Warrior's Pain (Cadi Warriors Book 4)

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Warrior's Pain (Cadi Warriors Book 4) Page 30

by Stephanie West

  “They put something in my head, and people paid to hunt me like an animal,” Riley continued. “But I didn’t go down easy. You know what I did to the first creature who reached me in that maze of tunnels?” Riley didn’t let Feroze answer, as she pressed the knife against his crotch. “I cut off his… Well, I think you get the point.”

  Cyprian repressed a snort at her twisted joke.

  Goddess, where did you find this female?

  “Now, tell me what else you’ve done to fuck with my day, before I shorten your ego,” Riley insisted as she cast Feroze a disturbingly sweet smile.

  Cyprian saw his blade slice through Feroze’s vestments as Riley pressed deeper. Cyprian didn’t think it was possible, but Feroze’s eyes widened even further, as a distressed sound escaped his mouth.

  Ouch. Cyprian cringed. That was one tactic even his sire avoided.

  Feroze expected Cyprian to be violent, but Riley’s aggression had the regent out of his mind. Feroze wasn’t accustomed to females behaving this way. Cyprian was acquainted with Riley’s aggressive side. Still he never expected she could be so blood thirsty. The general wasn’t present the times Riley worked her frightening magic, manipulating Mave and the Overseer, before blowing up half of Distraho. Anytime Cyprian thought about the things Riley faced, he became angry and feared for her safety. But seeing Riley in action, and how she had Feroze quaking, gave him new insight. Riley might be small, but she was fierce.

  It wasn’t appropriate given the situation, but Cyprian suddenly found himself insanely aroused.

  “It’s too late. The Jurou Biljana are on their way,” Feroze stammered.

  Cyprian growled. He didn’t know how the Jurou Biljana landed on Cadi without alerting anyone, but he was certain they weren’t here for a social call.

  “What did you do, asshole?” Riley demanded.

  “I suggest you tell her everything. Riley blew up the auction house.”

  Feroze’s eyes filled with terror as they darted between Riley and Cyprian. The general’s comment had Feroze convinced Riley was crazy. He almost felt bad for the male.

  “The reptiles have a weapon they acquired on Distraho,” Feroze barked as he tried to back away from Riley’s blade, but the bonds didn’t let him go far. “Please stop. Make her stop,” he begged the general.

  Cyprian ignored the whining regent and hailed Daimio Kagan.

  “We have a problem. The Jurou Biljana are on their way to the plantation with a weapon.”

  “What weapon?” Riley growled.

  “I don’t know. I was told not to worry about it. That it would do the job before anyone knew what was happening.”

  Cyprian and Riley looked at each other, as they recalled the frightening weapon Jyk encouraged Mave to buy. The dangerous orbs could infiltrate the plantation and take out select targets without alerting a soul. Feroze wasn’t just planning to take out Kagan. He was going to attempt to assassinate anyone who sided with the Daimio.

  “Kagan, get your family and all the regents into one of the storehouses, and cover the windows,” Cyprian barked into his handheld.

  Cyprian cut Feroze loose, but kept his hands bound. He had to get to the Daimio, and help with the evacuation.

  “Besides Kagan, who are your targets?” Cyprian snarled, as he shoved the male out the door.

  “And where are those reptiles with the controller?” Riley demanded.

  Cyprian turned to see Riley had followed them outside.

  “Riley go back in the warehouse, where it’s safe,” he insisted.

  “I don’t think so. I told you, I’m not your slave. So, don’t think you can order me around,” Riley snapped at him. “Besides, you and I are the only ones who know what we’re dealing with.”

  No, you are my mate, Cyprian wanted to growl, but this wasn’t the place.

  “You are so damn stubborn,” Cyprian snarled, stepping into Riley’s personal space.

  She didn’t flinch. Instead Riley stood straight and defiant, toe to toe with him.


  Sudden shouts and screams cut Cyprian off. They’d sounded the alarm too late. The attack was already under way. Stigand, Sundara’s brother, shoved through the row of trees with several guests in tow.

  “There are snipers out there. I couldn’t see where they were coming from,” Stigand yelled over the chaos.

