Midnight Squad: The Ties That Bind

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Midnight Squad: The Ties That Bind Page 59

by J. L. M. Visada

  “Dear God, there’ll be no living with him now. The horndog is going to be chasing us and every piece of ass he can get his hands on.” Penny laughed.

  “Yeah, he better not or I’ll stake him myself. He better keep it in his pants when he’s not around us or he’s going to find a very cranky DD kicking him in his dangly bits.” I laughed.

  Penny smiled, “It’d serve him right, but you do realize that there is no way that you can feed both of us?”

  “Well, I’m sure Niki and Danika won’t mind helping you both out, although I think you should stick to Niki and let Grim stick with Danika. Otherwise, if Grim bites Niki we might start hearing banjos.” I laughed.

  “Do you really think they’d be okay with it?” Penny asked.

  I thought about how Niki and Danika had both reacted to Penny’s bite, “I don’t think it’ll take much convincing. Besides, it isn’t like they’d have to be your only meals forever. With the money we get from the armor, I can restart the cloning project. You and Grim will be able to have all the blood you could ever want.”

  Penny’s fangs snapped forward, “Oh baby, now you’re speaking my language.”

  Penny and I never left Grim except for the occasional shower and snack. Niki and Danika dropped by off and on to check on us. They were both really worried, but they were doing their absolute best to stay positive. By day two Penny was very sure that Grim would definitely rise. He wasn’t decomposing, and his fangs were starting to develop up in the roof of his mouth. That wasn’t the only change. His penis had shrunk. It was still nothing to sneeze at. The big guy was still a very big guy, but he had been comically huge. Now he was just slightly intimidating. It was actually just slightly larger than proportional for his body, whereas before, it looked like something out of a hentai movie.

  When Jesus checked in on us the third day I had to ask, “What’s going on with this?” I pointed at Grim’s now very floppy unerect penis. Then felt my face flush in embarrassment with the realization that I just asked God to stare at a floppy limp wang. Please don’t send me to hell…please don’t send me to hell!

  “You’re not going to hell. I made Adam. Do you think I built him with my eyes closed?” Jesus laughed.

  Penny shrugged, “Well, it isn’t exactly the prettiest part of a person’s anatomy, but back to the question. It shrunk. What’s going on?”

  Jesus smiled, “The jinn used magic to make him like that. When Joseph died, the magic had nothing to attach to and so his body is returning back to its normal state.”

  “What does that mean?” I asked.

  “It means that considering your plans for cloning as a food source, you might also want to invest in some effective birth control. Grim will be a healthy, well fed vampire, capable of performing all the biological functions that any normal man might.” Jesus laughed.

  “So Grim isn’t sterile?” Penny said in shock.

  “Not anymore.” Jesus smiled.

  Penny laughed, “Oh God, just wait until Grim hears this. Poor DD, we better get you on the pill fast because otherwise, he’ll have you full of baby before the years out.”

  “She’s not the only one that should be careful.” Jesus smirked.

  Penny’s jaw dropped in shock, “Wha-“

  “You were able to have a period when you were full and healthy. With DD’s clones, you’ll be like that again. So, if you can have that, then you can also…” Jesus gestured with his hands for us to put the pieces together.

  Penny started crying. “I could be a mother?” She had tears of joy running down her face. “Grim and I could have children?”

  Jesus smiled, “If you want.”

  “You knew this would happen, didn’t you?” I asked.

  “Of course, but if I told Grim and Penny, then it would be like I was bribing them. As it is, they are just being rewarded for their faith.” Jesus smiled at us kindly.

  “What about Danika?” I asked.

  “She’s sterile. It’s why her wolf accepted him.”

  I breathed a sigh of relief, “I was worried. Hearing Grim was sterile was a blessing to her. It would have broken her heart to know she might have to return to the pack.”

  “I know. She prayed about it almost every night. Now, you two might want to get the others because he’ll be waking in the next hour.” Jesus turned to let us walk out past him to get the others.

  It wasn’t long before we were all back together waiting for his eyes to open. Grim looked like he was just sleeping. The only clue that something was amiss was his lack of breathing. As the time passed, we all waited nervously for him to rise.

