Rule #5: You Can’t Trust The Bad Boy: The Rules of Love Series Book 5

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Rule #5: You Can’t Trust The Bad Boy: The Rules of Love Series Book 5 Page 15

by Meyer, Anne-Marie

  I took a deep breath as I handed the helmet over to him and straightened my hair. “I’ll be back. I promise.”

  He held onto the helmet and nodded. “Of course.” He gave me a soft smile and an encouraging look.

  I soaked in as much of Jet Miller as I could before I turned and headed toward the back door of the hotel. The exact spot that I’d come out yesterday.

  No one seemed to notice me as I walked through the kitchen and out to the lobby. I nodded to a few people that I’d been introduced to but didn’t really know. Once I got to the elevator, I pressed the up button.

  It wasn’t too long before I was standing in front of the penthouse, staring at the door. I knew I should just go inside, I just felt as if I needed to prepare myself for whatever was happening on the other side.

  I took a deep breath and turned the handle. Of course, it was locked, so I raised my hand to knock. I knew the code, but I felt as if I’d be intruding. A few seconds later, the door opened and Mrs. Porter stood on the other side.

  Her eyes widened as she took me in. “What happened to you?” she asked as she stepped back and let me enter.

  I scoffed as I slipped off my shoes. “Geez, I missed you, too,” I said.

  Mrs. Porter laughed as she reached out and pulled me into a hug. “I missed you.”

  We embraced, and then I pulled back, glancing around. “Where are they, and what’s with the cryptic message?”

  She tapped her lips with her finger as she nodded toward Mom and Dad’s room. “She’s back there. But you should get changed before you see her. She’s under a lot of stress, and I don’t think this”—she waved to Jet’s sweatpants—”will help.”

  I shook my head. The last thing I cared about right now was pleasing my parents. I was here for a quick change and to brush my teeth and then I was headed back out. “I’m not here for that,” I said as I slipped past her and made my way toward my bedroom door.

  Mrs. Porter didn’t seem pleased by my response. I could hear her footsteps as she followed after me. But I didn’t want to hear her excuses for my parents.

  I entered my room and shut the door. I sat down at my vanity and winced at my hair and makeup. I felt bad that Jet had to stare at me this morning. I was not the kind of person that looked amazing when they woke up.

  After I pulled a hairbrush through my hair and wiped my makeup from my face, I felt more refreshed. I dressed in a pair of jean shorts and a breezy top.

  If I was going to spend my last day with Jet, I was going to be comfortable.

  This time I dumped all my necessities into my purse—despite Mom’s voice nagging me in the back of my mind—and slipped on my sandals.

  When I opened my door, Mrs. Porter was still standing there with an annoyed look on her face.

  “I’m spending the day out,” I said as I nodded to her and headed into the bathroom.

  Mrs. Porter wouldn’t give up. “I really think you should talk to your parents.”

  I stared at her as I prepped my toothbrush and then stuck it in my mouth.

  “Jackie,” Mom’s voice filled the air and caused my stomach to flip upside down.

  Mrs. Porter’s eyes widened as she stepped away from the door and Mom appeared.

  “Who are you talking to?” Mom asked as she studied Mrs. Porter and then turned to stare at me. “Oh. You’re home.”

  Yep. That sounded about right.

  “I’m not staying,” I said as I quickly brushed my teeth and turned on the water to rinse out my mouth. Still feeling gross, I stuck the toothbrush back in for one more scrub down.

  “Oh, stop being so dramatic.” Mom folded her arms. “Your little runaway act could have cost us the deal with the Espositos.”

  “I don’t want to talk about this.” My voice was muffled by the toothpaste and brush.

  Mom sighed in her Brielle is acting up again way. “Well, then I guess I shouldn’t tell you that the Italy trip is off.”

  Just as the last words left her lips, I spit toothpaste everywhere. I pulled the toothbrush from my mouth as my jaw fell open.

  “Brielle,” Mom scolded me as she wiped toothpaste from her suit coat. “Come on. Be a lady.”