  “Get these people into the warehouse, away from the windows,” Cyprian hollered back.

  “Watch for flying orbs that blend into the surroundings.”

  Stigand nodded to Riley, then ushered the panicked guests toward the building.

  “Since you refuse to listen, stick by my side, and keep your head down,” Cyprian instructed Riley.

  “Yes, master,” she retorted with a snarky smile.

  “When this is over,” Cyprian started to say.

  Riley gave him an exacerbated sigh as she looked to the sky, then pushed through the crowd streaming past them.

  “You didn’t answer our questions,” Cyprian growled as he shoved Feroze ahead.

  “I don’t know where the Jurou Biljana landed,” Feroze whined.

  “Then tell us what you do know,” Riley snapped.

  The trio entered the courtyard and were greeted by absolute mayhem. Two regents already lay dead on the ground, while others that hadn’t fled were cowering behind overturned tables.

  “What in Kali’s name does Kagan think he’s doing?” Cyprian rumbled.

  The Daimio was working his way around the perimeter, attempting to usher the regents and their families to safety. A flash of light speared through the air. Kagan dropped and rolled, narrowly missing the blast that sent cobblestone and dirt spraying.

  “There,” Riley hollered as she pointed in the air.

  Cyprian caught sight of the bird before it morphed and disappeared among the trees. Riley grabbed Cyprian’s bandolier and yanked him to the side, as another flash split the air. Cyprian felt the heat of the blast that nearly took off his head. Thanks to Riley, it shattered the planter behind him instead.

  “Son of a metcor,” Cyprian growled.

  “You put Cyprian on the hit list,” Riley snarled, as she punched Feroze in the face, making his busted nose start bleeding again.

  Cyprian cast Riley a brief grateful smile. He should’ve known that Kagan’s top warriors would also be targets. His eyes widened in shock when Riley tore off part of her skirt. He watched in rapt attention as a swath of creamy thigh was revealed.

  “Riley, this is not the time,” he said incredulously. Of all the inopportune moments for her to succumb to the conjugo bite.

  “Oh please.” Riley rolled her eyes. “Put this on your head, and cover your face.”

  She handed Cyprian the fabric, as they crouched near the destroyed planter. Cyprian took the section of her skirt feeling like a fool. The feeling quickly fled as Cyprian stared at Riley, while wrapping the fabric around his head. She wasn’t unaffected by all that was going on around them. Her hair was in disarray, sticking to her sweaty forehead. There were smears of dirt on her face and clothes. But Riley had her wits about her. Cyprian had seen warriors who weren’t as collected in the heat of battle.


  “What’s the plan?” Riley asked, snapping Cyprian back to reality.

  “I need to get control of the Anzac Guard.” As their general, they looked to Cyprian for their orders. “But first we need to reach Kagan, and knock some sense into him. Then we figure out a way to stop these things. If I remember right, they have a range of a thousand square hectares,” Cyprian spoke out loud as they moved around the perimeter of the courtyard.

  “Cover your head,” Riley said to the regent they passed, who was trying to reach the warehouse.

  Two Toufik from the plantation were helping the regent evacuate his family. The hairy people had noticed they weren’t targets, and were doing their best to get others out of the courtyard. Of course, that didn’t mean they couldn’t get caught in the cross fire.
  “Wouldn’t the reptiles want to be close enough to see their handiwork?” Riley asked.

  “To gloat, no doubt. But if this bastard is planning to take control, the Jurou Biljana won’t come close enough to be seen. It would ruin the charade,” Cyprian replied while goading Feroze forward.

  That puts the reptiles somewhere in the middle. But where?

  “Dagaa,” Cyprian yelled when he saw the warrior, giving cover to a Cadi female and her youth.

  “What?” Dagaa hollered back, then ducked behind the ruined buffet table.

  “The camouflaged orbs are programmed to recognize us, so cover your head,” Cyprian replied.

  “Where’s Providence?” Riley yelled.

  “Trying to shorten my lifespan.” Dagaa gestured over his shoulder, while using a tablecloth to cover his head.

