Midnight Squad: The Ties That Bind

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Midnight Squad: The Ties That Bind Page 50

by J. L. M. Visada

  I gave him a gentle warning, “Be careful Grim, I think you’re getting pretty close to her limit for that. At least right now, but maybe later when she’s more aroused you might be able to push her limits some more.”

  Grim let my words sink in, and then gave a calm nod. He pulled his hand out. “She’s entirely overdressed for our activities, don’t you think?”

  I nodded, “I think we all are. You know, there is a solution for that.” Grim stood up and started to pull off his shirt. “Wait. Go slower Grimmy, us girls want to enjoy the show.” I said as I started teasing Penny’s cleavage.

  Grim smiled, and it was a smile that wasn’t anywhere near innocent. He lifted his shirt slowly and dropped it to the floor. Penny and I both enjoyed watching his muscles ripple with every movement. It was a pleasure just watching him breathe. Watching his chest expand, and contract. Katy had accidentally removed all his body hair, and it never grew back. It is one thing to know it in your head, but it was still a little bit of a surprise to see him completely hairless. I couldn’t complain though. It meant no hair stuck in my teeth, and right now looking at him, I just wanted him in my mouth. Grim was extremely well endowed…almost comically well endowed. The thought of him entering me was terrifying, but exhilarating. Something that size couldn’t possibly fit inside comfortably…could it? I was scared by the thought, but in the meantime I could still touch and even suck on it.

  “Grim.” I called him to me as I sat up. Grim moved around the bed until he was standing between my knees. “Grim, just stand right here. Penny, why don’t you slip out of the rest of your clothes while I keep Joseph happily distracted. We wouldn’t want him to just pounce on you like a dirty pervert.”

  Penny smirked, “I don’t know. I think I might like to have him pounce on me like a dirty pervert.”

  “Patience, all good things come to those who wait.” I said and then gently started stroking Grim’s hard shaft. I marveled at it. My hand wouldn’t fit all the way around. It was just so huge. It had a definite heft to it. I could feel the weight of it in my hand, and the veiny roughness coupled with the silky smooth skin was just an amazing combination of sensations.

  “Hey now, I thought you said all good things came to those who waited.” Penny teased.

  “I’ve been waiting a long time. Now, are you going to get undressed or are you just going to lay there and watch the floor show?” I didn’t even wait for her response. I just opened my mouth and sucked Grim in. I’d never had an uncircumcised penis in my mouth. It was strange feeling, his foreskin moving back and forth with each bob of my head. When I pushed my head forward, the foreskin moved back and his thick head was exposed. He was so large that I had to strain a bit to keep my teeth from rubbing against him.

  I looked up, and Grim was staring right into my eyes. Most of the men I’ve been with closed their eyes and rolled their head back. They just enjoyed the feeling, but honestly, at that point I could have been anyone. Grim, however, wanted to see me. He wanted to watch. It actually seemed important to him as to who it was blowing him. When our eyes met I actually felt him grow a little harder, and I know it might sound silly, but some part of me actually swelled with pride. All I could think was that this was mine. Not Grim’s penis, I knew that I had to share that with Penny. I mean the pleasure I was giving him. There was just something important about the fact that I was making him feel that way. I felt silly, proud, and for the first time in my life, I felt in control of my own sexuality.

  I bobbed slowly, savoring the sensation of every vein slipping back and forth past my lips. My eyes never left Grim’s. He grinned and gently stroked the side of my cheek. It surprised me how much I enjoyed that tender caress. I actually sighed with joy.

  “So are you going to hog him all to yourself, or are you up to sharing.” Penny teased.

  I pulled Grim out of my mouth with a thick plop. “Want some?”

  Penny laughed, “Well, sharing is caring.” She sat down beside me and took Grim into her mouth. I’d only been able to fit about half of him into my mouth comfortably, but Penny was able to take him all the way in. It was…amazing. I could actually see the bulge going down her throat. She was deep throating him without even so much as the slightest hint of discomfort.

