Starring You and Me

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Starring You and Me Page 5

by Susan Coventry

  “You sound tired. Do you want to take a rain check on our non-date?”

  Nikki shook her head, even though he couldn’t see her. “I am a little tired, but you promised this would be a stress-free evening, so I’ll be fine.”

  “Why don’t you head over, and I’ll make us dinner. You won’t have to do anything but sit in a chair and watch.”

  That, she would have no problem doing! “Sounds good. Give me a few minutes to change, and I’ll be over.”

  “So you’re going to slip into something more comfortable? Oops, sorry, couldn’t help myself.”

  Nikki stifled her laughter. “Non-date, remember?”

  “I know, I know. I’ll see you in a few minutes.”

  Nikki hung up her skirt and blouse and stood in her walk-in closet in her plain white bra and panties, realizing her wardrobe left a bit to be desired. She basically had two types of clothes: work and hang-around-the-house. Neither option seemed appropriate to wear on a date—correction, non-date—with her sexy new neighbor. Since Nate had dressed casually every time she had seen him, she opted for her best-fitting jeans, a flowy white top, and white strappy sandals. She ran a comb through her hair, applied a rosy blush to her cheeks, and declared herself ready.

  Nikki made sure Bentley’s food and water bowls were filled, gave him a scratch behind the ears, and headed out the door. It was a beautiful September evening with only a few white fluffy clouds in the sky. The air was a comfortable seventy degrees, and the birds chirped noisily in the trees as she walked along the dirt path between their homes. She felt remarkably calm under the circumstances and decided that Nate deserved most of the credit. He was trying hard not to scare her off, and so far, it was working. Who knew what would happen tonight, though…

  Nate was outside on the back deck firing up the grill as she approached. Wait a minute, was that an apron he had on? He turned toward her as she climbed the steps to the deck, enabling her to read the words imprinted on the black apron. In large white letters, it read, “Kiss the Cook.”

  Nate looked like a mischievous little boy who had been caught with his hand in the cookie jar.

  “Seriously?” Nikki asked, rolling her eyes at him.

  “I found it hanging up in the pantry and couldn’t resist.”

  “You are so NOT good at non-dating.”

  “I’m grilling chicken. Hope that’s ok,” he said, changing the subject.

  “It smells great.”

  “It’ll be ready in a few minutes. How about a drink while we wait? I have beer, wine, soda, iced tea, just about anything you can think of. Tess went overboard on stocking the fridge.”

  “What are you having?”

  “I thought a cold beer sounded good.”

  “I’ll have the same, but no trying to get me drunk.” Maybe I’m not so bad at this flirting thing after all.

  “Maybe it’s me who has to worry,” he replied with a wink.

  Ok, Nate was still the pro; Nikki swore her toes just curled. “So, what else are we having with our chicken?” Back to a safe subject—food!

  “I made a salad, and there’s cherry pie for dessert.”

  Nikki was impressed. “Did you make the pie too?”

  “No, you can thank the Grand Traverse Pie Company for that.”

  Nate led her into the house and handed her a beer. He moved around the kitchen with ease, setting the table while asking her questions about her job and family. When he wasn’t being fun and flirty, he was a good conversationalist and an attentive listener. He seemed interested in everything about her, and that, combined with the slight beer buzz Nikki had going, made a heady combination.

  Nikki considered herself a “lightweight” when it came to drinking. She didn’t drink alcohol very often, and when she did, she felt the effects right away. She had already consumed half of the beer he’d given her, and with no food in her stomach, she already felt tingly. She was glad when, a few minutes later, Nate said, “Let’s eat.”

  They chatted amicably throughout dinner, and when the meal was over and Nate stood up to clear the dishes, Nikki noticed he was still wearing the apron. “Are you going to wear that all night?” she teased.

  “Why, do you want me to take it off?”

  Toes curling again, Nikki turned away from him. Take it off; great, now she was picturing him naked.

  Nate untied the apron and hung it back in the pantry. “There, better now?”

