Keeping Faith

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Keeping Faith Page 14

by T J Vertigo

  “What do you need Joe for?” The man at the entrance asked.

  “I’m with the agency, something’s up, they need to talk to him right away. They sent me to cover.”

  The man looked Reece up and down, and found no reason not to believe she was legit. “Shit, I knew he’d fuck up.” He nodded in Joe’s direction.

  Reece chuckled as she walked right into the unmanned door, shaking her head at the men’s stupidity. She walked the halls confidently as if she belonged there, looking into every room, searching for Faith. Reece’s heart beat rapidly, hoping to find her, but afraid of what she’d find. Finally stumbling upon the make-up room, she stepped in and looked around. Inside the make-up room, was the wardrobe room and there she found Faith’s clothes. She picked up Faith’s shirt and smelled it, inhaling deeply. Her heart beat picked up speed, she inhaled again, and got a pang deep in her chest.

  “Oh my god! Spike!”

  Reece jerked the shirt from her face and glared angrily at the intruder.

  John took one look into Reece’s flashing eyes and crossed his legs.

  “Where’s Faith?”

  “Outside, in the lot, in the back.” John stuttered.

  Reece dropped the shirt and growled. “Take me.”

  John squeezed his insides so not to pee in his pants. Reece was scaring him, he never saw that look in her eyes before. “I don’t know… they’re getting ready to shoot.”

  Reece seemed to expand to twice her size. “Do you really think I’ll take no for an answer?”

  The make-up artist blinked a few times. He was going to get in so much trouble, but he’d be damned if he told this woman no. He nodded, swallowed hard, grabbed the stuff he came for and walked out with Reece right behind him.

  As John approached the film set, he turned one more time to look at Reece. She was certainly on a mission and he didn’t know if anyone could stop her. He loved Faith, and he had no idea what Reece was capable of doing, so he said a small prayer and gave it his best.

  “Listen, right outside this door, is a live set. Faith is in this scene in a big way. Please, don’t do anything stupid.”

  Reece sneered.

  John tried again. “Please. For Faith.”

  Reece narrowed her eyes and gave a slight nod. He was right, she can’t fuck this up for Faith. “I’m not here, do you understand?”

  John nodded and opened the door, and suddenly it was night time, except for a small spot shining into a cop car. Reece squinted slightly looking for her wife.

  “Alright! I need Meredith and Jesse here.”

  Reece followed the man’s voice and saw Faith, dressed in a uniform walking hesitantly towards the car. At first, seeing Faith dressed as a cop gave her a shiver, she hated cops. But when Faith turned around and her shirt was all opened up and a sexy bra peeking out, she hummed to herself. Until she saw Alicia. Then her hackles rose and her eyes narrowed.

  John glanced at Reece, then back at the scene. Alicia strode over confidently, a swagger to her step that made John grimace. She was such a bitch.

  “Alright, you ready for a real woman?” Alicia asked cockily.

  Faith rolled her eyes. “Just get in position.”

  Alicia leaned her back on the car, and Faith took her position in front of her.

  “Okay people, let’s go.”

  Reece watched with her eyes wide as the man yelled action, and Faith threw herself onto Alicia. The two women began tearing at each other’s clothes, mouths open, lips millimeters apart, breathing hard, and loud. Reece’s stomach jolted and she thought she may throw up.

  “I need you so much baby.”

  “And I want you right now.”

  Alicia closed the gap between their mouths and they began kissing, passionately, hard. Alicia’s tongue visibly invaded Faith’s mouth, her hands grabbing at Faith’s breasts.

  John’s heart pounded, almost as loud as Reece’s. The tall club owner’s fists clenched, her short nails dug into her palms. The loud groans and gasps echoed loudly in Reece’s ears. Her eyes flashed dangerously as the two women tumbled into the back seat of the car, Faith on the bottom.


  Faith scrambled out from under Alicia, and grabbed her shirt closed. “John!”

  John ran towards Faith, leaving Reece all alone.

  PART 17

  FAITH WAS FUMING when John got to her, and he tried to calm her down. “What the hell happened? It looked fine from where we were!”

