Exigency (Protectors of the Elemental Magic Book 2)

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Exigency (Protectors of the Elemental Magic Book 2) Page 28

by Cate, Marnie

  In shock, we stared until I finally dared to talk. “Is she gone?” I asked.

  Brighid touched her heart. “She is here. The Goddess of Winter that was born will live inside me, through me. The good part of her will remain. The part that this world was not able to see.”

  The forest filled with a bright white light. Alaunius appeared. “There will be no more harm to anyone at the hands of my daughter. There is no way to fix the pain she has caused but there will be no more. Danu, mother of the elements… Brighid, mother of the winter…Mortorcus, father of darkness, guardian of the dead…The balance has been restored.

  Mortorcus stepped forward in his tall skeleton form. Bowing to Alaunius, he said, “Thank you for saving my people. This child has succeeded where I failed. My gratitude will be forever.”

  As Alaunius touched him gently on the head, Mortorcus began to grow bright red. “Return to your people. Rebuild what was destroyed,” Alaunius whispered.

  Mortorcus' body began to shake. He collapsed as a bright flame grew on him. As he burned, Alaunius stood over the flames moving his hands as if he was sewing an imaginary garment. Danu and Brighid reached their hands into the fire, unfazed by the heat I could feel from twenty feet away.

  As the fire retreated, I could see that they were holding the hand of a tall man with long blonde hair and golden skin. The muscular man was bare from head to toes. Arianolwyn stepped forward carrying a cloak and wrapped it around him.

  “Faramond, we don't want to frighten the mortals,” Arianolwyn said with a chuckle. “Let's bring you to your people. They will need you.”

  “It is time for you to return to your home, Mara. You have lost too much time in the Winter,” Alaunius said, as he walked towards me. Before I could speak, a bright light flashed and I slipped into the darkness.

  Chapter 62

  A rustling sound woke me. I didn't recognize where I was. The young girl claiming to be my sister flopped on the edge of the bed by me.

  “You are finally awake,” she said. “I thought you were going to sleep the day away.”

  “You are not, Meg,” I said, staring into the girl's green eyes. “You can't be my sister. She is just a little girl and I have not been gone that long. It has only been two months maybe three. Why are you pretending to be her?”

  “Mara, you left when I was nine. The last time I saw you I was playing in a water pool with Miles. I am fourteen now. You have been gone for five years,” she said, putting her hands on her hips.

  “I am dreaming,” I said, closing my eyes. “I am going back to sleep and I will wake up. I will wake up to my little sister demanding that I get up for breakfast. She will steal my breakfast and she will show me the new dance she has learned. You will be gone.”

  “No, Mara! You won't wake up to the child you left,” she said. “Now open your eyes and see that I am your sister.”

  Opening my eyes, I stared at her.

  “I am your sister. How can I prove it to you? See my green eyes? See my birth mark,” she said, lifting her shirt and showing me the dark freckle by her belly button. “I tried to sell you at the Lunar Festival and Cole bought you for two scoops ice cream.”

  Hugging me, she said, “I am your bratty little sister that has been dreaming of the day when she would see you again. So get up!”

  “Meg, I'm sorry,” I said, staring at my sister. She was grown up and no longer the child that needed me. “I am sorry…so sorry.”

  Pushing me back and looking into my eyes, she said, “Why are you sorry? You have nothing to apologize for. You did an amazing thing. You saved the Miezitari. Your being gone was sad but it was for a great reason. I have met some of the people you freed and…”

  “What are you talking about?” I asked.

  “They are waiting to see if you are okay,” she said with a smirk.

  “Who is here?”

  “Dunn is here,” she said, blushing. “He is really cute and so nice.”

  “He is way too old for you, Meg,” I said.

  “He can't be more than twenty.”

  “Try one hundred and twenty,” I said.

  Shrugging, she said, “Age is irrelevant.”

  “Is this what your teenage years will be like? It might have been easier to raise Vetur.”

  “Not all of us can find our soulmates so early, Mar,” she said.

