Warrior's Pain (Cadi Warriors Book 4)

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Warrior's Pain (Cadi Warriors Book 4) Page 15

by Stephanie West

  “How did your friend die?”

  “My first handler lost his temper, when I attacked him. The Verrater hit me. Exo intervened when the furry bastard tried to hit me again. It killed him.”

  Cyprian saw red. The thought of someone laying hands on Riley instantly twisted him into a rage.

  “Where were you hit, and where is the male that did it?” he vehemently demanded.

  “It doesn’t matter.” Riley’s hand subconsciously drifted to her cheek. “I’m fine, but Exo’s not.” The tears welled up in her eyes again. Her lips then pressed together into a thin frown. “If I had just controlled my temper,” she bit out.

  She blames herself. Cyprian despised the Verrater even more. Riley didn’t deserve to shoulder this burden. He wanted to take the Verrater apart, slowly. Cyprian grabbed Riley’s shoulders and turned her toward him.

  “Where is the male?” he snarled.

  Riley’s eyes widened in fear as she stared at Cyprian. He froze seeing her terrified expression. Cyprian realized he was the cause, and instantly loosened his grip.

  “He’s dead. Hoda licked him with her poisonous, slimy tongue.”

  Cyprian was glad the male was dead, he just wished he’d been the one to do it.

  Riley pulled away from Cyprian, her eyes suddenly flashing in anger.

  “I really don’t know why you care, since you’re awfully buddy buddy with the scaly bastards who kidnapped me and my friend.”

  “Some of my business partners aren’t so honorable. That’s why you need to listen to me.” He made the only excuse he could.

  “Honor. Right,” Riley said incredulously.

  Cyprian closed his eyes in frustration. He hated feeling Riley pull away from him, as well as her condemnation. But he couldn’t ease her fears about him.

  “Take down your attitude a notch, and stop questioning my honor. I told you I don’t condone what happened to your friend. And no one is ever to touch you but me. Now go use the washroom. We have someplace to be.”

  “Fine,” Riley replied tersely as she glared at him. She was pissed, but he could live with that. It was better than her tears.

  Riley got up and strode to the washroom gloriously naked. Cyprian admired the colorful ink running down her back, and the way her full hips swayed hypnotically. If she had a cauda trailing behind her, he had no doubt it would be flicking in agitation. For some twisted reason, her ire incited him. A rumble moved through his chest, as thoughts of throwing Riley down on the bed, teased him. The door slamming shut, pulled Cyprian out of his less than honorable thoughts.

  Goddess, I’m a bastard.


  Riley took a long leisurely shower. It felt so good waking up in Cyprians arms, after the dreams she’d been having. Then he opened his mouth and ruined the moment.

  You’re delusional. What do you expect? You’re lucky he doesn’t make you sleep on the floor, like a damn dog.

  Riley pulled in several relaxing, deep breaths. She needed to stop getting aggravated at Cyprian. And she needed to stop ticking him off, if she was going to get on his good side. That was the only way he’d let her see June and Ion when they got back to his world.

  “I’m screwed. He’s going to be perpetually pissed at me,” Riley huffed as she turned off the shower.

  Her default state was irreverent and sarcastic. She cussed like a sailor and had a wild streak that could get her in trouble if she didn’t put a lid on it. She had all the qualities that made for a bad slave.

  “Cyprian bought himself a lemon. He should demand his money back.”

  Riley found her lacey purple bra on the floor and put it on, but her panties were nowhere to be found. She secured a towel around her chest, then wrapped another around her damp hair. Riley exited the bathroom to find Cyprian standing impatiently by the bed. Riley attempted to not look amused that she made him wait. Although his smirk was kind of funny.

  And a tad sexy.

  The general was dressed again in his leather kilt, and leg armor. The man looked like a mercenary armed for war, with all the weapons strapped to his chest.

  “Come here,” he said as he held out a giant robe.

  Well at least I won’t be naked. That was a relief.

  Riley walked over to Cyprian. Unabashed, she dropped her towel and held her arms out at her sides, silently demanding he dress her. Cyprian’s left brow rose, but he slipped the cloak on her anyway. Riley repressed another ornery smile.

