Keeping Faith

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Keeping Faith Page 2

by T J Vertigo

  "That's what I was told, but after sitting in that room..."

  Mr. Wells, cut her off with a smile and a raised hand. "I understand completely. This has gotten way out of hand. We'll contact you with the details very soon." He said with a warm smile.

  "That's it? It's over?" The actress asked in disbelief.

  "We'll read a few more women, make a show of it, but yes, that's it."

  "Oh my god! I was just tortured for hours for no reason? I'm Going to KILL Brad!"

  Harry smiled warmly. "You have every right to be pissed, Ms. Ashford. I know this was unexpected and we had no choice but to placate. I assure you, Bill was adamant about it, he is quite fascinated by you."

  Faith blushed, and she wasn't sure why. She recalled that Bill was the only man at the cocktail party on Valentines Day that wasn’t speaking directly to her chest. She chuckled with relief. "You just never know Mr. Wells, Bill could have been schmoozing like the rest of them."

  "Yes, he could have, but you see it's the truth. As soon as we have something half way decent for you to read, we'll send it over to you. Just leave your information with me and you can go take a well deserved nap." He grinned seeing the relief wash over the blonde.

  "Thank you so much!" Faith quickly wrote her information on the offered paper.

  "One question," Harry bit his lip worriedly before asking. "Is your partner okay with the intimacy required of this film?"

  Faith swallowed hard. "Uh, sure... no problem." she smiled weakly.

  Mr. Wells grinned knowingly "Haven't told her yet have you." he said with a small laugh.

  "Heh, well... don't you worry, she'll be fine." Faith replied with an air of false confidence.

  "Fine!" Harry said happily, offering his hand. "So glad to have finally met you."

  Faith took his hand. "Feeling's mutual, Mr. Wells, you made my day. Thank you again!"

  Cori stood, leaning against Reece's small car watching the tall woman pace the streets. Every time the door opened to the building, her head whipped up and she looked like an expectant puppy waiting for its master. Her shoulders were tense and her jaw muscles were working a mile a minute, making Cori think Reece was going to need an aspirin.

  Finally, the door opened and out popped Faith, looking a bit frazzled but grinning wildly. Reece took long strides to get to her and when she did, she was all eyebrow. "Well? What happened?"

  "I got it! It's mine!" Faith exclaimed loudly and full of excitement.

  Reece picked up the smaller woman and spun her around. Upon seeing this, Cori bolted towards them and jumped up and down in a circle around the two women. People walking by, gave them aggravated stares, not because it was unusual to see a strange scene in NYC, but because they were blocking a perfectly good sidewalk.

  "YES!" Cori cheered. "I knew everything was going to be fine!"

  "No you didn't, you were a nervous wreck." Reece argued.

  "Oh, yeah, right, said she of the dark circles." The dancer pointed to Reece's eyes.

  "Shut up, Freak."

  "Both of you shut up." Faith narrowed her eyes playfully at her lover who returned the favor. "Reece, put me down."

  "Kiss me first." The tall woman demanded, "And never mind the lipstick."

  Faith grinned as she lowered her head. She liked being taller than Reece, and took advantage of her position by laying a hot kiss on her wife.

  The tall woman swayed a bit then licked her lips. "Mmm, Revlon, my favorite." She joked, then put Faith down as promised.

  "Are you guys done yet? I'm hungry." Cori complained.

  "You're just jealous. When's Vi getting back anyways?" Reece asked, leading Faith to the car.

  "Tomorrow. What the hell do you do at a piercing convention? I mean, what can she see that she hasn't already? I swear that woman is twisted, you have no idea the things she's stuck through people's parts."

  Reece grimaced, then raised and eyebrow as Faith's stomach growled loudly. "That's quite enough Cor. Let's take my woman out to celebrate. Where do you want to go, babe?"

  Faith pulled Reece's arms around her body and leaned happily into her. "Hmmm, I dunno." she shrugged, reluctant to go anywhere without Reece wrapped around her. "Little Italy?"

  "Done." Reece said with a nod, disengaging herself from her wife. She opened the car door and ushered Cori in, then Faith. After she climbed into the small car, she leaned over and dropped a quick kiss on Faith's cheek. "I knew you'd be alright."

  "Thank you for believing in me baby." Faith smiled brightly, her hand resting on Reece's thigh.

  "Yeah, yeah, she's the wind beneath your wings. Can we go eat now?"