  “How can you do that?” I asked in astonishment.

  Penny pulled back with a loud slurp. “Well, I open my mouth and swallow him down.”

  “No, I mean how do you do that so easily? If I did that I’d be gagging like crazy.” I just had to know. It was amazing to watch, but it seemed impossible to me that anyone could do what she had look so easy.

  “Well, I don’t actually have to breathe, and since I have complete control over all my bodily functions, I can turn my gag reflex off at will. So the ability to give an amazing blowjob is just one of the perks of vampirism.” Penny laughed.

  “Well, it’s just astonishing to watch. I mean, your whole throat swells every time he slides down it. It’s just…amazing.” I didn’t even try to hide how impressed I was.

  Penny smiled, “Well, I don’t know if I’d call it amazing, but Grim sure enjoys it.”

  “Ahem.” Grim cleared his throat, “Ladies, I don’t want to break up this little chat but as I seem to be the only one naked. Can you girls either join me, or continue rewarding me for my rampant nudity?”

  I smiled and stood up. “I say we do both.”

  Penny bounded to her feet. Grim and I both stood there savoring the bounce and sway of her breasts. They were almost hypnotic. She slipped her thumbs into the elastic strap and slipped off her sleep pants. “Tada!” Penny said as she stood up and struck a seductive pose. Her hips kicked back so that her butt could be fully appreciated, one leg was slightly in front of the other and bent so that only the toes on that foot were touching. Penny pushed her chest out, and raised both arms over her head so that she could twist her arms around her head. Every curve was accentuated, and every detail was brought out for the pleasure of both Grim and me. My mouth watered at the sight of her. “Wow, not even a hint of applause.” Her bottom lip slipped out into a cute little pout. It was just too much.

  “Grim.” I rasped.

  “Yeah.” His voice was heavy with lust.

  “Are you thinking what I’m thinking?” I asked.

  “God, I hope so.” Grim said in a throaty rumble.

  Penny began backing away from us, “Can we talk about this?”

  Grim and I both shook our heads. I took a long look at her. She was beautiful. Long red hair with black lowlights, milky white skin, firm breasts, a tiny waist, hips that gave her a perfect hourglass figure, and flaming red pubic hair that looked so soft and lush that it almost begged for you to run your fingers through it. All of this was completed by long legs that were well toned and ran from a beautiful heart shaped butt down to two tiny feet. I was pulling off my shirt before I realized it. I just wanted to press every inch of my naked body against hers.

  Penny began backing away more quickly. The smile growing on her face betrayed her. She loved this. She wanted to be chased, captured, and dominated. It made sense in a way, because she spent so much of her time trying to control everything. Right now she was defenseless, cornered, and at our complete mercy. Of course, we all conveniently ignored the simple fact that she was strong enough to toss us around like rag dolls. It wasn’t about reality, it was about perception. Penny was getting off on the perceived removal of control. She liked being at our mercy. It was an excuse for her to finally relax, and that was something I could give her. Grim couldn’t give her what she needed by himself because he feared his own lack of self-restraint and some of his darker urges. He knew how dangerous he could be to her without supervision, and I realized that they gave me something I needed, as well. They gave me a chance to explore my every sexual desire with two people that would never judge me. They gave me an opportunity to be in real control. That was something I’d never experienced. Most importantly, they gave me an opportunity to actually be assertive. My w
hole life has always been waiting and watching. Now with these two, I wasn’t just watching. I was asserting my will. In a strange way we completed each other by being able to provide that one part that the other two were missing. In that moment, I realized that we were a perfect fit for each other, and that’s when it really sunk in that I could really fall hard for both of them.

