School's in Session

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School's in Session Page 48

by Various Authors

  She watched the clock, willing the other students hanging around to leave by four, but they didn’t. At four fifteen she picked up her bag and walked into his office.

  “All right, young lady,” he said, standing up. “You think my office is a good place to change your clothes?”

  “Yes, sir?” she answered, not sure if the question had been rhetorical.

  He cocked an eyebrow. “You do?”

  “No, sir! I meant, no, sir.”

  His mouth twitched. “I’m going to wait outside, like I did that day, while you strip naked and stand in the corner.”

  Her eyes darted toward the windows, even though the blinds were closed. She could hear the voices of people talking in the lab.

  “The door will remain unlocked, so I can get in to check on your obedience.”

  Her stomach dropped to her shoes. “Todd…” she pleaded.

  “I expect your immediate compliance when I am correcting you, Lucy.”

  Her palms had grown sweaty. “But…” she looked toward the windows again.

  “You wanted me to think about you naked in my office right? Well, now you’ll get your wish.”

  “No,” she wailed. “I can’t. Please? You can spank me later. Please don’t make me do this.”

  “I can spank you later, and I will. But right now I have asked you to take off all your clothes and stand with your nose to the corner. Now, Lucy.” Before she could protest further, he turned and walked out, closing the door behind him.

  Her pulse raced while she tried to take deep breaths and rationalize. He would be guarding the door. There was no way he would let her be seen by anyone...right? She sure hoped so.

  Her fingers trembled as she stepped out of her clothing. It was worse than undressing at the doctor’s office, the sense of vulnerability and humiliation were magnified with every utterance she heard from the people in the lab.

  What if Snelling walked in and wanted to see something from Todd’s office? Or what if Todd got pulled away from where she imagined him stationed outside the door, and then someone else walked in? She would never, ever live it down. She would have to transfer to a different school. It would be the end of her career as a scientist.

  Naked as the day she was born, she walked across the cool linoleum tile to stand in the corner with her nose to the wall, her ass on full display to the lab the moment the door opened.

  Minutes crept by. How long would he make her wait? She silently cursed him.

  She leaned her forehead against the wall and imagined what he would do to her when he walked in. Surely he wouldn’t spank her? Everyone would hear. Hopefully this was the end of his torture. But even as she wished for a swift ending to the scene, her breasts tightened imagining his hands on them. Her clit throbbed, aching to be touched. She did not dare let her own fingers wander, not that he had forbidden it, but because it seemed too naughty.

  At last she heard the door open.

  “Good girl.”

  She did not turn around, too fearful to look out into the lab, even though, deep down, she trusted Todd not to expose her. She listened to his footsteps as he walked up behind her and put his arms around her, his large palms sliding in opposite directions—one down her belly and the other to cup her breast. As his fingers dipped between her legs, she threw her head back, leaning against his shoulder and holding her breath to stay silent.

  “Very good girl,” he purred, his finger gliding over her slick folds.

  The stark contrast of Lucy’s naked beauty against the backdrop of his cluttered office sent a kick of lust through him that nearly made it impossible to think straight. He wanted to claim her, impractical and unwise though it may be.

  “Dr. Todd,” she whimpered in a quiet voice. “You’re so mean.”

  “Am I?” he asked, his voice thick.

  “Yes, you’re torturing me,” she said, clutching at his arms, her fingernails digging into his flesh.

  “Paybacks are hell, my sweet.” He penetrated her with his fingers.

  She squeezed her thighs together, standing on her tiptoes and arching back into him. “Oh God, you’re killing me,” she whispered. “I can’t do this in here.”

  In truth, he wasn’t sure he could, either. Nor could he stop. His cock strained against the zipper of his jeans. He considered how many people were still in the lab. Four when he had come in. But it sounded more quiet now. Perhaps they had left. Ryan would know or guess what they were up to. But he’d already said he didn’t care.

  “Put your hands against the wall,” he said in her ear.

  She obeyed, panting.

  He slipped a condom out of his pocket and unbuttoned his jeans, sliding them down enough to free his cock. Sheathing it, he gripped one side of her hips and pulled them backward. “Arch your back, little girl.”

  “Yes, professor,” she said breathlessly.

  He sought her hole and slid in without effort, her juices lubricating the way. “Oh Lucy,” he murmured in her ear grinding into her. “So hot. You feel so good.”

  She whimpered and he clamped one hand over her mouth, fucking her harder, as if in warning. She nibbled at his palm like a puppy who wants to play, so he shifted it, slipping his thumb into her mouth. When she sucked hard, his cock reacted, cum surging up the channel toward the head.

  “I’m not going to last,” he whispered.

  She opened her lips to speak around his thumb. “Please…” she whispered.

  He slammed against her and she held firm for him, braced against the wall with her butt out and her back arched like a cat. In a silent collision of flesh against flesh, they found their climax, and shuddered locked together, his teeth sinking into her shoulder, his hand stroking up to cup and knead her breast.

  “Sweet, beautiful girl,” he murmured, endearments pouring from his heart in his post-orgasmic bliss.