  Reece glared at the dancer in the rear view mirror and peeled out.

  After eating like pigs and dropping Cori off at home, the couple headed home themselves. Faith was exhausted from expending all that nervous energy and not sleeping the night before. She couldn't wait to get into a hot bath and Reece was more than eager to accommodate. When she offered to add bubbles to the hot tub, she received a face full of kisses. "I should pamper you more often." Reece teased.

  "Please, Honey, if you pamper me any more than you already do, I'll become a brat."

  "You're already a brat." Reece joked, bending over the tub. She growled when her ass was fondled. "I thought you were too tired for that kind of celebration." She threw a sultry look over her shoulder.

  "Mmm, look at me like that again and I just may find the energy." Faith purred.

  Reece stopped what she was doing, narrowed her eyes, licked her lips and gave Faith a very seductive look.

  The blonde shivered. "Oh, yeah, that's the look I was talking about."

  Reece pulled open her button-fly's with one tug and slowly removed them. "Get in the tub, babe." She said in a low voice, her top lip curling.

  The actress ran her hands up the front of her body, making sure to dwell on her breasts, just to rile Reece. She stepped into the tub, turned her back on her lover, and sat down slowly, groaning in delight. Blue eyes narrowed at the sound and Reece climbed in behind her, slowly sliding her body down Faith's back. She pulled the smaller blonde into her arms and closed her eyes in pleasure, relishing in the feeling of their skin touching.

  "Oh, Reece," Faith sighed, "This feels delicious. I love it when we sit like this."

  The brunette dipped her head and placed a soft kiss on Faith's ear. "Why do you like it?" she asked in a deep whisper.

  "I feel so safe, yet completely at your mercy."

  "Quite the contradiction don't ya think?"

  The club owner teased. She too loved the feel of Faith's skin pressed into hers.

  Faith stretched her legs and leaned her full weight into her lover, laying her head back. "I love feeling you around me," she whispered, holding Reece's bent knees against her, "I can feel your heart beating."

  The tall woman bent her head again and kissed Faith's shoulder, inhaling deeply. "Have I told you I love the way you smell?"

  "Mmm hmm." Faith hummed, covering Reece's hand with her own and moving it to her breast.

  Reece grinned, palming her wife's breast. "Someone wants some attention, hmm?"

  "That would be nice." The blonde purred, pressing Reece's hand firmly.

  Reece licked a hot trail from Faith's shoulder to her ear where she sucked the earlobe into her mouth.

  "Mmm, baby... make love to me." Faith whispered.

  "Your wish is my command." The club owner breathed into the soft ear. She toyed with Faith's nipple, tweaking and rolling it between her fingers, her free hand tickled its way across the smaller woman's stomach and settled on her thigh. A low groan bubbled up from Faith's chest, causing Reece to groan in return.

  Faith tilted her chin up, and licked her lips. "I need you baby," she breathed, her wet lips teasing the club owner.

  Reece's hand left Faith's breast and she cupped her wife's chin, tilting her head further so their lips could meet. She teased the soft pink lips with her tongue until Faith whimpered, then slid her other
hand lower. She plunged her tongue into Faith's mouth as she slid two fingers through the heated folds below the water. Faith's hips bucked and she groaned loudly into Reece's mouth. She bent her legs at the knees and opened them as wide as she could, inviting more. Reece kept her legs firm, not allowing Faith to open hers as wide as she liked. This caused her wife to whimper as Reece's long fingers teased her. The tall woman caught Faith's bottom lip in her teeth and pulled, mumbling around it. "Slow, Faith.... slow and long."

  The blonde moaned. If she couldn't open her legs, she wasn't going to get the amount of pleasure she craved, and it was going to be slow and long. "Quick first baby?" she asked against her lover's teasing lips.

  "Uh, uh." The tall woman said, sliding her mouth along Faith's chin, tasting all the way down to where her neck met her shoulder. "Slooooow" she drawled before sucking the sensitive skin possessively.

  Faith grunted in half-protest, and wiggled her hips, attempting to force Reece's touch harder. She used her hand to press the larger hand more firmly but the tall woman was much stronger and resisted. "Please, baby?" she begged.

  "Mmm, you know how much I love that." Reece said in a low sexy timbre. Hearing Faith beg always made her sex clench. "It gets me so hot to hear you plead."

  "Oh, Honey, I just want you so badly," Faith whined, rolling her hips.