  “That obnoxious bitch must have ate a pound of freaking garlic! That little shit!” Faith spit on the floor. “Breathing all in my face, shoving her tongue in my mouth! God! UGH!! Tell me you have a mint!”

  John glanced over at Reece, who glared at him. “I’ll get you one, just let me fix the lipstick.”

  “Ooo, that… that… bitch! Look at her over there laughing at me!”

  Alicia smiled and winked, then laughed.

  “I want to puke.”

  “Let’s not and say we did. I’ll give you a mint, and before you know it, this will be over.”

  “What’s going on with you? Why aren’t you commiserating with me, and why are your hands shaking?”

  John cleared his throat. “You hot lezzie mamas make me nervous.” He joked.

  Faith narrowed her eyes and studied her friend. “Well, okay, I’ll buy that for now. Just hurry, my mouth tastes horrible!”

  John dug around in his small bag and shoved two mints in Faith’s mouth. She chewed them both and swished it all around in her mouth.

  Reece wished she could hear what they were saying. She watched intently, rooted to the spot. She knew if she moved even an inch, she’d bolt over to Faith and claim her as her own in front of all these people.

  “Alright, everyone back to their places, we’ll take it from the back seat.”

  Reece’s nostrils flared as John messed up Faith’s hair and pulled open her shirt just so. She watched, her eyes flashing a dangerous icy blue as Alicia climbed on top of her wife and whispered something that made Faith sneer. The set went silent, the director yelled action, and Alicia tore open Faith’s bra. Reece growled, deep inside her chest. She had enough, she needed to leave.


  Faith was exhausted and couldn’t think of anything except taking a hot shower and washing Alicia off of her body. The ride home was quiet, Ted tried several times to strike up conversation to no avail. Faith was drained. She successfully shot almost all the love scenes needed, there was a few more, but those would come later. She was glad they were out of the way, but disgusted at the same time. Alicia did everything in her power to drive Faith insane. It took every ounce of strength for Faith to go beyond the here and now and put herself into character. Alicia was no help, whispering horribly annoying things, the garlic breath, the overuse of teeth when teeth weren’t necessary. But still, Faith had to hand it to the woman, she really pulled it off, no matter how ugly she though being intimate with a woman was, she really made it believable. Faith wondered just what kind of skeletons Alicia Alvarez had in her closet. After all, you know what they say, she who doth protest too much.

  Faith was proud of her own performance too. As much as she detested Alicia, she was able to block it all out and go on with it. There were times when she did pretend she was with Reece, the times when she wasn’t looking at Alicia. Those times were pleasurable enough, even though Alicia didn’t smell, feel or taste like Reece, if Faith pretended hard enough, it worked. The actress sighed, she missed Reece terribly. After all the pretending, she needed to make love with Reece to ground herself. She hoped her wife was home, she needed to talk to her, to soothe her and calm her down.

  Faith stepped through the door with a relieved sigh. It was good to be home. Something was wrong though, Smudge didn’t come to greet her. She turned on the lights to find Smudge in his pen. Curious, she dropped her bags down and called out for Reece. When there was no answer, she turned towards the kitchen for a drink. Suddenly the lights went out and someone gra
bbed her from behind. She screamed in fear, but stopped as soon as she felt her lover’s arms. Her mouth was covered roughly by Reece’s, the kiss was almost brutal and Faith could hardly breathe. The momentum of Reece’s body weight shoved Faith into the wall and she hit it quite hard. “Mmm!” she grunted, trying to push Reece off. “Mmm!”

  Reece backed off, her chest heaving rapidly. The ray of a streetlight fell across her face and Faith shivered. That look, those eyes. She swallowed hard, the sound of their breathing filled the room, and she licked her lips. “Reece?” she asked tentatively.

  The Animal growled and wrapped her hand around Faith’s wrist, bringing the hand to her face. “Is this the hand you fucked her with?” she smelled it. “Is it?”

  Faith closed her eyes to lose eye contact. Fear, excitement, anticipation and lust zinged through her body like sparks. “Reece, I didn’t…”

  “I saw you, I was there.” A large hand covered Faith’s sex roughly. “Who’s pussy is this?”

  Faith’s nostrils flared. Reece was there, she saw it. She was staking her claim. “Yours, only yours.” She could already feel herself getting wet.

