out of place suddenly fits, and I’m solid. Strong. Whole.”

  She squeezed him tight, barely daring to hope. “What are you saying?” she managed to ask.

  He drew back to cup her face up to his and stared at her with so many emotions in his brown eyes they melted her bones. “I’m saying I love to breathe.” He kissed away a tear. “I love being whole.” He kissed away another, then locked gazes. “And I really love you, Beth.”

  She hissed a breath as a burst of joy rocked through her body. “I love you, too, Brick.”

  Then he was kissing her lips, soft, decadent, emotion-filled kisses that suddenly turned not so soft as their need for each other took over.

  “Get a room,” someone hollered, and Beth remembered where they were and that they weren’t alone.

  And that her brother was in the room.

  Cord. Shoot.

  She pushed back and sought her brother’s gaze, ready to do battle with him over Brick, because as much as she had intended not to get between the two, she now intended to never give up her secret cowboy.

  But Cord wasn’t looking on with fury—disgust maybe, but not fury. “It’s all right, Lizzie,” he said as if reading her mind. “You have my blessing. Just try not to shove your tongue down his throat in my presence.”

  She laughed because that was exactly what she wanted to do to Brick. Time to throw her brother’s words back at him. “Can’t. It’s ingrained in me. Guess it’s a cross you’ll have to bear.”

  Cord opened his mouth, but whatever he’d been about to say went unvoiced when his phone rang. He frowned at the screen, then turned and walked down the hall to answer.

  “What do you think that was about?” she asked Brick.

  He shrugged. “I don’t know, but I’d much rather concentrate on you.” He used his finger to brush a piece of hair behind her ear. “I heard about what happened at the hotel. I really am sorry, Beth.”

  “It’s in the past.” She exhaled. “And it worked out okay. In fact, I think all things considered, I’d say it worked out to my favor.”

  He kissed her nose, and it hadn’t escaped her notice how he was still holding her. That ever since she shook his hand, he hadn’t let go of her, as if he needed the connection as much as she needed it. “So…Braxton, huh?”

  “Yep.” She smiled.

  “You know…I hear they have a great community college.”

  Pain tightened her chest at the thought of not getting her degree, even though she was about to start her own promising business. “Brick—”

  A big finger gently pressed against her mouth, the rough pad brushing back and forth, making her shiver. “Let me finish, please.” When she nodded, he dropped his hand to her hip and continued. “Since you were responsible for the room, and Cord and I were responsible for the fight, it’s only fair that the bill be split in three. You already covered the room, so Cord and I will put our parts together and pay your tuition.”

  Protests sprung to her mouth, but he shook his head, and his gaze turned deliciously dark and sinful, stirring the heat simmering low in her belly.

  “I think we should take a tour of the college on Monday,” he said. “Then afterward stop by that Italian restaurant to celebrate.”

  Now that heat flamed her body and her good parts literally quivered as images flashed through her mind of the two of them celebrating behind thick red curtains in one of those cozy, intimate booths. “You talked me into it. But what about Vegas? I don’t want to stop you—”

  “There is no Vegas,” he said, cutting her off. “I don’t want to leave Texas. I like the life I have here and I want to share it with you.”

  Just when Beth didn’t think her heart could expand a single speck further, he surprised her again.

  “Uh, Stone.” Vince straightened and pointed toward the French doors, gaining everyone’s attention. “You may want to stop your four-legged girlfriend from eating the flowers planted by your two-legged one.”

  “What?” Jovy sucked in a breath as her gaze snapped to the gazebo. “Why that mother-heifer!” The irate woman rushed to the door, yanked it open, and marched outside. “Lula Belle! Stop that right now! Don’t make me fire up the grill. Because I will. I swear I will.”

  Beth chuckled as she watched Stone, Vince, and Leo hurry outside to keep the peace.

  “Mmm…alone at last,” Brick said, running his hands up and down her arms. “Any chance I can talk you into staying here with me at the ranch? I understand if you’d rather get your own place in Braxton, but I’m warning you now, I don’t plan on going more than a day without seeing you. This week was hell and I won’t repeat it.”

  Without waiting for her reply, he dipped down and kissed her, deliciously hot and wet and deep—as if he was starved for her—which suited Beth, because she was hungry for him, too. After several decadent moments they slowly drew apart.

  “God, I missed you. Missed this. Missed us,” he breathed, resting his forehead to hers.

  “Me, too.” She slid her hands into his hair and marveled at the softness on such a hard, magnificent body. “And I’d love to stay with you here. Are you sure, Brick? I don’t want to crowd you.”

  “Angel, that’s all I want. I need you in my bed. Need to fall asleep in your arms and wake up to your softness every morning.”

  She nodded. “I need all those things, too.”

  His mouth curved into the most endearing smile she’d ever seen. Beth traced his sexy dimples. Right now, with him looking at her like she was his whole world, she’d promise Brick anything and do everything in her power to make good on that promise.

  “Starting tonight?”

  Grinning, she dropped her hands to his chest to play with his collar. “Depends.”

  “On what? Name it.”

  She slowly met his gaze. “Is your suit handy? And your ties?”

  His chest rose on a sharp inhale, and holy heaven, his eyes turned nearly black with need as his mouth descended toward hers. “A whole closetful, angel. A whole damn closetful.”

  And as Brick captured her mouth for one of his panty-melting, knee-wobbling, good-parts-quivering kisses, Beth rejoiced over the fact her future was no longer bleak but bright and so full of promise. This was happening. This was real. Everything she ever wanted was coming true.

  A business to look forward to.

  College to look forward to.

  And the best part. Most important part. She had Brick. And her brother’s approval.

  No more hiding.

  From now on, every day, all day, Beth was free to love her not-so-secret Ranger.


  Last year, if someone had told Brick he’d be in a monogamist relationship this summer, he’d have laughed in their face. And if they told him it would be with his best friend’s sister, he would’ve called them bat-shit crazy.

  But he was the one bat-shit crazy…for Beth Brannigan.

  “Everything looks great,” his brother said, standing next to him in front of the women’s barracks they finished a few days ago. Today, they were celebrating the opening in conjunction with Independence Day by throwing a big picnic for the community.

  Jovy nodded. “Beth has outdone herself putting this party together.”

  “She’s good.” Pride stretched across his chest as he watched his angel running around making last minute adjustments to the patriotic centerpieces on the picnic tables dotting the front lawn. The way the red-white-and-blue sundress hugged her curves was making him nuts. He couldn’t wait to peel it off her with his teeth.

  “Of course she is,” Cord smirked. “She’s a Brannigan. It’s nice having her around and seeing her smile.”

  “Yes, it is.” He nodded, unable to imagine not waking up to that beautiful smile every morning.

  Since Beth moved to the ranch two months ago, his life changed for the better, but not just his. Cord loosened up a little, too. That pole wasn’t shoved up his ass as far, and a grin made an appearance every couple of days, not weeks.


  Beth approached, her warm gaze glued to him, making him feel ten feet tall. “Everything is ready.”

  “You did great.” He opened his arms and she nestled into his side.

  “Thanks,” she said. “It’s going to be a wonderful celebration.”

  “It’s definitely a day to celebrate.” Stone grinned like goof, pulling Jovy into his arms. “Isn’t it, soon-to-be Mrs. Mitchum?”


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