  “I don’t like this garment,” Cyprian commented as he fingered the strap on her bra.

  “Well it keeps these puppies from bouncing around. I know they’re not put-your-eye-out big, but they still get in the way sometimes.”

  “Compared to a Cadi female, your breasts are rather large,” Cyprian commented as he admired her chest. “But, I think they are just right.”

  It was nice to know he found them appealing.

  Riley looked down at herself as they discussed her boobs. Her eyes drifted lower and she groaned. She hadn’t been able to groom herself in a while.

  Cyprian’s brow arched quizzically, seeing the smirk on her face.

  “I’m fine.”

  “Tell me what is bothering you? It is my duty to see to your needs,” Cyprian said with genuine concern.

  Riley paused hearing Cyprian’s comment. It was sweet and slightly disturbing at the same time.

  “I need to shave. I don’t know how hairy you get, but I like to keep my armpits, legs, and everything in between smooth,” Riley admitted as she gestured to her beaver.

  “Ah. I can grow hair on my face, and this will get longer if I don’t cut it,” he said as he tugged on the short unruly crop of hair on his crown. “But everything else stays naturally short.”

  Riley recalled the fine hair below his belt. It was thicker at his crotch, but hardly a burden.

  “Must be nice,” she commented.

  Her eyes widened when Cyprian pulled a knife from the strap on his chest, and got down on his knees. He was eye level with her disorderly lady business.

  “Um,” Riley squeaked.

  “Stay still, so I don’t nick you.”

  “Wait! What are you doing?”

  Riley stared at the giant knife, fearing what he planned to do with it.

  Cyprian followed Riley’s panicked gaze, then his face split into a smile, as he started to laugh. His eyes crinkled, and his lips quirked up, till a dimple formed in his cheek. The sound was hearty and light. He looked devastatingly handsome. It was disarming.

  “You thought I was going to shave you,” he chuckled.

  “Uh, yeah. We were just talking about it.” Riley grinned back.

  “No. I was planning to shorten this robe, so you don’t trip. However, now that you mention it, I’ll happily lay you out later, and take care of any unwanted hair that is bothering you,” Cyprian growled as his large palm roved up Riley’s thigh.

  Riley shivered in response to the disturbingly erotic suggestion.

  “I hope you plan to use a smaller knife. Although, I’m partial to waxing over shaving.”

  “Waxing?” Cyprian asked as he cut the hem on her hand-me-down cloak.

  “It’s used to pull the hair out in one go.”

  Cyprian paused and groaned.

  “That sounds painful.” He shook his head. “Why do you do these things that cause pain to yourself. Don’t tell me that brings you pleasure.”

  It was Riley’s turn to laugh at his concerned expression.

  “No,” she giggled. “Besides, you’re one to talk.”

  Riley reached out and traced the swirling tattoos that ran over Cyprian’s shoulder. They extended down his back, chest and arm. The dark black design on his blood red skin, added to his savage appearance.

  “This is how a Cadi male tells of his life and the people he comes from.” Cyprian pointed to a design circling his left pec. “This tells of my sire’s family line.” He pointed to the other muscle. “And this tells you who my mother’s people are.”
He then gestured to his arms and back. “These are all of my accomplishments in battle.”

  Riley admired the sheer number of tattoo’s and scars, recalling he had more than his companions.

  “You must have quite an impressive record,” she said as her fingers continued their perusal of his warm skin.

  “What about you?” Cyprian asked.

  “Mine have meaning too.” Riley gestured to her arm, and the thorny roses that trailed up it. “This doesn’t spell out my family history, but it represents them. They were tough to get along with. That’s why it’s a flower with thorns. Over time, I just kept adding blooms.”

  “I think I understand the sentiment. My sire was not so easy to get along with either.”

  Cyprian finished trimming her sleeves, then retrieved a comb.

  “Thanks. I can take care of my hair,” Riley offered, as Cyprian sat down behind her and removed the towel from her head.

  “No. It is my job to take care of you,” he said and proceeded to brush out her damp hair.

