Black List_Black Star Security

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Black List_Black Star Security Page 7

by Cynthia Rayne

  He’d hired her to track down an ex-employee who’d emptied one of Finn’s bank accounts, before he made a run for it. Lucy asked Finn why he hadn’t gone to the police, but he’d brushed the question off. And since she was fleeing from a federal agency Lucy didn’t have any room to cast aspersions. She’d agreed to do the job, and he’d paid her handsomely.

  “So, you haven’t slept with him?” Storm asked, as if it really mattered.

  Finn laughed, utterly delighted. “More’s the pity. I tried to tempt her into my bed several times, but she rebuffed me.” He touched the tip of his tongue, to the corner of his mouth. “I’m beginning to see why now.”

  Finn’s life was pretty much an endless orgy. He was only attracted to Lucy because he couldn’t have her. It was simple curiosity.

  She scowled at Finn. Like Storm, he read people very well and he was a master manipulator. He’d clearly picked up on her damaged history with Storm.

  “Yes, well, this is fascinating, but we have an urgent matter to discuss with you.” It was almost impossible to detect any censure in Storm’s tone. Almost.

  Finn smirked. The way he reveled in his own sexuality made everyone around him uncomfortable. Finn was like Casanova and Romeo all rolled up into one enticing package.

  “Of course.” He raised his hand, an elegant unfurling of his tapered fingers. “Like I said earlier, let’s sit by the fire.”

  Storm hastily made his way over to the chairs. Lucy followed him over.

  She sat near the fire, relishing the heat against her skin, the chance to find her center again, as she watched the flickering flames. It was a warm evening, but she was chilled to the bone.

  Finn sauntered over and sat on a chair as if it were a throne. He let his arms rest along the back of it, which caused his shirt to gape open.

  Lucy pointedly looked elsewhere.

  “Tell me, Lucy, why do you avert your eyes? We both know you find me attractive.”

  Here we go. “Well, I don’t think you’re homely.”

  “You didn’t answer me.” He made a noise in the back of his throat, an intimate, suggestive sound.

  “Yeah, how about that?”

  Storm watched the interplay, scrutinizing every move, processing the body language like a computer.

  He leaned forward. “Why do you insist on being so very demure?”

  “Why do you insist on being so provocative?” she countered.

  His lips twitched, and he changed the topic. "What do you think of my little suite here?”

  "It’s…" Lucy searched for a suitable response. Seductive? Lecherous? Decadent? Depraved? It was all those things and more. "Definitely you.”

  Finn threw back his head and laughed. “I’m glad it lived up to your expectations.”

  “Well, I’ve certainly never seen anything like it.” Lucy ran her hand along the armrest and fought the urge to close her eyes. It was very comfortable. Or maybe she could use a lot more sleep.

  “Enough! I want to show you something.” Storm opened his jacket pocket and withdrew his phone. He flicked through the images, and then handed the phone to Finn keeping his fingers on just the corner, so he wouldn’t touch the other man. “Do you recognize this woman?”

  They knew Christy had been a client, and the stamp on Betty’s hand told them she’d been to Edge as well. If Naomi visited the club, too, they had a pattern.

  Finn scrolled through the phone with a frown.

  Come on. Lucy silently prayed. This had to be the connection pulling them all together.

  There were only three pictures, yet several minutes had gone by. Lucy could hear almost Storm’s teeth grinding.

  “Well?” Storm prompted.

  “Why don’t you have any dick pics?” Finn asked, tossing the phone back to him.

  Lucy snorted and then clapped a hand over her mouth. She hadn’t expected the question and judging from Storm’s thunderous expression, he hadn’t either.

  “Excuse me?”

  Finn scanned Storm’s body, a pointed sexual perusal.

  “Oh,” he said, getting it. “You’re…”

  “Bisexual?” Finn asked, cocking a brow. “Why, yes, I am. I actually think most people are, but they’re too prudish to give into the attraction.” He leaned forward as though they were conspirators.