  Reece adjusted the pressure of her touch as her lover rose to meet her hand. She denied the contact Faith ached for, instead continuing with long, slow, slight caresses. She used one finger, sliding it up the length of her wife's sex, when she reached her clit, waited for Faith to buck, then slid it down slowly, toying with her opening. Faith kept trying to force Reece's hand, and the taller woman grinned evilly. "No, baby," she whispered, reaching up and tracing Faith's open lips with her finger.

  Faith arched her back at the loss of contact. "Reece..." she whimpered, reaching up and pinching her own nipples.

  "Oh, yeah, that's so nice... so hot." Reece said of the view. She rocked her hips, seeking relief against Faith's body. "Yeah..."

  Faith closed her eyes and focused on Reece, and where their skin met. It almost felt too hot where they touched, the heat of the hot tub magnifying the sensation. The actress swallowed hard as Reece's pubic hair ground into her lower back. She tried to focus hard enough to imagine where her lover's clit touched her, but Reece began pulling at her nipple ring, erasing all thought except for pleasure. Reece tugged and twisted the ring, and Faith arched her back. "Baby..." she moaned.

  Reece stroked Faith's sex slowly, in contrast to the rough way she was treating her nipples. Faith was squirming, begging and arching and Reece's heart pounded at the display. Her clit ached for more focused attention, but for now the friction of Faith's skin would have to do. Trying to put her own need aside, she parted Faith's flesh with two strong fingers and slowly eased the tips inside. The blonde groaned loudly and Reece gasped at how tightly her wife's muscles held her fingers. She resisted her intense urge to plunge them in, and instead slipped them out, then in again even slower than before, this time spreading them open.

  Faith whined loudly in frustration when her lover's fingers slid out, then cried out in pleasure as they began to penetrate her again, stretching her as they did. "Yes, baby! Fuck me Reece, please..."

  The club owner’s nostrils flared. "Faith..." she growled as her lover's hands wrapped around her forearm and wrist, the short nails biting her flesh. "I'm gonna fuck you alright." Reece promised, her voice a husky purr.

  "Yes… please." Faith whimpered, pulling at Reece's arm.

  The tall woman thrust deeply, rubbing her palm into her lover's clit. Faith surged up, her inner walls squeezing the long digits, keeping them firmly inside. She held the well muscled forearm tightly, grinding herself into Reece's hand. "Fuck Reece... yes!" she gasped, her voice hoarse with pleasure.

  "You feel so tight and hot." Reece said, wiggling her trapped fingers, eliciting a groan from her wife. "Do you want me to fuck you hard?" She asked, then bit Faith on the neck.

  Faith writhed as the sharp teeth caught her tender skin. "Oh, yes... fast and hard please.." she begged, gripping Reece's arm tighter.

  "Let go baby," Reece whispered, licking the sore spot she just bit. "Hold on to the tub for me."

  Faith whimpered, knowing what was to come. She obeyed her lover and panted in anticipation. A large strong hand wrapped around her throat at the same time Reece plunged inside her. She cried out, slamming her head into Reece's shoulder.

  The brunette grunted through her teeth and tightened her grip on Faith's throat. She bent her neck, resting her cheek on the blonde's head, feeling the sounds of pleasure as well as hearing them.

  Faith bucked with the force Reece was using, the water sloshing around and over the sides of the tub. She wanted more, she wished Reece had more hands to touch her everywhere at once. Suddenly, Reece opened her knees, allowing Faith to do the same and the smaller woman yelled.

  "God, Reece!"

  Reece sunk her teeth into Faith's shoulder, plunging her long fingers in to the hilt, crushing her palm against her lover's hard clit. Faith let go of the tub, and grasped Reece's knees, trying to force them open wider, wanting more of Reece inside of her.

  "You gonna come for me?"

  The tall woman's voice was deep and throaty, expressing how turned on she was, and Faith shivered. "Yes, don't move..." she gasped, thrusting hard into her lover's hand. "Oh god... oh god…"

  Reece's upper lip curled and she could feel her own body tightening in response. "That's right... you come for me..."

  Faith thrashed in the water, her legs clamping shut on Reece's arm as her orgasm struck her. She groaned and shuddered, her nails digging into Reece's thighs. Reece watched Faith through heavy lids, her own hips jerking. Faith began to relax, and reached behind her, pulling Reece's head towards her own.

  The kissed slowly, tongues meeting sensuously, softly, and they stayed entwined until Faith finally fell back heavily. Reece removed her fingers from her lover and slid her hand between them. Faith tried to turn herself around but Reece held her in place.