  Cyprian’s comments, and Vintor’s attitude the night before, had Riley questioning the Cadi views on slavery. This didn’t feel like slavery. She felt pampered by the way Cyprian treated her. Riley closed her eyes and let the soothing rhythmic motion work its way into her.

  “Well this will have to do till I can buy you better clothes and such,” Cyprian commented as he looked at his handy work.

  “Thank you. I’m surprised you didn’t find any wild creatures nesting in my hair.” She cast him a genuine appreciative smile.

  “There was one, but it scurried off.” Cyprian teased, making her smile wider.

  “Why, General, you do have a sense of humor.” Riley pushed him.

  “I have a sense of humor. It’s just most people don’t find it amusing.”

  “That’s called being snarky, and I already wear the crown of that kingdom.”

  Cyprian leaned in close, his chest inches from her face. Riley took a deep breath noting his compelling scent.

  “Little Manx, I am fully aware of how wicked your tongue is,” he whispered into her ear.

  Riley’s mouth opened, but it took her a moment to come up with a retort. Cyprian was throwing her off her game.

  “No, Cyprian, my tongue can be far more wicked than I’ve let on,” she said as she cast him a coy grin. If he wanted to tease, she could also dish it out.

  Cyprian’s hand wrapped in her hair and his lips brushed hers.

  “I don’t possibly see how,” he husked, before pulling her full bottom lip into his mouth.

  Riley kissed him back, her tongue exploring his mouth. Cyprian tasted spicy sweet, a bit like candied ginger. It made her mouth zing, and goosebumps erupt on her skin. The yummy addictive flavor centered around his long canines. Riley laved one long sharp fang and Cyprian groaned. The sexy deep sound radiated from his chest, vibrating through her. He enjoyed it when she stroked his canines. Riley was a bit of a biter, and enjoyed being bitten too, but her teeth weren’t sensitive.


  Cyprian gripped Riley’s shoulders and pulled away.

  “We need to get going,” he groaned. “Remember to stick by my side.”

  Riley nodded with a blissful sigh, as Cyprian led her out of the bedroom.

  “The others left already,” Vintor said as he got off the sofa.

  “It took longer to get ready than I expected,” Cyprian replied.

  Both men glanced at Riley.

  “Don’t look at me. I blame my tailor and personal stylist,” Riley declared as she flamboyantly flipped her hair over her shoulder.

  “You should probably find a new tailor.” Vintor eyed her shortened robe.

  “Hey,” Cyprian declared in mock offence, making Riley giggle. Everything about their interaction was unexpected.

  The three of them left the suite, heading for the crowded esplanade. Riley appreciated that the men walked at a pace she could manage, with her shorter stride. She smiled while admiring the various shops and restaurants they passed. It looked like all manner of clothes, gadgets, and what-not could be purchased from the numerous vendors.

  In one store, Riley noticed a humanoid being coated in an iridescent blue pigment. When the person turned, the color shifted to a red, then green hue. It was amazing.

  That’s quite a spray tan.

  At another establishment, people sat smoking out of bizarre hookahs. The yellow smoke hung heavy in the air. Riley coughed as the cloying vapor worked its way into her lungs, and made her eyes water. Cyprian and Vintor crossed the grand hall to avoid the worst of it.

  “Watch this.” Vintor paused and pointed to a shop. “I noticed this place yesterday.”

  Riley watched a tan man strap on a silver bracelet. Her eyes widened when the bracelet gripped his wrist, the bands burrowing into his skin. The man opened his hand, and out from his nails extended long metallic projectiles. The man aimed for a target at the rear of the store, and fired off the freaky darts.

  “I’ll take it,” the shopper said to the vendor.

  “Do you think he could take it off, if he didn’t like it?” Riley asked.

  “I don’t know,” Cyprian replied, looking equally disturbed by the parasitic weaponized jewelry.

  Eventually they arrived at a viewing gallery, much like the one she danced in. There were tables and chairs, with food and drink being served. But instead of slaves, equipment was on view. The patrons could examine the merchandise, as a Verrater employee demonstrated its features and functions.

  “You are just in time. The item we’re interested in should be up for preview soon,” one of the Cadi said as they approached the table with the five men.

