Bossing the Virgin: A Steamy Office Romance

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Bossing the Virgin: A Steamy Office Romance Page 3

by Lila Younger

  “Yes, of course. Anything you want.”

  There’s that flare of intensity in his eyes again. I thought I imagined it at the interview, but this time, only inches away, I see for sure the heat in his eyes. It’s like he sucked all the air out from around him, and my lips part.

  “Good,” he says, in a tone that sends my stomach flip flopping and my pussy to pulse with very long-neglected need.

  I need to put some space between us, before whatever is in the air makes me do something incredibly stupid.

  “So tonight?” I say shakily.

  And just like that, everything reverts back to normal. Logan breaks eye contact, standing up and gathering up the papers all over the counter.

  “Tonight. I can’t wait to see what everyone thinks of this menu,” he says, tapping the list in his binder. “I better run this over so we get the new menu’s printed in time.”

  He flashes me a smile and heads out. I can do this, I think. My food is good enough for Logan, it’ll be good enough for his staff.


  “So is this some kind of work party?” Violet asks me as she carefully dabs eye shadow onto my face.

  I’m over at her apartment, letting her get me ready. I can swipe on mascara like anyone else, but when it comes to looking good, I still rely on Violet to do my makeup. Tonight has ballooned into much more than just a few chefs coming to taste the new menu. Logan wants to formally introduce me to everyone. I’m the new “creative director” of their food, as he puts it, and a lot will be resting on my shoulders. If my food doesn’t cut it, the company could fail. Naturally, that makes everyone very curious to meet me. It’s got my stomach churning. I want to make a good impression and prove Logan’s faith in me.

  “Not... exactly,” I say. “It’s sort of a work party, but everyone will be eating my food. And critiquing it. And taking it apart.”

  “Your nervous,” she says, pulling back to check her handiwork. “You shouldn’t be. Your food’s fantastic. Why do you think I let you live here without rent?”

  “Hey! I cooked you dinner every night,” I remind her.

  “Thank God that’s over. I’m having to do the wiggle dance to get into my skinny jeans these days. Your carbonara needs to come with a warning sign.”

  I smile. Violet’s trying to boost my confidence, and I appreciate it. I know that logically speaking, my food is good. But I’m just a little worried about how veteran chefs, with years of training under their belts, are going to think about a newbie like me telling them how to cook. For all I know, they might hate it. And maybe Logan will be more likely to take what they have to say than he would for me. I swallow hard.

  “You’ll be fine,” Violet stresses when she sees how far up my shoulders are around my ears. “Why don’t you tell me more about Logan?”

  That came out of left field. I’m so surprised that I instinctively jerk and she curses as the dark eye shadow she’s putting on me goes sideways.

  “You have to hold still!”

  “Why do you want to know about Logan?” I demand.

  “A hot guy like that keeps popping up for lunch? Especially a guy who’s the boss of a company that’s probably dealing with a million different things before their relaunch? You’re kidding yourself if you think it’s because he only wants a good meal Mikayla.”

  She knows me too well. I have been telling myself that there’s nothing going on. That there can’t possibly be anything. I’ve been so caught up in work that I haven’t examined my feelings too closely, but now that the new menu’s almost done, I’m faced with the fact that I’ve gotten to know Logan well, and I like what he’s showing me. I’m more than due for a new relationship, but there are just too many similarities between Logan and Jake still that I’m hesitating.

  “There’s nothing going on,” I say to Violet. She looks at me askance. “Okay, so maybe there’s a little, very tiny, minuscule crush. But that’s all it is! It’s not going to be anything else.”

  “This is the first time you’ve shown an interest in anyone Mikayla. You’re scared; I understand. You’re completely out of practice. But it’s okay. He’s interested too. That makes things a hell of a lot easier,” Violet says knowingly. She dabs my eyelid with makeup remover. “Just follow his direction.”

