The Pet Plague

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The Pet Plague Page 6

by Darrell Bain

  He needn't have worried about his pets. Unknown to him, they had already conferred and agreed that Jeannie was someone they wanted added to the household. They liked her shyness and had already sensed something that Jamie was just becoming aware of: he was content in her presence. They intended to make sure he realized it fully at an opportune time. The introduction of Conan into their lives had only delayed the process.

  Fuzzy britches was also thinking about Kristi, in the deliberate, aloof way of his species. He sensed something about her that was new and interesting, but couldn't yet put a paw on it. He would wait, and think about it some more.

  It already approaching twilight when they left the security building, and the sun was well down when Jamie was let off at his apartment complex. The rain had stopped, but the sky was still threatening; not a good omen for the beginning of a trek into unexplored wilderness, at least to his mind. He hoped they wouldn't have to march in the rain the next day, but held out little hope for it. He was consoled by the powered coveralls he had been issued. They could be converted from ventilating to waterproof to heat retaining after being interfaced with his body computer, and had a hood and rain shield attached. He was particularly pleased with his new thermosmotic boots. The thermosmotic material was difficult to manufacture, expensive and very scarce; it was usually reserved for rangers. Nevertheless, at the moment he would have traded them for a bright sunshiny day to start the expedition.

  The two security agents accompanied him past the ranger guards who were still present at his front door, which opened before he was even within range. Jeannie was already there and had been waiting impatiently for him to return. She was wearing the same clothes as the night before, freshly laundered, and was just as appealing as when he had left.

  “Just drop the stuff here, and thanks for the help,” he told the agents as he relieved himself of his own load. They complied, shook hands and left with simultaneous “good luck” farewells. Before they were even out the door, Jeannie had her arms around him. She hugged him tightly, then stepped back.

  “What on earth is all this stuff?"

  “This is what I'm going to have to carry.” He noted her disbelieving expression and explained. “I haven't unpacked it or sorted it yet.” He turned to his pets. “You guys should feel honored. I'm carrying your rations as well as mine. Yours too, Conan."

  “Good master."

  “Nice master."

  “Oh shush. I didn't have a choice. Jeannie, have these characters been giving you a hard time?"

  “Of course not. They have been perfect gentlemen, haven't you, guys?"

  “Jeannie is nice person,” Woggly said.

  “Nice body, too, for a human,” Fuzzy Britches added.

  Jeannie blushed, but it was clear that she appreciated the compliment. “Do you have to unpack now, or do you want to eat first?"

  “Let's eat, but how about a drink first? I've had a long day, and besides, we may as well use the bourbon up. I don't know when I'll be able to get any more."

  “Sit down. I'll fix them,” Jeannie said. She moved off to the kitchen area while he stretched himself out in the big lounger. Fuzzy Britches jumped into his lap and began to purr. Conan came over to sniff his hand and gave it a lick. He patted his head and ruffled his ears. The cat rolled over in his lap and demanded a belly rub. Jamie stroked the cat until Jeannie returned with his drink. She sat down on the carpet by the side of the lounger and pulled an arm down to her shoulder, then placed his hand on a breast and covered it with her own. “So when do you leave?"

  “First thing in the morning."

  “I wish I could go with you.” She rubbed the hand covering her breast.

  Jamie started. “No you don't. I want you right here, waiting for me when I get back. This isn't going to be a picnic in the park. It's dangerous out there."

  “I'd rather be with you. I don't care about the dangers. Besides, Kristi said she would watch out for you."

  “Is that what you were talking about on the sled this morning?"

  “We talked about a lot of things,” Jeannie evaded, “but she said that last night, remember? You know, she's kind of nice after you get to know her. I even asked her about going into ranger training, but she said I wouldn't like it."

  “Neither would I,” Jamie said. He couldn't imagine Jeannie as a ranger, but then he remembered Kristi's appearance in civilian attire. She hadn't looked like a ranger then, either.

