Starring You and Me

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Starring You and Me Page 12

by Susan Coventry

  She recalled what he had said about providing for his family and how important that was to him; how he’d talked with pride about his parents and his brothers; how it pained him that innocent fans had been hurt because of him. She remembered how he had described the women he had been with before her, the celebrity worshippers who were eager to please but left him wanting more. Nikki knew in her heart that Nate wasn’t an actor because he wanted to be a celebrity but because he truly loved the art of acting. She could see it on his face whenever he talked about his career: his passion, his commitment to being the best that he could be. If Nate wanted another “notch on his bedpost,” hundreds of women would have made it easier on him than she had! No, Chad was definitely wrong, Nikki decided. Nate was not just playing her; they had a real connection that was growing into something more… something that suspiciously resembled… love.

  Chapter 25

  Nate called Nikki at nine thirty that evening when she was already lying in bed reading. She set her book down and let his warm, rich voice wash over her as she burrowed deeper under the covers. When he asked how her day was, she gave him the rundown of everything that had happened, including her conversation with Chad.

  “Let me guess. The guy has the hots for you, right?”

  “More like had—past tense. I went out with him once before you arrived in town, and it was a disaster.”

  “Well, that explains it, then. The dude is obviously jealous.”

  Nikki thought the same thing, but didn’t want to sound arrogant. “You’re probably right.”

  “It still bothered you, though. I can tell.”

  “Well, yeah, kind of. Even though you’ve been open about your past relationships, it’s still hard to wrap my head around. Everyone our age has exes, and I can deal with that, but the fact that you get paid to kiss other women…”

  “Funny you should mention that; I have an idea that might help put your mind at ease. Just hear me out, ok?”

  “Ok,” she said hesitantly.

  “Tomorrow afternoon, I’m shooting a love scene with Stacy at the horse farm. I already talked to the ‘powers that be’ and got you a pass to come on set.“

  Nikki stared at the phone in disbelief. “You’re kidding me, right?”

  “No, I’m dead serious. I think the fear that you have is from not knowing what really happens on set. I want you to see for yourself so you can put some of your fears to rest.”

  “And what if it has the opposite effect, have you considered that?”

  “I wouldn’t invite you unless I felt sure about the outcome. I think you’ll see that shooting a love scene isn’t all that intimate. Everything looks romantic on the big screen, but the process of filming it is quite the opposite.”

  Nikki shook her head vehemently even though Nate couldn’t see her. She had a hard time believing that his idea would erase her fears, although some of what he said made sense. Still, the thought of watching him and Stacy lock lips was disturbing on so many levels. “What kind of love scene are we talking about here?”

  “Well, it’s not a closed set, which means there won’t be any nudity. It’s basically a scene where Stacy and I are kissing, and just when things start to heat up, we’re interrupted by a ranch hand. I start to unbutton Stacy’s shirt, but that’s where it ends.”

  Nikki caught her reflection in the mirror that hung above her dresser, and she looked like she had just swallowed something rancid. “I don’t know about this, Nate. Just hearing you talk about it is making me break out in hives.”

  Nate chuckled. “Ok, maybe it was a bad idea. Forget I even suggested it.”

  Rosa’s words about her being a coward popped into Nikki’s head. If she was serious about being with Nate, she had to stop burying her head in the sand. How bad could it be? Maybe he was right; watching him in action could put all her worries to rest. Nate wouldn’t invite her to the set if he had something to hide, right? “Ok, I’ll do it,” she blurted out before she could talk herself out of it.

  Nate let out a sigh of relief. “What made you change your mind?”

  “Logic, pure and simple. What guy in his right mind would invite his date to watch him make out with another woman unless he had nothing to hide?” Nikki sounded more confident than she actually felt, but her words had the desired effect.

  “A smart woman, just one of the many things I love about you.”

  Uh-oh, did he just say the “L” word? Nikki decided to pass it off as a slip of the tongue. “So, what’s the plan tomorrow? What time do I need to be there?”

  “I’ll text you tomorrow when I have a better handle on the time. Jeff will pick you up, and he’ll have the press pass you’ll need to get in.”

  “Press pass?”

  “I had to finagle a few things to get you in, but don’t worry, no one will question you as long as you have a pass.”

  “I trust you.” Nikki immediately realized the importance of those three words, and Nate seemed to realize it too.

  “I would never purposely do anything to hurt you, Nicole. I need you to know that.”

  She was beginning to believe him, in spite of her doubts. “I know that. I just hope your little plan doesn’t backfire on us.”

  “It won’t as long as you believe that when I’m filming the love scene with Stacy, I’m really thinking about a love scene starring you and me.”

  Nate’s voice had turned all warm and gooey, and she felt her toes start to curl under the covers. “What does our love scene look like?”

  “I’m thinking you in those black pumps and that lacy thong sprawled out on my bed, ready and waiting for me.”

  “Hmm… and what are you wearing in this scene?”

  “Nothing but a smile.”

  “Now that sounds like a love scene I would watch over and over again.”

  “Me too. Good night, Nicole.”

  “Good night, Nate.” Nikki beamed as she hung up the phone, and she fell asleep with their love scene playing in her head.

