Wilder Destiny: The Guardian Series Book 2

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Wilder Destiny: The Guardian Series Book 2 Page 1

by G. K. DeRosa

  Copyright © 2015 G.K. DeRosa LLC

  All Rights Reserved. This book may not be reproduced, in whole or in part, in any form or by any means, including photocopying, recording, or by any information storage and retrieval system known or hereafter invented, without written permission from the publisher, G.K. DeRosa LLC.

  Cover Designer: Masa Licinia

  Published in 2015 by G.K. DeRosa LLC

  Palm Beach, Florida


  To my family and friends for their never ending love and support and to all my Wilder fans whose enthusiasm encouraged me to continue my passion for storytelling.

  G.K. DeRosa

  Table of Contents

  Chapter 1

  Chapter 2

  Chapter 3

  Chapter 4

  Chapter 5

  Chapter 6

  Chapter 7

  Chapter 8

  Chapter 9

  Chapter 10

  Chapter 11

  Chapter 12

  Chapter 13

  Chapter 14

  Chapter 15

  Chapter 16

  Chapter 17


  Author Biography

  Celeste gasped for air as her arms thrashed desperately around, but it was no use. She could feel her throat constrict as the clawed hands around her neck tightened relentlessly with every breath she took. As her chest heaved up and down, the blue sapphire encrusted in the Wilder family key that she wore around her neck glistened under the street lamp. Even if she could reach it to try to contact the Council, they would never get to her in time. She looked up into the cold, reptilian eyes of the hideous creature that had her pinned to the ground, then quickly turned away. She shut her eyes, refusing to let it see the fear that was swelling inside of her.

  How did I get myself into this?

  Celeste opened her eyes and caught a glimpse of her sword under the dumpster. It had fallen out of her hand when the winged beast had descended upon her in the alley. She stretched out her arm trying to reach for it, but it was still inches away from her grasp. As the creature’s foul breath pervaded the air, she cursed herself for bringing only one weapon on her routine night patrol. The corners of her vision were starting to blur, and she could feel the darkness creeping in from the lack of oxygen. She knew she had to act fast or the razor sharp teeth and dribbling saliva of her attacker were going to be the last things she would see on this earth. Celeste concentrated on her power and focused it all to her tangled legs. They were caught underneath the scaly tail of the creature, but if she could just distract him for a second…

  With a powerful twist of her legs, she wrapped the monster’s tail between her thighs and pulled fiercely. It shrieked and while turning around, momentarily relaxed the death grip it had around her neck. Celeste’s power was surging now, and with a quick flip of her body she had the creature flat on its back.

  “Celeste! Are you alright?” Roman came running around the corner in full vamp-speed and was at her side in a second.

  “Oh, sure, now you show up,” she said, straining to hold the creature down as it struggled underneath her. “Since you’re here, can you hand me my sword please?”

  Roman stared at her in disbelief, but moved toward the dumpster when she continued to glare at him. He handed her the impressive family heirloom and stood next to her protectively.

  “You might want to stand back,” Celeste warned, “this could get messy.” She raised the sword over the creature’s chest and with a powerful thrust drove it into his heart. The monster let out a hideous screech as it exploded into a puddle of scaly green goo.

  “Ugh, that’s vile,” said Roman as he wiped the bright green slime off of his designer jeans. He reached out his hand and helped Celeste up. She was covered in the disgusting slimy substance and was picking out bits of goo from her curly blonde ponytail.

  “What was that thing?” she asked as Roman gave her a once-over. His deep blue eyes showed concern, but he held back for now. She could sense a “you should be more careful” speech coming.

  “I thought you knew,” he answered. “It’s a Bacillus demon. They are well known for their hunting and tracking skills. Once they pick up a scent, they don’t stop until their prey is – ”

  “Dead?” Celeste finished for him when she realized he couldn’t.