  She spun back around and perused every magnificent inch of him: his wavy hair with the lighter strands woven in from the sun; his expressive hazel eyes that crinkled at the corners; his full lips and white teeth; his athletic frame housed in clothes that fit just right. Nikki nodded and swallowed nervously. “Is it time to run through your lines now?”

  Nate tilted his head to the side and smirked at her. “How about another beer first?”

  Even though Nikki knew she shouldn’t, her head nodded yes. Nate extracted two beers from the fridge and led her into the living room.

  Nikki sat stiffly on one end of the cushiony wraparound couch while Nate perched on the oversized chair across from her. A stack of paper that she assumed was the script sat on the coffee table between them.

  “So, tell me a little bit about this movie. I really have no idea what it’s about.”

  Nate took a swig of his beer and settled back in the chair in a relaxed pose. He looked completely at ease, unlike Nikki, who sat stick straight on the edge of her seat.

  “This isn’t a job interview, Nicole. Relax a little. All you have to do is read, remember?” He gave her an amused grin.

  Nikki sat further back on the couch and uncrossed her arms. “There, better?”

  “Much. Ok, so, I play an army guy named Jed, who just returned to his hometown to recover from PTSD. He runs into his high school sweetheart Amanda, and eventually, they fall in love again.”

  “Wait, PTSD?”

  “Post-traumatic stress disorder.”

  “I’m curious; what made you decide to take this role?”

  Nate was obviously pleased at her show of interest. “When I read a script, I have to relate to something about the character. I don’t have to embrace everything about him, but there has to be some redeeming quality. If I get a bad feeling about the character or the script, I turn it down.”

  “So what did you like about Jed?”

  “I like that he’s strong and vulnerable at the same time. He’s not a one-dimensional guy. On one hand, he’s tough and fights for our country; on the other, he’s a hopeless romantic who just wants to love and be loved.”

  Hmm… strong and vulnerable were two characteristics that Nikki already associated with Nate. She hadn’t known him that long, but she’d sensed it from their very first meeting. “Who’s playing the role of Amanda?”

  “Her name is Stacy Townsend; she’s an up and comer who’s done a few indie films but nothing mainstream.”

  “I’ve never heard of her. What does she look like?” Nikki kept her expression as neutral as possible, trying to ignore the twinge of jealousy she felt about some actress she didn’t even know.

  “Ok, now I feel like I’m in the hot seat.” Nate chuckled, even though he no longer looked quite as relaxed.

  “I’m just trying to get into character. Is that the right term?”

  “Yes, that’s the correct term,” Nate replied, studying her intently.

  “Ok, so, if I’m going to play her, I’m going to need some more background information,” she insisted.

  Nate burst out laughing and threw his hands in the air. “For someone who was reluctant to do this, you’re being awfully bossy!”

  Nikki had to laugh too. “Sorry, that’s just the way I am. When I do something, I go all out. Otherwise, why bother. It’s all or nothing for me.”


  “Enough about me; tell me about Amanda.”

  “Amanda is in her late twenties, blond, blue eyes, pretty in a girl-next-door kind of way. Her family owns a h
orse farm, and she recently left a high-powered job in New York City to care for her ailing mom. The scene we’re reading is where Jed and Amanda see each other for the first time since high school. Is that enough information for you?”

  “I can work with that.” Nikki took a long pull from her beer bottle as she accepted the pages Nate handed her.

  “You just need to read the words next to Amanda’s name. The words in parenthesis give the actor direction as to what gestures to make or what feelings to express.”

  Nicole had never acted a day in her life. Whenever there’d been a school play that she had been forced to be a part of, she’d always chosen a behind-the-scenes role, like sound effects or lighting. The idea of standing on a stage in front of an audience terrified her. This was different, though. It was just Nate and her sitting in his living room reading. She could do this.

  Nate started them off, and when it was Nikki’s turn, it took her two tries to get the words out right. She felt uncomfortable for the first few minutes but began to relax the more they read. The story was very engaging, and Nikki found herself adding more emotion to her words in response to Nate’s lines. When they got to the end of the scene, she was actually disappointed it was over.

  “That wasn’t so bad now was it?” Nate asked, leaning over to take the pages from her.