  This was right where I belonged, and I was with two people who liked me, and may even really love me, if given time and opportunity. I could see why the relationship with Katy couldn’t have worked with them. She wasn’t much younger than me, but she still thought like a teenager sometimes. Technically, she wasn’t old enough to drink, but with her glamours, she could make anyone think she was any age. She could hold up a bus pass and make you think it was her license. Sometimes she wouldn’t even bother to show anything. She’d just use a little magic and the bouncer would believe he’d already checked her. None of us minded because she was part of our strange little family, and if she could fight to save the world, then she should certainly be able to buy a frozen margarita afterward. She was family, but in a lot of ways she wasn’t very mature. Katy didn’t really accept responsibility for things, and if you tried to get her to understand that she was doing something wrong, then she’d pull away from you and try to turn the tables on you to make it your fault. Katy was almost twenty and possibly the smartest one of us all, but emotionally, she was a child. Grim might act like a horny fifteen year old, but he knows when to act like a mature adult. Katy just didn’t have that ability.

  That’s why it hadn’t worked out between them, or at least it had a lot to do with it. I could see that now. They would be together, and Katy didn’t have the maturity to understand that sexual fantasies are not the same as reality. If Grim started losing himself in the moment, she wasn’t mature enough to realize that she had to step in and get the man grounded again before he hurt Penny, or Katy, or both of them. Penny wanted to be in that head-space where she could just relax and let go. She was eagerly welcoming a little spanking here, some hair pulling there, and an occasional love bite, but by the time Grim began tapping into that darker part of his sexuality that Alhambra had brought out in him, Penny would be too far gone into her own little subspace. She simply wasn’t processing things in her head well enough to know to put a stop to it before Grim got out of control. As for Grim, the man had a tender heart, but his sexual desires were anything but tender. Alhambra had twisted him sexually, and it wasn’t something that he could just flip a switch and become normal again. He liked pain now. He probably enjoyed giving as much as receiving. The problem is that without someone to supervise him, he could really lose himself in the moment and severely injure somebody. He needed someone that could calm him down without blaming him or getting angry with him when he started getting too rough. Katy couldn’t do that. Her temper and unwillingness to really take responsibility for her part in the relationship meant that either she let him go too far, and then screamed at him for what he’d done, or she saw he was getting out of control and angrily shut him down. I felt bad for Katy because it wasn’t her fault, either. If she’d been with someone more gentle and who was still trying to learn what kind of things that they liked sexually, then Katy could probably be very happy with a person like that. They could learn and grow together. As it was Penny and Grim’s learning curve was steep, and if you went off it, the fall could be pretty bad. In the end, those three were just a really bad match up. None of them were the bad guy. They just didn’t fit well together. All of this went through my head in just a couple of seconds. I realized that we could be a perfect match for each other, and I knew exactly what to do.

  “Grim…get her.” I made sure I sounded as in control as possible. Grim reacted instinctively. He was given an order, and he was a soldier for so long that his body was moving even before his mind had probably completely processed the instruction. Penny squealed in delight and leapt over the bed to escape. Vampires are strong, fast, and agile creatures, and even in this tiny room, if Penny didn’t want to be caught, then Grim probably couldn’t have come within three feet of her. If Penny had decided to just fight him off, it would have been comically bad for Grim. In a fight, the only chance Joseph would ever have against Penny is if he either cheated, or caught her by surprise. It took a whole group of werewolves to keep Penny down, and that was with her being weak from lack of feeding. A healthy Penny would have ripped those werewolves to pieces. Grim might be our most dangerous fighter in the sense that his experience and instincts almost always gave him an upper hand, but Penny was easily our most powerful weapon in a fight. Considering that we were being attacked from all sides, I realized right then and there, that a happy and well fed Penny meant that we were all going to be safer, and that we’d be able to have a much longer, happier life together.

  Grim rolled over the bed and was on his feet in the blink of an eye, but Penny was a blur. She leapt onto the coffee table. From there she actually hopped on top of a lamp, and somehow balanced on the steel frame that held the lampshade. One of her legs swept out and tapped against the wall and used the lampshade as a sort of turntable to spin around until she was pointed in another direction. She gave a graceful leap that didn’t even cause the lamp to wobble, and landed onto the corner of a chair across the room on one foot. It was amazing to watch. Grim shifted his body to change directions, but he had too much momentum and slid into the wall with a heavy thud. Thank God that man is built like a tank because he could have really hurt himself, but instead, he was already in a full run back across to where Penny was perched like some fiery bird of prey.