  “Don't worry, I'm not tempted any longer. Finish your drink and let's eat; I'm hungry.” Jeannie was purposely avoiding any more questions about her conversation with Kristi. She wasn't sure how Jamie would take it if he knew that Kristi had sort of off-handedly propositioned her. In fact, she still wasn't sure how to take it herself.

  Jamie took the last sip of his bourbon and got up to inspect the kitchen cabinet. He found a steak he had been saving for a special occasion, took out two cheese potatoes and added a premixed salad of to lettuce and carronions. He made them both another small drink to go with the meal, using the last of the bourbon, then asked the pets for their preference. “Speak up. After tonight, it's field rations so you better chow down now."

  “Liverleaf,” Fuzzy Britches said.

  “We want beefplant,” Woggly said, including Conan in the request.

  Jamie took out those items, cycled them for the animals, and had them munching away before their own meal was ready.

  “Let's eat in the bedroom,” he said, when their own meal was hot. He carried the trays into the bedroom, leaving the door open, and held them while Jeannie instructed the bed to provide them with back rests and lap trays. As they ate, Jeannie talked to the entertainment program, finally settling on a space documentary, depicting life in Moon City. It was almost totally lifelike as it played out against the backdrop of the wall opposite the headboard, but neither of them could get really interested. It seemed far removed from the immediate context of Jamie's impending journey into the wilds. As soon as they were finished eating, he changed the setting to a general relaxing background featuring soft music and nymphs and satyrs which he knew Jeannie liked. He told the lap trays to go away and eased the backrests to a more comfortable position, then slid his arm beneath Jeannie's shoulders. She turned into his arms and began kneading his neck.

  He kissed her lips and the hollow of her throat with gentle pecks, then slid open her blouse and began fondling her breasts. He kissed them, too, then moved his hand down to her waist and began rubbing her belly with the same motions he had used earlier on Fuzzy Britches. “How about a shower?” he asked, nuzzling her neck again.

  “Only if you undress me the rest of the way. But what about your unpacking?"

  “I can do that later.” He helped her out of what few garments she still had on, then undressed himself and let her lead him by the hand to the shower, thinking how good she looked along the way. She had a neat, compact body, so well proportioned that each part blended into the others with almost mathematical exactness: her breasts were exactly the right size for the constriction of her waist and swell of hips, and her buttocks and back blended into a curvaceous whole that swiveled with just the right motion as she stepped into the shower stall.

  They bathed each other with a minimal of groping, just enough to keep them aroused, then toweled each other dry. Jamie tossed the towels into the recycler, then led her back to the bed and drew her into a hard embrace. Jeannie returned it eagerly, moving her hands over his body in tempo with his own caresses until she could stand the waiting no longer. She shifted her body and drew him over her, gasping with pent up pleasure as he entered her and his weight settled between her legs and pressed down on the length of her body. She remembered little more, other than waves of an excruciating intense orgasm.

  Jamie shifted his weight and turned his upper body partially away, leaving her sweated torso free. Jeannie relaxed and closed her eyes, completely spent but still reveling in the after throes. Suddenly she became aware of a fuzzy presence nuzzling along her s
ide. A raspy tongue began licking the slope of her breast. She curled an arm to enclose the furry creature and it's tongue moved to her nipple. It felt like an ever so soft file, sending ripples of shivering sensation that spread from her breast down over her body. Without opening her eyes, she knew it must be Fuzzy Britches. She hugged him to her breast, running her fingers through his wiry fur, absorbed in the sensation of still being intimately connected with Jamie while the cat aroused a new sensation in her.

  When she could stand it no longer, she released Fuzzy Britches from her embrace and rolled over on top of Jamie. Within seconds, she forgot all about the cat. She straddled Jamie and began moving to another climax. While she was engaged, Fuzzy Britches moved cat-silent from the room, goal accomplished. He saw his role in the sexual endeavors of Jamie as one of bringing closer the females he liked, and he definitely liked Jeannie; she just needed a little teaching. As far as the sex act between the humans, he was not really interested; he preferred Persians, or in a pinch, any female cat. He retired well satisfied, but he couldn't help wondering at how long humans took to finish, and they always wanted to sleep afterwards. It seemed strange to him, but then humans weren't cats. They did lots of strange things.

