Haunting Melody

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Haunting Melody Page 14

by Mackenzie Reed

  “It's freezing in here.” She reached out and switched on the bedside lamp bathing the room in a glow of soft white light. She needed something to put on and spotted her robe lying in the corner. She walked over to retrieve it, never once noticing the naked and aroused man standing in the doorway watching her every move. She bent down to pick up the robe when a hand brushed over her spine and patted her naked ass.

  “Eek!” She jumped up, dropped the robe and bumped into a hard male chest.

  His laughter filled the room. “What's the matter, baby, did I scare you?”

  She looked into his eyes and saw the sparkle of amusement dancing there. “Where have you been?”

  He bent close and brushed his lips over hers. “Nowhere in particular.” His tongue traced the seam of her lips and with a sigh she opened, letting him in. His hands gripped her waist, pulling her tight against his body. It didn't take a rocket scientist to know the man was sporting another hard-on. She rubbed against him, sensuously cradling his hardness against her stomach. He groaned in her mouth and suddenly the kiss was deeper, hotter, hungry.

  His hands moved from her waist to her hair. He pulled her head back changing the angle of the kiss. Now it was her turn to moan. She was burning alive. His tongue tangled with hers, demanding she play. With each twist of his tongue, the higher the need rose until finally she tore her mouth from his.

  His name was the only thing she could say. She rested her head on his chest and heard his rapid heartbeat, felt it all the way to her soul. His breathing was harsh like hers, and it was all she could do to take a breath. His hands roamed her back, caressing and touching every place he could reach. She groaned when he moved to cup her ass, pulling her lower body tight against him, and rubbing his cock against her.

  She wanted him so bad, but was just too darn tired. She had to stop this. “Joshua, I can't. Not again. I'm so tired.”

  “I know. I am too. But, when I saw you naked, your pretty little ass in the air, I couldn't resist. You're like an addiction, a fire in my blood that can't be quenched.” His soft chuckle rumbled in her ear. “You're one sexy piece, lady.” His lips brushed her hair, a whisper of a kiss against her forehead and then he let her go.

  “Come on, let's go back to bed. We both have to work tomorrow.” He took her hand and led her to the bed. She climbed in first, fluffed her pillow and waited for him. She heard the click of the light, and then darkness surrounded them. The bed dipped and he slid into bed beside her, his arms immediately surrounding her, pulling her close. “Good night, baby.”

  “Good night.” She snuggled deeper into the warmth of his arms and closed her eyes.

  Chapter Fifteen

  Joshua sipped his morning coffee and smiled. His lady had awakened him this morning with her hot mouth wrapped around his aroused cock, sucking him to a climax that nearly blew his head off. Afterwards, they indulged in a shower together where he'd soaped her body thoroughly, and taken her against the tile walls. He could still hear her screams of passion. He felt a tightening in his jeans and figured he better think of something else.

  He stood, picked up his cup and carried it to the sink. After rinsing it out, he took a deep breath and closed his eyes. Immediately he felt her essence deep down, as deep as it could go. He smiled and inhaled. She was the most beautiful, sexy creature he'd ever seen. He loved the way her eyes turned a deeper shade of green when she was aroused, the way she nibbled her lip when she was thinking about something. He loved everything about her.

  After their escapade in the shower and a lingering kiss at the door, Joshua headed home while Devra had gone to work. That had become their daily routine for the past week. They were either at her place or his. Now, standing here in his home, he missed the hell out of her. Talking to her, touching her, and making love to her. He wanted more. Joshua wanted Devra to move in with him on a more permanent basis. All he had to do was convince her.

  A brush in his mind drew him from his thoughts. Hello, baby.

  A feminine chuckle surrounded him, along with a deep male chuckle. Hello, son. Care to let us in?

  Mom? Dad? Is that you? He turned away from the sink and walked toward the front door and pressed the button for the gate.

  Expecting someone else?

  He heard the interest behind the question and cursed to himself. That's what he got for saying “Hello, baby” without thinking.