  Roman’s tense expression softened, and he wrapped his arms around her. He held her close to him, not caring about the nasty goo covering her t-shirt. She rested her head on his firm chest and for a moment everything was right in the world.

  “There you guys are!” yelled Nico as he came running down the alley.

  “You brought him too?” asked Celeste, looking up at Roman with annoyance written across her face.

  “Of course he did,” said Nico. “We’re a team, the three of us. We’re like Batman, Robin and…Alfred.”

  Celeste couldn’t help but laugh. “Look you guys, I know that you’re trying to help, but I don’t think most guardians have sidekicks. I need to learn to do this by myself.”

  “You are doing it by yourself, but there’s no reason to put yourself in danger when I’m right here and could easily help you,” said Roman looking frustrated. “You shouldn’t go patrolling at night by yourself.” Nico nodded in agreement.

  Celeste let out a sigh. Here it comes. “I don’t want to fight about this right now guys. I’m sticky and gross, and I just want to get home and take a shower,” she said, turning back toward her house.

  After scrubbing her body raw and rinsing her hair out a couple of times, Celeste finally succeeded in getting off all of the slime from the Bacillus demon. So gross! As she stood in the steamy shower letting the hot water soothe her sore muscles, she thought about her life over the past few months. She couldn’t believe her first semester of college was almost over. Sure, she wasn’t going to NYU like she had always dreamed, but going to Oak Bluffs Community College was a good start. She was taking introductory courses and trying to figure out what to major in. More importantly, she had plenty of time to train with Stellan, her mentor and a super powerful wizard, and her powers had gotten much stronger too. She knew she had made the right decision by staying in Oak Bluffs; her life was here now.

  And of course there was Roman. She had never thought it was possible to love someone the way that she loved him. She had grown up watching fairy tales, romantic comedies and reading romance novels, all making her long for her own Prince Charming. Now she had him, and it was so much better than she could have imagined. Sure he was a vampire, but there’s no such thing as the perfect guy. Right?

  Celeste stepped out of the bathroom in her pink polka-dot bathrobe with a towel wrapped around her wet hair, only to find Roman sitting on her bed. Their eyes met and she could feel the heat rise in her cheeks as he took her in from head to toe. He looked away, trying to act nonchalant. It made her smile knowing she still had that effect on him. She didn’t think he would ever not have that effect on her. Sitting on her bed, he looked so perfect. His bright blue eyes twinkled as a smirk crossed his perfectly chiseled jaw, and his jet-black hair hung carelessly around his face.

  “Hey you,” she said, running her hand through his stylishly messy hair. “You clean up pretty well.”

  “I was just about to say the same thing to you,” he replied, pulling her into his lap as she giggled. He kissed her softly at first, and she felt comforted in his arms. Then as the kiss intensified, she could feel a longing in him that seemed to rival hers. She needed him like she needed air to breathe. She remembered a time not long ago when being around him was a struggle. When her new Guardian powers had kicked in, she
was always filled with a sick feeling anytime she was around vampires. Luckily, she was now able to control those urges, and it was not being around Roman that made her ill. His hand trailing down her neck brought her back to the present. His hunger for her was all-consuming. She could see the passion blazing in his bottomless blue eyes as he looked deep into her hazel ones. Whenever they were together like this, Celeste couldn’t help but remember their first time. It had been perfect – like in the movies, but ten times better than she could have imagined. Roman suddenly stopped kissing her and abruptly pulled away.

  “What’s wrong?” she asked, completely breathless.

  “Your mom’s car just turned the corner,” he answered, disappointment in his voice.

  “You don’t have to go,” she said, standing up reluctantly. “We can hang out downstairs and watch TV or something.”

  Roman stood and kissed her chastely on the forehead. “I can’t. I have a couple things I need to take care of. I wanted to make sure you were all right after your run in with the demon. I, um, just got a little distracted.”

  “Why Roman, are you blushing? I thought I was the only one that got flustered,” she said as a pleased smile crept across her face.