  A little later Jamie roused himself and tickled Jeannie into wakefulness. “I have to get my gear sorted,” he said. “Do you want to help?"

  Jeannie stretched, flattening her breasts against her body, then she buried her face against his chest. “I'll be embarrassed to go back out there. I've never had a cat lick my nipples before."

  Jamie grinned. “Fuzzy Britches likes you. That's why he came in here."

  “I know he likes me. I like him, too, but I'm still embarrassed."

  “Don't be. Fuzz and Wog aren't interested in sex with humans, but they do like to let me know when they approve of someone. Take it as a compliment. Besides, it felt good, didn't it?"

  Jeannie giggled. “It did. Maybe he'll try it again sometime. Does Woggly ever do anything like that?"

  “He might watch sometimes, but not much else. He finds other ways to let you know when he approves."

  “I've noticed lately. He's always wanting to jump up on the lounger with me when I'm here without you, putting his head in my lap and so on."

  “Yeah, like that. Fuzzy is a cat, though; sometimes he gets a little more intimate."

  “So I noticed. Jamie—have you ever heard of—"

  “Human and animal sex? Yes it happens, but I think it's a perversion. Anyone who practices that sort of thing is slightly balmy, I think, and their pets, too. Look, I need to get my gear unpacked. Are you coming?"

  “Let me get a robe on."

  “The pets won't care, and I sure won't."

  “I know, Jamie, but this is still new to me. I've never gone with anyone who owned pets before. I guess Kristi does, though, doesn't she? Don't rangers have dogs that patrol with them?"

  “I think so, but I'm not sure. Is that what you and Kristi talked about?"

  Jeannie blushed and refused to answer, leaving Jamie to wonder some more. However, she did get out of bed and shrug into a robe, which considering the transparency, she could have just as well left off. Jamie declined to dress, knowing that he would be back in bed before long.

  He went into the living area and began unwrapping his supplies. Jeannie followed and sat down to watch him. Her projected embarrassment seemed not to be in evidence as Fuzzy Britches plopped into her lap and Woggly nuzzled at her feet. They carried on a low conversation as Jamie unwrapped and sorted his supplies. Once they were separated from their wrappings and placed in his pack according to the instructions he had received, the bulk was considerably reduced, although still quite heavy. He hefted the newly issued laser gun then re-holstered it and placed it beside the coveralls he would wear the next day. Holding the heavier weapon had given him thought. After some consideration, he took his own smaller weapon and devised a boot holster which could be covered by the leg of the coveralls and strapped it onto the side of his newly issued boots. He felt somewhat foolish in doing so, but he had a fondness for his own weapon and felt no guilt about carrying it along.

  Once he had all the supplies distributed in the pack and the coveralls laid out ready to put on the next morning, he and Jeannie returned to the bedroom. Jamie pretended not to notice that Jeannie failed to close the door behind her as she normally did. He smiled to himself. Fuzzy Britches and Woggly usually got their own way, sooner or later.

  Jeannie shrugged off her robe and activated the holo before getting into bed. She chose the same motif as he had earlier, nymphs and satyrs, but even before he joined her she added a sub-routine which included lovable pets interacting on the periphery of the scenes. She grinned impishly as he slid into bed beside her and the holo was soon forgotten as they made love once more.

  Sometime during the night, Jamie awakened momentarily and discovered Woggly curled up at the foot of the bed and Fuzzy Britches snuggled firmly between Jeannie's ample breasts, purring contentedly. He went back to sleep, content with the world, at least for the time being.

  * * *


  Jamie failed to wake up the next morning until the alarm called him. As usual, the pets were already up and had removed themselves from the bed room. Jeannie blinked her eyes sleepily and inquired silently whether he wanted to make love once more before getting up.