  Providence and June were helping Rark and Vivina, while Tytus offered cover, firing his disrupter at the camouflaged foe. Tytus’ shot struck a swooping orb, sending the sphere off course. Otherwise the disrupter blast had no effect on the damn things. Cyprian growled in frustration. Retreat was the only option.

  “Leave the female and young. They’re safer without you near. We need to reach Kagan, before he gets himself killed,” Cyprian instructed Dagga. It sounded cruel, but it was true.

  “I’ll help them. Go,” Riley said, then hustled toward the middle of the courtyard, before Cyprian could object. She crouched low as she ran, wiggling her lush ass at him.

  “Get your tail to a warehouse, and stay there,” he insisted.

  Parting from Riley went against every instinct he had. Logically Cyprian knew he needed to take his own advice. Riley would be safer if she was nowhere near him. Still it made him gnash his teeth in outrage.

  “I’m not making any promises. Don’t get shot,” Riley yelled over her shoulder.

  “Dammit,” Cyprian muttered, knowing full well Riley wouldn’t listen. “Get moving,” Cyprian snarled, shoving Feroze a little more violently than called for.

  “I’m going,” Feroze simpered.

  Cyprian was sick of the sniveling male. If it weren’t for the pathetic regent, Riley wouldn’t be in danger, or risking her fine tail to save others. The bastard was lucky Cyprian only shoved him.

  They converged with Dagaa in the middle of the courtyard, then headed for Kagan, dodging tables and stray fire from the weaponized orbs. There was more than enough for Cyprian to concentrate on, yet his thoughts, and the occasional glance kept returning to Riley.

  Chapter 17. Over the River and Through the Woods


  The few remaining Toufik and Cadi guards, were making their exit toward one building or another as Riley gave a last look at the courtyard. It was now empty, besides the handful of people laying silent on the cobblestone. There was nothing anyone could do for those poor souls -not any more.

  Riley cringed when one of the nasty orbs sent a series of blasts, at the far end of the clearing. She couldn’t see who was being targeted beyond the trees, but she hoped they made it safely to cover. Riley didn’t know where Cyprian had gone, while she was helping others escape. As crazy as the man made her, Riley hoped he was safe. Her stomach was in turmoil just thinking about it.

  Riley ducked back amidst the planters when one of the nearly invisible spheres whipped past, searching for its next target.

  “We better not press our luck,” Providence said while tugging Riley’s arm.

  The two women fled into the nearby warehouse, to find the other girls, several regents, their families, and dozens of Toufik.

  “What the hell are those things?” Giselle demanded as she clutched Graca to her chest, and Sabin to her side.

  “It’s the cowardly way to do your dirty work,” Riley snarled. She was so sick of all the senseless bloodshed. “I saw this weapon demonstrated at the auction house. Those orbs are programmed to recognize faces.”

  “That’s why they weren’t targeting us,” June said.

  “I let Kagan know we are safe. He, the guys, and Ion are hunkered down in another warehouse,” Giselle reported.

  “Stigand is also safe,” Riley told Sundara.

  “Good,” Sundara replied in relief.

  “The guys say they’re safe for now, but their building is surrounded by those things. You said the weapon recognizes faces, so, how do those things know they’re in there, if they can’t see them?” Giselle asked.

  “Shit. I forgot. The orbs can also recognize sounds and smells. The damn reptiles probably changed tactics when the guys started hiding their faces.”

  “I’ll tell Kagan to stay inside.” Giselle tapped on her handheld, relaying the message to the men.

  “The guys can’t very well disable those things, if they can’t leave their shelter,” June declared in frustration.

  “So, what the hell are we supposed to do?” Providence threw her hands up.

  “Someone has to find the controller, to disable the orbs. The men obviously can’t do that if the spheres have been reprogrammed.” Riley paced, attempting to think.

  “They’d be sitting ducks,” June frowned.

  “Cyprian and I think the Jurou Biljana are somewhere nearby, to control the weapons and observe the blood bath, but not so close they’d be easily spotted.”

  “Cause that would ruin Feroze’s plans,” Giselle snarled, startling the baby in her arms. “Oh, I’m sorry,” she instantly apologized to Graca, while also tugging Sabin closer.