  Grim’s hand twitched, and we all gasped. His eyes shot open, and Grim sat up like some animatronic creature on an amusement park ride. There was no sway in movement as his weight shifted to allow him to sit up. Instead, he was flat on his back, and then suddenly sitting bolt upright. Everyone cheered, and I think more than a few of us were whispering silent prayers that the man was still the same as he’d been before Penny changed him.

  “How do you feel?” Penny asked nervously.

  Grim’s eyes snapped to her. It was so mechanical. “I’m hungry.”

  “That’s to be expected, come here.” Penny smiled and turned her neck to the side.

  Grim jerked to his feet. “How do I do this?”

  Penny slipped her hand behind his head, “You just lean in, and let your instincts take over.”

  We watched in horrified fascination as Grim leaned in. He gave her neck a few kisses, and then licked it like a dog trying to eat ice cream. “Sorry, but that’s not working. Got any other ideas, oh vampire guru?”

  Penny stared at him in confusion, “I don’t understand. That’s how it always worked for me. Maybe you’re doing it wrong?”

  “I’m doing it wrong? Like somehow my instincts are defective? I blame public school, television, and video games.” Grim smirked. “Oh and I blame George Bush and Obama because if Al Gore and John McCain had been presidents, then I’d already have bitten you three times by now.” Grim snickered.

  “Great, being undead has made him a bigger goofball.” Niki laughed.

  “Hey! Don’t make me bite you!” Grim teased.

  “You do and I’ll tell mom!” Niki threatened.

  “Oh, shit! Never mind, I know when I’m beat.” Grim laughed.

  He then stood up and stuck his arms out, “So do I have to die again before ya’ll give me a hug or what?”

  We all swarmed him. Tears of joy ran down my face. I looked up and Grim was smiling from ear to ear. He looked like he didn’t have a care in the world.

  “Yuk!” Niki jumped back, “Can we get you some pants, please? Your wedding tackle just slapped me on the hip.”

  Grim looked embarrassed, but like Penny, he didn’t blush. His eyes looked down, “Holy shit! What did you people do to my dick?”

  It took some explaining, but eventually Grim understood that the magic Alhambra used on him disappeared when he died. When God explained that Grim might be able to have children, I thought the big man was going to have a nervous breakdown. I’d never seen him so happy. He just dropped to his knees and thanked Jesus.

  “I didn’t do anything. It was just your faith that led you down this path.” Jesus said gently.

  I thought about it, and in a way he was right. Jesus hadn’t made Grim a vampire, he hadn’t even told us how to defeat the zombies, or stop the hotel from blowing up. What he had done was give us a shoulder to lean on until we could get our heads together and figure out what to do. He’d been supportive, and caring.

  Jesus smiled at me, “That’s what family is supposed to be. We look after one another. We care for each other. Now if you’ll excuse me.” He turned and started walking out of the room.

  “Hey? So this whole place is mine?” Grim asked.

  “Yes, the place, the chupacabra and the powers are all yours. I think you’ll find you have more than enough power now to do what you were planning.” Jesus smiled.

nbsp; “Thank you.” Grim said gently.

  “I haven’t really done anything, but if it makes you feel better, you’re welcome.” Jesus said everything so matter-of-factly.

  “Well, I still want to thank you. Also, since this is mine; did I understand Enoch correctly when he said the chupacabra didn’t always look like this?”

  “Yes, they took the form that your predecessor wanted. In fact, this whole place is designed to his specifications. It will change to suit you, as well. Just explain to the chupacabra what you want and they’ll make it for you, but try to be gentle with them. They’ve had a rough couple thousand years and could use some tender loving care. Enoch has done a fine job caring for them, but they aren’t tied to him like they are to you. They’ll do whatever you want, so please be kind. Now if you excuse me, I think it’s time I headed out of here for a while.” Jesus started back to the door.

  “You’re leaving us?” I asked.

  “I’ll never leave you, but you may not always know I’m here.” Jesus said as he slipped out.

  Danika followed him out, but then came back, “He’s gone. I mean he just vanished.”

  Grim laughed, “Jesus Christ …part Jedi, part ninja, and all badass!”