  From what Christy had told her, Finn had both male and female lovers. In fact, Christy once had a threesome with Finn and another man. Although, he slept with more women than men.

  Or maybe he’s just pickier about guys? Who knows?

  “I see.” Travis shifted in the chair uncomfortably.

  “Have you ever been with a man?” Finn asked.


  “Oh.” Bored with Storm, Finn shrugged and turned his attention to Lucy once more. “Tell me, Lucy, have you ever had another woman?”


  Storm’s eyebrows backed into his hairline.

  Lucy refused to say more on the subject. Hussam liked to watch two women make love sometimes. So, she’d dutifully obliged him.

  And Finn almost made a purring sound. “Would you like to have a foursome with me and my two lady friends?”

  “No, thank you.” Her sexy times with women had been part of Lucy’s cover, nothing more. “If you don’t mind, I’m going to grab a bottled water from your fridge.”

  “By all means.”

  She stood up gingerly and walked over to the other side of the room, but Finn’s comment nearly made her trip.

  “Be mindful of the bedroom. My little darlings are sleeping.” Finn paused, his mouth curving into a sinful smile. “Unless you’re absolutely certain, you wouldn’t like to join them?” His eyes closed briefly, as though the mental image was too much for him. When he opened them, there was a drowsy sensuality in his gaze.

  Storm came to her defense. “Lucy isn’t about to join in on your orgy.”

  Finn chuckled. “It’s a foursome, not an orgy. You’d need a lot more people for one of those.” Evidently, he spoke from experience.

  Storm’s left eyelid kept twitching. She’d never seen him this provoked. One time, he’d gotten into it with a Marine on base. Storm had backed the soldier down, without resorting to a fight, but he’d been calm and cool the entire time.

  Right now, he was close to flying off the handle. He was a couple seconds away from throwing a punch. At least she’d gotten her wish. Storm was ramped up, and near his breaking point. Any second now, he’d have a meltdown.

  So, Lucy had to step in. Water be damned.

  “Thanks, but no thanks,” Lucy said quickly, hoping to head off trouble between the two men. There was a dangerous level of testosterone in the room.

  Besides, she didn’t need a big strong man to fight her battles. Lucy could kick ass and take names all by herself.

  Finn shrugged.

  Storm glared. “There, you have your answer. Now, I suggest you keep your comments work-related when speaking with her.”

  Lucy wasn’t offended by Finn’s outrageous behavior. He didn’t mean any harm. In a perverse way, she was flattered. And she strongly suspected Finn was deliberately provoking Storm, seeing how he’d react.

  “Storm,” she said, placing a subduing hand on his shoulder. “It’s okay.”

  “No, it isn’t okay,” he said angrily. “You deserve to be respected.”

  “Really, I’m fine.” She didn’t want him to say anything they’d both regret. They needed Finn’s cooperation.

  Finn sneered. “He seems very impassioned, Lucy. All very sharp and shiny, like a knight’s suit of armor.”

  “I suppose he is.” Lucy had never thought of it that way, but there was something honorable about Storm’s devotion to his country and the agency. Even though that allegiance had led him to do questionable things, he was a patriot, a true believer.

  “And I think you two have an interesting history, a personal one.”


  “Of course, I’m merely pointing out wha
t should be obvious.”

  “Let’s bring it back to the purpose of this visit. Was this woman a client?” Storm asked again. His tone was slow and deliberate.

  Finn blinked, as though he’d forgotten all about it. “Oh, yes, Naomi was here all the time.”

  “So, we have a connection,” Lucy said softly. “Betty, Naomi, and Christy makes three.”

  “Christy?” Finn asked. “Our Christy?”

  Lucy nodded.

  “I don’t understand.”

  Lucy swallowed. “All three of them were murdered, Finn.”

  His eyes rounded. “Murdered?”

  “Yes, and we think another one of your other client’s might have killed them. Can you tell us who they, uh, played with?” Storm leaned forward.

  Finn didn’t say anything for the longest time. He was probably processing the information. He hadn’t been in love with Christy, but he’d liked her, cared for her. And she’d been coming to this place for years.