  The next day, Jeff picked Nikki up from her office promptly at four o’clock. She didn’t usually leave that early unless she had an appointment with a client, so it felt kind of like skipping school (although, having never skipped school, she couldn’t be certain). Between that and the realization of what she was about to observe, her adrenaline was kicked into high gear. Jeff opened the back door of the SUV and motioned her inside, but Nikki asked if she could sit up front instead. She didn’t know Jeff very well, but she sensed a kindness in him that was comforting. Plus, if she was being completely honest, she wanted to use their time together to pick his brain about Nate.

  Ironically, Jeff was the one who struck up a conversation as they pulled out of the parking lot. “First time on a movie set, Ms. Branson?”

  “Please call me Nicole, and yes, it’s my first time.”

  “Are you nervous?”

  Nikki gave him a sidelong glance. “Why do you ask that?”

  “Well, because you’re digging your fingers into the door handle so hard I’m afraid you’re going to leave marks.”

  Nicole looked down at her hand and loosened her grip. “Yes, I guess I’m a little nervous,” she admitted.

  “I’m going to venture a guess that this has something to do with Nate’s co-star.”

  Nikki wagged her finger at him. “So, you’re the quiet, unassuming type who’s secretly observing everyone else, is that it?”

  Jeff gave her a half-laugh but kept his eyes on the road. “I’m just recalling the conversation we had the last time we were at the horse stable. I told you then, and I’ll tell you now, you don’t need to worry about Stacy. She’s all looks and no substance, which might have been attractive to Nate five years ago, but not anymore.”

  “Hmm… I guess I’ll have to take your word for it.”

  “Ms. Branson, I mean Nicole, I’m going to tell you something about what I’ve observed recently.”

  “Ok,” she replied, her curiosity piqued.

�My boss gets the biggest shit-eating grin on his face whenever your name comes up, and let me tell you, your name comes up a lot! I have to say, my boy is definitely smitten.”

  “Smitten, really? I didn’t think anyone used that word anymore, but you’re the second person who’s used it to describe Nate.”

  “It’s a good word, what can I say?”

  “I thought only grandmothers used that word, and I know you’re not that old!”

  Jeff gave another gruff half-laugh. “I’m forty-two, but we’re getting off track here. I just wanted you to know that you don’t need to worry about Stacy, or any other woman for that matter. Despite the rumors in the press, Nate isn’t a playboy. He may look like one, but ultimately, he’s a one-woman man.”

  “Thank you, Jeff,” Nikki said as they pulled onto the lane leading to the horse stable.

  “Why are you thanking me?”

  “Well, because I know that your loyalty lies with Nate, and you didn’t have to tell me any of that. You did it to make me feel better, and I appreciate it.”

  “You’re welcome. Now, put on your game face. It’s show time!”

  Chapter 26

  Jeff and Nicole flashed their passes at a burly security guard standing outside the horse barn and were ushered inside. Nikki’s eyes scanned the space, anxiously looking for Nate. She noticed Stacy’s sister leaning against the barn wall, clutching her ever-present notebook, and looking extremely bored. Crewmembers bustled around in front of Jet’s horse stall as they set up their equipment. Nikki finally spotted Nate and Stacy huddled together with a tall, thin, mustached man who flapped his hands around excitedly as he spoke.

  “He’s the director,” Jeff explained.

  Nikki nodded her head in understanding. She was fascinated by the organized chaos that surrounded her. Everyone had a specific job to do, and they scurried around like ants at a picnic. Finally, once everything appeared to be in place, someone yelled for quiet on the set. The few observers were herded together against the back wall as Nate and Stacy took their positions. Nikki had been willing Nate to make eye contact with her, and at that moment, he looked up and locked in on her. A sexy grin lit up his face, and his eyes crinkled at the edges. Nikki’s trepidation slipped away as she realized his look was meant just for her.

  Stacy followed the direction of Nate’s gaze and gave Nikki a dismissive glance, which Nikki was determined to ignore. Instead, she focused her attention on Nate, and her eyes roamed over him appreciatively. He was dressed in snug, faded Levis, scuffed cowboy boots and a plaid button-down with the sleeves rolled up, showcasing his muscular forearms. She could tell that he had some face make-up on, but it did nothing to conceal his hard, masculine jaw, peppered with day-old stubble. Nate’s hazel eyes sparkled in the light, and she couldn’t help but wonder if it was because of her. Nikki smiled with self-satisfaction at the idea that Nate was “smitten” with her, but then her thoughts were interrupted by the booming call for… “ACTION!”

  It was just like watching a silent movie. Nikki couldn’t hear the words that were being exchanged, but she felt the emotion in the scene through Nate’s and Stacy’s body language. They stood close together, Nate’s hand cupping Stacy’s cheek as he rubbed his thumb gently back and forth. Stacy leaned in a little closer, to the point where her breasts grazed Nate’s chest, and Nikki flinched as she realized what was about to happen. Nate bent his head down as if to go in for the kiss when someone yelled… “CUT!” Nate immediately stepped back as the director came forward.

  Jeff glanced sideways at Nikki and placed a reassuring hand on her arm. “Doing ok?” he whispered.

