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Tamian Page 21

by Faith Gibson

  When he walked through the door of the lab, Tamian froze just inside. Hearing Julian remark on what Lucy had endured was one thing, but seeing it was another. Ramey had subjected Lucy to the atrocities. If Tamian hadn’t been ready to gut the human before, the sight before him firmed his determination. First, he had to find Lucy, and that meant taking clothes with him. When he found her – and he would – Tamian was going to hide her away from the world, her family included, until he was sure she was safe. Entering her apartment, Tamian made quick work of packing her duffel bag with all the clothes and toiletries that would fit inside.

  When he found what looked like a burner phone, Tamian hesitated. If this was how Lucy contacted her family, he wasn’t sure he wanted her to have it. Not that he didn’t trust her, but he didn’t want her to contact her family behind his back. Leaving it, there was nothing else he needed from the room. Tamian didn’t linger as he left the lab and ran back up the stairs.

  Once outside, he returned to where her clothes had been shed. He called on his shifter to help him trace the scent she left behind. When the scent ran out, he continued in the direction he’d been walking. While he eased through the trees, he called out to Lucy as well as the gods for her to answer his pleas. Stopping every twenty yards or so to concentrate, Tamian also tried to think like the Hound would. If he was helping Lucy, he would have taken her back to the hotel. Tessa had already texted that they weren’t there, and the Hounds didn’t know where they were. Monk had gone off the grid with Tamian’s mate.

  Since that was the case, Tamian shifted his mind to something he didn’t want to contemplate. If he had a female he wanted to take care of but hide her away, where would he go? Somewhere remote, yet somewhere he could tend to her wounds. Since the blood was no longer dotting the ground, either Monk had found a way to staunch the flow, or... Tamian looked up, imagining a large eagle flying overhead in the cover of darkness carrying his mate. He didn’t know enough about the Gryphons to gauge whether or not their eagles were able to shift while injured.

  Just in case the others had made contact with Lucy or Monk, Tamian pulled out his phone and called Tessa.

  “Tam, did you find her? Her ring is moving, but it’s not far from the lab.”

  “No. I found her ring, so that’s me you’re tracking.” Tamian didn’t want the others to trace his movements, especially once he found Lucy. He examined the piece of jewelry while he spoke. “I take it you’re there with the Hounds since you know about the ring. I need you to ask them if Lucy would be able to shift with a wound.”

  “We’ve already discussed that. If the injury was minor, then yes. If it was major, then probably not.”

  “Would Monk in his eagle form be able to carry her body if he needed to?”

  “Yes. As Ryker explained it, the Gryphon is a bit larger than a full-grown lion. If flying in eagle form, they usually remain their normal size, but if they need to be larger – say to carry a human – they can increase their size accordingly. Ryker has already sent Hawke and Spyder out to search for them. If you happen to see a couple eagles circling overhead, they’re on your side.”

  “If they can help me find Lucy, all the better. I would think Ryker and Maveryck would also be out here looking.”

  “They are headed out to the airport and the train station while Uncle Vitto goes to the bus terminal. I’m monitoring the hospitals so Julian can continue doing what you asked. We’re going to find her.”

  “Yes, I am. And when I do, I’ll be taking her somewhere safe.”

  “I had no doubt you would. Keep your phone handy. If any of us finds them or something leading to where they are, I’ll call you.”

  “Thanks, Andi. I love you.

  “Love you, too.”

  Tamian returned his phone to the back pocket of his jeans. Studying Lucy’s ring, it didn’t take long to find the miniscule tracker. After removing it and dropping it, he ground it into the dirt with his heal. As he slid the ring back onto his pinky, Tamian turned his gaze upward. Thankful for the clouds, he released his wings and launched himself into the treetops. Knowing Lucy had either flown of her own accord or been carried by Monk’s eagle, Tamian now had something to go on. He called on his beast for the strength and alertness they needed to detect the direction Lucy had gone. He wouldn’t give up until he reached his mate.