  Riley cringed when she realized the boy had been hovering near Giselle’s shoulder listening to their dismal conversation. Sabin was big for an eleven-year-old, and he stood looking as stoic as the other adults. She’d forgotten he was truly just a child. Graca was too young to remember any of this, but Riley hoped Sabin wasn’t permanently traumatized.

  Metcor, Sundara’s giant gray Toufik mate, made a series of gestures, and Riley wished she understood the sign language the silent hairy people used.

  “That is a good idea,” Sundara said to Metcor. “Metcor thinks the Jurou Biljana are likely hiding near that rise. It’s a good vantage point.” Sundara pointed out the window to a forested peak beyond the cane fields. “Since none of the drones are after the Toufik, he wants to send his clan to hunt the reptiles down.”

  “You can’t just destroy the controller. That won’t call off the orbs,” Riley informed them, as she tried to recall what had been said about the weapon. “Dammit, there was a phrase that halts the spheres.”

  Riley wracked her brain as she tried to remember what the Verrater demonstrating the weapon said. There was something amusing about the phrase, but her brain refused to dredge up the foreign words.

  “It’s okay. You’ve been through a lot.” June wrapped her arms around Riley.

  “I’m going with you. I’ll remember the phrase,” Riley informed Metcor.

  “Then I’m going too,” Sundara said. “I’ll translate for you.”

  “You don’t think I’m going to let you two go alone, do you?” June gripped Riley’s hand wearing a concerned frown.

  Metcor gestured to June and the other ladies, with a shake of his head.

  “Metcor says no. He and Fire are going to have to carry us on their backs, to cover ground quickly. He’s not really pleased that we’re going, but since Riley is familiar with the weapon he’ll allow it.”

  “I can run pretty fast, you know. I kicked ass in basic training,” Providence protested.

  Metcor gave Providence a stern look, scrunching his furry broad nose.

  “Ladies, I’ve seen the Toufik hunt, first hand. They’re swifter than the Cadi. As much as I hate to admit it, we’d only slow them down,” Giselle said to June and Providence.

  “Fine,” June frowned in concern as she gave Riley and Sundara a hug, before reluctantly stepping back.

  “We’ll be fine. You know Metcor won’t let anything happen,” Sundara encouraged June, before going with Metcor to gather up the other Toufik in the warehouse.

e safe.” Vivina hugged Riley so tight she almost couldn’t breathe.

  “I will.” Riley didn’t mention she’d probably been in worse danger, and just enjoyed the affection Vivina wanted to offer.

  “I know you haven’t agreed to join our family, but I want you to know this old warrior is proud of you - all of you brave females.” Rark placed his fist on his chest as he gave a deep bow.

  “Thank you,” she murmured.

  Riley was so touched by everyone, she had to look away for fear of tearing up. Things had been shitty for so long. And the situation with Cyprian was the cherry on top of that crap sundae. But Riley found herself surrounded by wonderful caring people. Even Cyprian genuinely cared about her safety.

  Merely thinking about the overbearing man made her womb cramp with need. She felt painfully empty. Riley was glad she had another task to distract herself. It had taken everything in her power to shove the gnawing heat from Cyprian’s little nip to a low roar. She’d be in a world of hurt if the man had really bitten down, giving her a full dose of that maddening drug. Riley shook her head before she spiraled further down that rabbit hole. She didn’t know what to do about the man.

  “The sooner we get going, the sooner this is over.” Riley headed for the door.

  “This is Fire,” Sundara introduced a ruddy Toufik man.

  The color of Fire’s fur reminded Riley of Speck. She was glad the tiny bit of fluff was safely ensconced in the villa.

  “Nice to meet you,” Riley said, as she followed the hairy man outside, once Metcor gave the all clear in the alleyway.

  Riley was watching all the Toufik file out of the warehouse, when Fire tapped her shoulder and pointed to his back.

  “Got it. Hop on. Sorry you have to run with me. I’ve lost a little weight, but I still don’t envy you,” Riley joked.

  Fire smiled and shook his head at her self-deprecating comment, as he knelt and helped her onto his back. Riley nearly lost her grip and fell off, when a shrill whistle sounded nearby. Riley’s head swung toward Sundara.


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