  Talking about him reminds me of what happened in the kitchen today. It’s almost overwhelming, the desire I’m feeling. I wish I could splash some cold water on myself, but that would ruin the makeup. I really do need to stop thinking dirty things about my boss. It’s going to lead to nowhere good. But when has that ever worked?

  “I don’t want to follow his direction though,” I say, lying through my teeth. “He’s my boss.”

  “That makes things a little more complicated,” Violet concedes. “But also kind of sexy. Forbidden love and all that. I can get behind it.”

  “Well I can’t. I actually need this job.”

  “Mmhm,” she says, but I can tell that she’s utterly unconvinced.

  “So how’s your mom doing?”

  It’s a blatant change in subject, but Violet gives me a knowing look and lets me. She’s always ready to talk about her narcissistic mom. The latest escapade was when she invited herself over to Violet’s brother and sister-in-law’s house and managed to rearrange the entire main floor for her own convenience under the guise of “helping her tidy up”. Violet’s niece had just been born, and her sister in law was in no condition to do anything because of her c-section. I let Violet tell the story, gasping and nodding along, but a part of me is still wondering, could it really happen between Logan and I?


  The night turns out to be better than I expected. Logan decided to take over one of the restaurants, and it gives the meeting a cozy, informal feel. I can tell it’s one of the newer restaurants, because it doesn’t have the heavy formalness of the original Red Canyon Steakhouse. It’s a bit of a shame, because I have fond memories of going there for special occasions, and I would have liked to see what it looks like now. There’s an open bar in the back of the restaurant, and the atmosphere is lively and upbeat. They’ve even opened up the patio for people to mingle. I’m glad I didn’t overdress for it. I have on a jewel green blouse and a dark grey skirt, and my hair and makeup is sophisticated without looking overdone. It portrays the kind of professionalism that I hope will impress.

  Maybe it’ll make an impression on Logan too. Though that’s not the reason why I asked Violet to help... I add silently.

  I’m introduced to everyone, and thankfully, most of them don’t look too skeptical of my age. The rest are won over when the food comes out and takes a bite, and I finally get to start relaxing. I answer a few questions, and then we all sit down and enjoy the food while Logan goes over his plans for what he wants Red Canyon Steakhouse to become. In addition to the various chefs, he’s invited quite a few other people, and I get introduced to them one by one once dinner is finished. People are enjoying themselves, and staying longer even though it’s a work meeting. It must be the free booze.

  At one point, I end up beside the only other female chef in the group. She’s older than me, maybe my mom’s age, but she’s got an eyebrow piercing and dark red streaks in her hair.

  “Hi,” she says. “I’m Sheila.”

  “Mikayla,” I say. “It’s so nice to see another female chef.”

  “Same here,” she says lifting up her glass. “I’m not half as mad for not getting the job anymore.”

  “Logan did internal interviews?”

  I don’t know why I’m surprised. It would make sense for him to promote from within when possible, and Logan seems like the kind who would value loyalty and merit.

  “Yes he did,” she says. “Mr. Leary opened it up to all the chefs working for him. But I have to say, I didn’t envision this when he said he was going to do things differently from his father. This, this is very different. Not the direction I would take myself, but then again, I’m comfortable with how things were, you
know? I don’t see any reason for changing things. But I have to say, your food is good. The flavors are spot on.”

  “Thanks. It means a lot. I know I’ve got a lot to live up to but I’m confident that this is what the people want.”

  “I hope so,” Sheila says. “I’ve got three kids who’re all heading to college soon and from what I hear, Mr. Leary’s pouring everything into this. It’s got to pay off.”

  The weight lands heavily on my shoulders, but I try and muster as much confidence as possible. I have to talk things up, because if the chef isn’t on board, the food isn’t going to come out well. Another chef floats by, overhearing our conversation, and soon I’m in the middle of a whole group, all eagerly discussing the new menu. Suddenly I feel the hairs on the back of my neck prickle, and I glance around the room, my eyes locking with Logan. He’s talking to someone too, though he’s not paying that man any attention. I dart my eyes away, but I can’t help but glance back every so often. I don’t know what’s come over me. I’ve barricaded my heart pretty well, but the man really is that good looking.