  Chapter Twenty-One

  When Lucy woke, she knew she was alone. The cabin was silent inside, while birds chirped to one another outside. Wrapping the afghan around her, she stood from the sofa and headed straight to the refrigerator. After purging her system the night before, Lucy was hungry. Her shoulders slumped when she found nothing edible other than bottles of ketchup and mustard. Three beers remained from a six-pack, and Lucy wondered if it belonged to the owners of the cabin, or if Monk had found a store nearby. Taking a chance, she opened the few cabinet doors only to find them empty as well.

  Lucy needed to figure out where she was, so she opened the front door and stepped out onto the sturdy porch. She was surrounded by trees on all sides. A worn path led through the woods. To where, she didn’t know, but if she had clothes on, she would find out. Returning to the bedroom, Lucy opened the door to the right, finding a small bathroom. She didn’t have to pee, but she did turn the tap on and rinse her mouth, using her finger to brush her teeth as best she could without toothpaste. Her mouth was rank from both vomiting and sleep. When she opened the door on the left, she found an almost-empty closet. A camouflage jacket hung on a peg, and a rifle was propped against the far wall. Lucy checked the rifle, finding it without ammo. She replaced the weapon and closed the door.

  Unless she wanted to brave the outdoors in nothing but a jacket too large for her, she was stuck waiting for Monk to return or for Tamian to find her. Taking advantage of the quiet, she reached out to him.

  “Tamian, are you there?”

  “Lucy! Oh gods, Sweetheart. Are you okay?”

  “I’m fine other than I have no idea where I am.”

  “Is Monk there with you?”

  “No. He was here when I fell asleep, but he’s gone now.”

  “Did he...?”

  “No. Tamian, I’m fine. He stitched up my shoulder. “

  “Can you describe where you are? Do you have any idea where he took you or the direction?”

  “I don’t remember what happened after I was shot. I woke up when Monk was stitching me up. All I know is I’m in what appears to be a hunting cabin in the woods, surrounded by trees. There’s a path leading away from here, but since I don’t have any clothes, I’d rather not go traipsing through the woods.”

  “If he touched you in any way other than to tend to your wounds, I’ll tear the bastard limb from limb.”

  “As much as your jealousy warms my heart, let’s worry about you finding me. I lost my ring at some point, so the family can’t track me.”

  “I have your ring. I also have some clothes for when I find you. And I will find you, Sweetheart.”

  “Which direction are you traveling?”

  “West, why?”

  “I have an idea. I’m going to try to shift into my eagle. I think I tried after being shot, but the bullet kept me from succeeding. Hang on, I’m walking outside.”

  Lucy dropped the afghan. If she was able to shift, she would find Tamian, who had clothes for her. If she couldn’t, she at least had the underwear to cover back up. Calling on her animal, Lucy took a deep breath and allowed the change to flow over her. She cringed at the pain in her shoulder, but she now stood on the ground, four feet shorter than before.

  “I did it. Tamian?” Crap. She couldn’t speak to him in her eagle. Shifting back, she tried again. “Tamian?”

  “I’m here.”

  “I can’t speak to you in eagle form. I’m going to shift back and fly east until I either run into you or a town where I can give you my location.”

  “Excellent, Sweetheart. I’ll see you soon. And Lucy, please be careful.”

  “I will.”
  Lucy had been so caught up in her plan that she didn’t hear Monk return. Startled, she covered her body as best she could. “Turn around,” she demanded. His eyes fell over her body, lust flashing behind them. “I said turn around, damnit.”

  Monk’s lips turned down, and sadness replaced the heat in his gaze. It was then she noticed the bags in his hands. The aroma of bacon met her nose, and her stomach growled. She needed to get to Tamian, but Lucy decided eating a few bites before she took off wouldn’t hurt anything.

  “If you found breakfast, there must be a town close by. Did you call Mav and let him know where we are?”

  Without looking at her, Monk nodded once before walking past her into the cabin. Lucy put her underwear on and followed, grabbing the afghan and securing it like a towel around her body. “You didn’t happen to get me any clothes, did you?”

