Midnight Squad: The Ties That Bind

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Midnight Squad: The Ties That Bind Page 48

by J. L. M. Visada

  Then I watched as Penny and Grim knelt down to pray, and I realized that if I did this then I’d actually be in a relationship. This wouldn’t just be some quick roll in the hay, and then go back to being normal in the morning. If we did this then I couldn’t take it back. If I did this then it meant commitment. Did I want that? Did I want to have a relationship beyond friendship with them? Penny adored me. She found me sexy and actually lusted after me in a way that no man ever had. It was flattering, and the power I had over her was definitely arousing. I’d been fantasizing about her for a while now.

  We got along so well. Did I love her? I was pretty sure the answer to that was either yes, or at least I was well on the road to being in love with her. If I did this then there was no coming back. We couldn’t just go back and pretend it never happened, or at least I couldn’t. That scared me because I grew up wanting a man to love me, adore me, and treat me like a queen. I grew up wanting to live the romance that I saw in every Julia Roberts movie. I was sure that when I found a man that there would be playful flirting with an eventual night of semi-controlled passion culminating in a satisfying, but still completely dignified orgasm.

  I wasn’t going to be getting a Julia Roberts romance. I already knew I’d get something more akin to a force of nature. Once Penny and I did this, we’d be changed forever. We’d either be joined as one, a new thing created out of the parts of Penny and myself, or we’d crash and burn, and we’d be leaving nothing left but pain and misery. This was an all or nothing situation.

  There was more to it than that, though. I wasn’t just getting Penny. Grim was part of the package. I liked Grim, he’d become my very best friend, and I probably could never repay him for everything he’d done to keep me out of jail. He’s kind, sweet, and completely devoted to Penny, and she is devoted to him. I can’t say I’ve ever had much success with relationships. Just working things out with one person was too hard for me. How am I ever going to make it work with two?

  “Guys, you won’t be mad at me if I tell you this kind of scares me, will you?” I said nervously.

  Penny smiled, “Mad? No, not even a little bit. This isn’t something everyone can handle. Being the pet means you are a representative of the love Grim and I have for each other.”

  I felt anger bubbling inside me, “No!”

  “No? What’s wrong, I thought that this is what you wanted?” Penny’s face grew sad. She tried to keep from looking upset, but it had already seeped through.

  “Penny, I don’t want to be your pet. I want to…be yours.” I took her by the hand, and then reached out to Grim, “and his.” Grim smiled and took my hand. “I want there to be an…us. If you both are willing?”

  Penny stared at me in confusion, “But vampires only have one real chosen. The pet is just so we don’t end up killing our lover. DD, a second chosen partner just isn’t-“

  Grim interrupted, “Honey, I know you mean well, but all this trying to live the perfect little vampire life has been a royal pain in the ass.”

  Penny stood there in shock, “But it is just how things are done.”

  I put my arm around her, “It doesn’t have to be. The only opinions that matter in this relationship are those of the people in it.”

  Grim leaned down and kissed Penny on the head, “The question is this: Are we ready to be a threesome?” Then Grim stuck his hand out.

  I reached out and put my hand on top of his, “I’m in. I’m a little scared, but I’m in.”

  Penny stared at us nervously. Her eyes darted back and forth, “But…” She stared down at our hands, “But…vampire rules-“

  Grim interrupted, “Vampire rules have Katy almost ready to strangle us both. They have you and me arguing and fighting when we aren’t humping like rabbits. You want DD, and she wants you. The only thing standing in the way is your pride, and some crazy vampire rules that are making us all miserable.”

  “But if we run into other vampires they’ll think you two are just my blood whores. They won’t respect our relationship. You two could get hurt.”

  “Penny, as depressing as this thought is, we might be dead tomorrow. So pardon me, but I’m not really concerned with what some hypothetical vampire asshole might think about our relationship. Just think about it; for one night you can have everything you want, and all you have to do is let go. Stop trying to control everything and just let it all take its natural course.” Grim smiled, and I could see her resolve cracking.

  “You say that now, but what if we survive? Then what?” Penny looked terrified.