  “Fine,” she replied, although she felt a little shaky. Nikki had been so engrossed in the scene that for a moment, she forgot it was Nate she was watching. She could tell he was in professional actor mode, which reminded her of how she behaved with her real estate clients. The difference was that she had never kissed a client… that is, up until she’d met Nate. It struck her that acting was a business, and just like any business, how well you performed determined your level of success. Nate was simply doing his job, and given his success, he was doing it damn well.

  The director backed away again, and the scene resumed. When Nate’s lips met Stacy’s and she looped her arms around his neck, Nikki tensed up, and her breathing faltered. Miraculously, after a few seconds, she relaxed as she realized that Nate was right. How could there be true intimacy when they were surrounded by so many people? In the end, this scene would probably translate as sexy to moviegoers, but right now, in this crowded space, there really wasn’t anything sexy about it.

  Nate’s fingers deftly began to unbutton Stacy’s shirt, showing a peek of pink lace underneath, when another actor entered the scene. Stacy turned her back to the other actor and quickly buttoned her shirt as Nate guiltily shoved his hands in his pockets. After a few words were exchanged between Stacy and the ranch hand, Nate turned and walked away, signifying the end of the scene.

  Jeff put his hand on Nikki’s elbow and guided her back out into the sunlight. “Let’s wait for Nate out here,” he suggested.

  Nikki took a deep breath of the fresh fall air and felt herself relax even more. “Well, that wasn’t so bad,” she said with relief.

  “I’ll wait in the car and let you two have a moment,” Jeff said as Nate walked toward them.

  Nikki turned and watched Nate approach with his long, confident strides. She’d seen him in all manner of dress and undress, but this look may have become her new favorite. Maybe it was the cowboy boots.

  “Hello, gorgeous,” he said, leaning down to place a soft kiss on her cheek.

  He smells delicious too, she thought, as his woodsy, earthy scent surrounded her. “Howdy, cowboy,” she replied teasingly.

  “Hmm… do you like cowboys?”

  “I like you dressed as a cowboy.”

  “Well, then, I’ll have to dress this way more often.”

  “Maybe it’s the boots.”

  “Maybe I need to wear just the boots sometime.”

  Instant toe curling!! Nikki smiled broadly as Nate linked her arm through his and led her to the car.

  “Should I ask Jeff to drop us off at your house or mine?”

  Nate’s directness spoke straight to her libido. “Mine,” she said without hesitation.

  Nate helped her into the back seat and climbed in beside her. Up until now, they had always kept a respectable distance between them when Jeff drove, but not today. Nate pulled her in close to his side and draped his arm gently across her shoulders. “You can drop us off at Nicole’s house, Jeff.”

  “Yes, sir.”

  Nikki swore she saw the corners of Jeff’s lips curve up in a secretive smile as they drove away.

  Chapter 27

  The simple act of sitting side by side as Nate’s fingertips caressed her neck and shoulder, built the anticipation to such a crescendo that they practically ripped each other’s clothes off the minute they entered Nikki’s house. Shoes flew off, buttons popped off Nate’s shirt and scattered across the floor, and Nikki almost fell trying to wiggle out of her skirt. Clothes discarded, Nate positioned their bodies so Nikki’s back was against the front door, and she shivered as the cold metal touched her warm skin. Nate pinned her arms above her head and buried his face in her neck, causing her hips to arch forward enticingly. Nate descended from her neck to her left shoulder, where he sucked her skin into his mouth, just long enough to leave his mark. Nikki watched through hooded eyes as his head dipped further down to linger above her left breast. Her skin was on fire, and if her hands had been free, she surely would have been digging her nails into his back right about now.

  Nate paused in his ministrations to read her expression, and whatever he saw in Nikki’s eyes caused him to pick up the pace. He covered first one breast and then the other with his warm mouth, teasing and flicking her nipples with his tongue. Nikki gasped as he slid back up her body and pressed his erection against her core. He finally let go of her
arms, and she immediately wrapped them tightly around his torso. Nate covered her mouth with his full, moist lips while he used his hand to slowly guide himself into her. Nikki’s brain registered the uninhibited noises she made as Nate filled her, but she was too far gone to care. The heady combination of his scent, the warmth of his skin against her bare chest, and the coolness of the metal against her back quickly sent her over the edge. Nate sped up his movements and followed right on her heels, grunting his own sounds of pleasure upon his release. Nikki’s limbs had turned to jelly, and she surely would have crumpled to the floor if Nate hadn’t been supporting her. They remained connected for a few more minutes, basking in the afterglow as their breathing returned to normal.

  The spell was broken when Nate slipped out of her. “Don’t move,” he ordered as he padded down the hall.

  “Couldn’t even if I wanted to,” she replied, eyeing his sublimely muscled backside. Nikki planted her palms flat against the door and leaned into it, a sigh of contentment on her lips. Nate returned quickly, gloriously naked, and handed her some tissues and the pink, fuzzy robe that had been hanging on the back of her bathroom door.

  “Thanks,” she said, grateful for his thoughtfulness.

  “Welcome,” he replied, glancing around the clothes-strewn room.


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