  “Confidentiality is essential to my club’s success.” Finn snagged a half-empty cup of champagne from the coffee table and downed it in one try.

  Storm pressed him a bit harder. “Yes, we understand, but we’re only interested in people who might’ve played all three of those women.”

  Finn stroked his chin. “Neither one of you is a police officer, so I don’t have to comply with your request.”

  “No,” Lucy said. “But we’re hoping you’ll cooperate, for Christy’s sake.”

  Finn gazed at her and for a moment, she thought he might turn them down, but he nodded.

  “Fine, I’ll help you, but you must be discreet.”

  Lucy nodded. “We will be. I promise. What’s the name?”

  “Thomas Milton.”

  “That’s the man’s real name?”

  Finn lifted a shoulder. “We only check IDs at the bar. Although, we urge our patrons to verify a potential partner’s age before a liaison if they look too young.”

  Thomas as in Tom? She’d doubted Christy’s date had used his real name anyway, but maybe his alias was a variation on it.

  “Can you describe him?” As he rattled off a description, Lucy took notes on her phone. “Thank you, Finn.”

  “You’re welcome, Lucky.”

  “Will you let us access your security feeds, Finn?” Storm asked.

  “Absolutely not.”

  She stood. “It’s late. We should get out of your hair.” On impulse, she leaned down and kissed his cheek, but Finn moved his head, so her mouth collided with his.

  Ugh. Finn.

  Rolling her eyes, she headed for the door, but Storm didn’t follow her. Lucy turned on her heel.

  “Are you coming?”

  “In a second. I’d like to have a private word with Finn.” A white line circled Storm’s mouth.

  “I don’t think that’s a good idea.” It sounded like a recipe for a fistfight and bloodshed to her.

  “Too bad. I’m going to anyway.”

  She glanced at Finn who sighed, as though he didn’t care one way or the other.

  “Fine. I’ll be outside in the car.” She glared at Storm. “Don’t start anything.”

  His answering grin was less than reassuring. “I wouldn’t dream of it.”

  Chapter 6

  “Is your security firm taking on new clients?” Finn asked.

  Storm blinked, thrown by the question. “Why do you ask?”

  “It’s become apparent, I need to enhance my safety protocols.”

  “Maybe I misread the situation, but we don’t like each other. Why do you want to give me a job?” Since Lucy was out of earshot, he was done being polite.

  “Am I correct in assuming there are other employees besides you?”

  “Yes,” Storm bit out between clenched teeth. “I’ll tell the Chief you might be interested.”

  Actually, he wouldn’t say anything to West. There was something off about the man and Storm refused to put Black Star into any kind of legal jeopardy.

  Let’s bring it back to what really matters.

  “What do you want with Lucy?” Storm crossed his arms over his chest, watching Finn carefully, waiting for his response. Lucy liked Finn and seemed to think the man was harmless, but Storm was getting an altogether different vibe.

  Finn smirked. “You should be asking yourself the same question.”

  “I don’t know what the fuck you’re talking about.”

  “Yes, you do.”

  At one time, there’d been much more between himself and Lucy, but he’d blown it. And Storm knew he’d never get the special relationship they’d once shared back. Lucy barely tolerated him, and he didn’t blame her.

  “We’re just working this case together. Speaking of, we need access to those security feeds. Are you certain you won’t reconsider?”

  If Finn continued to stonewall him, Storm would just hack into the club’s database, but he’d rather not waste a couple hours digging into their system. At the moment, he had a lot of priorities to juggle.

  “I’m afraid I have to decline.” His expression said otherwise. “Privacy concerns, you know.”

  Storm took a step forward. “Whose? Your clients? Or yours?”

  Finn didn’t respond to his taunt. “Anything else I can help you with?”

  “You should keep your distance from Lucy.”

  “Why? You’ve said the two of you weren’t involved.” He had an unholy gleam in his eyes.

  “I said keep your distance.”