  He opened the door and watched his parents get out of their car. They were a striking pair even at their age.

  “Joshua, my son.” She peppered his face with kisses and his body with tight hugs only moms could give. His dad slapped him on the shoulder and shook him.

  “Son, it's good to see you again.”

  Keeping his arm around his mother he turned. “I'm glad you could both come. Let's go into the kitchen and talk. I've a lot to tell you.”

  They headed into the kitchen for coffee. After they were all seated his mother spoke. “So tell me about her.”

  He hid his smile behind his cup. “Who, Mother?”

  Her brow arched and she said nothing. She simply sat there silently and waited just like she used to when he was younger.

  He couldn't help it. He threw back his head and laughed out loud. “Okay, okay. Devra's inquisitive, smart and sexy as hell. She's got the most beautiful green eyes, long auburn hair and a fiery temper to match. You will love her.”

  “If you do, then I'm sure we will.” His mother reached over and covered his hand with hers. The look she gave him was a serious one. “Are you sure she's the one, your true mate?”

  He nodded. “Yeah, she's the one. There's no doubt in my mind. I knew there was something different about her the first time I met her. I wanted her so badly, and I couldn't get her out of my mind. It nearly drove me nuts.”

  It was his father's turn to chuckle. “Yep, that's how I was with your mother. Such a beautiful creature and all I could think about was making her mine in every way possible.”

  “Jonathon,” his mother admonished softly. Her father winked, leaned over and kissed her.

  “So when do we get to meet this woman?”

  “Later this evening.” They talked for a few more minutes and then he showed his parents to their room, making sure it was far enough away from him and Devra. After they were settled in, he went down to the music room and to rehearse the songs he was going to play at Michael's Lounge that night. Tonight would be his last performance publicly. After tonight he would only play for Devra.

  The music flooded his soul, his mind, coursing through his veins. He closed his eyes and a vision of Devra naked and dancing for him flashed in his mind. Heat and hunger swamped his senses. She was spicy hot and so damn sexy. His cock hardened like forged steel just thinking about her. He tried to concentrate on his music, but it wasn't working so he stopped playing. Opening his eyes, he turned to stare out the big glass window. What was Devra doing right now? Was she thinking about what they'd done this morning? Did she love him? That thought had plagued him since he'd told her he loved her. Her body told him she loved him, but he wanted to hear it from her lips. Needed to hear it from her lips.

  Frustrated and horny, he ran his hands over his face, pushing his hair back. An idea began to form and along with it a plan. It was time to play a little with his sexy mate. He smiled and searched her out in his mind. The more they made love, the easier it was for him to latch onto her essence, her life force, and follow the tendril back to her.

  And he so wanted to follow it back to her. It didn't take him long. And damn! The woman was thinking about him and sex. Playtime.

  * * * *

  Her body still hummed from the intense loving Joshua had given her this morning. Her nipples stiffened and the tips rubbed against the lace of her bra as she remembered what they'd done. She leaned back in her chair and closed her eyes, her thoughts on Joshua, and the way his hands caressed and teased her body into arousal. She reached up and touched her breasts, gasping when her palms covered the turgid tips. Her breat
hing quickened and she creamed her thong panties. She trailed her hand down her stomach and was about to touch her crotch when the phone rang.

  She yelped, her hand covered her heart and she looked around wild-eyed, wondering if she'd been caught. The insistent ringing of the phone drew her attention and she reached to pick it up but halted in mid-air. What if it was Damon again? Her heart raced, her stomach churned. She couldn't go through that again. It rang two more times.

  She blew out a breath that stirred her bangs. “Get a grip, Devra. It could be Joshua, Susan or even Uncle Bob calling.” Taking a deep breath, she picked up the phone.


  “What in the hell took you so long to answer the phone?”

  Relief flooded her body. “Hello to you too, Uncle Bob.” She swiveled around and faced the big picture window with the view of downtown. It was a beautiful place if you could look past all the construction that was going on.

  “Are you listening to me?”

  His boisterous shout drew her back to the phone. “I'm sorry, what did you say?”