  I smiled, “Then we do our best to love one another. Penny, if you haven’t noticed, Grim is a pretty bad dude to cross. If some vampire tried to take advantage of him, then he’s probably going to end up a lot worse for wear. As for me…if we are a couple, then I’m going to be in your hip pocket. If you can’t protect me, and he can’t protect me, then what were the odds that I’d have survived anyway as your pet? If your father wants you dead, then will it matter what our relationship is? Won’t they kill me just as fast no matter what our relationship is?”

  Penny considered it for a moment, and then a smile blazed across her face, “Yeah…YEAH!” Her smile grew brighter and wider as the truth set in. We were in over our head, but at least we had the chance to be in over our head together. There was something oddly comforting in that. Penny’s hand shot out, and for a brief moment I felt like I was trapped in an old sports movie. We were standing in a circle linking our hands in the middle. We just needed a grumpy old coach to give us a moving speech.

  “So…umm…how exactly do we do this?” I asked.

  “Well, Penny usually takes off her panties, and then I-“ Grim chuckled.

  “Oh, stop it!” Penny slapped him on the arm.

  “No! Keep going, I like where he was going with it.” I laughed.

  Penny playfully pouted, “When did this become a democracy?”

  “The United Bodies of Sex-ay!” Grim laughed.

  “I preferred it when I had all the power.” Penny grumbled.

  “When did you have all the power?” I asked.

  “I have the pussy. Grim wants it. So I had the power. What happened?”

  Grim laughed, “There are three of us. When there were two of us it was always a stalemate, and since my penis gets a vote in the event of a tiebreaker, well that meant I was always outvoted because my dick likes you more than me.”

  “Well, what can I say, I know what it likes.” Penny teased, and I felt my nipples harden.

  Grim smiled wickedly, “That you do. So when my dong was always voting pro Penny, then you were guaranteed to get your way. Now DD has brought a 3rd party into our relationship. My dick now has a choice. So it’s no longer completely pro-Penny. It now gets to be pro-DD. So sometimes you win, and sometimes DD wins.”

  “Grim? Did you just use our vaginas to explain democracy?” I asked.

  “Maybe, I’m not sure. I stopped paying attention when your headlights came on.”

  “Hey mister, my eyes are up here.” I said with mild irritation. I haven’t even been in this relationship two minutes and he’s already objectifying me.

  “Yes, but your nipples are down there, and they are saying hello.” Grim smiled.

  “You really are single minded, aren’t you.” I asked.

  Penny laughed, “You think that’s bad, watch this. Grim?” Grim turned around, and Penny pushed her chest up towards his face. She then began swaying them back and forth. “I’m going to need you to take out the trash, mow the lawn, make me a sandwich, and staple your scrotum to your forehead.” She then stopped swaying. “Is that okay?”

  Grim was still locked onto her chest like a shark going after a baby seal. “Huh? What? Sure, whatever you need.”

  “Oh, that’s just sad.” I laughed.

  Penny smiled, “It works every time.”

  “It does not work every ti-“ Grim froze in mid-sentence as Penny began distracting again with the gentle sway of her chest.

; “It’s like the Jedi mind trick, but with boobies.” I laughed.

  “Yeah, the force is strong in my jugs.” Penny laughed. “Take your top off and start playing with your nipples and the goofball will agree to anything.”

  “Really?” I asked.

  “Yeah, boobies are his kryptonite.”

  “Which color?”

  “Which color what?” Penny asked.

  “Which color kryptonite? Green, red, gold, blue, black, white, silver, orange, or is it like pink kryptonite? Wait! No it definitely couldn’t be pink kryptonite. That would just be stupid.”

  Penny pinched her nose like she was getting a headache, “I know I’m going to regret asking this, but why couldn’t it be pink kryptonite?”

  “Pink kryptonite turns superman gay.”

  “You’re fucking with me now, aren’t you? The next thing you are going to tell me is that Batman runs around in rainbow colored outfits.” Penny crossed her arms and glared at me like she didn’t believe me.

  I panicked a bit, and the result was that I overshared, “Yeah, in Supergirl number seventy-nine he gets affected by pink kryptonite. He suddenly starts hitting on Jimmy Olsen.” I decided not to explain the rainbow Batman of issue 241 in Detective Comics because Penny suddenly had a strange look on her face. “What? What are you thinking?”

