Nearly Mended

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Nearly Mended Page 17

by Devon Ashley

  My thoughts stopped dead as Megan’s demeanor changed to absolute fear. “What? I didn’t do anything!” My heart bled to hear her scream like that. He was walking into frame now, and every little drop of air inside me vanished as I collapsed in on myself. A thin piece of leather wrapped around his wrist and threaded through his grip as it dangled straight to the ground.

  “No, you didn’t. But Nick did.”

  I don’t know how many times I muttered the word no, but they got louder and louder as Megan slammed her back into the corner, tears running down her face, shaking like a terrified maze rat that had been shocked way too many times to count.

  My chest convulsed, ramming my chest so hard it begged to flee from my body before he dished out my punishment on her poor body. Whimpers screamed in the back of her throat, and my jaw juddered so hard for her it made the sores across my body ache. My fingernails desperately scratched at the rug beneath me, like they could seriously dig a hole out of here and pop up in front of her to protect her.

  Oh, God… I did this to her. And he was going to make sure I got to watch every bit of it, hear every belted scream she put out. What kind of fucking asshole did that?!

  His body hovered over hers as she cowered farther into the ground. “Are you frightened of me right now, Natalie?”

  “Yes,” she answered with the shakiest voice I’d ever heard, her face drenched with moisture she didn’t bother cleaning. My insides refused to calm down. Every part of me trembled like I’d been locked in a freezer all night.

  “Good.” Looking up at the camera, he said directly to me, “Because I want Nick to take this moment and archive it. For me. For you. So he never forgets how he put us in this position.” His attention turned back to her, his right hand fisting the leather. “Now take your slip off.”

  Her eyes widened and her arms wrapped more tightly around herself. She just stood there mumbling please over and over again, and my fucking heart died inside.

  For someone who claimed he was put in that position to hurt her, his voice was eerily calm for what he was about to do. “I was going to strike you five times. You’ve just earned a sixth. Care to make it seven?”

  Megan whipped the gown over her head and threw it so far it fell out of frame. Her arms crossed, then she once again backed into the corner, looking up at him crying. Why didn’t she look at the camera? She knew I was watching. Knew it was my fault he was standing over her, ready to make good on his threats. Why couldn’t she just look at me and give me the look that I deserved? That I betrayed her. That I hurt her. That it was my fault. To scream that I did this to her. That I didn’t follow the stupid, fucking rules and now he was going to lash out on her. Why couldn’t she just give me the pain I deserved? But she wouldn’t remove her gaze from him, still pleading for him not to do it.

  It was horrible how quickly my tears stopped. Not only did it give me a clear picture of what was coming her way, but it was like my body shut down on me instantaneously. Everything was still. Silent.

  And then the leather cut through the air and came cracking down on her.

  Her scream was deafening, piercing, echoing. She’d turned her body so that her back took the blow, and already a sharp shade of pink cut a line across her back. It was like she forgot how to breathe. Seconds went by before she gasped and cried out, whimpering in agony. He made her huddle there for at least thirty seconds, making sure she endured every bit of pain that lash had to offer. Once she was beginning to calm down again, he whipped her again. This time her screams were worse, louder, as was the way her body shook afterwards. Then three, four. I forced myself to watch each and every one, burning her misery into my memory so I’d never be tempted to do something so stupid ever again. I’d do every fucking thing he asked from here on out, no matter the demand. I’d let him fuck me if he’d just stop and let her be.

  Five and six weren’t as hard to watch, because the shock of it had her unconscious by that point, but it still killed me. He disappeared from screen for several minutes before returning to pick her up and carry her off.

  It was over. My jaw still trembled. In fear, guilt, anger. How could he do that to her? To her! Punishing her so extremely for my disobedience? I was the one who tested the limits. I was the one who deserved to be struck. Making me watch wasn’t enough. I ached to take that pain away from her. It was my pain.