  “No, in fact, I kind of enjoyed it.”

  “I’m glad. Thanks for helping me out.”

  “I should be thanking you. It’s been a fun evening.”

  “It doesn’t have to be over yet, does it?” Their eyes connected and held as Nikki sucked in a breath. “I mean, there’s still dessert…”

  “Ahh, yes, dessert,” she replied, relieved and a touch disappointed. So far, Nate had been the perfect gentleman. Aside from the suggestive apron, he hadn’t made any overtures toward her. He’d promised her a stress-free evening, and he had delivered it, so why was she wishing for more?

  They moved back into the kitchen, where Nate dished them each a slice of cherry pie topped with vanilla ice cream. They sat side by side on barstools at the kitchen counter and dove in. Nikki finished her last spoonful and licked her lips with satisfaction. When she turned toward Nate, his lips curled in a roguish, heart-stopping smile. “What?” She eyed him with suspicion.

  “You missed a spot, right here.” He put his right index finger to the corner of her mouth and gently swiped off a glob of cherry filling. If that didn’t cause enough zings to race through her, his next move did. Nate slowly and deliberately brought his cherry-coated finger to his own mouth and sucked the filling off, pinning her down with his gaze while doing so.

  They stared at each other for a few more seconds, until Nikki’s brain cells decided to function again. “I better go.” She stood up abruptly and pushed in the stool. Nate stood too, and they were so close she swore she could feel waves of heat rolling off him.

  “Let me walk you home,” he said with a catch in his voice.

  She attempted a laugh, but it came out weak. “I just live next door.”

  “I know, but it’s dark, and you could fall.”

  “I’m not wearing heels this time, so I’ll be fine.”

  “I’m not taking no for an answer.”

  “Ok, fine,” she huffed. If she was being honest, she liked the idea of Nate walking her home. It was a sweet, old-fashioned gesture.

  Nate rustled around in the kitchen drawers until he came up with a flashlight, and then he led her out of the house. Nikki breathed in the crisp night air as they walked silently across the backyard. Once they reached the dirt path, Nate led the way with the flashlight beam pointed ahead of him. Nikki took the opportunity to study the set of his broad shoulders, the tapering of his waist, and the perfect roundness of his backside before he broke the silence.

  “You better not be looking at my butt!”

  Incorrigible man, she mused. “I’m not. I’m concentrating on my feet so I don’t trip!”

  “Whatever,” he called over his shoulder.

  Nate walked her all the way to her front door, where they stood awkwardly as Nikki rummaged in her pocket for the key. Once again, she felt like he was taking up all the space around her, and when he stood this close, she almost forgot to breathe. “Thanks again for dinner.” She tried to keep her tone light and friendly, but she doubted it came out that way. Her body was zinging with desire.

  Nate placed one hand on the door frame and leaned toward her. “Next time, I hope you’ll stay a little longer.” Before Nikki could formulate a response, he moved a step closer and pressed a soft kiss to her cheek. If she would have moved her head slightly to the left, his lips would have landed on hers, but she was temporarily incapable of movement.

  “Goodnight, Nicole,” Nate whispered, and then he turned and disappeared into the darkness.

  Chapter 11

  Nikki was awakened the next morning by the raucous chattering of squirrels outside her bedroom window. She stretched her arms above her head and glanced over at the clock on her bedside table. “No way, I never sleep until eight o’clock!” She stretched some more as she replayed her non-date with Nate for the umpteenth time. It really had been a perfect evening, and her toes curled again just thinking of his promise for a next time. Maybe then his kiss would land on her lips instead of her cheek…

  The ringtone from her cell phone interrupted her fantasy. Who could be calling at eight a.m. on a Sunday? Nate’s name on the screen had her scrambling across the bed to grab for the phone.

  She took a quick calming breath before answering, “Hello?”

  “You’re up?”

  “Well, obviously, since I answered the phone.”

  “I thought you might have slept in since I kept you up past your curfew,” Nate said with a chuckle.

  “Very funny. Why are you calling so early on a Sunday morning?” Not that she really minded.