  We kept laughing and chatting. Penny watched over Grim carefully. When someone hugged Grim, then Penny winced like someone was crushing her.

  “What is it?” I asked nervously.

  Penny smiled weakly, “I just wish you guys would wait a day or two before hugging him. Right now, I feel anything you do to him amplified. So your hugs keep breaking my ribs.”

  We all immediately felt guilty about it. Then I had an idea, but it would have to wait until everyone else left.

  Enoch brought us some food and then asked, “So, when are you going to carry your plan out?”

  Grim smiled, “I’ve been thinking about that. Would it be possible to spend a few extra days here before doing anything in the real world? Would we have time?”

  Enoch nodded, “Certainly, time is fluid here. You could stay weeks or even months if you wanted, and then pop back up into the real world having only been gone a few seconds there.”

  “Excellent.” Grim said in an almost flawless Montgomery Burns impersonation.

  We all stayed together for the next few hours. Grim never did find pants, but he was able to use The Black to cover himself. He actually seemed more comfortable like this. The Black was like a cloak that covered his entire body. It swirled and billowed as he moved. Eventually, it grew late, and Grim sent everyone but Penny and I back to Enoch’s place.

  “So, what do you think? Do you still love me?” Grim said nervously.

  Penny and I both leaned in and kissed him. “I don’t know that I could ever possibly love you more than I do right now, but I’m certainly willing to wait around and be proven wrong.” Penny laughed.

  I just kissed him again and said, “Welcome back, and please don’t ever leave us again.”

  “Considering when I was gone, you girls somehow shrunk my weenie, I’m pretty sure I’m not going to do anything like that ever again. I’ll wake up and end up looking like someone superglued a Vienna sausage to my crotch.” Grim laughed, “On the plus side, if Alhambra’s magic wore off then maybe Katy’s did, as well. I might be able to have pubic hair again, or at least some chest hair.”

  “I wouldn’t mind the chest hair, but let’s leave the pubic hair alone. I’m not a fan of hairballs from hairy balls.” Penny snickered.

  “I don’t know, I think it’s a price I might be willing to pay.” I said as I sank down to my knees. “Of course I have to say, I kind of like not having pubic hair stuck in my teeth.” I leaned in and felt my face pass through The Black. Before Grim realized what I was up to, I’d already slipped him into my mouth.

  “Damn, that feels so good!” Grim moaned, but he wasn’t the one I was doing this for. I felt a little experimental. Penny had said she feels everything Grim feels right now, multiplied, so I began working the shaft with my hand, and suckling on his head like it was a real treat.

  Penny collapsed onto her back on the floor. I kept sucking, and I could already hear her groaning. “Oh God, DD, I can’t take much more, please stop. It’s just….OOOOH!” Penny convulsed through an orgasm. I was feeling positively devilish. I kept pumping with my hand, and I licked and slurped him for all I was worth. Thankfully, the new slightly smaller version of Grim’s penis was a lot easier to deal with. I could actually fit over half of him into my mouth. I wasn’t going to be competing with Penny for Miss Deep Throat, but I was doing pretty well, and the best part was that I wasn’t risking lockjaw just by blowing the man I love.

  I watched out the corner of my eyes and Penny was on her back pumping her hips wildly into the air. I stroked faster and felt Grim start to swell. Penny gasped, “Oh God, he’s about to NNNNNGH!”

  Grim grunted at exactly the same moment and splashed into the back of my throat, “Oh God, DD!”

  I kept sucking and stroking until they were both begging me to stop. Grim had to go lean against a wall before he fell down, and Penny didn’t even try to move. She was beyond spent. Penny tried to move her hand, but it just flopped down beside her, “Grim, I think we’ve created a monster.”

  Grim laughed, “A blowjob monster.”

  I felt pretty naughty, and I loved it, “Just think of all the fun we can have together while we’re waiting for Penny to stop feeling everything. This is going to be so cool.”

  Penny shook her head, “You’re evil! Evil, I say!”

  “Really, so you’re saying you don’t want to feel what Grim feels when he’s inside me?” I said as seductively as I could. It wasn’t on par with Penny, but it must have got the point across because I suddenly heard two pairs of fangs snap open.