  Blue eyes narrowed and Reece tightened her grip. “Mine.”

  Faith nodded, her heart beating hard and fast. The Animal. It had been so long, and she was very eager to welcome her. She stared defiantly into pale blue eyes, her heart pounding with excitement and licked her lips.

  The Animal’s nostrils flared and she crushed Faith’s lips in a searing, bruising kiss. She could feel Faith’s resistance and it fed her desire to control. Without warning, she ripped her lips away and threw Faith over her shoulder, dropping her on the couch. She stood, chest rising and falling rapidly over the actress, her jaw clenched.

  Faith’s eyes sparkled with want, lying there, being devoured by The Animal’s eyes. There was a long forgotten fire coursing through her veins. She wanted this, needed this, to connect with Reece on a primal level. She bowed her head slightly, and looked up at Reece coyly.

  The tall woman slammed her hands on the couch, her strong hands landing on either side of Faith’s head. “I don’t appreciate you baring those tits, my tits for anyone, let alone an audience, Faith.”

  Reece’s breath was hot and smelled of liquor, her voice was a deep purr, threatening, yet extremely arousing and Faith felt a surge of want rise from her gut. “They’re yours.”

  “Then why are you sticking them in that slut’s mouth? If they’re mine, they belong in my mouth.” Reece slid one hand from the couch, down Faith’s shoulder, hooking her fingers in the neck of Faith’s shirt. “I don’t want to share them,” with a swift tug, the material tore, exposing Faith’s breasts. Her mouth watered and she licked her lips. “Put them in my mouth.”

  The Animal’s icy blue gaze never wavered, Faith’s heart thrummed as she lifted up and arched her back, her left nipple making contact with glistening lips. Reece inhaled deeply, consuming Faith’s scent.

  “I could swallow you whole, Faith.”

  Faith shivered as the hot breath fell across her nipple. “Then do it.”

  The Animal lunged forward, opening her mouth wide and devouring. She sucked the flesh deeply, hungrily, growling loudly in her chest.

  Faith arched her back as far as she could, trying to force more of her breast in her mouth.

  Reece dragged her teeth across Faith’s tit, until they closed on her nipple. She bit down.

  Faith yelled out in surprise and pain.

  The tall woman chuckled. “You want me to hurt you.” She spoke through her teeth.

  Faith swallowed hard. It was true, she did want The Animal to hurt her. She squeezed her eyes shut against the delicious pain and sharp teeth bit into her flesh. She waited, holding her breath for Reece to grasp the ring. She knew that was next. Hoped it was next.

  “You like it.”

  Faith groaned, a high pitched wanting sound. She did want it. She felt she deserved it as punishment for doing the sex scene. “Harder.”

  The Animal moaned loudly and grabbed Faith’s head with both hands, engulfing it. She demanded a kiss and took the waiting mouth with force, plunging her tongue inside, claiming it. Faith wanted this, and the semi-consciousness of Reece lurking beneath the surface was able to let go, and take what she wanted. She threw herself onto Faith, pulling her face impossibly close.

  The weight of her lover was just what she needed. Surrounded by and encompassed by Reece. She desperately needed connecting and threw her legs around the larger woman. She opened her mouth wide, the kiss was ravaging and their teeth clashed, their tongues battled roughly.

  The tall woman emitted an animalistic sound and twisted their entwined bodies so that Faith’s back was flat on the couch. She released her head with one hand and used that hand to snake between them and rip off the rest of the blonde’s shirt. Faith’s legs squeezed her strongly as The Animal pawed her breasts.

  Faith barely tore her mouth away to gasp for breath, and Reece narrowed her dilated eyes. “Let go of me and take off those pants. Now.”

  Faith struggled to remove them as her larger wife lifted up a few inches. She could smell the alcohol on her breath, mixed with the musky smell of Reece’s sweat. The combination turned her one even more than she thought possible.

  “Hurry up, Faith, I want to see my pussy.”

  The actress finished quickly, her panties in a ball on the floor. She finally caught her breath, when Reece palmed her wet sex. “God!”

  “I can smell how hot you are for me, how much you want me to fuck you.”