  “I was getting ready to go for a run when I realized I forgot to ask you something last night.”

  Her curiosity piqued, Nikki sat up straighter in bed. “What did you want to ask me?”

  “Do you like horseback riding?”

  “No,” she responded vehemently.

  “Well, that was a quick answer. May I ask why not?”

  “Horses are big animals, and as sweet as they look, I don’t trust them.”

  Nate laughed loudly at her description. “When was the last time you’ve been on a horse?”

  Ha, not in a long time, literally and figuratively! “Not since I was a kid,” she admitted somewhat sheepishly.

  “Ok, listen, isn’t it time you got back on the horse? If you know what I mean?” Nate’s voice dipped two octaves lower, and Nikki could practically see his eyebrows wiggle through the phone.

  “You’re a regular comedian, you know that?”

  “I know; it was my second choice behind becoming an actor. Anyway, here’s the deal. I have to go out to Nelson’s Horse Farm this afternoon to get acclimated to the horse I’m going to be riding in the film. I thought you might want to come with me, until I found out about your irrational fear of horses, that is.”

  Ok, now her dander was up. She did not have an irrational fear of horses; she just didn’t like them.

  “You can still drive out there with me even if you don’t want to get on a horse.” His tone was softer now, melting her defenses.

  “Another non-date, then?”

  “If you want to call it that. Pick you up at one?”

  “Ok.” Nikki realized that she had trouble saying no to this man, which was a very dangerous habit.

  “Wear jeans, just in case you decide to get back on the horse!”

  The last thing she heard was Nate’s laughter as he hung up the phone.

  Sure enough, the now-familiar black SUV pulled up in front of her house at exactly one o’clock. Nikki had been sitting on her porch enjoying another beautiful fall day when Jeff hopped out of the car and waved. Nikki smiled and thanked him as he held the back door open for her. She c
ould definitely get used to this. It wasn’t until she slid in and got situated that she took a good long look at Nate and had to stop herself from panting! He looked especially rugged today in his worn and faded jeans, navy-blue plaid shirt with the sleeves rolled up, and scuffed work boots. The only thing missing was a Stetson, and he could have filmed a commercial for western wear!

  “Hey,” he said, giving her the once-over as well. “Are you ready for this?”

  “Not really, but it looks like you are. Do you ride often?”

  His grin couldn’t stretch any further as it dawned on her how that might have sounded. “Horses, I mean!”

  “I ride now and then, mostly when I’m in California.”

  Nikki turned her attention out the window for the remainder of the drive to the horse farm. She didn’t trust herself not to say something else that Nate might misconstrue.

  “I forgot to mention that Stacy will be there too, so you’ll get to meet her.”

  Nikki forced herself to smile, but she suddenly felt uneasy, not about meeting Stacy, but about being immersed in Nate’s world. When she was alone with him, things felt relatively “normal,” but then something would remind her of how different their lifestyles really were, things like having so many people around to attend to your every need. She thought of Jeff, Tessa, and Ron and wondered how many more there were. Yet she knew how much Nate valued his privacy, so how did he balance it all? Her life seemed so simple in comparison.

  “Here we are,” Jeff said as he pulled up alongside a red convertible BMW.

  Nikki spotted Stacy right away based on Nate’s description. Her silky blonde hair was pulled up in a swingy ponytail (fitting for a horse farm). She wore plastered-on blue jeans tucked into a pair of white cowboy boots and a fitted plaid shirt unbuttoned just enough to show a touch of cleavage. Stacy stood next to a younger, more subdued version of herself, a sister perhaps, who clutched a notebook and pen and looked bored. They were talking with an older gentleman with tufts of gray hair sticking out from under his cowboy hat. As they approached, Stacy’s eyes zeroed right in on Nate, as if there were no one else around. Nikki felt her blood pressure rise just as Stacy’s surely had, but for very different reasons. Finally, Stacy diverted her eyes from Nate to size up her competition. Stacy’s self-satisfied smirk indicated her opinion that Nikki wasn’t even a contender, and she turned her attention back to Nate.


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