  It took forever for my guilt-ridden tears to run dry. I sat there pinned against the wall with my head hung. The TV had been turned off for quite some time before my door slid open. “Congratulations. You managed to turn thirty-six hours of my not touching her into triple that. Though I doubt you’re too pleased with how you earned them.”

  I wanted to kill him. To take that damn leather belt and beat him senseless with it. Even though he threatened to knock her around if I strayed from the rules, she didn’t deserve something like that. I swear to God I will kill him the first chance I get.

  “How could you do that?” I wanted to scream and yell it at him, but I had nothing left to give. He’d waited until I’d used it all up before coming back in here.

  “Let’s get something straight right now.” He crouched down in front of me with steely eyes, cracking the knuckles clasped in his hand. I really wanted to fucking kick the balls I knew he was going to make suck again. The fact that he made himself vulnerable like that made me weary. It felt like he was baiting me to do it. “There are only two ways out of this house for you. Death or auction. So either get with the fucking program or I’ll choose the one I’m feeling most when the time comes. Personally, after what you made me do to her today, I’d choose auction just so you could spend the rest of your miserable life letting the guilt waste you away as your new owner fucks the shit out of you every night.”

  I let out a long breath, my eyes still glued to the ground.

  “I don’t give a shit what happens to you. I brought you here to keep Natalie in line, but she’s doing that regardless. Seems she’s learned her place and knows better than to question it. I don’t need you. Remember that.” He stood up and towered over me. “What were you going to use that knife for anyways? It’s too small to do any real damage. You’re not going to escape this house, so what was it for?”

  My head lazily swayed side to side. Fuck if I knew. It was just a weapon. I was a fucking prisoner. And prisoner’s always felt the need to protect themselves. To have something in that moment of need. Like right now – I wanted to stab his goddamn eye out with it. Bet that would’ve slowed him down a bit.

  He didn’t seem to care that I didn’t share an answer. “I’ve given her something. She’s going to be out of commission for a few days while I let her sleep it off and heal. I see no reason she should have to continue suffering through the pain just because you couldn’t handle the rules. And since she’s no longer able to service me on a daily basis, my balls are in your court now.”

  I grimaced, but I knew that was coming. Wasn’t anything less than I deserved.

  “You have a choice. Either you’re going to suck me or I’m going to suck you. Which will it be?”

  No way in hell I was going with the latter. Ever. He seemed pleased with my decision as he loosened the slack on my chains.

  “On your knees,” he ordered, digging underneath his shirt to pull his pants off. “And get comfy. You’re going to be in this position a lot the next few days.”

  My eyes were too heavy to stay open, the bright white light of the bathroom reflecting off the mirror making me feel blinded even with my lids held shut. But I was too tired to move, too nauseous to venture away from the damn porcelain bowl. Since I hadn’t been fed anything in three days, I had nothing to throw up. All I could do was swallow some water and wait for it to come back up again. A vicious cycle that burned my throat and bruised my chest, but those thirty minutes that followed that were nausea-free, made all the discomfort worth it. But my muscles ached and my head felt heavy with pulsating pain. My stomach may have been nauseous but at least the hunger pains
gave up.

  That asshole had made me go down on him seven times now. Three times a day for the past two days and once this morning. Which unfortunately, meant I had two more rounds still to go today. Problem was, I hadn’t eaten since the meal that got Megan beaten, so I was getting weaker and weaker. I was ready to roll over and fucking die, which was what I figured he was doing at this point. Disgusting me by sucking him off on the road to death was just a perk.

  My whine was complete half-ass when I heard the main door slide open. He loved to taunt me between blowjobs, so I doubted it was time for my midday punishment. Didn’t the guy have a fucking job to go to? I rolled my head so it hung in the toilet, because quite frankly, the mixture of spit and water was more appealing to look at than his damn face right now. For some reason I didn’t give a shit about, his footsteps never pushed past the bathroom door and I didn’t bother to acknowledge him.

  “You look like shit.”