  Penny leapt again just as Grim almost reached her, but it was a lazy halfhearted attempt to escape and Grim caught her by the waist just like she had probably hoped he would do. Thankfully for all of us, Penny was in a mood to be caught or that could have gone on all night, by the look of things. Even still, her momentum took Grim for a ride and he stumbled backwards towards the bed. Grim tripped over the mattress and crashed down with Penny on top. He hit so hard that the bed broke under them.

  “Whoops!” Penny was giggling and laughing.

  “Well, bed’s broken so I guess we’re officially partying like rock stars!” Grim laughed.

  Penny looked to me and asked, “So, do we get dressed to find another room, or just keep going?”

  I felt a fit of giggling sneak out of me. Here they were, completely naked, just shattered a bed and wanted to know whether I thought we should go find another room to hump like little rabbits, or stay here and hump like little impatient rabbits. It was just kind of cute. We’d just started and they already were looking at me like I was an equal part of this. My opinion really mattered to them. I’d never had a relationship before where I could say that they really cared what my opinion was. Sadly, I was beginning to think I’d really dated a lot of losers before now. Maybe I had. With caring for my mother, and raising my siblings I had never really had time to be particularly choosey about boyfriends. I spent so much of my free time at the hospital that I’d needed a man that wouldn’t be upset if I wasn’t spending time with him. Unfortunately, the only kind of men that have sex with you and don’t mind when you aren’t around aren’t really the kind of men you want to have sex with in the first place, but beggars couldn’t be choosers, I’d always tell myself. Now I was starting to see what a real relationship could be, and I was kicking myself for not having been pickier. Oh well, on the plus side, if I’d have met a really good guy before now, then I probably wouldn’t be having this now.

  “I think that we should stay here until we’re done, and then maybe go sleep in another room. No sense in wrecking two beds tonight.” I laughed.

  Penny smiled, “I like your thinking. That’s my DD, always planning ahead so I don’t have to.”

  My heart swelled up right then and there. For some strange reason I found a real sense of pleasure when she called me hers. Before it had always been hers like I was vampire property, but tonight I could tell she meant it in
an intimate, loving way. I was their lover, and they were mine. It just felt right, and I nearly started crying as it began to sink in how important we could all be to one another.

  “Well, don’t just stand there. We have a vampire to torment.” Grim’s voice was muffled by Penny’s cleavage. The big lug was buried up to his eyebrows in cleavage. I slipped out of my clothes and bounced right into the broken bed with them.

  “Oh Dear Lord, thank you for this bountiful blessing of bouncingly beautiful boobies that I have now received, and please help to make sure that my little friend doesn’t go off by accident.” Grim laughed as he started trying to kiss and suck on each of our nipples. The man was in breast heaven. It felt so good that I thought I might give him a little encouragement. I reached down and took his hardness into my hand, and just then Penny’s hand closed around mine.

  We locked eyes, and she was smiling. She leaned in and gave me a soft kiss. Her tongue explored the inside of my mouth. It was delicious, and it only became more satisfying when she started using her hand to slide my hand up and down Grim’s shaft. I felt Grim moan into one of my nipples, and his deep bass voice tickled as it reverberated through me. My hand slid all the way from the base to the tip. I felt precum start to leak out of him. Penny let go of my hand and slid down to begin sucking on him. I started to let go, but Penny grabbed my hand and put it back on the shaft. She wanted my help. So I stroked the shaft while she licked and suckled the head. I shifted so I could watch her. Penny licked and sucked some more, and then started teasing the foreskin, and then started concentrating her efforts on the frenulum. Grim’s breathing immediately started getting more labored. He was quickly getting close.


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