Midnight Squad: The Ties That Bind

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Midnight Squad: The Ties That Bind Page 18

by J. L. M. Visada

  “Are you all sure?” We all nodded in unison.

  “You’d better feed off me first since you are so hungry, and I’m the only one that might be able to push you off if it turns out you can’t control your hunger. Also, I’ll heal up from any injuries you might cause accidentally.” Danika leaned in and turned her head.

  Penny never hesitated. I heard the loud pop as her fangs snapped open. Penny latched on and Danika winced. A few seconds later the skinny werewolf wrapped her arms around Penny and pulled her in closer. Whatever pain she felt at first was being replaced with pure pleasure. Niki and I watched as Danika panted and started grinding her crotch against Penny’s thigh. Finally, Danika gave a full body shudder and hung limply against the vampire. Penny withdrew and held Danika carefully.

  “Are you okay, baby?” Niki asked nervously.

  “O-o-o-o-o-o-o-oh God. That felt so good. Honey, you’re going to love this.” Danika answered. She sounded completely satisfied. After a few moments Danika was able to stand on her own, but her legs were still a little wobbly. Penny was already healing right before our eyes. The skin stopped peeling and became creamy soft again.

  “This won’t hurt will it?” Niki asked.

  “Only for a moment, but you’ll love it before it’s over.” Danika answered.

  Niki pressed herself up against the vampire, “I’m ready.”

  Penny latched on, but this time she took her time. She was taking long, slow sips from Niki’s neck. Niki’s breath got ragged. It wasn’t long before she was openly groping Penny’s breast. I watched as Penny’s nipple hardened and began poking out of the shirt. I cast a glance at Danika. I think she realized that I expected her to be angry, but instead she shrugged and said, “As good as that bite feels…I’m just surprised that she’s only trying to cop a feel.”

  Niki was getting really close. Danika stepped forward and wrapped her arms around her lover so that Penny could just concentrate on feeding. I watched as the werewolf held Niki in one arm, and then slid her other arm down Niki’s body until her hand disappeared under her lover’s pants. I felt a little uncomfortable, but I couldn’t turn away.

  Niki started twitching, and her spasms had her practically bouncing back and forth between Penny and Danika. “Oh! Oh! Holy Shi-I-I-I-I-IT!” Niki was cumming. Danika kept moving her hand faster between Niki’s legs. I watched the little blonde explode into a second orgasm, and then a third followed right behind. When Penny withdrew her fangs Niki tried to pull the vampire back for more. Penny looked almost back to normal. Danika kept moving her hand until Niki screamed through a fourth orgasm, and immediately passed out. Penny stepped aside and let Danika carry her lover back to their bedroom, and I did my best to not soak through my panties. Of course, my best wasn’t nearly good enough, and they were completely drenched by the time Danika stepped out the door.

  Now it was my turn. I smiled and tried to look like I wasn’t ready to beg her to bite me. If her bite could do that to those two, what would it do to me? Can you die from massive orgasms? I leaned in and…nothing.

  “I’m full. Thank you for everything.” Penny smiled.

  “Are you sure?” I asked, and even I could hear how desperate I was.

  “I couldn’t eat another bite. Thank you. You really are a great friend.” Penny smiled, and turned to head out the doorway.

  “Wait!” God I sounded so desperate. “Wasn’t there something you wanted to talk about?”

  Penny spun around, “Yeah, but it can wait. I need to find Grimmy and eat some…crow.” Penny’s eyes took on a devilish gleam. She was back, she was healthy, and I was almost horny enough to beg…almost. I have some dignity.

  My door closed, and I was all alone. I spun around and started searching for B.O.B. I might have some dignity, but thankfully B.O.B. wouldn’t mind giving me a few good old fashioned toe-curlers to reward me for being such a good friend. B.O.B.’s rapidly becoming my best friend, because friends don’t leave friends with soaked panties and no release. I plugged into the wall socket, and flipped it onto high. It wasn’t long before I was about to topple over into my own release. Oh B.O.B. I think I love you.