  “You are such a nerd.” At least she said it with pride.

  “Um, thanks?”

  “Think about it, I play videogames every chance I get, and yes I did overhear you all discussing an intervention. Thank you for voting no on that, by the way.”

  I smiled, “its World of Warcraft, not meth.”

  “I know, right, and I could quit anytime.” Sadly, I don’t think she actually realized how little that statement helped her argument. “What I’m trying to say is, I love videogames, Grim practically lives on cartoons. He slips in an occasional old movie once in a while, but mostly I have to hear about a little yellow fellow that lives in a pineapple under the sea, and keeps a snail as his homosexual sex slave.”

  “What? That’s not right. Gary is SpongeBob’s pet!” Why am I defending the innocence of a cartoon character, and when did this become part of my life?

  Penny shook her head, “Let’s look at the facts. SpongeBob doesn’t have a girlfriend. The fish are people, the octopus is a person, and the starfish is a person. There is no reason to believe that Gary isn’t a person as well. I believe Gary suffers from what I like to call Pluto syndrome.”

  “Pluto syndrome?” I asked in confusion.

  “Yeah, Goofy is a dog, and Pluto is a dog. So there is no reason to assume that Pluto isn’t just as much a person as Goofy. So it must be that one of two things are happening. Either Pluto is a retard, and everyone else is just an asshole by making him live in a dog house, and robbing him of his dignity, or he’s really into bondage, and they are all using him as their own personal sex slave. I think the same thing applies to Gary. He’s SpongeBob’s submissive little cum slut.” It was sad that Penny had put so much thought into something like that, and what was worse, was that now I was actually considering the possibility.

  I finally managed to shake the thought of SpongeBob doing highly inappropriate things to his pet out of my mind. “You are so weird.”

  “Yep.” Penny answered proudly. “As I was saying, I love video games, Grim loves cartoons, and you love comic books. We’re like the holy trinity of all things nerd.” Laughter just erupted out of me, and it felt so good. This wasn’t anything like what I’d expected, and the confusion must have shown on my face because Penny asked, “What? Is something wrong?”

  I shook my head, “No. It’s just that this was not anything like what I expected our relationship to be like.”

  “Really, what did you think it would be like?”

  “I thought it would be more like…Interview with a vampire.” I said sheepishly.

  “You thought Grim would suddenly become some long haired metrosexual with homoerotic tendencies? Wow, you’ll be waiting a while on that I’m afraid. He really isn’t into men at all.”

  “But…” I froze, I didn’t want to actually say what I was thinking out of fear it would ruin whatever moment we were having.

  Penny, however, charged right headlong into it, “The times he was with men, it was either non-consensual, or it was to get his freedom.”

  “So it doesn’t bother you?” I said nervously.

  “Hell yes, it bothers me! It bothers me that the man I love got raped repeatedly. It bothers me that he still has nightmares about it. Sometimes he wakes up, and he thinks he’s still Alhambra’s prisoner. Sometimes he wakes up and looks me in the eyes, and for a moment there, he’s trying to decide if I’m real or not. Alhambra messed him up pretty good, and what little grip on reality Grim had after her, was stomped all over by the well intentioned people at the sanitarium. If the room is too dark for him to see, then he might wake up and believe he’s still down in one of Alhambra’s holding cells, or that it's lights out at the sanitarium. So I always leave a light on for him so that he has an easier time realizing that he’s not still down in that hell. It all bothers me. It bothers me that he was so desperate that he had to trade sexual favors in order to escape, but what bothers me more is that he was in a circumstance where that was his only option. If he’d have stayed in that sanitarium, he’d have completely lost his mind. As it is, he’s bent, but not broken. He’ll never be completely right again, but he loves me. He tries so hard to make sure I know how much he cares. It’s not perfect, but what is?”

  “I feel kind of weird having this conversation about him like he’s not in the room. Grim, you don’t mind this do you? Grim? Grim?” He was still staring at Penny’s cleavage swaying back and forth. “Wow! Is he even listening to us?”

