Omega Seth (A Rivers End Saga)

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Omega Seth (A Rivers End Saga) Page 3

by TJ Star

  I see Ron and guy 2 at the worktable against the wall going through some cases, though I can’t see what is in them. Guy 1 is once again trailing the crop over me all the way up to my throat, then over my cock teasing it and up my thighs. Just when I think he is going after my balls again I feel the feather strokes going all the way down towards my opening and then over my cock again. As he heads back to the other side of the table he brings it down hard on my cock. “Shit…” I scream. He laughs and continues his feather touches again before making several hard hits randomly all over my chest and thighs.

  Ron comes over with guy2 and says things are looking good as he sees my half erect cock. They decide I need to practice my blow jobs since I failed the alpha and guy 2 drops the head of the table so I can suck his cock all proper like. I so want to just bite it off and stuff it up his nose, see how well he can breathe. In the mean time I have lost all hardness and guy1 is nominated I guess to shove his dick up my ass. Lubrication please, may I the recipient of your fuckfest put in a mental request as my mouth is currently full of cock. Oh, that is right silly me, you would have to actually care about your property to treat it with respect and care, wouldn’t want to ask too much of Ron or his buddies. Never mind the fact that if properly stimulated an omega secrets its own lubricant, but nope heaven forbid an alpha show any kindness… “Aaaawwww...”

  Seth just got that scream out then the dick was shoved back in his mouth. Breathe he thought…one more breath in, one more breath out. Tears streaming down his eyes he heard Ron’s voice in his ear. “Not going to run again are you my pet? I’ll teach you a new trick tonight to help you remember, you’d like that won’t you omega?” Seth could only pray he passed out first. He had been brought down here many times over the years, but if there was something new and it was worse than anything the alpha has already tried he so didn’t want to even think about it.

  Choking on the come being shot down his throat Seth turned his head to the side and spit it all back up, earning him a slap from guy 2. Who then demanded he clean his cock now that the deed was done. By the time he finished with that guy 1 had shot his load and was pulling out. Ron laughed and told the boys it was now his turn, he put the head piece up then brought the smaller case to the end of the table. He told them they could stay, watch and learn or go home to their mates now that their moods have been elevated.

  They must have chosen to stay as I didn’t hear any footsteps in retreat. The alpha must have decided to continue using their assistance. When they came back to the table one guy had a spiked wheel that he hated and the other guy a choke chain Ron like to use on him when he was really pissed. Seth started shaking his head no, but then noticed the alpha coming back over too as the loop was put over his head. He was at the foot of the table now with that case.

  He took some metal pin or rod looking thing out of the case then put it back in the got another one out that looked a bit thicker round but same length; or so it appeared. Then he put on his condom and put the case away. He put lube on the end and I started squirming, he had guy one put the strap hanging down the side of the table across my waist to keep me in place better.

  One guy was already running that thing over my nipples causing pain as he applied more pressure than was needed. When Ron grabbed my cock and I realized where he was sticking that metal rod I screamed, “No, fuck no…” Then the other guy pulled on the chain cutting off my air, I was tied down to securely to struggle.

  Ron growled, “quiet omega, Matt hold his head down, try to keep him as still as possible for this part.” Matt I guess was guy1, he presses my head down with one hand and my jaw closed with the other as he let go of the chain and it loosened. Then I noticed guy 2 reach over and put a restraining hand on my chest, about that time I felt the rod being pushed into my slit slowly. I couldn’t get a way or scream for help, not that anyone would go against their alpha. So I just screamed a scream that never got passed my lips as tears ran down my eyes. Once it was fully in they let go and the alpha started questioning me.

  “Will you run again omega?” Ron asked, like I would tell him if I was, but at this time I had no plans to do so and told him so. “No Alpha.”

  “Did anyone help you omega?” Again my reply was an honest, “No Alpha.” To which Ron stated simply, “I think you understand it must not happen again.” Then the alpha lined up his cock to enter, while still holding Seth’s cock in his hand. He shoved in just after tapping the top piece of the metal, which shot mega sensations throughout and left him breathless. Then the alpha had guy2 hold his cock and told him to use the sound to fuck his penis. Then whole time he rammed into him harder and harder, he would be surprised if he had an ass left.

  Once he stopped whimpering so much the alpha paused long enough to get the next bigger sound and pushed it in. Only it was bigger and hurt more and Seth screamed as it was shoved in only to have Matt pull that damn chain again cutting off his air while he smiled down at him. Every time the alpha came in contact with his balls it was even more intense.

  Guy two was now tapping on the head of the sound. He was so about to come, and then Ron pulled the rod out fast making him scream again. Stating that, “Only good omegas get to come.” Then Ron rammed him harder and faster taking his anger out on his ass until finally at last he did pass out.

  He woke up in the recovery room as he liked to call it; the doctor came to check on him until he was completely healed of open wounds. Then he was moved into the room inside the Alpha’s master bedroom, it was really just an empty closet with blankets on the floor and a toilet and sink. That being said you had to stand on the blankets to piss in the toilet, so yes the punishment continues until I can be trusted again; if ever.