  His cheeks pinkened, and he shook his head. Lucy took the opportunity to take in Monk’s features. He was handsome in a rugged way, with his hair cropped short. A scar she’d never noticed before was mostly covered by his beard. When he turned to look at her, bright golden eyes shone with so many emotions she had to look away. It was clear he wanted her, but she didn’t return his feelings. He was one of the Hounds, more like an honorary uncle. She’d never looked at him any other way. Never given him any indication she was interested. At least, she didn’t think she had.

  I choose Monk. Her words came back full force. But he hadn’t been in her home when she spoke her choice of bodyguards. It was possible Hayden or Kyllian had said something in front of the male to make him believe her choice was based on something other than his quiet reserve. She chose him so she wouldn’t have to put up with one of her uncle’s overbearing existence in her home. Lucy opened one of the Styrofoam containers and stripped the plastic fork from its wrapper. “Thank you. This looks delicious.” Without looking at him, she couldn’t see if he mouthed a response or not.

  While she chewed, she reached out to Tamian.


  “Is everything okay?”

  “Yes. Monk returned with breakfast before I could shift back. That means there’s civilization close by. I’m going to eat something so I’ll get some energy back, and then I’ll take off. I’ll let you know when that happens.”

  Tamian didn’t immediately respond, and she stopped chewing while she waited. Monk was staring at her, his forehead lined as he stared.


  “I’m here. Just... Be careful, Lucy. I’m worried about Monk.”

  “Why would you be worried?”

  “When he found out you and I are mates, he didn’t take it well. He left the hotel and broke contact with Maveryck.”

  Lucy looked up at Monk and swallowed her food. She’d been right. He did have feelings for her. Still, that didn’t mean he wished her harm. Monk dropped his knife and stood, reaching out to touch her arm. Lucy shrunk back, and Monk froze.

  “Sorry. I’m just... I’m talking to Tamian.” When Monk narrowed his eyes, Lucy tapped her temple. “In here. We can communicate silently.” That was the wrong thing to say. Monk stomped out the front door, slamming it closed behind him. Well, shit.

  “I’ll be leaving soon. I’ll find the town and let you know where to find me.”

  “I know I keep saying this, but please be careful.”

  “I will. I promise.”

  Lucy shoveled the rest of her breakfast down before going to the sink for a glass of water. Coffee would have been nice, but at least Monk had thought to feed her. Now, to get out the door and shift without him seeing. Before she opened the door, Lucy glanced out the window. Monk was down the path with his back to her. He was typing on his phone. Bastard. He’d been able to communicate all along. Dropping the afghan, Lucy removed her bra and panties before easing the door open. As soon as her feet hit the porch, she shifted and took flight. Keeping her eyes on Monk, she rose into the sky and flapped her wings as quietly as possible. When she passed overhead, he turned back toward the cabin, never looking up. She knew she only had a minute at best before he figured out she was gone.

  Monk: I have Lucy at a cabin. She’s safe. I’m sending you the coordinates so you can come get us before the Gargoyle gets here.

  Ryker read the text from Monk twice before sending the coordinates to Tessa and the Hounds. He instructed the Hounds to get to the location as quickly as possible. He had no doubt the Gargoyles would head out on their own.

  Ryker didn’t want to think about what would happen if St. Claire found Lucy before the rest of the Hounds could show up and stop him from taking on Monk. In Gryphon form, the Hound stood a chance against the Gargoyle, but Ryker didn’t want it to come down to a bloodbath. Monk didn’t elaborate on how Tamian had managed to find them, but if what the others said was true, the Gargoyle and Lucy were able to communicate mentally. Ryker couldn’t wrap his head around having that ability, especially from Lucy’s standpoint. It must have something to do with the mate bond. Even when he and... Nope. Ryker wouldn’t allow himself to dwell on the past. It was too painful.