  “Cole, where is Cole?”

  “Cos is safe. He is being watched by Christina and Dunn. They have been taking turns watching him. He is a little bit confused,” she said.

  “Confused?” I said, sitting up.

  “He is a bit angry right now, Mar,” she said, biting her lip.

  “Why is he angry, Meg?”

  Looking away, she didn't answer my question.

  “Tell me what he said. I command—.” Stopping myself, I said, “I am sorry it appears that I have grown quite accustomed to playing the evil queen.”

  “And he has become quite accustomed to playing the evil king,” she muttered.

  “That is what I feared. Can you take me to him?” I said, looking around the room. The four-poster bed with a lime green blanket, small desk and vanity mirror were unfamiliar to me.

  “You are in my room,” Meg said, seeing my reaction.


  “This is our home. We built the additions that Gram wanted. We have been quite busy during the five years you were gone.”

  “Gram's room?” I said.

  “Don't worry. It is the same,” she said. “You will be happy when I show you everything we have done.”

  “Where is Miles?”

  “He is with Dad and Mom…I mean Essie. They thought I should see you first. We didn't want to overwhelm you since you thought you had only been gone for such a short time,” she said. Smirking, she said, “You look really good for a twenty-four-year-old lady.”


  “Just kidding. You are actually twenty-two but your twenty-third birthday is just around the corner. Don't worry. We will celebrate all the years we missed.”

  “I would like that, Meg,” I said, trying to hide my tears.

  Touching my face, she said, “Don't worry the scar is light and Mom…I mean Essie said it will go away.”

  “It's okay for you to call her mom,” I said. “I am happy that you have her.”

  “You will love her, Mara,” Meg said, her face filling with anger, “Snowystra was really bad.”

  “She's gone now,” I said, uncertain if my words were true. “Please take me to Cole. I will see everyone after. I need to go to him, first.”

  “I really don't think you should yet.”

  “I need to Meg,” I said, getting out of the bed. “I really need to see him. I know he hates me but he needs to see me.”

  “Fine. Let me get you some clothes,” she said, going to her closet and picking out some items.

  As I stripped out of my clothes, she gasped. “By the Goddess, Mara, you need to eat.”

  Staring at my face in the mirror, I could see just how much weight I had lost. My face was not as round and my eyes were surrounded by sunken dark circles. I looked horrible.

  “Did they not feed you there?” she questioned.

  “I guess they really didn't. Since I have been gone five years and I only really ate a meal or two a day,” I said, trying to figure out where I had really been for five years. “We just drank tavi.”


  “It is a red liquid that tasted horrible at first. I hated it. It made me feel like I was choking on ice cubes,” I explained.

  “Ugh, why would you drink that?” she said, making a face. “The food must have been horrible.”

  “They made anything I asked for, which wasn't bad,” I said. “But, they did serve me the green heart of a spider at our wedding reception.”

  “Yuck. Did you have a cake at least?” she asked.

  “Yes, there was a cake. I will tell you everything about being in Snowstrum later,” I said. “I need t
o go to Cole first.”

  Taking my hand, she examined my ring. “It is very pretty. I can't believe you got married without me.”

  “I really had no choice, Meg.”

  Shrugging, she said, “Well was it at least a nice wedding?”

  I could see the sadness in my sister's eyes. We had lost so much time together. Time that was stolen and could never be returned. I needed to be with Cole but Meg needed me, too.

  “It was. I had a beautiful black dress and we danced under the starlit sky after the hand fasting,” I said, skipping the part where Snowystra cut my hand and I pledged loyalty to her as her blood began to flow through me. “After the wedding, we honeymooned at a snowy lodge. It was almost perfect. But, enough talking about there. I promise that I will tell you everything but first I need you to do something with me. Will you come with me?”

  “I will,” she said, eyeing me. “Where?”

  “Is Gram's pantry still stocked with supplies?” I asked.

  “Of course, Miles insists that everything be kept in order. He is an old man trapped in a boy's body,” she said.