  I need my art supplies, Seth thought as he paced the couple steps from one wall to the next and back again. Maybe Ron will let him have his sketchbooks and drawing tools. He knew he wouldn’t let him paint again yet. He had made to many paintings ahead of schedule so there is no reason the alpha would let him near his paints. One, two, turn around one, two turn around…but he was still too weak and he wore down quickly and was asleep soon as he lay down.

  Next time Ron opened the door to check on him he would ask for his sketchbooks even if it earned him a few bruises it would be worth it if he could just have something to draw on, or failing that a pencil or charcoal. The walls in here had been painted over since the last time he’d been locked in here, there’s plenty of blank canvas.

  Chapter 6 Ryan

  Ryan sat in his office going over paperwork. He had put in a full day on the new job site like the rest of the group, but there was still the office work to do. He had Galen and his group working on a side project to see what they could come up with in time for the purposed meeting his old friend from back home had forwarded him a request on.

  He and Jeff shot each other an email a couple times a year to keep up once he’d been found on a social media website. After exchanging emails he deleted his profile and never bothered with one again. If that stupid stink earn his company some bucks and maybe hard earned reputation, then he could live with his mistake.

  He got all the permit forms for next months project lined up and ready for June in the morning. One last look at his emails and he could think of food and then maybe sleep. Dang if there wasn’t another inquiry notice in his inbox; for the properties the three of them had slowly been buying up in their old home town. Why would someone want to buy up not one but all of the properties they bought? He would have to look into it soon see what is going on in that area.

  “Boss man don’t you ever leave the office?” Nathan said coming on in and sitting in a chair putting his boots up on Ryan’s desk. He smiled then said, “You need to go to the bar pick you up a piece of ass and get laid man.”

  Taking a deep breath Ryan argued back, “First of all the three of us are equal share owners. Second my sex life or lack there of is none of your business.”

  “Okay, touchy are we?” Nathan teased as Galen walked in floppin
g down his files for the day. Looking between the two of them he cautiously asks, “What did I do, you’re the one with your feet on the boss’ desk?”

  At which point Nathan starts laughing and says, “See Ryan I told you, you are the boss.” He looks to Galen and smiles, “He never believes me, I think I should be offended. Oh, and he says he has no sex life.” They loved teasing each other but in truth Nathan had probably gone without company longer than his brother. Though none of them tended to be the one night stand kind of guys after the childhood he led he wanted someone who would stick by him good and bad. One who could deal with all his scars inside and out.

  Ryan put his head in his hands and calmly stated, “I am not going to go to no bar like you suggested just to get laid, now get your feet off my desk since I am apparently the boss today.” He loved his friends, but he really was at a point in his life where he wanted something more. “I wanted to talk to you two about the properties we been buying up in our old home town. I have been getting emails for a while now. It seems someone put in some effort to at least find our dumby corporation and email so they could try to buy up the properties. Not just one or two they want them all.”

  “Do we know what is going on in our old home town?” Nathan asked nervously, he hated anything that reminded him of home. He was now sitting up straight and paying attention. “Last we heard the alpha was killed by his own pack after they had enough neglect and then the counsel shut the pack down completely.”

  “No, we need to look into it, but I wanted to discuss it with you all first and let you know what was going on.” Ryan said sitting back in his seat ready for the day to be done.

  “I can do some research while I am doing my office work tomorrow; see what I can’t pull up.” Galen announced getting up and heading for the door. “Bye, for now I am beat and I need a hot meal and a hot bath.” Both brothers turned to watch him leave then waited until the front door shut to the building.

  “He didn’t say hot man!” Ryan looked over at Nathan and said after they heard the door close. “Our brother’s dating again.” Nathan growled about the same time Ryan did. They could not help being a bit over protective of their brother. They were after all alphas and he was an omega and a year younger than them. Though at least they were not still back in their old home town or Galen would not have been treated fairly. Even then their old pack was better than some. Here in this state he had yet to run into any packs like his old ones, it was one of the reasons they’d decided on staying.

  Galen took advantage of the more equal rights here and the good relationship with the human population to enjoy himself. Though the brothers had to bail him out of relationship trouble occasionally, it was not often. They had taught their brother to fight and how speed can trump muscle in a fight if used right. So he put quite a few alphas on their butts who couldn’t keep grabby hands to themselves or take no for an answer when drunk.

  “On that note I am going home as well.” Ryan sighed as he gathered his stuff and got up to head for the truck. Nathan followed rambling on about playing pool at some bar over on Tucker Avenue with the guys, but Ryan was barely paying attention. He was feeling like he had missed an important detail somewhere he should have picked up on. That something was coming or going to change and he had to be prepared even if the others didn’t take it seriously. He was also feeling the need to find his mate.

  While they all technically lived almost right next door to each other they all still had their own lives. When they first moved here they worked toward the first home they bought and restored. Then as another on the street went up for sale they bought it and another. Next month the one between him and Galen’s house was going up for sale and they were planning to grab it and restore it as well. It would be good to have something to do in his off work hours, especially when he couldn’t sleep.