  The sound of voices in the lab caused them both to spring apart and he hastily pulled his pants up and scooped up her clothes to help her. She scrambled into them and then flung herself against him. Her body still trembled, stirring his protective instincts. He held her against his chest in a bear hug until she relaxed.

  “I think I’ll skip yoga,” she murmured when they drew apart.

  He laughed. “Good, because I’m almost ready for round two. Let’s get out of here.”

  Chapter Eight

  “I think I want you to spank me in front of an audience,” Lucy confessed on the drive up to Phoenix for Ms. Payne’s spanking party. She had gone back and forth, alternately excited and nervous, much like the last time.

  “I would be happy to.”

  “And I might not mind if you spanked other women.”

  He turned his focus from the road to gaze at her thoughtfully. She loved when he studied her, knowing he often read things about her she did not even know herself. “We can take it on a case by case basis,” he said. “But I will tell people you are my only bottom for the night, that way there will be no pressure.”

  She relaxed. “Thanks. That sounds great.”

  “Lucy...I have a question for you. Not about the party,” he clarified. “Do you think it’s healthy for you to date a guy like me?”

  She frowned, tensing. “What are you talking about?”

  “I mean, ultimately, don’t we all outgrow our mentors? I’m just thinking that you love playing baby bird and having me take you under my wing right now, but eventually you’ll have your doctorate and be off doing your own research, and I could hold you back.”

  Dread seeped in, dampening her excitement for the night. Was he questioning the long-term viability of their relationship? “No,” she protested, her voice higher than usual. “You never hold me back. You never tell me what to do or how to do it—I mean, you did with the meeting with Snelling, but that was more in fun. With my proposal, you just led me to figure it out on my own.”

  He nodded, but still looked troubled.

  “Why are you asking this?” she asked, her voice sounding

  He dropped a hand onto her thigh. “I’m just trying to figure out how this all works,” he said.

  She swallowed. While glad he took their relationship seriously enough to be contemplating their future, she didn’t like his line of thinking.

  “You might love the older professor thing when you’re twenty-six but hate it when you’re thirty.”

  “You could say that about anything,” she snapped.

  He gave her a lopsided smile. “You’re right, little bird.”

  She couldn’t help but smile back at the endearment. She did rather like being his baby bird.

  They arrived at the party and he carried his duffel bag of implements in, making her heart race with the possibilities. Ms. Payne greeted them when they came in, giving Todd the European style kiss on each cheek and drawing her in for a hug as well.

  “Well, I see you two found each other in Tucson.”

  “Actually,” Todd said, “Lucy works in my lab. We just didn’t expect to see each other here last month.”

  Ms. Payne raised her eyebrows, her lips forming a round “ooh” of delight. “So have you played since you discovered your mutual interest?”

  Todd drew Lucy against him with a proprietary gesture. “She will be my exclusive play partner tonight,” he said.

  Ms. Payne beamed. “I love it. It’s a story too delicious to be true. I will just code you as top and bottom, then. Here you are,” she said handing over their name tags.

  Todd’s read “The Professor” with a blue dot for top and hers read “LuLu,” the name she had given last month. Todd looked at her tag with a skeptical eye, then picked up the marker and made a new tag reading “The Professor’s Girl” and stuck it on her.

  She giggled. “I don’t even get a name?”

  “That’s your name,” he said. “Come on.”

  He led her into the thick of things. He seemed to know everyone and many women stopped them to greet him. Each time, he drew her forward. “This is my student. She will be the recipient of all my lessons tonight.”

  She saw disappointment on some faces, but everyone treated her politely, welcoming her.

  “Let’s go upstairs,” he said, leading her to the stairwell. They found a room with a spanking going on and took two of the chairs arranged in a semi-circle for audience members.

  She grew warm, watching a young man kneeling over a chair to receive a caning from an elfin-looking domme. Despite her small size, she packed a punch, whipping the slender cane through the air to deliver red welts across the man’s already swollen backside. All the while, the woman lectured, “When I tell you to clean your room, I expect it to be clean, young man. Do you understand me?”

  “Yes, ma’am,” he yelped.

  The spanking ended after six more strokes, and the young man stood up and thanked the top, who hugged him warmly as if they were dance partners who had just completed a dance.

  “Your turn,” Todd whispered as the audience stood up.

  She panicked, grabbing his hand and trying to yank him back down to sit with her.

  He leaned over, taking hold of her upper arm and speaking in her ear, “Do not make things worse for yourself, young lady. I am spanking you right now.”

  She shivered. He pulled her to stand and she walked on wobbly knees as he led her to the front of the room.

  “Kneel on the chair, like he was,” he said, speaking in a voice only she could hear. She appreciated it, as it lent a sense of privacy that otherwise did not exist.

  She heard the twitters of clipped conversation as people came and went, new people coming in to watch as others left. Fortunately, she had her back turned, so she did not have to endure looking at anyone.

  Todd lifted her skirt. At his suggestion, she had worn panties over a thong, so he could pull her panties down, but her pussy would not be on display. Keeping with the private vibe, he said nothing, just began to spank her with his hand. She counseled herself to breathe, trying to relax into the pain. She did not want to appear wimpy to the crowd of expert spankers and spankees. He warmed her thoroughly until she had begun to dodge his blows, her fingers wrapped around the chairback so tightly her knuckles had turned white.