  Faith gasped loudly as Reece suddenly plunged two fingers into her depths.

  “So fucking hot and wet.”

  Reece’s voice was harsh, and raspy, betraying her own arousal and Faith ate it up. She knew when Reece was like this, she didn’t want Faith to talk much unless she asked her too, but with her long fingers immobile, she needed to speak. “Fuck me, please, do it.”

  The Animal chuckled a dangerous chuckle. “Oh, no. You fuck me. Show me how horny this pussy is for me.”

  Faith adjusted herself and thrust down, impaling herself with a loud moan.

  The taller woman put her lips onto Faith’s ear. “That’s it... you’re my hot horny bitch. Do you understand that? Only mine.”

  Faith nodded, never missing a thrust, desperately filling herself with her lovers fingers. She grabbed Reece’s shoulders and dug in with her fingers, using the strong woman’s body for leverage.

  Wild blue eyes watched intently as her fingers were engulfed by Faith. Her own sex on fire from the display, The Animal groaned painfully. “That’s my girl, you need me.”

  “Yes!” Faith agreed emphatically. “Need you.” She gasped.

  The tall woman leaned a knee on the couch to free up her other hand. She covered Faith’s mouth with her own as she began to rub her clit, swallowing her loud scream. Faith’s inner walls clenched at her fingers, and the blonde actress began to thrust faster, and erratically. “Look at me when you come.” She demanded in a deep purr.

  Faith fixed her gaze on The Animal’s half lidded, lust filled eyes. “Yes… god… “

  The tall woman’s teeth shone in the darkness as Faith’s muscles contracted sharply around her fingers. The smaller woman shuddered, and groaned, her nails digging deeply into Reece’s shoulders. Her green eyes focused unwavering on her own, sharing the depth of the moment with only her.

  “Ohhhh… Reece!”

  The Animal let out the breath she was holding as Faith began to relax. She felt her own clit twitching, begging for release, but for some reason instead of demanding pleasure, she dropped herself back down on top of Faith. “Beautiful.” She mumbled, burying her face in the blonde’s slick neck.

  “I love you, Reece. Only you.”

  The Animal shivered as Reece came into her own skin. “Thank you for that.”

  Faith moaned and twitched as Reece withdrew her fingers. “I needed you so badly.”

  The tall woman hummed. “Me too.r />
  When Faith awoke early in the morning, Reece wasn’t in bed. She stretched and smiled to herself. She loved her wife. Plain and simple. They had wound up ravaging each other, like they were starved for most of the evening; in the living room, the kitchen and even the shower. Faith turned over and smelled Reece’s pillow and sighed. Where is she anyway? Not really wanting to get out of bed, but real curious as to why Reece would be up so early, she tossed the blanket off reluctantly and went searching.

  Reece was up at the crack of dawn, and even though she expended an enormous amount of energy the previous evening, she felt rejuvenated. With Smudge laying on her face most of the night, she was the first to know how much he needed a bath. She stroked him lightly until he woke up. After he yawned and stretched, Reece took him down for water and breakfast, then a walk. It was that odd hour of morning when the streets of New York were virtually empty. It was almost eerie as they walked and Reece looked over her shoulder every inch of the way.

  Faith heard Reece’s low voice coming from the bathroom and was thoroughly puzzled at who she could be talking to in there. She opened the door slowly, and found her big muscular wife holding the small dog in one hand, three fingers of the other hand working shampoo into Smudge’s coat. She spoke to him the whole time, little words of praise, and kissed him square on the nose several times. Faith left the bathroom silently and smiled. She’d have to ask Reece why she felt the need to wash the dog at such an early hour, but for now, they looked so sweet, she couldn’t interrupt the moment.

  Reece rinsed her dog off and wrapped him in an enormous towel. “Now you smell like the handsome man I love.” She cooed and started to rub the tiny dog dry. She paid special attention to his tail and ears, softly telling him what a good boy he was being. Now came the hard part, the evil blow dryer. Not wanting to wake Faith with the noise, she took the dryer, wrapped up Smudge and headed downstairs. Reece was surprised to see Faith wrapped up in her robe, sitting on the couch drinking coffee.


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