  He didn’t have nightmares too often anymore since they left the old pack, but he still had them. His parents weren’t too bad and he wasn’t missed if he wasn’t home, or at least not most of the time. There were a few times he came in the back door late at night from their tree house adventures and would turn around to find his dad standing there tall as ever waiting for him. Usually it just ended in him getting a hand across the face and a lecture as he was dragged off to be locked in the hall closet or worse the cedar chest at the foot of his parent’s bed. That later was usually saved for when dad was in his bad moods though then it might be a couple days before he got out.

  Looking back and remembering how small the chest was he was kind of glad they were poor and didn’t get much to eat otherwise he wasn’t sure there would have been enough room in it for him. It always felt so small and tight and it is why he still has trouble with small spaces and usually avoids elevators even. His brothers know and understand also can see the warning signs sometimes even before he realizes it is bothering him.

  He pulled into the attached garage and hit the button for the door to close. Then he headed into the house to hunt up something to eat. Not wanting to be inside any more than necessary he turned on the grill on the patio and then headed in to shower and change. Ryan loved getting in on all the projects from the start to finish.

  He realized he couldn’t stay on all of them or finish them, but at least making sure ground got broke right and things were running smoothly felt good. Then lending a hand on then housing project that was halfway completed and coming along ahead of schedule; he may have gotten carried away with his time because he was having so much fun.

  As he turned on the spray and waited for the water to heat he got undressed tossing the clothes in the basket in the corner. He looked in the mirror as he thought once again about finding a mate and wondered what a potential mate would think. Ryan had always been confident before, he knew he had muscles from working the job. Would that be enough to attract a mate though? He was not good with fashion like Galen was or confident with words in social crowds like Nathan. Heck he though as he stepped into the shower he couldn’t even sleep inside the house some nights.

  He washed off quickly before becoming tempted to pleasure himself. He was too hungry and still had the feeling in the back of his head telling him he should be somewhere doing something. After tossing on some sweats and grabbing a steak and a beer he headed out back. His property met the woods with his 8 foot wood fence on both sides all the way to the edge of the forest line. Once he had eaten he shifted to go for a quick run hoping it would calm his wolf. If not he would wind up sleeping on the patio tonight. When he was far enough in he let off a long soulful howl.

  Chapter 7 Seth

  Seth wasn’t sure how many days it had been before the door had been opened again. He had passed out and all that was left was a loaf of bread and a pencil. So at least his alpha did know him and how crazy he was going. He must have heard him crying and pacing until he passed out time and again. He knew to make the food last, but it is all gone now and the pencil has wasted away. So has his body just like last time he was punished after running, but he felt so weak now he wondered if he would make it. Then he drifts off once more.

  When he wakes there is food this time on a tray and it’s a whole meal. He is so hungry he eats it all, but sets aside the roll for later just in case. Sated and full it doesn’t take long and he’s asleep again his stomach tells him it has been some time he has been out. He turns toward the door and finds a bag with more food, a sack lunch. He eats it. So goes the next week until his strength returns and then the alpha has him brought to the doctor for another check up. During which his closet is cleaned and repainted. He is taken to the bath again to be prepared for a personal meeting with his alpha.

  After he is officially scrubbed clean, like he couldn’t figure out how to clean himself at his age, then he is given clothes to put on and escorted back to the alpha’s house. Once there he was brought to the den where Ron is waiting for him. He stepped forward head bowed, waiting orders as the escort backs out of the room and closes the door. “Kneel in position at my side
while I update you on what is going on and what upcoming events will be expected of you. Then we will discuss your punishment and now what will be expected of you in the coming months.” Ron commanded.

  Seth went and knelt with his hands behind his back at the alpha’s side groaning inwardly thinking of the talk to come after this meeting. He listened to the alpha talk about various business owners he was going to meet with to interview for bids on his new mansion. All Seth could think was greedy much, but that answer was obvious.

  He was apparently going to meet one on one individually with each contractor that put in a bid on the whole project for the thing then he would also do one of his paintings to be presented at the official business meeting as a gift to the alpha of that company. Nothing like trying to schmooze and make connections everywhere, just so you can use them or rather misuse them later.

  My first session was in three days so I was told to keep eating and gain some weight, as if I was the one who locked myself in the closet and starved myself. “Yes Alpha.” I answered obediently. He turned to me and put his hands on the arms of his chair. I knew this meant be a good omega and suck my cock now or else so I unbuckled his belt and got his hard length out and just put it in my mouth when he grabbed the back of my hair.

  “Good omega I do hope you learned your lesson. That’s good take it all in, suck it, yes you can take more…more…uuumm” Ron said as he pushed Seth’s head down on his cock until he was gagging, then holding it there smiling as he watched his omega start to squirm.

  Seth broke position and started pushing on the alpha’s knees, tears were coming out his eyes and he needed air soon. He knows Ron is still mad at him for running but if he wants him ready and able to do sessions he has to be in working order. Alpha must have heard his thoughts because he finally let him up for air before rapidly thrusting in and out of his mouth until he came all over Seth’s face.


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