  Chapter 11

  Another couple hours and I was getting ready for the convention. After I was sure I was looking my best, or at least my really good, I stepped out and made the rounds. We were planning on all going together, so I started knocking on their doors to see who was ready. Danika and Niki said they needed a few more minutes, so I went to Janine’s door. I could hear moaning and giggling behind her door, so I unilaterally decided on going to another door, and maybe someone else could check on Janine. I really didn’t want to see our ghost having her own XXX-rated adventure.

  I went to Grim’s door and knocked, but no answer. So I moved on to Penny’s room. I knocked, and when the door opened I couldn’t breathe. Penny looked immaculate. Her hair was perfect, her nails were done, and she was wearing a green dress that fit her perfectly. It showed plenty of cleavage, but still looked really classy.

  “Wow…just wow.” My mouth kept moving, and I’m pretty sure I said more than that, but honestly I couldn’t really think. She just looked so good. The dress was an emerald green, and there was a slit up the side that went much higher than I’d ever even consider wearing myself. I didn’t have the body for that dress, and even if I did, I’d be terrified that someone might catch a glimpse of my nethers. Penny didn’t seem to share my concerns, and knowing her, she was probably looking forward to using that long slit up her dress as something to tease and titillate Grim with.

  “You really like it?” Penny said nervously. All I could do was bob my head up and down like a crazed bobble head doll. Penny beamed with pride, “I made it myself, but don’t tell anyone okay?”

  “My lips are sealed. You really made that dress?”

  “The dress, the bra, even the handbag.”

  “Wow everything but the panties.”

  “What panties?” Penny said with a devilish smile. I almost choked on my own drool. I think I might have squeaked out something resembling approval. Penny laughed and stepped out into the hallway so I could get a better look.

  “You just look amazing.” I had to fight off the urge to reach out and touch her.

  “I just hope Grimmy likes it.” Penny was nervous.

  “So where is the big goof anyway?”

  “He’s back in his room.”

  “I knocked, but nobody answered.”

  “Maybe he wasn’t ready, but he’s in there. I can hear him singing.” Penny laughed.

  “Grimmy sings?”

  “Badly, and usually he makes up some twisted perversion of the real lyrics. You should hear him singing Put the Lime in the Coconut. His version is absolutely filthy, but hilarious.” Penny grinned from ear to ear, and I could tell she was remembering it all very fondly.

  I walked with her to Grim’s door. Penny knocked, and then turned back to me, “I hope he dressed up. I’d hate to be overdressed for our date.”

  The door opened, and Penny gasped. Grim was dressed in a tux. An honest to goodness come to mamma and make me beg for it James Bond dinner suit. I gasped, but Penny actually made a sound that had me a little worried that Grim might have just broken her.

  “You like?” Grim said as he gave a little turn for both of us. Okay it may have been for Penny, but sharing is caring, and right now we were both sharing the view of the walking orgasm that we call Grim.

  “Where did you get that?” Penny asked as she started stalking her man, pushing him back toward the bed.

  “The last time I took you out you complained that I was dressed like, and I quote, a homeless hobo, unquote. I bought this about a month ago, and I’ve been waiting for the chance to impress you with it. So I take it you approve?”

  “Mm-hmm!” We both said in unison. Penny continued pushing Grim back towards the bed with a much more determined effort.

  Finally, Grim realized what she was trying to do and laughed, “No, girl. We’re going out.
I promised you a night on the town, and I keep my promises. Now, how about giving me a turn so I can see your handiwork.”

  Penny smiled, “How did you know I made this?”

  “It fits you perfectly, and the stitching is a dead giveaway. It’s the same stitch you use for your panties and bras, easy to rip off without tearing the fabric, easy to repair later, and sturdy enough for everyday wear.”

  Penny giggled and turned around once. The dress twirled around her legs, and for a moment Grim and I were both mesmerized by the beautiful vampire. The emerald green dress brought out her beautiful eyes, and really made her crimson hair just pop. She was gorgeous.

  Now it was Grim trying to coax her to the bed. I stepped in, and grabbed them both. “Oh, no you don’t! You’re both dressed to kill, and you will be going out. That dress isn’t going to be wasted just lying on the floor.”

  “It won’t be a waste. Her dress and my suit will get together and make little baby napkins.” Grim laughed.