  Cyprian sat and pulled Riley into his lap, since there were only enough chairs to accommodate the men.

  “Mave, did you contact your partner?” Cyprian asked the man that greeted them.

  “No. With your conquest yesterday, time got away from me. I’ll check out the weapon, then contact him, if I’m impressed.”

  “I’m surprised to see the female is able to move around today,” one of the other men at the table commented as he stared at her.

  Cyprian stiffened at her back.

  “Since you didn’t completely wear her out, are you planning on letting any of us have a go?” the man with stringy long-hair asked.

  He was the one who touched her last night. Of all the Cadi men, he creeped her out the most.

  “I’ll let you know when I’m done with her, Adeoda,” Cyprian bit out.

  Riley frowned at the general’s response.

  Cyprian insisted he was the only one allowed to touch me. Apparently, that was a load of bullshit.

  Now he was talking about passing her off to the grossest man in the group, when he got sick of her. Riley’s heart sank, as every warm thought she’d been having about Cyprian fled.

  “Well why wait. I bet I can take at least three of you at once,” Riley snapped sarcastically as she attempted to get off Cyprian’s lap.

  Cyprian steely arm banded around Riley, and pulled her tight against his chest.

  “Do not tease these males,” he snarled low, into her ear.

  “Oh, I’m not. Since you plan on loaning me to your friends, I wanted to assure everyone they won’t get left out. The more the merrier,” she hissed.

  “Does she have more than one slit?” the younger man asked.

  “No, fool. She’s talking about her rear and mouth,” another Cadi smacked the first in the back of the head.

  “Oh. I didn’t know that was possible,” the man replied, while eyeing Riley with shock and intrigue.

  “All of you shut your bone box. The female’s just riling you,” Mave barked. “I checked on our Toufik slaves. There’s already been interest from an offsite buyer.”

  “So, you’re not just here to buy me and weapons, but you’re selling people too. You’re a real class act, General,” Riley snarled.

  “I don’t want to hear another word from you,”
Cyprian rumbled menacingly in her ear as he clamped a hand over her mouth.

  Riley huffed angrily through her nose. She was about to bite Cyprian’s hand, till she recalled he liked it when she did that. She pinched her arm instead, letting the sting of her nails distract her from her anger.

  There went minding my smart mouth.

  “She’s a handful. You really should’ve seen how she seduced the Ubi. She pretended to like him. Acted like he was her savior, to put him at ease, and draw him close. Then she severed his organ,” Mave chuckled in amusement, then turned serious. “Remember that my friend, and count the blades in your holster.”

  “From the looks of it, the general’s got her in hand,” Adeoda taunted while staring at Riley.

  Riley glared back, but he just smiled wider. Cyprian didn’t comment. Instead he released her mouth. Riley kept her mouth shut, so she didn’t dig her hole deeper.

  “Great, food’s here?” Vintor said, changing the subject.

  Her stomach grumbled as she stared at Cyprian’s plate. It was piled high with hunks of meat and vegetables, all drizzled with a creamy orange sauce. It smelled spicy and rich. Riley didn’t realize how hungry she was.

  Well, the last time you ate was lunch, yesterday, her mouth salivated.

  Riley was startled when Cyprian speared a morsel and brought it to her lips. With the way he’d been acting, she was surprised he bothered.

  “There it is.” Mave pointed.

  Riley looked toward the stage, where a new weapon was on display.

  “Here we have an exciting offering from the ever creative Wyna. The spaera recognizes as many operators as you program into it. You can input any number of targets using facial recognition, scent, sound, or whichever you choose. Today the yellow target on stage is our offender,” the Verrater stated for the patrons.

  The employee pressed his hand against some type of controller sending the dozen tiny drones into the air. He made the little orbs whip back and forth, demonstrating their agility. Riley’s eyes widened when they shimmered, then turned into a flock of alien birds. The Verrater flew the drones into the lights overhead, and adjusted their appearance again to mimic their surroundings.

  “The controller has a thousand-hectare range, and the individual spheres are accurate from five hundred yards, with a clear line of sight.”


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