  She heard his sigh. “I asked how the story on this Joshua fellow is going. Will it be ready soon?”

  “I…” she stopped. What could she say? Well, it's like this Uncle Bob, I've been to bed with the man, he's a psychic vampire and I'm in love with him.

  Whoa! Where the heck did that come from? In love with him? She shook her head. No, she couldn't be. It was lust. Yeah, that was it. Lust—pure unadulterated lust.

  Get a grip, girl. You know better than that. You love him and you know he loves you. He wasn't afraid to tell you. You're a scaredy cat.

  “You what? Devra, are you still there?”

  She swallowed hard. “Uncle Bob, I gotta go. I'll get back to you on that story. Bye.” She put down the phone, dropped her head to her desk and groaned. Oh, shit! It was true. She was in love with Joshua Thomas.

  She lifted her head and looked at the blank computer screen blinking at her. How was she supposed to write a story about Joshua now? And what in the heck was she going to say?

  How his eyes darkened to black pools when he was aroused? Or the way his buttocks clenched in her hands just as he climaxed. She couldn't tell why his music was as explosive as it was or why. To do that would destroy his anonymity and everything he'd worked so hard for. No! She shook her head vehemently, there was no way on earth she would ever betray him in that way. Never!

  A tingle like butterfly wings brushed through her mind, making her smile. Hello, handsome. What are you doing floating around in my mind?

  She felt his rumble of laughter and grinned.

  I missed you and wanted to touch you.

  She gasped aloud when invisible fingers brushed over her nipples, the tips immediately coming to attention. How in the hell did you do that?

  He said nothing simply chuckled. Do you like it? He purred, his touch moving to her stomach, drawing circles.

  She panted and squirmed in her seat. Did she like it? Hell yes, she liked it. And he knew it too. He knew her nipples ached for his tongue. To feel his teeth nip the beaded tip before he took the whole berry into his mouth. She felt a gush of cream and clenched her thighs together hoping to ease the ache. Lower and lower his invisible touch moved, tracing patterns on her hose-covered thighs. The sensations were mind-boggling, and arousal pulsed deep and hard throughout her body.

  She grabbed the chair arms, her fingers digging into the soft, supple leather. Joshua, you've got to stop. I can't take … she stopped. His fingers were now massaging her clit, the hard bud of her desire. She felt the orgasm building in intensity and heat. She wanted him to stop and yet she didn't. Closing her eyes and shutting everything else out, she concentrated on nothing but his touch, his fingers bringing her pleasure.

  She was close. So close. One more stroke and she would come. But, he didn't seem to be in a hurry to take her over. In fact he seemed to want to tease her, to prolong the pleasure. She was panting now, her chest rising and falling hard, like she'd run a marathon race. She couldn't take much more. Joshua … please.

  Ahh … there it was. Yes, yes. She exploded like a firecracker. Her orgasm washed over her in wave after wave of delight. She rode it through to the end, her hips undulating in her leather chair, her juices flowing from her body and onto her chair. She'd have to clean that up later, but not now. Now, she would just enjoy the gift he'd given her.

  Finally, when she could breathe again, she adjusted her clothing and ran a shaky hand over her hair. She felt a gentle kiss on her cheek before it moved to the pulse point in her neck.

  So tell me love, did you enjoy that?

  You know full well that I did. But, you also know it only took the edge off. I still want you just as much as I did before. And retribution is sometimes sweet and … she paused for a moment hoping to whet his appetite.

  Sweet and what? Finish it, love.

  She laughed. Retribution is sweet and naughty. I promise yours will be both, lover.

  I can't wait, he purred in her mind. Later, baby. I got work to do.

  Then he was gone. Oh, not totally. She knew he was still a part of her, but he would never take advantage.

  She opened her eyes and found herself face to face with the blank computer screen once again. Well, shit. What did I expect? For the story to simply write itself while I was being sated by my invisible mind lover? She snorted. Get a grip, Devra. That ain't gonna happen.