  "You just sit there, this won't take a minute." The club owner buried her face in Faith's neck and touched herself.

  Faith wanted to protest harder, but she was spent, and Reece knew that. She smiled and reached behind her head, tangling her fingers in wet black hair. She hummed, feeling Reece's hand moving behind her. "Does it feel good?" she asked, playfully.

  "Yeah." Reece replied in a tight voice. She felt Faith arch, and knew it was for her pleasure. She lifted her head and glanced down the front of Faith's body to see her perfect breasts bobbing half in and out of the water. "You are so fucking hot..." she commented, her voice husky. She reached for Faith's chin and turned her head. "Kiss me when I come."

  Faith turned herself sideways and obliged. Reece was right, a few seconds after their lips met, the club owner trembled and stiffened. Faith placed her hand over Reece's to be as close to her as she could. She swallowed her lover's grunts, feeling as satisfied as Reece just from holding her. When Reece's hand ceased its movement, she let go of it and embraced the taller woman, holding her close. "I love you so much." she breathed into the warm skin of her neck.

  Reece held Faith reverently. "I love you too."

  PART 3

  FAITH STRETCHED AND yawned, testing her leg muscles after a night of intense usage. Feeling confident that she could walk, she swung her legs off of the bed. Smudge twitched his ears, yawed and stretched all his little legs before curling back up against Reece's head. The high pitched sound he created with his yawn caused Reece to stir. She peeked open an eye and saw Faith about to leave the bed.

  "Ugh, mmm." she grunted, reaching out for her wife. The blonde was too far away so her arm fell heavily on the bed and she sighed.

  Faith turned her head and smiled at the half open blue eye watching her. "Go back to sleep honey, you don't need to be up."

  "You either." the club owner complained, patting the bed
with her hand.

  Unhappy with all the activity, Smudge kicked Reece in the head and harrumphed, licking his lips several times.

  Faith scratched the small dog and shook her head. "You two belong together," she commented with a giggle and headed towards the bathroom.

  Reece watched dejectedly as her wife's naked butt left the room. "Ain't she something?" she asked the dog, who's tail wagged a couple of times against her ear. After hearing the toilet flush and the water run, Reece waited impatiently for Faith to return. When that didn't happen she grumbled and tossed the covers off. She pouted at the empty bed, debating whether to go back to sleep or follow her wife. Eventually, she sat up, causing Smudge to slide off the pillow and land on the bed with a whine.

  "Sorry, little man, I need to find Mommy." She pulled on a pair of boxers, and nothing else, and brought the dog with her.

  Faith was standing at the kitchen sink filling up the coffee pot, her hair askew and her bare feet poking from the bottom of Reece's bathrobe. Reece grunted inaudibly and wrapped her arms the smaller woman. "Why aren't you in bed?" she managed to ask.

  "I can't sleep, I'm too excited about the movie." She walked to the coffee maker, with Reece still wrapped around her. "Why are you so mushy this morning?"

  Reece shrugged, knowing full well not to answer that question for fear of an argument. She knew with this movie coming up fast, Faith's time with her would be limited at best, and she didn't want to face it just yet. "Want me to let go?"

  "No, as long as you don't mind me sitting on your lap."

  "When have I ever minded that?" she asked with a chuckle. "Sooo, you're excited?"

  "Yeah!" Faith spun around in Reece's arms and noticed she was topless. She grinned and kissed the bare shoulder in front of her. "This is my movie, Reece! I know the last one was sorta mine too, but this one is really mine! I star in it! Oh my god!"

  Reece smiled and hugged Faith to her, blue eyes displayed worry as she spoke. "I know, I'm really proud of you, babe."

  They stood like that for a while as the coffee brewed. Reece was excited too, but nervous. Faith was already highly recognized for the last movie and the show, Reece was worried about her being too well known. The paparazzi were already annoying, and soon they'd become a menace. She wasn't jealous, just apprehensive about what might happen to their lives. Faith was a great actress, and should be recognized for her talents, but this was going to stir controversy, big time; they won't get a moment's peace. Reece was already famous by association, and that didn't sit well with her now, she couldn't fathom what it would be like after this movie. Suddenly getting anxious, Reece shook her head, and tried to dislodge the negativity. This was very important and exciting for Faith, and she had some nerve feeling the way she did. She chastised herself and focused on her wife as she turned back around in her arms to pour coffee.


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