  I. Couldn’t. Care. Less. Fuck you.

  By the sound of his faint laughter, he’d made his way closer. If that asshole put his damn cock in front of me right now…

  The muscles on the back of my shoulders were so prepared for him to touch me there that I actually jumped when a clunk came from the counter above my head. Curiosity got the best of me and my head turned, my eyes fighting to open. After a moment the blurriness faded away and I focused on a tall glass filled with something thick and brown.

  I angled my head even farther back until I looked into the eyes peering down at me. “What’s that?”

  “Protein shake.” With a smirk, he added, “One can’t live off semen forever.”

  I shook my head in annoyance. Or at least I thought I did. As dizzy as I felt, fuck if I knew if my head was actually moving. My head felt like the inside of a waterbed regardless. “Finally poisoning me?”

  His mouth twisted into a smile. “Please. If I was going to kill you, I’d just walk you out into that forest, shoot you and leave you for the scavengers. Why the hell would I poison you just to have to clean up the mess afterwards?”

  Very true. My bile would probably stain the rug.

  “Besides. You give good head. Far better than Megan, so you’ve earned your place here.”

  God. Fucking. Dammit. This piece of shit was going to die. I didn’t care if I died in the process, but I was not leaving this earth without taking that piece of shit with me.

  “Drink the shake. Take a shower. Lucky you, I’m feeling generous tonight, so you can sleep in the bed. Secure your first hand and I’ll come in later to get the second. Take longer than half an hour and Natalie gets shocked.”

  That threat hardly fazed me anymore. Don’t get me wrong, it had kept me in line these past few days, but I didn’t need the constant reminders he threatened. I’d never stop hearing her screams echo in my head or seeing her go down the way she did.

  My arm shook as I reached out to grasp the cool plastic glass. I immediately took a sip to test the waters. Chocolate. I could feel the grit of some of the powder that didn’t mix in that well. But I didn’t taste anything off about it, so I allowed myself to slowly take a little more in until I finished five minutes later. I sat for another five, just waiting to see if my stomach actually accepted it. It was so fucking ravenous it probably wouldn’t have cared if I ate toilet paper right now.

  I removed the binds around my wrists so I could pull my shirt over my head, then left them off, because getting the leather wet made them chafe my skin even more. And since he told me to switch to the chains in the bed, he shouldn’t care that I abandoned this pair a few minutes early. It wasn’t like my exhausted body could put up a fight anyway.

  After a few minutes, my body was shaking less and my head seemed to be getting better, so I made my way to the shower in a bent up hunch, my legs still weaker than I’d trust to keep me erect. I sat in the shower for several minutes under warm water, not rising until a good ten minutes more, when I was slowly coming to life again. I had the power to stand on my own two feet again, so I stood, increased the heat and took a real shower.

  I still had some time and hell if I was going to waste it waiting in that bed any earlier than I had to, so I crouched down again and let the water drain down my back until I just couldn’t put it off any more. Stepping out and grabbing the towel, I realized my clothes weren’t on the floor anymore, and a fresh shirt and cotton pants lay folded on the counter.

  Great. That asshole got to play dress-up with me now. I supposed it could’ve been far worse. He could’ve just taken them and not given anything in return. When the fuck did he come in here anyway? I slipped the grey t-shirt over my head and pulled up the pants, cinching and tying the cord. I wasn’t surprised that I didn’t get boxers in return for the pair he took. But I had been wearing them for at least a week now so that was gross in itself. Still, I wasn’t planning on going without in his house so I kept putting them back on.

  My muscles still ached, probably from all the stomach and chest heaving I’d done lately, so that wasn’t going to be fixed by giving me something to feed on. I miserably strapped my left wrist to the bind attached directly to the bed. Both my wrists were pink and irritated, and the leather made my skin burn again. The bed might’ve been a huge improvement over the rug, but the chain system on the floor usually had more give. Now, my arm would be stuck in a position that would never find relief.

