Keeping Faith

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Keeping Faith Page 18

by T J Vertigo

  "Oh John, you're just afraid of Reece, but you know the truth."

  "Get the fuck out of here Alicia." Faith hissed angrily.

  Alicia laughed her way out of the trailer.

  Work was horrible for Faith that morning, with Alicia making comments regarding Reece and her prowess. Faith had enough and was stewing in the make-up trailer, venting to John.

  "She pointed out Reece's palm callous, and the cut she made by picking her cuticle. Either she studied Reece a long time, or she has a point."

  John's stomach grew butterflies. "You don't think..."

  Faith threw her hands up. "I don't know what to think! I don't want to think that, but how the hell would she know about my wife's palm callous?"

  "Faith, I think she's just doing this to make you crazy. You know Alicia, she gets what she wants and I don't think anyone has ever turned her down."

  "Oh, great, you're really making me feel better." Faith steamed.

  "No, I mean that since Reece turned her down, she can't let anyone know. She's just behaving this way to save her own reputation. She doesn't care what she does to you."

  Faith sat in thought.

  "Come on, you can't really think Reece is doing all that Alicia accuses her of."

  The actress frowned. "I trust Reece, really I do, but there's that tiny part of me that knows Reece's intrinsic make-up. Before me, well, she would never turn down an opportunity."

  "Faith, listen to yourself. You're falling right into her trap. I think the best thing to do now is not let Alicia see you like this."

  Faith sighed heavily, "You're right."

  "I know I am. Now, go back out there, shoot the last scene and play along. She'll be the one that's crazy when you're done with her."

  Faith's cell phone rang and she grinned evilly at whatever was being said to her. "Ooo, that's just too good. Thanks Cor."

  John raised a curious eyebrow.

  "Cori just gave me the best idea." Faith chuckled. "I'll see you later."

  Reece was extra careful not to touch anyone in any way other than was necessary while she trained. Alicia made her nervous, and the feeling didn't sit well with her. She felt like she was being scrutinized, like she was guilty of something she didn't even do. She was worried that Faith might think the worst. After all, Reece's reputation with women was legendary. The club owner distractedly did her work while thinking up ways to prove herself to Faith. She felt it needed to be done.


  Alicia tried to push Faith away, but Faith had her lip between her teeth and wasn't letting go. "Hey!"

  Faith sucked Alicia's bottom lip hungrily and groaned. "Just knowing you want my woman makes me crazy." She whispered before winking and turning away.

  Alicia looked at Faith's back in shock. "What?"

  "I've been thinking, why don't we have a threesome?"

  Alicia's eyes bugged out. "What are you talking about?"

  Faith held back her laughter at Alicia's expression. "Well, I can't let Reece have all the fun can I? I can at least keep track of her if we're all together."


  Faith had to look away so she wouldn't guffaw. "Who knew you had it in you? Here I was, thinking you despised us lesbos and you're just one big fat dyke!"

  Alicia blinked rapidly. "I am not!"

  "Oh, I beg to differ. Ooo, wait until the rag mags find out about you and Reece! It'll be delicious mayhem!"

  Alicia tried to reply but said nothing, and stormed away in a hysterical huff.

  Faith broke out in laughter. "I owe you big time, Cori."

  When Faith came home, she was juggling her many emotions. While Alicia grated on her last raw nerve, she sure got revenge by torturing her the rest of the day, and that felt satisfying. Then there was Reece. Sure, she trusted Reece, but Alicia gave her a tiny doubt and Faith felt disappointment in herself for feeling that doubt. And jealousy from that inkling of doubt. She closed her eyes and took a deep breath, grounding herself as she opened her front door.

  Smudge practically climbed up her leg when she walked in. "Hey sweetie, where's Reece?"

  "Up here." Reece's voice was low, and sounded odd.

  Faith glanced up the stairs suspiciously before ascending. "Reece? Is everything alri…" Faith was speechless. The room was lit by several candles, On the bed was a bottle of champagne, baby oil, and Reece, grinning in that sexy way of hers, a silky robe barely covering her naked body. "Wha… what's all this?"

  Reece sat up and grinned wider. "It's for you."