  “I heard you the first time. Would you care to hear my take on the situation?”


  He sneered. “Unfortunately for you, I’m going to share it anyway. Let the past go, whatever it is. People make mistakes, they grow and learn along the way. Bring it out into the open and deal with it, and then move on.”

  Finn sounded as though he were speaking from personal experience. And Storm hated to admit it, but it was some damn good advice.

  Put a pin in that and come back to it later.

  “You’re not just a nightclub owner, are you?”

  “What makes you say so?” Finn cocked his head to one side.

  His smile was downright affable. If Storm hadn’t been pissed off about the way he’d flirted with Lucy, it would’ve been damn near impossible not to like the man.

  But Storm had a feeling the charm was all for show. He got the feeling this man’s allegiances could shift in an instant. As long as they were on the same side, Storm had nothing to worry about. The second they were at odds; all bets would be off.

  Storm had learned to read others during his training. The skill had been honed to perfection when he’d been working in the field. Having good instincts kept a CIA agent alive. Storm knew exactly who he could trust in any given room.

  And this man was dishonest. He could feel it, deep down in his bones. Storm was a human lie detector. His Black Star colleagues often teased him about it. He could read people without even trying and Finn wasn’t on the up and up.

  Most importantly, Storm didn’t trust him. Not for a second.

  “Whoever you are, I’m going to find out.”

  Finn’s features sobered. For once, he wasn’t laughing, teasing.

  “No, I don’t think you will.”

  “Because you hid all the evidence? Believe me, I can find anything on anyone.” He could dig up dirt on anybody.

  “You misunderstand me. I’m saying there’s nothing to find.”

  Storm didn’t believe him.

  One liar always recognized an another.


  “What was your agency assignment?” Storm asked, as soon as he got behind the wheel.

  Lucy rolled her eyes at his snippy tone. “Did you and Finn duke it out?” Lucy wanted to know if Finn was okay. He was definitely a lover, not a fighter.

  “No, but don’t change the subject. Answer me.”

  “I told you, I gathered intelligence on targets, the ones the agency had black listed. They’d bee
n flagged as high priority and the goal was to bring them in alive for interrogation.”

  “Yes, but how?”

  “I worked a source for information.” Lucy didn’t want to talk about it. The whole sordid affair was behind her now, and she’d like to keep it in her rearview mirror.

  His nostrils flared. “Which source?” Storm still hadn’t taken off, but he had a death grip on the steering wheel.

  Her stomach fluttered. “Why does it matter?”

  The past was the past. Storm couldn’t undo the things he’d done. There was no point in digging up what was already dead and buried. It would only lead to more pain and confusion.

  “Because it does.”

  “And you don’t know?”

  He huffed a breath. “No, as soon as I brought you in, they reassigned me to a SEAL team. That’s where I met West, King, and Zane.”

  “Brought me in.” She laughed bitterly. “The agency trumped up some espionage charges and told me if I didn’t cooperate, they’d throw me in a hole somewhere and toss away the key.” Like Gitmo.

  In those days, the CIA had used so-called enhanced interrogation methods like waterboarding and rectal feeding, if a prisoner went on a hunger strike. Lucy was under no delusions about what was really going on.

  In her opinion, waterboarding was a method of nearly drowning someone. And rectal feeding was torturing a person by jamming food up their butthole. No actual nourishment was derived from the act since digestion happened in the stomach.

  “The agency did those things, not me. I would never—”

  “Do you really wanna have this talk now?” She bit her lip.

  “Yes, I think we need to.” He turned to face her. “Let’s get it all out in the open.”

  “You weren’t man enough to tell me what you’d done. After you left the café, the retrieval team grabbed me. They put a hood over my face and stuffed me into the back of the van.”

  Storm had left her sitting there, dumbfounded and hurt. Before she even knew what was happening, several men converged on her. After three days at a black site, being interrogated for hours at a time, she’d agreed to spy for the CIA, in exchange for not being charged with treason.

  The full force of the United States government had been against her, and she’d capitulated. So much for my morals.


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