  “Please, like my dress would just put out on a first date. What kind of slutty piece of clothing do you think my dress is? Tell your suit if he’s wanting easy he should go find himself a tube top.”

  “A tube top? You think my suit would ever bang a tube top? Please, he has standards. A bikini maybe, but a tube top…why on earth would my wonderful, immaculate suit want to bang the clothing equivalent of a crack whore?”

  I laughed and started pushing them both out the door, “You two are so weird.”

  “We’re an equal combination of insane and neurotic.” Grim said.

  “It’s the perfect storm of crazy!” Penny laughed.

  “Well, before you both get together and drown George Clooney, maybe you should go have your date.” I said.

  “Don’t tempt me…I still hold a grudge about his batman movie. His bat-suit had nipples…what the fuck? Was he planning on shooting his bat-milk at the bad guys at some point?” Grim laughed.

  “Mmmm, I wouldn’t mind watching Clooney shoot his bat-milk. He’s pretty hot.” Penny giggled, and before I realized it I was nodding in agreement. Of course, now Grimmy was glaring at us like two idiots that just lost our minds.

  “He drove around in a car shaped like a big penis!” He grumbled.

  “Well, I happen to be pretty fond of big penises, or hadn’t you noticed?” Penny gave the big guy a hug, and his whole face lit up. Seriously, you can smooth just about anything over by telling a man they have a big wang. It’s just one of those weird universal laws.

  I marched them towards the elevator. Along the way I talked Grimmy into checking with Janine to see if she was coming or not. He stepped inside, and a few seconds later stepped back out blushing beet red.

  “Well?” I asked.


  “Yes, what? Is she coming or not?”

  “Yes DD…she’s definitely cumming.” Grim burst out laughing.

  “Seriously, she’s still going at it?” Penny was stunned.

  “She’s taking it like a trouper. In fact, by the looks of things, she’s about to wear out the locals. Can a ghost throw their back out?” Grim was wheezing with laughter.

  “I think it’s just going to be you, Danika, Niki, and Katy. Janine seems a little…indisposed.” Grim chuckled.

  “Well, you two just have fun.”

  Penny smiled, “We will. Don’t wait up.”

  Grim leaned in and gave me a hug, “Thanks for talking to her. I owe you one.”

  I sputtered, “You’re welcome, but I really didn’t do anything.”

  “You did more than you realize. We really have needed a night out to ourselves, and with the attempt on Penny’s life and The Darkness…well she’s been about as high strung as I’ve seen her in a long while. I don’t know how you talked her into eating, but thanks. She really needed a good meal to get her back to something resembling normal.”

  “I’m still not sure we should actually leave the hotel. Just the two of us alone in public…it’s a perfect opportunity for someone to attack us.” Penny was looking nervous again.

  “We’ll be fine, and besides, I already made the reservations for dinner.”

  “I really don’t need to eat, you know.”

  Grim smiled, “Yes, but I do, and besides. They have a real guy playing a violin. Also, I’m going to be hungry after you drag me around the zoo.”

  “The zoo? But we’re overdressed, and you know how animals sometimes act around me.”

  “Number one; don’t think of it as being overdressed. Think of it as classing up the place. Number two, I’ve already called ahead and explained your problem as best I can without just saying that you are a vampire and furry things sometimes lose their shit around you. They assured me that all the animals they have available for some one-on-one time with are well trained.” Grim’s voice was full of pride. It was clear he’d really put some thought into the date.

  “One-on-one time? I’m getting to be up close with the animals.” Penny looked almost ready to cry.

  “If by up close you mean that your loving and devoted boyfriend reserved fifteen minute sessions with basically anything furry and or awesome, then yes. You will be getting plenty of up close time with the animals.”

  Penny squeaked with glee. It was an actual high pitched squeak, not a squeal. She leapt into her man’s arms with enough force that he nearly fell over. “This is going to be so amazing. I love you so much!”

  “Oh, it’s not done. We have the zoo first, then a riverboat cruise in the evening, a romantic little dinner, and a helicopter ride to De Leon Springs. I booked us a boat tour and cabin at Ponce De Leon Springs in case we’re just too…tired…to make it back home.” Grimmy was grinning from ear to ear.