  Without hesitation, Faith peeled off her shirt and practically tore off her bra. "All of it? You included?" She climbed onto the bed and closed in on her wife.

  "Especially me." Reece leaned back, her robe sliding off of her right breast. "To do whatever you want."

  Faith's mouth watered. "So, you're telling me, I can do, whatever I want, with ice cold champagne, slippery baby oil, and you?" Her sex clenched at the thought.

  Reece nodded, her eyes playful and seductive at the same time, and licked her lips. She picked up a votive and swirled the melted wax inside the glass holder. "And don't forget the candle wax."

  Faith thought she might faint from the head rush. Taking a few breaths, she quickly stripped off the rest of her clothes and straddled her sexy wife. "Why are you doing this?" she asked, leaning down and kissing Reece's earlobe.

  "I'm yours. Only yours."

  Faith's heart beat rapidly and a sense of relief washed over her. Reece knew how she was feeling and was offering herself as proof. "I love you Reece, and I'm about to show you how much."

  Reece gasped, as the cold champagne dribbled onto her stomach, her abdominal muscles bunching from the sensation. Faith's hot tongue followed and Reece groaned loudly. "Ooohhhhh."

  Faith hummed in delight, her hands gripping Reece's hips as she straddled her legs. She had been taking advantage of her abnormally submissive wife for some time and was rewarded greatly with loud moans, frustrated writhing, and the strong aroma of Reece's arousal.

  "Faith, baby... please..."

  "That's right, baby, it's me, your Faith." The actress lifted her gaze to her pleading lover and grinned.

  Reece glanced down at the twinkling green eyes and plopped her head back heavily. "You're going to kill me."

  Faith reached over and snatched a candle from the nightstand. "You won't die, I promise. I'm having way too much fun to stop now."

  Reece's eyes fought against her. She wanted to watch the hot wax spill so she'd be ready for it, but her eyes wanted to close from the feeling of Faith's wetness trailing up her thigh. Reece's will won and her eyes widened as the wax began to drip. She gritted her teeth and hissed through them as the wax dripped on her skin. "Fuck!"

  Faith poured cold champagne on top of the wax, and let it pool between her breasts.

  "God, Faith, I swear, only you.. no one else could ever... ooohhh."

  Faith nipped Reece's extremely rigid nipple and shivered from Reece's groan. "I can smell how much you want me. I don't think I can wait any more."

  "Then don't!" Reece almost whined, wrapping her hand around the back of Faith's neck and pushing.

  Faith groaned and dove downward, licking and sucking Reece's entire pussy like she was starving.

  Reece threw her legs around Faith and groaned deep in her chest. "Yesss, fuck...... "

  Faith wrapped her arms around Reece's thighs as she began to come, and held on tightly, she didn't plan on stopping any time soon.

  Reece jerked uncontrollably, her muscles clenching, wordless sounds escaping her.

  The actress slowed her mouth and tongue, but never let go, humming her pleasure into Reece's swollen sex.

  "Faith! Enough!" Reece gasped.

  "Mm, no."

  Reece grabbed Faith's hair in both hands and pulled, to no avail. Not wanting to really hurt her wife, she let go and started to dig her nails into Faith's shoulders. Her lover merely growled.


  Reece took deep breaths and
balled her fists at her sides, giving up the fight. She could think of a million ways to die, and since this would be the very top of her list, she let her tense muscles relax a bit and squeezed her eyes shut against the over-stimulation.

  Faith swirled her tongue slowly around Reece's hard clit, running her fingertips up and down the taller woman's sides.

  Reece shivered and grunted from the dual sensations. "Ohh, Faith."

  Faith slid two fingers inside her wife and the strained muscles grasped them. Her nostrils flared, her chin and face were soaked, and her own sex was throbbing. Not wanting to move from her paradise, yet needing relief, she began shifting her body until she was straddling Reece's face.

  Reece immediately grasped Faith's hips and pulled her down to her mouth, drinking in the abundant arousal hungrily. Faith writhed on her face, and Reece groaned, spearing her tongue in and out.

  Faith felt her orgasm rapidly approaching and renewed her efforts to bring Reece along with her. She sucked Reece's clit into her mouth and swatted her tongue across it in synch with Reece's oral assault on her own pussy.