  “I can't wait to find out what else I have missed,” I said.

  Leading me out of her room, I felt lost until we reached the familiar hallway to Gram's room. Nothing there had changed. We entered the kitchen and I could have sat down and cried. It was Gram's kitchen. I went straight to the pantry and I began to fill a basket.

  When I gathered everything, I said. “Ok let's go”

  “Where?” she questioned.

  “Trust me and you will find out.”

  When we exited the house, I found that the plants and trees were healthy and full of fruits. The buzzing sounds from my grandfather's workshop made me smile.

  “Is Dad in there?” I asked, as we walked towards it.

  “Probably. He is always building something.”

  “Let's take the four wheeler,” I said, suddenly feeling exhausted.

  “Ok, but I get to drive.”

  Meg drove us through the forest. I held on tightly as she weaved in and out of the trees. When we reached the casting stone, I traced my finger over my name.

  “Gram took me here before you were taken. We made your memory spell here,” I said. My mind traveled back to images of the magic we had made that morning.

  Summoning a fire dagger, I said, “Give me your hand.”

  “Wow, when did you learn to do that?” she said, holding her hand out to me. Quickly, I sliced her finger. “Ouch, Mar.”

  Stopping her from instinctually putting her finger in her mouth to stop the bleeding, I said, “Sign your name in the stone.”

  As she wrote her name, she wore a big smile. “It feels like they are here with us, Mar.”

  The colored orbs of Breeze, Blaze, Bay and Daisy bounced around confirming her feeling and I knew I was finally home.

  * * *

  Walking back from the stone, Meg and I held hands. I felt stronger. The connection with the elements and Danu restored my spirit. I was still not healthy. I felt nauseous and tired but Meg made a good point. I had not been taking care of myself. But, I was home with my family now and I would regain my health soon.

  “Oma…I mean Hazel is going to be so happy to see you,” Meg said. “She has been a wreck since you left.”

  “Where is she? Is she here?”

  “No, she is in Great Winds helping with the hotel. I think she just wants to be with Patrick,” she said. “He is her boyfriend. I told her that she is too old for that and that they should just get married.”

  “You didn't!” I said.

  “No, I didn't,” Meg laughed. “But, someone should tell her.”

  “Well, you can when we go to visit her,” I said.

  “Please no. It is so hot there right now,” she said, dramatically. “I am way too fair skinned for such harsh weather.”

  “Yes, you are rather fragile,” I said. “Have you been there recently?”

  “We go back and forth. Mom doesn't want to give up the hotel,” she said. “Sometimes, they talk about opening a hotel here.”

  As we grew closer to the house, I could see the additions they made. The house had tripled in size.

  “The house is so much bigger. You have been busy,” I said. “Are you happy with all of the changes, Meg?”

  “I am, Mar and I am even happier now that you are here,” she said, squeezing my hand tightly.

  “I'm glad to be home, little dancer,” I said, kissing her cheek.

  As we reached the property, I stopped. “Do you remember when you took your promise and we did the vision spell. Do you still have the pouch?”

  “Of course,” she said. “It is in my room. Why do you want it?”

  “Can you get it for me and take me to Cole?” I asked. “I think it will help him.”

  “Are you sure you should see him right now?” she said, frowning. “He said some really horrible things about you.”

  “I need to Meg,” I said, not wanting to know what he was saying. “Let's hurry up. I know you will have lots to show me. I still can't believe how tall you are. You are going to be taller than I am.”

  “I hope so,” she said, twirling. “You know I am a dancer.”

  “Yes, I do remember,” I said. “How did clog dancing work out?”

  “Disaster,” she said, falling into a fit of laughter.

  As we walked by the picnic tree, I smiled. I was home. Home but there were still things I needed to deal with. I had brought Cole home but maybe it was too late to save him.

  Chapter 63

  Meg led me to the room that Cole was being kept in. Dunn was outside the door. Smiling when he saw us, he said, “You are looking very pretty today, Meg.”