  You’re a hot mess, I think to myself. Pull yourself together.

  “Excuse me,” he says, his breath on my ear. “But I have some people I want to introduce you to.”

  I can feel the way his hand rests lightly on my back as he guides me around the patio, and I miss most of the names and jobs these people have. I just hope that I won’t be seeing them again anytime soon. All I could think about is that one tiny spot where the heat of his fingers are searing through my blouse. My whole body heats up, causing my nipples to swell and my pussy to throb for attention. I know that this reaction just isn’t like me, but I honestly couldn’t stop it even if I wanted to. That tiny amount of touch has me so wet already. What would it be like if he could do anything to me?

  And suddenly there he was, as if answering the question in my mind, his lips brushing up against mine. Thank God that everyone had left the patio and couldn’t see this. I should say something, anything, but the truth is I want to know how he tastes. Badly. So I don’t move, letting him kiss me underneath the stars. Logan gently takes my chin, tilting my head up more toward him. Somehow the heat of his lips spreads like fire through me, making my toes curl and my pussy ache. I press myself against his body, wanting to feel the firmness of his muscles against me. His fingers run through my hair, pulling on the nape of my neck just enough that I gasp and his tongue slips inside to taste me.

  Desire filled up every bit of me from that kiss, until there was nothing but Logan in my brain. Everything else fades away but his hands on my body, making every cell in me come alive.

  “Let’s go,” he says softly.

  “Please,” I say, the first of many times tonight.

  The ride back to Logan’s is quick, but I’m bubbling with nervousness. I’d never done this before. I know it sounds ridiculous for a twenty four year old woman to admit, but there it is. I always thought I would lose my V card in college, at some drunken party, so nobody would know, but then I met Jake. I got nervous and asked to take it slow, and he’d agreed, but well, it all fell apart before I could even do it. It was stupid too. I’d planned this big thing for his birthday, thinking he would really treasure it. I thought I was lucky, having found someone that loved me so much that my first time would actually be special, instead of something to get rid of quickly.

  Boy was I wrong there.

  And then I avoided men altogether, and now here I am, stuck with my virginity. I almost tell Logan to forget it, to take me home instead, but by then we were pulling up to the gates. Two large, metal L shapes twined together on each side of the gate, which slowly opened up to reveal a massive house. Tall columns held up the roof, and even in the dark, I could see the impressive carvings in the stone.

  “Wow,” I say, momentarily distracted from my problem. “You live here?”

  “My parents. My mother,” he corrects. “I’m staying at the guest house right now so that I can check in on her.”

  I detect a note of worry in his voice. I can’t even imagine losing the love of your life so suddenly like Logan’s mother did. My parents were luckily both very healthy.

  Logan turns off the drive towards a smaller house set to the side. It’s cozier, less imposing somehow, and I’m relieved. He turns off the engine, then gets out and circles around to open the door for me. He holds my hand as we go over the cobblestone path, and up the stairs to the porch. Beautiful purple flowers are climbing up the sides, their scent floating in the breeze.

  “What kind of flowers are those?” I say, my nervous chatter filling up the air as he unlocks the door. “My mom’s always loved-”

  I’m pulled through the door by a strong hand. His lips are on mine again, warm and inviting. My arms automatically loop around his neck, pulling him closer to me. Desire drips between my legs, like hot fire that’s threatening to overtake me. I tilt my head, letting him part my lips and plunder my mouth. The kisses are getting more forceful and filled with need. For me, I realize, half giddy at the thought. His teeth nibbles gently on my lower lip, sucking on it and making my knees buckle. I grab desperately onto his shirt. Desire comes roaring back, a hundred times stronger than before now that there’s no chance for us to be interrupted. His kisses continue, fast and rough and insistent, as he takes me to the living room. We crash into the arm of the sofa before falling into it.