  “Holy thith!” Grim lisped and covered his mouth like a boy covering his erection in health class.

  Penny popped up, she looked reluctant to move, but she seemed to force herself to come to Grim. “Let’s get you fed while those are up.”

  She tilted her head, and said, “Bite, don’t chew.”

  Grim leaned over and I saw Penny jerk when he bit down. He began drinking, and the venom must at least to some extent come out naturally, because it wasn’t long before Penny was shuddering through what looked to be a pretty massive orgasm. After a while, Grim withdrew from her, and stood up, “Yuck, that tastes terrible.” Grim looked ready to vomit, but he kept it all in.

  “You’ll get used to the taste eventually.” Penny shrugged.

  “Gah, it was horrible, but I feel a lot better now. So it wasn’t all bad.” Grim said. His fangs had retracted back.

  “Oh, I had no complaints. A girl could get used to that.” Penny fanned herself a little. I was pretty certain she wasn’t kidding. Penny had loved every moment of it.

  “So do we round everyone up tomorrow and storm the hotel, slaughter the zombies, and save the day?” I asked.

  “I’ve been thinking, and I believe a change in plan is in order.” Grim smiled wickedly.

  Chapter 35

  “So it’s been two weeks since the tragedy in Panama City Florida, and I’m here with Katy Delacruz. She was the only survivor of this horrifying event. As you all know, almost forty thousand were killed when the United States military bombed a hotel containing a biological agent. What no one could have predicted was that the explosion would trigger an explosion of some unknown device within the hotel, and the bombing would serve as the detonator that triggered the larger explosion. As you can see from footage we shot yesterday, buildings, cars, and people just disappeared without a trace. Katy, in your own words, can you please explain what happened?” Chip Sausalito asked without even a hint that what he said might be a little insensitive. The jerk wanted me to relive everything.

  I sat straight, and smiled, “We didn’t realize that there was a bomb in the building until it was too late. Grim and the others fought hard to stop it, but as you can see, they failed. Grim had me teleport using my po
wers to try and find someone to help diffuse the bomb, but before I could find anyone, it exploded. I think he knew what was coming and was trying to save at least one of us.” Remember to cry on cue like you practiced, “I j-j-just would give anything to have them back with me.”

  Chip tried to look sympathetic but he was just too much of a tool to pull it off, “So I hear cupid has snuck his arrow into your heart.”

  Try not to vomit, “Yes, in the last few weeks, I found love. Chaison is over there in the corner. He’s been so helpful throughout this ordeal. He’s handled everything these last couple of weeks. The man is so multitalented. It's like he does the work of dozens, maybe even hundreds of men. Chaison is like my own personal legion of helpers. Then there is his brother Olli. I don’t know what I’d do without both of them.” I waved at the purple haired freak. I still couldn’t figure out why Legion was so respectful of this loser.

  The interview kept going, and during a break, one of the station assistants brought me coffee. I hadn’t asked for it, but now was the time to be sugary sweet to these morons. So I just stirred my coffee with a straw to kill time between questions. Finally, Chip finished his interview, and thanked me for my time. I started to reply when he immediately cut me off, “Breaking news. Panama City…has returned! We’re getting live feeds of the city right now. You can see the people celebrating in the streets. The buildings look untouched. We have a live feed of ground zero, and you can see the Leitmotif standing proudly and unscathed. What is going on ladies and gentlemen? We’re going to Brett Colbert at the MSFONN news desk with the latest. Brett?”

  I suddenly heard the voice of another news anchor in my ear. They cut off my feed. Panama City was back? It couldn’t be. We blew it up. I looked over to Legion, and he looked as confused as I was. Then I looked at Olli, and the man seemed irritated, but not surprised. Something had gone horribly wrong. I watched Chip and the rest of the news team run out of the interview room to go see what was happening live. My throat was dry, and I reached down to the cup in front of me. Normally I didn’t like my coffee black but…wait! Black? My eyes shot down at the coffee mug just in time to see it explode in all directions. The Black poured out onto the desk in front of me, and a hand shot up until it clamped around my throat.


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