  She tapped her nails on the desk trying to come up with something, anything. Then it came to her. She could write about his music, the way it seeps into the listener's soul and gives them peace, if only for a short time.

  “Yeah, that's it.” Her fingers flew across the keyboard as the words began to flow. Where they came from she didn't know, but they were there. And they were good. An hour later her stomach grumbled and rumbled, letting her know it was time to eat. With one last stroke of the key, her story was done and it was time for lunch. She sent the story to Bob, and buzzed him to tell him it was on the way. She hit the save key, turned off the screen and stood, stretching the kinks from her back.

  She grabbed her purse and left her office, a smile of satisfaction on her face. She had done it! She'd written a story about Joshua without giving anything away. She entered the elevator and headed for the garage. Food. That's what she needed now. Maybe she could persuade Joshua to make her some lunch and provide a little quickie before she returned to work.

  Anticipation rushed through her. She couldn't wait to get home to Joshua, to strip him naked and lick every gorgeous inch of his body. Her hands itched just thinking about it. Her nipples tingled, brushing against the sheer lace of her bra. That little stimulation was enough to send tiny tremors shooting through her semi-aroused body.

  The elevator stopped and the doors opened. She stepped out and headed to her car, her heels clicking against the cement floor of the garage. She'd just reached her car when the hair on her nape stood up. She turned quickly and scanned the area around her. Seeing no one, she shrugged and opened the car door. She tossed her purse onto the passenger seat and slid in, closing the door behind her.

  She turned the key in the ignition and the car purred to life. She turned to make sure nothing was behind her and let out a squeal. Damon stood beside the driver's side door.

  “I need to talk to you.”

  Devra's body shook with fear and outrage. No! Not again. She wouldn't let him do this to her again. She put the car into gear and hit the gas. The tires squealed and the smell of burnt rubber filled the air. Devra drove away but not before looking in the rear view mirror. There she saw Damon standing there watching her. Her thoughts turned to Joshua. He would know what to do.

  * * * *

  Joshua sat at the kitchen table, listening to the quietness in the house. His parents were upstairs taking a nap. Or not. He wasn't sure and really didn't want to think about what his parents were doing. Suddenly fear flooded his mind. The feeling was so strong he felt it all the way to his bones.
  He called out to her. Devra. What is it? What's happened?

  Damon was just here.

  Joshua sat up straight. What? Are you okay? Did he do anything?

  No. He just said he wanted to talk to me. I left him standing there in the parking garage.

  Where are you now?

  I'm on my way to your house.


  Her fear abated and another thought entered his mind. A carnal thought. Why the little minx.

  Ah love. Now I wonder what you are thinking.

  I'm thinking … you, me … a big bed and lots and lots of sex.

  Just like that and his hunger came to life again. This time hotter.

  His little mind-playing had done nothing to appease his hunger for her, or diminish the hardness of his cock. He couldn't wait for her to come home. He would jerk her into his arms, give her a mind-blowing kiss and then he would strip their clothes off and take her right there against the door. She would wrap her legs around him and he would slide in deep, hard and fast.

  It wouldn't be slow and easy. This time would be hard and rough, to take the edge off. Then he would carry her upstairs, still deep inside her and fuck her on the bed until neither of them could move.

  I'll be waiting.

  A hard hand slapped his shoulder and Joshua nearly fell off his chair. He looked up into the knowing eyes of his father and groaned.

  “Sorry. I thought you heard me come in. I called out, but your mind must have been somewhere else.” His father chuckled and sat down across from him.

  Joshua felt the heat in his face. Damn! He was blushing. Clearing his throat, he asked, “Where's Mother?”

  His dad smiled and arched a brow.

  “Never mind. I can guess.” He shook his head and grinned. “Will it always be this way, Dad? Like I can't get enough of her?”

  “Yes, it will. If she is your true mate, you will never need another to sustain you.”

  “And the feeling is mutual.” His mother called out from the doorway. She walked into the room and over to his father, her hands resting on his shoulders. “Though she isn't like us, she will never need another man.”


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