  “Go back,” I said after spitting into the sink. “What did you say?”

  Mom sighed. “Always the dramatics with you.” She leaned in. “You don’t have to go to Italy. The Espositos signed on. No stipulations.”

  She nodded at me and then pointed to her lips as she made her way out of the bathroom.

  I rinsed the sink quickly, dried off my face, and stuck my toothbrush into the drawer. My heart was racing a mile a minute as I ran after her.

  “Mom,” I said, my voice rising with frustration.

  Mom turned. “What?”

  “What...? How...?” I couldn’t figure out the right words in my mind.

  Mom sighed as she pulled out a water bottle from the fridge and twisted off the cap. “Apparently, Stefano couldn’t keep his pants on. He was caught with”—Mom cleared her throat as her face went red—”a married woman. To keep things quiet, the Espositos agreed to sign with us. End of story.”

  My brain was slowly processing what she’d said. So, instead of having a marriage to hang over the Espositos head, my parents now had dirt on their son. To my parents it was potato-potahto. Whatever they needed to do to get the job done, they would do it.

  “So...I don’t have to go to Italy?”

  Mom set the water bottle down on the counter. “You don’t have to go to Italy.”

  My ears were ringing. “Why didn’t you tell me sooner?”

  Mom let out an exasperated sigh. “You told us not to bother you. You said you’d be back by tonight. We figured we’d tell you when we saw you next.”

  I wanted to feel frustrated at my parents. I wanted to tell them that I couldn’t believe they would keep something like this from me. But I didn’t want to jinx it. If this was the truth, then I was going to take it, no questions asked.

  I couldn’t contain my excitement. I pumped my fists in the air and then danced around the kitchen. I grabbed Mom and pulled her into a hug—despite her protests.

  “Brielle, please. I’ll have to get this dry-cleaned,” she said as she pulled away and smoothed out her skirt.

  I didn’t care. I was free. I wasn’t going to Italy. I didn’t have to marry creepy-Stefano. The deal was done. The hotels were getting built. And I...


  “I have to go. I’ll be back later,” I said as I grabbed my purse and headed toward the door.

  “Wait, Brielle. Where are you going?”

  I paused and turned around. Mom’s earnest face caused me to stop. It’d been a long time since I’d heard Mom ask me anything when it wasn’t followed up by, this is what we want you to do for us.

  “I met someone,” I said, drawing the words out.

  Mom’s eyebrows instantly went up. “Like a boy someone?”

  I sighed and nodded.

  Mom pinched her lips together and shook her head. “No. Not okay.” She started to pace in front of the sink. Then she stopped and pointed her finger at me. “Who is this boy?”

  Courage built up inside of me. Jet’s voice was ringing in my ears. He was here to protect me—which meant I could protect me too. His faith in me was giving me the strength to finally stand up to Mom.

  “He lives on the other side of town. You won’t like him, I can guarantee it, but I don’t care.”

  Mom steepled her fingers as she studied me. “We have standards and an image to uphold. It doesn’t sound like he will uphold the Livingstone name.”

  I held up my hand, silencing her. I wasn’t going to stand for this. Jet protected me; I was going to protect him. “I don’t care about that. He’s the one for me. He…gets me.” I couldn’t help the smile that twitched my lips.

  Mom groaned. “Brielle, you two barely know each other. How can you trust that he isn’t out to get something from you? Our family has money, which means you need to be mo
re discerning with who you decide to associate with.”

  I thought of everything Jet had done for me. I thought of the wad of cash I’d tried to give him. Whatever Mom thought about Jet, I knew the truth.

  He wasn’t only someone I could trust, he was the man I loved. Nothing was going to get in the way of that. Definitely not Mom and Dad. They were going to have to make a decision about Jet for themselves. But for me, he was exactly what I wanted in my life.

  “I gotta go,” I said as I shot her a quick smile and walked over to the door.

  Mom was still trying to process what had just happened.

  I reached the door, turned the handle, and stopped. I thought of Jet and his parents who didn’t seem to be that dedicated to him. Then I thought of Mom standing there with a shocked expression.