  “Probably not, but that’s just how he is. Show him a decent pair of tits and his brain turns to mush, and these girls are definitely much better than simply decent.” Penny gave her chest an extra hard jiggle, and Grim’s eyes glazed over into a lust induced fog. “Like I said, the man is a little bit bent.” An evil grin slithered across her face. “You want to have a little fun with him?”

  “Sure.” I said nervously. I was curious to see what she had in mind, but terrified of what she might consider fun. To Penny fun could be knitting, or possibly chewing off someone’s face. I was hoping that her idea of fun right now would lean much closer to the knitting than the face chewing.

  “Okay, take off his shorts.” Penny said.


  “Take off his shorts. Don’t worry; he probably won’t even know you’re doing it.” Penny said as she started playing with her chest. Now I was the one whose brain was turning to mush. Just watching her slowing teasing herself until both of her nipples began to swell, I felt my mouth start watering as they poked out from her nightshirt. I shook my head to clear my thoughts, and pulled Grim’s shorts down to his ankles.

  “Okay, now what?”

  “Come over here. It’s a great view.” Penny laughed.

  I stepped around and looked at Grim. There he was his shorts down to his ankles, his shirt dangled down to his groin. His giant cartoonish penis was standing out like a compass trying to find true north, or like one of those balloons that clowns eventually turn into a dog or a giraffe. The best part was how his eyes kept tracking Penny’s chest the entire time.

  “That’s amazing.” I laughed. “It’s also a little disturbing.”

  “Yeah, I thought the same thing at first, but then I realized that as long as I have the girls with me, that I can always win any argument. Of course, I only use the magic mammaries for good, never evil.” Penny laughed.

  I reached over and gave them an adoring squeeze, “With great power comes great responsibility.”

  Penny shot me a glance, “Did you just go all Spiderman with my boobs?”

  “Yes, and that’s not all.” I laughed and stepped behind her, grabbing both of her girls. They were amazingly soft, and yet they practi
cally defied gravity. They stood up at attention, whereas my chest moved like two unruly children. They bounced everywhere, never went where I wanted them to go, and they kept getting in my way. It’s not that my breasts were bad to look at, they are definitely some nice scenery, but my breasts had a tendency to roam a bit. I kept teasing her nipples, and squeezing her breasts until Grim actually started whimpering. It was adorable. I took a page out of Grim and Niki’s handbook. I started singing, “Spider-boobs! Spider-boobs! Does whatever Spider-boobs do. Wears a bra, 32D sized, catches attention by their size. Look out! Here come the Spider-boobs! Are they soft? Listen Grim, just reach out on a whim. Can you put one in your mouth, while I drop and suck someplace south? Hey Grim, you want to suck some Spider-boobs!”

  Penny was cackling, and that only made them jiggle more. “Oh God, DD, stop it!”

  “Umm, no.” I laughed and then kept on singing, “Oh her boobs at night, a thing so sublime, they are milky white, and now they’re all mi-i-i-i-i-ine!”

  “That doesn’t even rhyme!” Penny squealed. She had her arms wrapped around her. “I’m laughing so hard it’s killing my ribs. Please stop!”

  “Not when I’m almost done, besides Grim clearly approves. Just look at that…thing sticking out between his legs. If that’s not a vote for yes DD, please continue, then I don’t know what is.” I teased and gave Penny’s nipples a quick tweak that caused her to squeal with pleasure. “Spider-boobs! Spider-boobs! Big, soft, and luscious Spider-boobs! Groping and sucking is implored, each mouthful is its own reward. Those boobs, Grim don’t you want to bang them?“ I never finished the song because at that exact moment Grim charged us both. Penny slipped out of the way in a blur, and that left me in the path of the charging man and his equally charging penis. He was surprisingly careful as he scooped me up fairly gently, and then pinned me to the bed under his muscular body. I was wrapped up in a safe little sex cocoon made up of heavily muscled arms, and firm strong legs. “Hey, I wasn’t fin-mmph!” Grim kissed with lips that were soft, but demanding. His tongue shot deep into my mouth, and I felt him grind himself against the inside of my thigh. Holy…the man was hard as steel.


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