  Faith's stomach tensed, her thighs trembled and she came, flooding Reece with a delicious onslaught of arousal. As her wife trembled and twitched on her face, Reece's body clenched and her legs spasmed closed, tightly trapping Faith's head in place.

  Reece pleaded this time. "Please, Faith... no more..."

  Faith, spent, climbed off of Reece's face and flopped onto the bed in a panting heap. "God, Reece, that was ... unbelievable!"

  Reece lay splayed on her back groaning as an aftershock coursed through her. "Don't touch me, not even your toe." She glanced at the foot by her head and closed her eyes. "Not a toe."

  PART 22

  TYPICALLY, THE LOUNGE was as busy as could be and by the time Reece arrived with a shit eating grin on her face, the line was getting restless. She drove by on her bike and eyeballed the prospective patrons, all men, all ages, all horny. She chuckled to herself and pulled the bike into the garage.

  Pepe, the attendant smiled and fawned all over the tall club owner, wiping the gas tank with a rag he pulled from his back pocket before pushing the big machine to a reserved spot. Reece grinned, despite the little glitches, life was pretty good.

  Sarge and Reece shook hands heartily as Reece passed her by. "How ya doin' bosslady?"

  Reece nodded slightly. "Pretty fucking good, Sarge." Blue eyes scanned the area and spotted the bright blue hair popping up out of the crowd. Reece worked her way towards Cori, stopping only when she saw the dancer entertaining what looked like a bunch of businessmen. Reece watched for a few moments, a snickered to herself as Cori talked them into a few bottles of faux champagne.

  She checked the stage area next and saw the dancers doing their thing, crowds of eager men and some women waving cash their way. With nothing out of sorts, the tall woman took her usual seat at the bar, and signaled the waitress.

  "What can I get you, boss?"

  "Soda." Reece accepted the drink and slipped off into a day dream, reliving some of the finer moments from making love earlier with Faith. She grinned to herself recalling how she stood in the shower picking wax from the most unusual places. She'd used hot wax with women before, but never had it used on her. She recalled the sensation with slightly narrowed eyes. Especially the way Faith would pour the cold, bubbly champagne on top of the hot wax right after it fell on her skin. Goosebumps broke out on Reece's body as she shivered with the uneasy thrill of being so exposed and vulnerable. She remembered how long Faith teased her, the sweet torture of oil, wax, champagne on her back, her front, everywhere. Her velvet tongue tasting and licking all the right spots. It seemed like forever before Faith finally gave the relief Reece begged for.

  "Uh, boss."

  Sarge's voice broke her from her delicious memories. "Yeah."

  "Cori says you better come quick."

  Reece followed Sarge's finger to the stage where Cori was dancing, seemingly unbothered. "What's the problem?"

  "Dunno, but she said to get you right away."

  Reece blew out a breath, and made her way through the crowd to the stage. Cori danced over to her and whispered in her ear, "First seat at the bar, baseball cap."

  Puzzled, Reece allowed Cori to gyrate in her face while she scoped out the bar. She stiffened. "No, way." She said more to herself than Cori. Pulling away with a jerk, Reece started angrily towards the bar, but stopped short. No, stop and think first. Don't go off without thinking. Cori's set was almost over, and Reece migrated back towards the stage, keeping an eye on the bar. Alicia, what are you thinking?

  Cori finished her set, collected some cash and jumped off of the stage. "Follow me, Reece."

  They wound up in the dressing room, where Cori took her cell phone from the locker. Running through her phone book she screamed when she found what she was looking for. "Get ready for this," she warned.

  Reece watched, curiously, as Cori spoke.

  "Is this Veronica? Yes? I have some scoop, Alicia Alvarez, notoriously straight actress, is at The Lounge right now. Yes, it's a Gentleman's club. Yes, she's alone... tipping the girls like crazy, oh look, she's just jumped on the stage."

  Reece's grin was from ear to ear as she listened to Cori give the address, and call John.

  "Hey Mary Jane, do you still have that guy's number from Queer magazine? Good, cuz here's the deal."

  The club owner wanted to grab Cori and kiss her on the lips, but there was far better scandal about to happen.

  Faith looked a bit worse for the wear when she entered the club, but wide eyed just the same. "Where is she?"