  There might’ve been an actual substance for my stomach to gnaw on now, but I was still utterly drained of energy. I was pretty sure I fell asleep almost instantly, but I was still incredibly tired when I awoke later. The room was dim now, but something about the air was way too cool. Dazed, I attempted to roll up into a ball for warmth but my legs weren’t allowed to obey the command.

  “What the…?” I lifted my head. I probably would’ve figured out a little quicker that my feet had been strapped down, but I was too focused on the fact that my pants were no longer around my waist, but halfway down my fucking thighs. I snapped awake like lightning just cracked my ass. “Fuck!” I jerked my hands without thought, but they were both secured to the bed now. I didn’t even know the damn bed had restraints for the feet, so he must’ve been hiding them all this time.

  Oh, this is bad. This is way fucking bad. He is not going to fucking do this!

  Being tied down didn’t keep me from yanking on the restraints, from burning my aching wrists even more, from trying to break just one of them free so I could defend myself. Nor did I care that I was making a ton of noise by making the headboard bang into the wall. Grunting, I yanked on my wrists, trying desperately to slip them through, but they were too tight. Even the one I had done myself had been tightened another notch. I couldn’t even lean my head close enough for my teeth to grab them. Finally succumbing to defeat, I threw my head back against the pillow and growled.

  I heard a tsking noise three times fast and my head angled up. Fuckhead had just come back in. Thank God it was too dim to really see his expression from here.

  “Damn. Relax. You act like I’m going to flip you over and rape you or something.”

  I wouldn’t put it past him, no matter his little statement about his door only swinging one way. “Want me to calm down? Pull my fucking pants back up.”

  “No,” he replied smartly. My entire body tried to cringe when he sat down beside me, way too close to my cock. “You know, it’s occurred to me that you’ve chosen to suck me off instead of the other way around every time.”

  “And again I’m choosing that option,” I said quickly. “Let me up. Let’s go.” Again my body tried to rise foolishly.

  “I’m not offering a choice this time.”

  “Fu-huck,” I whined dejectedly. I knew he was going to say that. Now I was left trying to decide whether or not to keep arguing or just let him begin and get it over with as quickly as possible.

  “You’re quite the homophobe, aren’t you?”

  My eyes narrowed at him. Firmly, I stated, “I am not homophobic. I just have a preference for

  The asshole chuckled at that. “I think you’d find most people’s preference would be bisexual if they’d only open themselves up to the experience.” Then he reached out and wrapped his hand around my shaft. Every fucking muscle in my abdomen tensed and contracted uncomfortably. “Fuck!” I grunted and growled, hating the way his fingers gripped and slid up and down. “Get the fuck off! Does it look like I have a bisexual interest?”

  I threw my head back as far as it would go, not wanting to see – nor admit – that it was his hand stimulating me. My hips lifted from the bed, turning side to side, failing to knock him away. I had only relented for a second, trying best to think of what to do next, when I felt something warm and wet swipe across my tip. Again my body snapped and recoiled. “Jesus!” My head shot up. Fuck. I had thought it was his tongue, but he was still upright. I fought the sting of arousal raging inside me as his thumb rubbed my precum back and forth.

  “Seems to me it’s all in your head. All those preconceived notions you were brought up on that only a woman should please you. Your cock seems to understand it’s not what sex the person is, but what that person can successfully do for you.”

  My jaw clenched. My eyes shut tight. I was beginning to pant because he wouldn’t relent what he was doing, making me lengthen and stiffen with every thrust. I released a startled gasp when I heard a phone ring. All sensation temporarily forgotten, my head looked up and searched it out. He looked at me comically as he pulled the phone out of his pocket and scanned the screen, then looked back to me. Standing up and letting my shaft go free, he said, “Don’t bother. Anyone with this number knows I keep house guests. Your screams will do nothing but titillate them.”

  To prove his point, he answered the call and said yeah? before even leaving the room. I cried out for help anyway, but he just kept on talking and walking until his voice disappeared down the hallway. I scowled at my fucking cock, which was twitching now that it had been abandoned. I dropped my head back down, forced to wait until my breaths calmed and the sensations ceased.


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