  He paused and pulled her panties down to her thighs and pressed his lips to her ear. “You’ve been a naughty girl,” he murmured, grabbing a fistful of her hair and tilting her head back.

  “Yes, professor,” she gasped. She’d been afraid of performing when they started, but she suddenly realized she knew her role. She’d known it her entire life, every fantasy formed around spankings and scolding.

  “Bad girls get spanked, don’t they, Lucy?”

  “Yes, professor,” she said, loud enough for everyone to hear.

  “Twenty with my belt. You will count them.”

  He slid his belt out of the loops in what seemed like slow motion.

  She drew in her breath. Senses heightened, she heard every whisper of the leather as he folded the belt. The padded red vinyl of the seat cushion stuck to her knees, the lines in the wood of the back of the chair stood out to her.

  The slap of the first stroke did not register as pain, even though her body jumped in response. It took her a moment to remember to count, so she blurted it in a loud voice, “One.”

  He whipped her again, harder this time.

  “Two.” Still she did not register the pain, or if she did, it was in the background while a growing excitement played in the foreground. She wanted more. She wanted it harder. Faster.

  Somehow, like always, Todd understood. The next stroke came right over her sit bones in the most satisfying explosion of pain.

  “Three.” The word came out like a sob, but her eyes were dry. The blows came more rapidly. “Four...five.” She whimpered. “Six, ah! Seven. Eight.” Now the pain came in full force, but not just on her burning ass. Her every nerve flared with it, a buzzing in her ears made it larger than life. She had become the pain and even as it was far too much, she craved it all. “Nine. Ten. Eleven,” she wailed. Tears began to smart her eyes. “Twelve….oh.” She missed the next number. She had lost her focus, sensations swirling too fast to follow.

  Todd paused. “The count, please.”

  The count? Oh! “Uh…” she couldn’t remember.

  “Thirteen,” he said patiently, then struck again before she could repeat it.

  “Fourteen?” she hoped he would not make her repeat it.

  He let it fly. Again and again he struck, harder than she thought possible, so fast she could scarcely catch her breath to count.

  “Nineteen. Twenty,” she sobbed.

  In an instant, he had scooped her off the chair and sat upon it, cradling her in his arms.

  “Good girl, Lucy,” he murmured. “You took that so well.”

  Lucy shook against him, her head on his shoulder. He could tell she had an endorphin high and wanted her to come down feeling safe and cared for. “That’s it, baby,” he said, stroking her back.

  He ignored the audience and they took the hint, leaving them in privacy with positive murmurings like “beautiful,” or “that was hot”. Her tears stopped and after twenty minutes her trembling also ceased and she lay relaxed and heavy against him.

  “How are you now, sweet girl?”

  She lifted her head from his shoulder and looked around as if just remembering where they were. “Okay,” she said in a meek voice.

  “Let’s get you a snack or something to help bring you back into your body.”

  “Mmm. I like it here on your lap,” she protested.

  Rebecca Payne popped in. “I heard I missed a lovely show. Hard to believe a month ago you’d never been spanked in your life, Miss Lulu.”

  Lucy sat up and smiled at Rebecca’s warmth.

  “Ladies only showing in the blue room,” someone called out.

  “Oh you should check that out, if you’re ready to get up,” Rebecca said.

  Lucy looked to him, as if for permission.

  He smiled. “Yes
, you will enjoy it. I’ll be right here when you get back.”

  “All right,” she said, standing up. “You won’t spank anyone?” she asked, testing.

  “No, sweetheart,” he promised. “I’m going to sit and talk with Rebecca, if she’s sticking around.”

  Rebecca pulled up a chair. “Sounds nice to me. Do you know where the blue room is?”

  “Yes, I hid there last month,” Lucy said with a sheepish grin. “See you in a bit.”

  “So, you seem happy,” Rebecca said, looking eager for details.

  He nodded. “I am.”

  “Because you finally found someone smart enough for you.”

  He laughed. “Maybe that’s it.”

  “And clearly you’re ringing her bells.”

  “Tell me something,” he said. “In your experience, does this mentor/student thing ever work?”

  Rebecca’s face scrunched up. “What do you mean?”

  “I mean, won’t she grow out of it, eventually?”

  Rebecca made a scoffing sound. “Boy you have really fallen hard, haven’t you?”

  Annoyed, he made a move as if to stand up, but she dropped a hand to his thigh.

  “No, no, no, wait. I’m sorry. I think I understand what you’re asking, but you’re looking at it wrong. It’s not a mentor/student thing. It’s a Dominant/submissive thing. I’m fifty years old. Have I grown out of wanting to be dominated? No. Will I ever? Absolutely not. It’s just the way I’m wired.”

  He considered her words, wanting to believe them.

  “The key is to keep it sexual. Remember it’s your dominance and authority she’s attracted to, not the fact that you have your Ph.D. and know things she doesn’t. Although I’m sure she finds your intelligence attractive. Do you understand the difference?”


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