  Tapping the coordinates into the GPS system on his phone, he studied the map as well as the directions. It would be easier to drive a car, but he was already straddling the bike and strapping on his helmet. Maveryck had done well with the motorcycles he’d rented upon arriving. With Monk in the wind, all the Hounds had a bike at their disposal, and after placing his phone in the holder below the instrument panel, he made his way out of the airport terminal, trusting the others to get on the road just as quickly. The location of the cabin was an hour away without traffic issues. Anything could happen within that hour, but Ryker wouldn’t dwell on the negative.

  Getting Lucy back in one piece was the first order of business. Convincing St. Claire to let Ryker take her somewhere the family could watch over her would come after making sure the Gargoyle and Monk didn’t try to kill one another. He understood all too well wanting to protect his mate, but Tamian and Lucy weren’t mated. Not yet. They barely knew each other. He wanted his precious Lucia to have time to heal from whatever wound she’d suffered before turning her over to the Gargoyle.

  In less than four years, Ryker had come to think of Lucy more as a daughter than a niece. He never expected to have a child of his own, so she had become a welcome substitute. He’d stayed out of the discussions between Warryck and their parents when Lucy was born, but he understood both sides. War wanting to honor his wife’s dying wishes, and his parents wanting to raise Lucy in the family. They’d all missed out on watching her grow into the amazing woman she was now. His stubborn brother was still missing out. Rory had reached out to War when Lucy had been reassigned. He might not want to be in her life full-time, but he deserved to know when she was in trouble.

  Instead of answering Rory’s call, War had called Ryker to get all the information. He was dealing with last-minute duties as a professor. War confided in him he was done with teaching, and as soon as he could, he’d be on the road home. Ryker didn’t count on War coming to Lucy’s aid, but that was fine by him. He’d taken on the role as parental figure to the girl, even if she wasn’t aware of his deep feelings.

  Ryker’s phone lit up with an incoming text. He knew how dangerous it was to text and ride, but if something happened he needed to know about, he had to take the chance. Keeping his right hand on the throttle, he tapped the screen with his left hand, bringing up the full message.

  Monk: Fuck! She’s gone.

  Ryker glanced up as the car in front of him braked hard. Being a seasoned rider, he swerved around the car, splitting the lanes and rolling on the throttle to move past the line of traffic. As soon as he was in the clear, Ryker bore down on the twin engines, daring the police to give chase. Sutton had been a cop for many years and had plenty of contacts back home. That wouldn’t help Ryker where he was currently, but desperate times called for reckless behavior. Or something like that.

  If Lucy was gone, she’d either taken off on her own, or St. Claire ha
d found her somehow. If that was the case, they may never see his Little Dove again.

  When Tessa got the coordinates from Ryker, she immediately called Tamian. When he didn’t answer, she reached out to him with her mind.


  “I’m here.”

  “We found Lucy. Rather, Monk sent the coordinates to the Hounds. I’m sending them to your phone.”

  “Thanks. That’ll help me get to her sooner. Lucy got away from the cabin where Monk was keeping her, and she’s meeting me soon.”

  “What do you mean ‘got away’?”

  “I mean, if he had the coordinates all along and just now sent them, he was holding her there.”

  “Where are you meeting up with her?”

  “I don’t know yet. She’s flying in eagle form to the closest town. It can’t be too far away, because Monk went and bought breakfast for her.”

  “Damn. Okay, then I’ll hang out here and... hang on... Shit! Ramey’s on a rampage. He’s on the phone with someone telling them to clean up his mess.”

  “What’s he saying?”

  “I’m turning the volume up on the monitor.”

  Tessa, along with Rafael and Kaya, sat quietly while Lucy’s boss told whoever was on the other end of the phone to not only clean up the lab but to also find a way into Lucy’s home and make sure there was no evidence pointing to him. He then called someone else demanding they find Lucy and take her out.

  “Godsdamnit! Julian has the feed from the lab where Ramey killed the humans as well as the discussions he and Lucy had in the lab. All the evidence is there, but we don’t have the stuff from her house. Get on the phone with Lucy’s grandparents and tell them to lock down her home.”


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