  Sarge pointed to the bar, where Cori was seated next to a nervous looking Alicia.

  Faith laughed. "There's a bunch of reporters sneaking around out there."

  "I know, Cori called them."

  Faith high fived the bouncer and hurried to Reece's office. "That stupid woman!" she announced.

  Reece shook her head. "I wanted you here, so you can see I don't want anything to do with her."

  Faith smiled warmly. "I know baby, it's okay. I'm not here because of trust, I'm here to watch what happens. I know you'll do me proud."

  They kissed once quickly, but once they tasted each other's lips, the kiss that followed was deep and passionate. "Mmm," Faith hummed. "Are you ready?"

  Reece grinned lopsidedly, the effects of Faith's kiss still lingering. "Ready, or not."

  They left the office, Reece heading to the bar, Faith standing back and watching.

  Reece paused, just behind Alicia, then stood next to Cori.

  Cori looked up and grinned. "Alicia, I want you to meet my boss, Reece."

  Alicia's eyes twinkled. "We've met, haven't we, Reece, only last time you were wearing far less clothes."

  Cori rolled her eyes.

  "Cori, if you'll excuse us."

  The dancer fought back a grin in order to look put out. "Fine." She said and disappeared into the crowd.

  Alicia, what a surprise." Reece said sarcastically. "What brings you here? The tits or the pussy?"

  The actress smiled deviously. "You."

  "Is that a fact?" Reece replied with a smirk. "Here, in my club, in front of all these people?"

  "Who would expect to see me here?" Alicia said with a wink, leaning closer to Reece.

  "True. But be careful, I recognized you in that hat and big coat."

  Alicia looked down at herself and back up at Reece. "I'm sure there's somewhere, a back room or something where we can go so I can take off this stuff. You know, get a little more comfortable."

  "I'm perfectly comfortable." Reece replied, gesturing to her own clothes.

  "Did anyone ever tell you, you look delicious in a tux?"

  "My wife, as a matter of fact. You know her, Faith? Remember her?"

  Alicia frowned. "Must we talk about her? I'd rather talk about us... and what we can be doing." She reached out and ran a finger down Reece's torso.

  Reece watched the finger and grabbed it as
it neared her crotch. "I wouldn't do that if I were you."

  "Why not? I know you want me, I can see it I your eyes. I can see how you look at me, you want to fuck me."

  "Do I?" Reece released Alicia's finger and stared her down. "You think I want to fuck you?"

  Alicia stood up and leaned into Reece's body, "You do have the equipment don't you?"

  Reece chuckled. "Do you think us dykes walk around all the time wearing a cock?"

  Alicia's face got hot. "Well..."

  "You got a lot to learn, girlie, and I suggest you go read a book or two before playing with the big butches."

  Just as Alicia started to stutter from embarrassment, Faith walked over.

  "Alicia? What are you doing here?"

  Alicia grinned. "Spending quality time with Reece."

  "Really? Did she take you to her office and show you what she's made of?"

  Reece interrupted. "Actually, we were just talking cocks. Alicia here wants me to fuck her."

  Faith pretended to swoon. "Ohhh, Alicia, the things she can do with a dildo, the way she works those hips, that ass..."

  Playing with Reece was one thing, but having Faith approve was just weird. Alicia started to feel uncomfortable. She wanted Reece for some inexplicable reason, despite her being a woman, but not Faith. Reece was like a man in her mind, Faith was all woman.

  "Well, Reece? Are you going to fuck her?"

  Reece grinned evilly. "I wouldn't dirty my dick with her, baby, it's all about you."

  Faith threw herself at Reece and kissed her. "Isn't she the sweetest Alicia?"

  Alicia, totally flustered started to leave.

  "Hey, where ya going? The night is young and we're just getting started!"

  Reece watched her leave and Faith laughed loudly. "Come on Reece, the fun's about to start."

  As Alicia exited the club, a horde of photographers began snapping her picture. Cori, waiting outside, snatched the cap from Alicia's head.

  "Look! It's Alicia Alvarez! In a titty bar!" the dancer shouted. The people on line all turned to look, and the media was ecstatic.

  Reece and Faith appeared. "Hey Alicia, tell ‘em what you were in here for!" Faith yelled.


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