  It felt good to stand up to her. To tell her what I was going to do instead of asking for permission. But I wanted a better relationship with my parents. If my time with Jet taught me anything, it was that family was important. They were all I had.

  So I turned and walked back over to Mom and pulled her into a hug. She stiffened but didn’t pull away. I pressed my lips to her cheek and then leaned back.

  “Love you, Mom. I’ll be back later.”

  Mom peeked over at me and then nodded. “I love you too, Brielle,” she said. She reached out her hand and rested it on my elbow. Then she smiled.

  Probably one of the only genuine smiles I’d seen from her in a long time.

  She squeezed my arm. “When you get back, you bring that boy up here. Dad and I are going to want to talk to him.”

  My stomach twisted as her words settled around me. But she was offering an olive branch, and I was going to take it.

  I nodded. “Of course.”

  She gave me a quick smile and then waved her hand toward the door. “He’s probably waiting.”

  I ran through the door and over to the elevator as fast as I could. I pressed the down button and waited for it to open.

  It felt like an eternity as I stood in the elevator, waiting for the doors to open and the lobby to come into view. When the doors parted, I bolted toward the back alley, where I hoped Jet was still waiting for me. For some reason, the thought that he’d decided I wasn’t worth the drama crossed my mind.

  As soon as I burst outside, I scanned the area where I’d left him.


  I muscled down the fear that I might never see him again and began to search between the dumpsters.

  “Jet?” I called out as I desperately tried to keep calm.


  “Jet?” I called again.

  I turned around to glance behind me. When I turned back around, I was suddenly enveloped in Jet’s arms.

  “Hey,” he said, smiling down at me.

  I squealed as I wrapped my arms around his neck and buried my face into his skin, breathing in his scent. Everything seemed that much sweeter. Everything felt that much better now that I was staying.

  Jet was mine, and I could be his...if he still wanted me.

  Worry settled in my stomach as I pulled away to study him. He set me down and quirked an eyebrow as his gaze roamed my face.

  “Everything okay?” he asked.

  I blinked a few times, trying to process my feelings. I was about to have everything I wanted. But for some reason, I couldn’t help but think that he’d confessed those feelings to me because he knew I was leaving. Would he feel the same now that I was staying?

  I chewed my lip as I thought of how to ask him.

  “Brielle, what’s wrong?” he asked, dipping down to catch my gaze.

  “What if I told you I was staying.”

  He pulled back, his gaze intensifying. “What?”

  I swallowed, hoping I wasn’t about to mess up the one good thing that I had in my life. The one guy who’d finally cared about me.

  “Mom just told me that I don’t have to go. Apparently, Stefano was sleeping with a married lady in our hotel. My parents have proof. The Espositos agreed to sign with my parents to keep it out of the media.” As the words tumbled from my lips, Jet just stood there with a confused look on his face.

  He blinked a few times. “Wow. Um, that’s a lot to take in.”

  I nodded and then glanced down at my hands. Was it weird that I wanted him to gather me into his arms and tell me how important I was to him? That he was grateful that I wasn’t going? The longer he just stood there, staring at me, the more insecure I felt.

  “Brielle,” he said as he pressed his finger under my chin and tipped my face up until I had no choice but to look at him. “Why do you look worried?”

  Emotions clung to my throat as I stared at him. I didn’t want to seem clingy, but I also wanted to be honest. I loved him, and all I wanted was for him to feel the same, even without the threat of me leaving hanging over us.

  “I’m worried it will change how you feel about me.” I forced a smile. I wanted him to know I wasn’t going to pressure him, no matter how he felt.

  Falling in love over a 24-hour period of time felt like a fantasy. But I couldn’t deny how I felt about him.

  “Why would you staying change the way I felt about you?”

  Shivers rushed across my skin as he wrapped his arm around my waist and pulled me closer. He dipped down and pressed his lips against the top of my head.

  “I don’t know. I mean, it was romantic and spontaneous to say you love me when I’m leaving. Will you be able to handle it if I stick around?”

