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Sold Page 4

by Sean Michael

  “Oh!” Seed pulsed from him, the bite stinging, surprising him.

  “Yes.” Matt slid along for several moments, their heat mingling together on his belly.

  He moaned, shivering, a bit undone. Matt let him take the man’s weight, solid and heavy, a soft kiss landing on his neck. He hummed, relaxed, moaned.

  “So good, Adam. I knew you’d feel so good against me like this.”

  “Thank you, Sir.” His voice was shaky.

  Matt shifted off of him, brought their mouths together, kissing him. At the end of a scene, he usually cleaned up and gently eased the Dom out, but... What did he do with this?

  Matt tugged him closer to the strong body. “Will you stay the night?”

  “I can stay until the morning, yes.” If he couldn’t sleep, he’d be leaving at dawn anyway.

  “Good.” Matt kissed his forehead and then brought their lips together again, this kiss soft and lazy, so easy.

  He rested their foreheads together, breathing with Matt.

  “You feel just right here.”

  He met Matt’s eyes. “Thank you, Sir.”

  “It’s the truth.”

  That made him smile. He believed it.

  Matt settled him in, close and warm, and tugged the covers up over them. It was like a nest of softness and warmth. A nest that smelled like Matt. Matt. He snuggled in, hummed.

  He felt safe and cared for in the strong arms. He felt in Matt’s arms.

  It was the scariest, most amazing thing he’d felt in years.

  Chapter Three

  Matt smiled at the Hammer’s doorman and went in, blinking as his eyes adjusted to the lighting. He looked for Adam first -- if he couldn’t find the man, he’d talk to Oliver.

  When he’d woken this morning, Adam was gone, nothing but a note left where a warm body should have been. The note had been polite, dear. “Thank you for the dance and for holding me. Meeting you has been a true pleasure and quite special. I hope you enjoy your new home. A.”

  A true pleasure and quite special. Not special enough, though, he noted, for Adam to stay and say so in person. To give him a phone number and agree to meet again. It made him a little growly and a little sad.

  It also made him determined.

  Oliver was seated at a table with his sub, the two of them laughing and feeding each other something chocolaty. He didn’t want to interrupt their evening, but Oliver was his only link to Adam.

  Oliver smiled at him, nodded. “Our newest member. Welcome.”

  Matt beamed. “You’ve approved my membership? Thank you.” He’d been a little worried that his inability to detach himself during the scene with Adam was going to hurt his application. It wouldn’t have been right, though, to have feelings trying to happen with Adam and to just use them to get in.

  He was far more interested in getting to know Adam better -- a lot better -- than he was in joining the club.

  “Adam gave you a glowing review.” Oliver nodded to the chair across from them. “Would you like to sit?”

  “Sure, thank you.” He offered Oliver a smile, trying not to burst right out with a demand for Adam’s whereabouts. Gave him a glowing review, but hadn’t stayed to say good-morning. “I was hoping to see him here, actually.”

  “No. No, Adam rarely comes to the club when he’s not hired to.”

  Jack chuckled softly. “Too many temptations.”

  “Temptations?” So Adam did hold himself aloof, even when he wasn’t working?

  Jack nodded. “Booze. Rich food. Sex. Dancing. Adam is deep into that whole ‘my body is a temple’ thing.”

  “Ah. Not all of that is bad for a body.” And he wanted to worship with Adam at his temple...

  “Indeed.” Oliver fed Jack another bite of chocolate. “I don’t believe it is his body he’s protecting, I believe it’s his control.”

  Matt nodded. Now that made sense. “I’d like to get in touch with him.”

  “I can give you the cell number he uses for clients. However, he doesn’t answer when he’s working.”

  “Working? Oh, of course.” He didn’t like to think of Adam being with someone else, testing them. “And do you have him on a job this evening?”

  “No. No, he... He is a professional submissive, for a living.”

  “He works for more than just you?” At least he knew that Adam’s heart would not be involved with anyone, but it still tore at something inside him, knowing that Adam would be with another Dom.

  Jack shrugged. “Sometimes. When a Dom isn’t finding what he needs, or another Dom wants practice on something his sub isn’t ready for.”

  Matt had to bite back his growl. Adam wasn’t his to growl over.

  Not yet.

  Oliver nodded. “Also, if someone needs a sub for a show -- whipping, bondage, the basics. He’s lovely and has perfect control.”

  Matt wanted to break that perfect control, to push Adam beyond it. He handed his cell over to Oliver to input Adam’s number. Oliver typed it in easily, then handed it back without comment.

  “Thank you.” He smiled at the waiter who came by the table. “I’ll just have a coffee, please.”