  “Goodnight, my love,” he said with a sheepish grin and with a parting hug, he disappeared out the bay window. Celeste stood by the open window and peered into the darkness. She could just make out the outline of a large falcon flying through the moonlit sky.


  “Hey, hey I’m naked in here,” scolded Nico as Roman barged into his room.

  “Get dressed, we need to talk,” said Roman, averting his eyes. He picked up a towel from the floor and tossed it to his brother.

  Nico hastily wrapped the damp towel around his waist. There was something in Roman’s voice that made it clear he wasn’t in a joking mood. “Okay, I’m decent. What is it?”

  “You are familiar with Bacillus demons, aren’t you?” Roman asked.

  “Hmm… let me think,” he said, rubbing his head. “Yes, they’re like a cross between an alligator and a bloodhound with wings only twice as nasty.”


  “Lower level demon, not very smart, but quite deadly,” continued Nico, ticking off the adjectives with his fingers as he went. “They’re trackers, generally hired by something smarter and more powerful – oh…”

  “Yes, exactly – hired by someone. Who would send a Bacillus demon after Celeste?” asked Roman.

  “That’s a good question.”

  “One that I am determined to find the answer to.”

  “It could be anyone,” said Nico. “She’s killed quite a few powerful demons, warlocks, werewolves, and vampires in the past couple months. I’m sure word has spread about the new Guardian in the underworld. There’s no telling who might be trying to seek revenge.”

  “Are you trying to help, little brother, or worry me further?” he said slumping down on the chair and running his hands through his hair.

  “Sorry. You know how much I care about Celeste,” Nico said, resting a comforting hand on Roman’s tense shoulder. “Perhaps the Council can help. Don’t they keep track of all Guardian kills?”

  “Yes, you’re right,” he said looking up at him. “We can ask Stellan to contact them for the list, and he and Dani can sort through it. Maybe someone’s name will stand out.”

  “My idea was sort of brilliant. Come on brother – you have to give me that!” said Nico.

  Roman chuckled and patted his brother on the back. “Go call Stellan.”


  “Wakey wakey eggs and bakey,” Maxi’s singsong voice came through the walkie-talkie.

  It was quickly followed by Brian’s, which was slightly less congenial, “Maxi get over here! Give that back to me!”

  Celeste rolled over and reached for the walkie-talkie on her nightstand. “Hello?” she murmured. Rocky, her German shepherd, excited that she was finally up, gave her a swift lick to say good morning. She wiped the slobber off her face and put her ear to the receiver.

  “Hi Cel! It’s me Maxi. Come over for breakfast. My mom said you could. Dad is out of town and she’s making pancakes!”

  Celeste yawned. “Okay Maxi, just give me a few minutes to get dressed, and I’ll be right over. Oh, and tell your brother I said to stop being so mean to you.” She could still hear Brian yelling at his little sister in the background.

  “Over and out,” she giggled in response.

  Celeste stepped out into the cool morning air and snuggled into her worn leather jacket. It was already mid-December and the temperature was dropping fast. She longed for the sunny, carefree days of summer – well, maybe not entirely carefree. At least they weren’t ever since she was chosen to be the Guardian. Her life had been completely turned upside down when she discovered her family legacy. All her life, Celeste thought her father was a private investigator and that he had been killed in a car accident. Then she turned eighteen and learned the truth of the supernatural world around her and her pivotal role in it.

  Crossing the yard, she saw Maxi waiting for her on the front steps with an excited look in her eye. Celeste felt a pang of guilt as she thought about how her new life as the Guardian had left little time to spend with her best friend or his younger sister.