  We’re a mess of arms as we fight to tear our clothes off each other. Logan’s jacket goes first, followed by my skirt, and then there are way too many buttons to undo. For a moment I’m laughing, but then I see his gorgeous naked body, and my laughter evaporates. His cock is huge. Like legitimately enormous. I swallow hard.

  “What’s wrong?” he asks. “You look petrified.”

  I do a half shrug. Humiliation burns through me, laced with fear for what lay ahead. I can’t decide on what I really want.

  “I’m. I’m not. It’s just-”

  He stops me with a finger.

  “I can tell when you’re lying Mikayla. You’re terrible at it.”

  I squeeze my eyes shut.

  “I’veneverdonethiswithanyonebefore,” I say in one breath.

  I carefully open up one eye, expecting Logan to laugh, but he doesn’t. Instead he just looks surprised.

  “You’re still a virgin?” he says, something dark and low in his voice.

  “Maybe,” I say, my face completely red at this point.

  “And are you waiting for someone special?” he asks.

  “Not anymore,” I let slip out.

  “Good. Because I want you tonight,” he says, lust crackling his voice at the edges.

  His fingertips trace my jawline, down the straps of my bra and over my breast, before reaching behind me to undo the hooks. My bra drops down, revealing my tight, high nipples. He traces them with the barest of touches, but it’s enough to steal away my breath.

  “Perfect,” he murmurs. “Absolutely perfect.”

  I have no idea how his touches can do what they do, but he’s making me wobbly with desire with just his fingertips. Nobody, not even Jake, has made me feel this hot and wet my entire life. The way Logan is going, taking his time, stretching out each second of bliss, is a whole different level of pleasure.

  And then he drops his mouth down over my breast, tongue pressed flat around my nipple. A bolt of pleasure zips through me like electricity as he sucks onto my nipple. I gasp with pleasure as he squeezes my other breast, my whole body becoming soft and pliable under his touch. It feels so good that I never want it to stop. The rough pads of his fingers pull and roll my sensitive nipples. My panties were definitely soaked by now, the fabric clinging to my pussy as his fingers trace over them. My eyes fly open as a whole new sensation floods through me. Wow he’s good, I manage to think for half a second before his thumb does something else to my clit that makes me moan before I can stop myself. I want to ask him what he’s doing, but I don’t have any words left, and it doesn’t matter anyways, because
he’s pulling off my panties and sliding a finger into me instead.

  “Oh,” I whisper, eyes wide as I look up at him.

  I feel completely out of control, my mind surrendering to whatever it is my body wants. It’s all I can do to remember to breathe through this dizzying haze of sensations he’s sparking in me. Nerve endings I didn’t know I had are lighting up as he stretches out my hole. Want bubbles each time his thumb skates over my swollen clit. He pushes his finger in and out, before inserting a second. It’s such a tight fit that I’m not sure I can take his cock, and my nervousness returns.

  “Don’t worry,” Logan says. “I won’t hurt you.”

  All I do is whimper with need, with trust as he inserts a third finger, making me cry out with pleasure. I’m not sure I’m even saying his name even. It’s just a jumble of sounds and inarticulate wanting. His fingers thrust faster inside of me, somehow increasing the depth of my need even as he satisfies it. His lips kiss the side of my neck, my ear, and the sensitive parts of my flesh that leaves me arching and straining underneath him.

  “Please,” I beg of him, my hands scrambling over the hard muscle of his back, the overwhelming need curling tighter and tighter inside of me.

  Logan answers with a growl, pushing my legs apart so that the head of his cock nudges up against my pussy. My hands tighten onto him, but I trust Logan’s word, and I close my eyes as he pushes inside of me at last. Pain bursts inside of me as he slowly pushes forward, relentlessly toward his goal. I make a strangled noise, burying myself against him as his cock stretches and fills me to the brim. I’m full, so very full, and I can hardly speak as Logan lets me get used to his size. And then he’s moving, slow at first, but then faster and faster. His cock plunges deep inside of me, filling me up before pulling back almost entirely out of me. Our bodies smack together, hips crashing together so hard I know it’ll leave me sore tomorrow.


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