  Jet leaned back as he stared at me. “No. Will you be able to handle me?”‘

  I snorted as I reached out and rested my hands on his chest. I could feel the beating of his heart. I’d memorized the cadence. It was so familiar to me.

  “I don’t see that happening,” I said as I glanced up at him. I hoped he could feel my meaning.

  His brows furrowed as he tipped his forehead down and rested it on mine. “I’ll stay until you tell me to go,” he murmured.

  Butterflies raced around in my stomach as I slid my hands up to his shoulders and threaded my fingers together at the base of his neck. “Promise?” I asked, tipping my lips toward his.

  He nodded as he leaned in and brushed his lips against mine. “Promise.”


  He nodded and pressed his lips to mine again—this time with more passion than I’d ever felt. Pulses of pleasure rushed from my lips and exploded down to my toes. Never had my life felt so perfect.

  I belonged to Jet, and he belonged to me.

  Sure our future wasn’t certain and we still had trials ahead—namely meeting my parents—but there was no one I’d rather do this with.

  Jet was my person—now and forever.

  He pulled back, his cocky half-smile returning. He reached up and cradled my cheek with his hand.


  He stepped back, running his hands down the back of my arms and then entwining his fingers in mine. He smiled down at me as he nodded toward his bike.

  “Come on,” he said as he let go of one hand and guided me over. He grabbed the helmet and handed it to me.

  “Where are we going?” I asked as I slipped the helmet on and buckled it under my chin.

  He chuckled as he swung a leg over the seat.

  I kept ahold of his shoulders as I climbed on the back.

  “Does it matter?” he asked, tipping his head back so I could hear him.

  No, it didn’t matter. As long as I was with him, I was happy. And I was determined to be happy this summer.

  “Not to me,” I said as I slid my hands around his sides, pressing against him as I entwined my fingers.

  He started the bike and it roared to life. I held on as he pulled out of the alleyway and onto the main road.

  I closed my eyes as we sped down the road. It wasn’t because I was scared or nauseous, it was because I was happy. Jet completed me in a way I never knew I could feel.

  This was where I belonged.


  I didn’t know why I was nervous as I sat on my bed. My suitcase was packed and sitting next to me. I tapped my fingers on my leg as I glanced around.

  I could hear the ticking of the clock on the wall as the moment I was to leave for New York drew closer and closer.

  Jet and I had a whirlwind summer. We spent every spare moment we could together. Mom and Dad weren’t too happy at first, but when Jet showed up for dinner in a button-up shirt and tie, Dad snorted—which was about as close to acceptance as he gets—and they were more receptive to the idea of Jet and I dating.

  Dad even offered Jet a job in the hotel.

  Which worked for me. I mean, he wanted to work, and I knew that regardless of how Dad felt about our relationship, he took care of his employees. It made me happy to know that while I was gone, Dad and Mom would look after him.

  There was a soft knock on the door. I glanced over to see Jet standing in the doorway. His hair was slicked down, and he had on a light-blue uniform with the words Livingstone Hotel stitched on the breast pocket.

  My heart jumped in my chest as I stood and ran over to him.

  Jet’s smile made my stomach flip-flop. He wrapped his arms around me and pulled me up. I giggled as I pressed my lips to his. I lost myself in that kiss. It amazed me that no matter how many times we kissed, it always felt different.


  When we pulled apart, Jet slowly lowered me to the ground but kept his arms protectively wrapped around me.

  “What am I going to do without you here?” he asked as he pressed his forehead against mine.

  I giggled as I pressed my hands to his chest, sprawling out my fingers so I could feel his warmth and his beating heart. “I’m not sure,” I whispered.

  Truth was that I didn’t know what I was going to do without Jet.

  I was a nomad, moving from place to place, not really knowing where I belonged. But when I was wrapped in Jet’s arms, feeling his familiar heartbeat and warmth surround me, I knew I was home. He was everything I needed to feel complete.

  “That’s not too comforting,” he said. His voice had grown deeper, and it sent shivers down my body.

  “You’re coming to New York.”


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