  “Ponce De Leon Springs. You little devil!” Penny squealed. Even I had to admit Grim really pulled out all the stops.

  “Little?” Grim questioned playfully.

  I must have looked as confused as I felt because Penny explained, “Ponce De Leon became a vampire because he slept with both of a medicine man’s daughters. He cursed Ponce, and he was supposed to turn into the first thing that bit him. What happened instead was the magic was incomplete, and Ponce only partially changed. He became the first vampire of my line. He’s the human equivalent of my great-great-great-grandfather.”

  “But you said Vlad Tepes was a vampire. He died in 1476, but Ponce De Leon didn’t die until 1521?” I was confused, to say the least.

  “Ponce is the father of my line of vampires, but we aren’t the only vampires out there. There’ve been stories about vampires almost as far back as recorded history. We’re not all the same. Some are more beastly looking, some are hideously deformed, and some are just plain weird. As far as I know all vampires started with some kind of curse, but the results differed between the curses. We all are vampire, but then vampires from my bloodline are also known as the De Leons, or Ponces. Vlad comes from the Khan line. They are named after Ogedei Khan, Ghenghis’s son, and for the record, if we ever run into some of the Khan line, neither of you will do that stupid Captain Kirk screaming Kahn impersonation, or so help me God, I will let them use your heads for soccer balls.”

  “Okay honey, now we better get going because we’ve got a long night.” Grim stated, and then walked to the elevator.

  Penny turned around, “Thanks again. I can’t believe he’s taking me to Ponce De Leon Springs. If this is what it gets me, I might have to eat a whole lot more…crow.” She had a devilish smile.

  “Eating crow? So that’s what all the cool kids are calling it now.” I laughed.

  “Probably not, but then again the cool kids were never really that cool anyway. Besides, who cares what the cool kids call it? If it gets me petting tigers and other furry animals then I say nom-nom-nom-nom.” Penny laughed and turned to go to the now waiting elevator.

  I followed her to the elevator, and just as she was about to step inside I gave her a good hard pop on her luscious tushy, “Go get him, tiger.”

yelped and spun back around to me, “Hey, stop that!” At first I thought she was irritated, but then she leaned out to me and whispered, “I might end up liking it.” I’m not sure what expression came across my face, but I know I was blushing. Penny was still laughing at my reaction when the elevator doors closed.

  “I know what you’re up to.” Katy’s irritated voice snapped me back to reality. I’m not sure how long I’d just been standing there, but it was long enough that I probably should be a little embarrassed.


  “Don’t play stupid. I know you’re trying to take my place. It’s written all over your face.” She looked angry.

  “Please…it’s not like I have a chance with either of them. Penny can have anyone she wants, and Grim…he’s perfectly happy just being friends. I just want them happy.”

  Katy stepped up, and actually got in my face, “Sure…and the next thing you’ll tell me is that you didn’t give her your blood.”

  “I didn’t!” I wanted to. After watching Danika and Niki’s reactions earlier, I really…REALLY…wanted to.

  “Bullshit. I saw her. She looked almost back to normal. Someone fed her. You really expect me to believe it wasn’t you?” I really didn’t like the tone of her voice.

  “Actually, it was us.” Niki and Danika said in unison as they walked towards us. It was kind of scary how they were starting to finish each other’s sentences, and now they have progressed to actually talking in perfect synchronicity. Either they were becoming the perfect couple, or they’ve been assimilated into some kind of shared consciousness. Okay, I really have to quit watching the science fiction network.

  “Don’t you two realize she has a problem? She’s addicted to blood. We need to be helping her because she can’t help herself.” Katy sounded so sure of herself.

  “Welcome to Crazytown, population…you!” Niki laughed.

  “Crazy! I’m not crazy! Maybe nobody told you how Penny became part of the team. Well, let me tell you since nobody else seems to remember! Penny was found staked in a cave. She’d been without blood for at least a century. Then she joined us at the old compound and got used to an easy food source. So she could go without blood for a hundred years, but now she can’t handle missing a couple of meals?” Katy sounded absolutely sure of herself. It did seem a little odd that she could go so long without food back then, but now she had trouble waiting. By the expression on Danika and Niki’s faces, they were thinking the same thing.


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