  “Of course, Sir. Master Xavier has some paperwork for you, when you have time.”

  “Oh, bring it over now and I’ll deal with it. If you don’t mind, Oliver. I have to admit, I’m excited to make it all official.”

  “Of course.” Oliver’s smile was warm, friendly. Welcoming.

  In fact, everything about the Hammer had been welcoming, and he was pleased to have been accepted into the community.

  “We’ll be having a Dom night to welcome you. Please let us know when it’s a good time.”

  “Oh, how nice, thank you. I have an opening at the gallery in three weeks. My hours are much more civilized after that.” Really, he would make his own hours once he had his staff of two in place and fully trained.

  Oliver nodded. “Excellent. I look forward to introducing you around.”

  His coffee came, along with a folder filled with paperwork.

  “Thank you, Oliver.” He seemed to be saying that a lot. “You’ve been so kind.”

  “Nonsense.” Oliver’s laugh filled the air. “This is my home. It is in my interest to harbor good will with the men around me.”

  Matt nodded. He could see that.

  He started in on the paperwork, filling everything out. He made himself do it before he could call Adam. Jack and Oliver shared their dessert, introducing him to one person after another. By the time he’d filled out all the paperwork, he’d had a second cup of coffee, indulged in a lovely cheesecake, and met at least a dozen people.

  He was relaxed and laughing, completely at home. The only thing missing was Adam.

  He finally gave in to his urge, pulling his phone back out and dialing the number Oliver had put in for Adam.

  The phone rang twice before a soft voice answered. “Adam. Can I serve you?”

  Warmth went through him at the sound of Adam’s voice. “Adam. Hi, it’s Matt.”

  “Oh... Matt. Sir. How are you?”

  He smiled. “Good. Happy to hear your voice.”

  “Master Oliver said you’ve been accepted to the club. Congratulations.”

  “Thank you. For the good review as well.” He lowered his voice. “And for last night.”

  “It was absolutely my pleasure, Sir.”

  “I was hoping it would be your pleasure again tonight.”

  “Oh... I... I happen to be free this evening. My appointment canceled.”

  “That’s great! Not that you lost an appointment, but that you’re free to come out with me. Would you like to have dinner ?”

  “Are you at the club? I would come sit with you.”

  “I am, and that would be great. I can’t wait to see you.” To
kiss you. To lick you.

  “I’ll be half an hour or so.”

  “I’ll be here. See you later.” He was still smiling as he pocketed his cell phone.

  Oliver was involved in listening to a story Jack was telling him. The older man’s eyes were warm, fond, as the wee sub chattered. Waving off a waiter, Matt simply sat back and took it all in, content to watch his fellow members. The place was fairly busy -- a few couples on the dance floor, a few around the bar. Honestly, it was low-key enough to be just another bar, except for the periodic collar, the random blindfold. And the obvious activity going on at the table to the far right. Someone was getting one hell of a blow job.

  He thought he could feel at home here; hell, he already did. Oliver -- everyone -- had been very welcoming.

  It didn’t take long before Adam came in, nodding at a few people on the way to his table. The man was incredibly observant. And stunning. Matt swallowed and then stood.

  Adam smiled for him, came to him. He hugged Adam, took a soft kiss. “Thank you for joining me.” He was saying ‘thank you’ a lot, but then he was feeling very grateful; coming to a new city, finding a new place to call home could be very difficult. So far, this hadn’t been.

  “It’s my pleasure. Were you sharing a table or should we get one of our own?”

  “We can get a table of our own. I’ve intruded on Oliver and Jack for long enough.”

  “Of course, Sir.” Adam led him to a quiet corner booth, and they slid in together.

  He held on to Adam’s hand. “I’m glad you agreed to come meet me. I missed you this morning when I woke up.”

  “I have a four a.m. yoga class.”

  He knew he was gasping; he couldn’t help it. “Four a.m.?”

  “Every morning for two hours.”

  “Wow. That’s... “ He shook his head. That was dedication.

  “It helps me keep my center.”

  He nodded, watching Adam, enjoying everything about the man. “What else do you do?”

  “During the day? I garden, work out, cleanse, meditate.”

  “It sounds very... austere.”

  Adam nodded. “It can be.”

  “I like giving in to those temptations you try to stay away from. Good food, nice wine, art, dancing, sex...”

  Adam nodded, reached out, and took his hand. “I never ask anyone to follow my path. Most people aren’t interested in my lifestyle.”

  He squeezed Adam’s hand. “How did you come to be on this path? What led you to such a life?”