  “Cel, I have so much to tell you!” Maxi said as she took her hand, and ushered her into the house. “We’re going on a field trip next week to the aquarium in River Falls, and my teacher says that they have real live dolphins, and we can swim with them, and they have stingrays too, but we can’t swim with those and – ”

  “Okay, okay Maxi, let Celeste sit down and relax for a second before you talk her ear off,” said Mrs. Kennedy, emerging from the kitchen. The whole house smelled like blueberry pancakes and sweet maple syrup, making Celeste’s stomach growl. She sat down at the table just as Brian came rushing down the stairs. He was the starting center of the Oak Bluffs Community College Crusaders basketball team, and he had been absolutely on fire all season. He looked adorable in his team uniform—blue and gold basketball shorts and jersey, and Celeste had to admit that all that training had done wonders for his body. His shoulders had gotten broader and the contours of his arm muscles were striking.

  “Hey Cel,” said Brian with a friendly tug to her blonde ponytail. “Rough night?”

  She shot him a look and swallowed the heaping mouthful of pancakes. “Yeah, kind of. I was up late studying.” Brian gave her a knowing smile. He was the only one of her human friends who knew about her secret life as the Guardian. He had been her best friend since they were little and keeping that secret from him had really worn on her. Finally, she couldn’t hold it in any longer and had told him everything – even though it was against her better judgment. Stellan and Roman had been mad, really mad, but she didn’t regret it one bit.

  Brian’s phone buzzed, and a smile crossed his face as he picked it up and started typing a response.

  “Who is it?” asked Celeste.

  “Probably his girlfriend. She texts him all the time,” said Maxi with a mischievous grin.

  Brian flushed and looking up from the phone said, “She’s not my girlfriend. We’re just friends.”

  “Marie?” Celeste asked casually.

  “Yeah. We have a couple classes together, and she wanted to get together to study tonight. Real studying, not your kind of studying,” he responded looking pointedly at Celeste. She rolled her eyes at him in response.

  “What kind of studying do you do, Cel?” asked Maxi looking confused.

  “Oh, don’t listen to your brother, he’s just being obnoxious.”

  “Okay kids, cell phones away, we’re going to have a nice breakfast together without social media,” said Mrs. Kennedy as she sat down at the table.

  Brian grumbled and put his phone away as the girls happily devoured the pancakes.

  As Brian and Celeste walked across the yard after breakfast, Celeste waited for him to start talking. She knew there was something on
his mind; his brows were furrowed and he hadn’t said a word since they left his house.

  “So, are you going to spill or am I going to have to drag it out of you?” she asked as they reached her front porch.

  “Huh?” he asked, his mind clearly elsewhere.

  “What’s going on?”

  “I don’t know if I can talk to you about this,” he answered.

  “Why not? I’m your best friend. You’re supposed to be able to talk to me about everything.”

  Brian turned away looking nervous. He fidgeted with a stick he had picked up off the ground. “It’s about Marie.”

  “Okay and?”

  “Well I like her and I think she likes me, but this whole fairy thing really has me freaked,” he admitted.

  Celeste stifled a laugh and tried to look as serious as possible. “Hmm… well I don’t know much about fairies, but from what Roman and Nico said most of them are all right. Actually, you should probably talk to Nico about it. He’s dated a few of them.” Of course.

  Brian looked relieved. “Oh yeah? Maybe I will.”

  Celeste had met Marie a handful of times, and she seemed innocent enough. But now that Brian brought it up she became slightly worried. Brian deserved to have a normal girlfriend and not get dragged into all of the supernatural craziness. She decided she would do some research into the fairy world before letting her best friend get too involved.

  “On second thought,” she interrupted, “maybe you should just take things slow. It’s almost Christmas break—do you really want to be tied down right now?”

  Brian looked surprised. “What’s with the sudden change of opinion? You’re not jealous are you?”

  Celeste couldn’t help but blush. Their friendship had crossed the line into romantic territory over the summer when Brian had admitted his feelings for her. Though she didn’t feel quite the same about him, she had kissed him once – okay twice – during that summer. After she chose Roman, their friendship was on rocky ground for a while, but things were finally getting back to normal. She didn’t want to ruin it.


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