  Narrowing my eyes at him, I said, “You don't want to anger your queen do you?”

  Laughing he pulled me into a hug, “No, min Vizier. Please forgive me.”

  Swatting him, I said, “You have met my baby sister, I see. Remember she is only fourteen and still a child.”

  Crossing his heart with his finger, he said, “You have my promise. Meg will be just like a sister to me.”

  “How is Cole?”

  The grin that he was wearing faded. “He is confused. I am not sure you should see him yet. I don't think that you will be well received.”

  “I need to see him, Dunn,” I said. “Meg, please stay out here. I need to go alone.”

  “Okay Mara, I will wait here for you,” she said, beaming at Dunn.

  Raising my eyebrows at her, she said, “Or I will go see what Miles is up to?”

  “Good girl,” I said, smiling. “I will see you soon.”

  When I entered the room, I was surprised to find the room was trashed. Furniture was broken and mirrors were smashed. Christina stood by Cole where he was seated with his wrists and ankles tied to the chair

  “You need to drink this,” Christina insisted, trying to feed him the drink. “You are getting sicker.”

  “Get away from me you witch,” he snarled. “I am not sick at all. When I break free, I am going to send you to the dorcha's pit and let them tear you limb from limb for this. Release me and I will think about lessening my punishment.”

  “You know I can't do that, Cole,” she said.

  Impatiently, he began rocking in the chair, trying to break free. “Just take me back to my home,” he screamed.

  “You are home, Cole,” I said, walking to him. “We are in Gram's house in Starten.”

  “That's not my home. I am the king of the Vetur. My kingdom is Snowstorm. I am their Shah,” he growled, glaring at me. “And my people will return to me.”

  “No, Cole,” I said. “They won't”

  “Mara,” Christina said. “I don't think you should be here right now. He is a bit—”

  “What is he a bit? Angry?” Cole's said, trying to pull himself loose. “Why would I be upset? My wife tried to kill me with a snake and when it didn't finish me off, she punched me. Now she has me tied to a chair.”
/>   “Cole, I had no choice,” I said, as I approached him. “Christina, can you leave us? We need to be alone.”

  “Yes, Christina, your queen has given you an order,” Cole said. “Go. She wouldn't want witnesses to anything she does.”

  Christina nodded. “I will be nearby if you need me.”

  “Thank you,” I said, squeezing her hand.

  “Cole, can we talk about this please?” I asked, trying to keep my tone calm.

  “What should we talk about? Should we talk about how you betrayed my trust? How you drove my people away?”

  “Yes, if you want to talk about that we can,” I said. “And we can also talk about why someone had to stop Snowystra.”

  Screaming, he said, “She will come for me. I warned you that I would kill you for your deceit. What makes you think I won't now?”

  “You might try. But, you won't kill me and you know it.”

  “Why won't I?” he said. “If I don't get the chance, she will.”

  “She is not coming back for you, Cole. She's gone,” I said. “You won't kill me because you love me. You love me Cole and you know that Snowystra lied to you. She tricked you into following her and beat you into submission. I saw the wounds on your body from her punishment. I know how many times you must have come to your senses before she was able to confuse you.”

  “You don't know what you are talking about. You are lying. She never hurt me. She was good to us. She is not gone. She is a goddess. They don't just disappear, especially not because of someone weak like you. They sent her away before but she came back. She will again.”

  Opening the pouch, I dumped the contents out on a dresser. “I want you to tilt your head back and let me put these drops in your eyes. I want you to see the truth.”

  “I would never submit. It is another trick,” he snarled.

  “Cole, if you don't do it willingly, I am going to force you to do it.”

  “Well, then you will have to force me,” he glared.

  This is impossible. He is going to make this hard. Be his queen, I thought. Be his queen.

  “Oh right,” I said, changing my tone and sitting on his lap. “You are too scared. Scared of your wife. Scared of the Vizier. Scared of the person that should have been the Shah. You are scared of me. You know you were not her first choice.”


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