  “It's too late,” he said, answering her unasked question. “Save it till I get back. In fact, save lots of it. I'll probably need it then.” He rolled from the bed and began his morning ablutions. Jeannie waited until he was finished, then took over the bathroom while he went out to start breakfast and feed the three animals. He pulled out a double portion of everything, remembering Whitmire's admonition about a last meal and began warming the animals’ food. For he and Jeannie, he selected eggs again, the last of his natural orange juice, the standard butterbread, and four strips of simulated bacon made from his own hambeans. He began cycling the food, then let Jeannie take over the rest of the preparations once she had dressed and come out. While she was finishing, he put on his new coveralls and boots and settled the new weapon and holster about his waist. It seemed heavy at first, compared to his own little gun, but he soon grew used to the extra weight. He got his body computer interfaced with the new coveralls and boots and placed the spare clips and powerpacks for the handgun in pockets of his waist belt, then helped Jeannie with the last of the breakfast.

  They ate silently, both of them uneasily reluctant to begin a conversation; everything to be said had already been gone over. The three animals were also unusually silent. They finished their own food quickly, then waited impatiently by the door. They were more than ready to go, not being used to the confinement of the last couple of days.

  “Go ahead,” Jeannie said, as soon as they were finished. “I'll clean up after you leave. No, forget that; I'll come back after work. I want to go now. There's no point in me waiting to see you off. It would just depress me."

  Jamie agreed with her sentiments. Now that the morning of departure had arrived, he was impatient to be off, and he really did dislike good-bys. Jeannie's attitude fitted his own perfectly. He walked her to the door, kissed her long and lovingly, ignoring the contingent of rangers already present, then let her go, doing his best not to notice her gathering tears. He gave her a final hug, then stepped back inside. His pets, and Conan as well, congregated around his feet while he sat down to await the other members of the expedition.

  * * * *

  At the same time, Don Cadena was winding up a long night of hacking; he had tried for hours to crack Alvarez's entrance code to his personal files before discovering that his last entry was freely available due to Alvarez's oversight. Now he hastily copied the contents. He was amazed at what the file contained, and disbelieved the most part of it, but he took no chances. Later that morning, he surreptitiously melded a coded dispatch to his masters in Moon City in with the normal traffic. He was back at his own station, ostensibly at
work, by the time Alvarez and Jeannie arrived, along with the rest of the staff.

  Jeannie noticed nothing wrong when she interfaced with the computer that morning, but then, she had no reason to look for anything, especially not in Alvarez's personal files. He was still grumpy and she had no desire to unsettle him any more than he already was.

  * * * *

  Amazingly, Jamie went back to sleep in the lounger while he was waiting. He was awakened by the simultaneous chime of the door and the plop of Fuzzy Britches landing in his lap.

  “Oof! Don't do that, Fuzz!"

  “Time to go,” Fuzzy Britches said, ignoring the admonition. Both dogs woofed eagerly, glad of an excuse to bark rather than talk.

  Jamie made one last check of the apartment, set the homecomp to record, picked up his pack and left his home. Woggly and Conan bounded out ahead of him, eager to meet the other dogs they had sensed. Fuzzy Britches followed at a more sedate pace. Some of his best friends were dogs, but he always tried to uphold the cat reputation for aloofness and superiority in the presence of strange animals.

  Each of the twelve rangers was accompanied by a large dog, though it was impossible to sort out which belonged to whom at the moment. Most of them seemed to have at least some German Shepherd in their ancestry, though generations of genetic changes made it hard to tell sometimes.

  Fuzzy Britches waited until the orgy of barks, woofs, broken English, and nose and crotch sniffing among the dogs was over, then let the dogs come to him for an introductory nose sniff which he accepted with the calm demeanor he felt was fitting for a single cat among so many dogs. He had groomed himself while Jamie slept until his pelt glowed; the intermingled colors sparkled in the early morning sunlight as if he were covered with fireflies.


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