  “I was an addict in high school -- drugs, alcohol, adrenaline, sex -- and I discovered the lifestyle from a man who showed me how to center myself, control myself, my emotions. I served him for five years and then, once I’d learned what he had to teach me, he sent me away. Working as a professional submissive was an easy choice.”

  It sounded so cold. “So you live an emotionless life?”

  “I live a simple life.”

  “I didn’t mean to be insulting. It’s just that most people are looking for passion, myself included, and you seem to have done all you can to eradicate it.”

  “I can’t do my job and be passionate. Can you imagine?” Adam shuddered.

  “What happens if you meet someone special?” He looked right into Adam’s eyes. Someone like him.

  “I don’t know.” Adam’s fingers squeezed his.

  “Maybe we’ll find out together.”

  “I think that might be very bad for business.”

  “Is that more important than finding love? A Master for yourself?”

  “I... I don’t have another skill set, really.”

  “You garden, know yoga...”

  Adam nodded. “I do. You should come see my gardens some day.”

  “I would love to see them. Soon.” He reached out and slid his hand along Adam’s cheek. “What if you find a Master of your own and he doesn’t want you to sub for other men?” He didn’t know if he could handle it; he knew he wasn’t happy with the thought of it. And Adam wasn’t even his yet.

  “That’s why I don’t have one. How can I pay my bills without my job?”

  He nodded slowly. “That would be something you’d have to work out.” That they would have to work out. Of course he didn’t even know if it was mutual yet.

  “It’s a problem. So many things are.” Those fingers kept exploring his.

  “Your touch is magical, Adam.”

  “Thank you, Sir.”

  He leaned toward Adam, eyes on the man’s lips. Adam closed the space between them, their lips meeting. He moaned as skin met skin. Adam felt so good, tasted so good. The kiss remained gentle, but lingered, went on and on. His tongue slid along Adam’s lower lip, slipped in between them. He loved it, how Adam opened to him, let him in.

  He slid his hand up, tilted Adam’s head, and deepened the kiss. Drinking in the soft cry, Matt took Adam’s mouth, luxuriating in the heat, the softness of the man’s tongue. He could take days to explore Adam, months, years. Every part of the lovely body was fascinating. He settled, for now, for being thorough with Adam’s mouth.

  Adam was surprisingly untutored in kissing, and Matt could admit he liked that. He wanted to be something more, something bigger than another Dom. He teased Adam’s tongue back into his own mouth, inviting his lover -- for that was how he wanted to think of Adam, what he wanted Adam to be -- to taste for himself, to play.

  Adam shivered, then began to kiss him, one long exploration becoming another and another. Matt rubbed his fingers over Adam’s scalp, let them sift through the lovely hair. Adam’s tongue slid over his teeth, almost counting them. He hummed, fingers tracing the shells of Adam’s ears.

  “Mmm.” Oh, that made Adam shudder.

  He did the right one again, then the left, wanting to know where all of Adam’s sweet spots were. He felt Adam’s hips shift. “You have sensitive ears,” he murmured. How cool was that?

  “Shh. Don’t tell my secrets.”

  “I want to discover them all.” Every single one of them.

  Adam moaned for him, hands on his shoulders. He deepened the kisses, his fingers sliding to caress Adam’s neck. He felt Adam swallow, like the tiny touch was huge.

  From nearby, he heard the whispered, “Is that our Adam?”

  No, it was his Adam.

  “I think so. He doesn’t kiss, though.”

  Matt broke off the kiss and smiled into Adam’s eyes. “Would you like to go somewhere quieter? Like my place?”

  Adam nodded. “Please, Sir. This is... my workplace.”

  He nodded in return. “Come on, then. Unless you’re hungry for food?”

  “No. No. I had a protein shake earlier.”

  “Let’s go, then.” He was happy now, that he’d settled his bill after his coffee.

  He stood and held out his hand, wanting to stay connected to Adam. Adam’s hand slid into his, and he could hear the murmurs as they left. People were surprised. Shocked. In one way it was annoying, but in another, it proved that what he was feeling for Adam, and Adam for him, was unique, unusual. It also let him know that Adam was cared for here. That he was thought of fondly.

  They made their way out of the club and over to his car. He liked the way Adam looked sitting in the passenger seat next to him.

  “Thank you for calling.” Adam squeezed his fingers.

  He squeezed back. “Thank you for coming. I was worried when you didn’t stay this morning...”

  “I.” Adam stopped, took a breath. “I wanted to stay. That was unnerving.”

  He glanced over at Adam. “Unnerving?”

  “I’ve never had a relationship with someone at the club. I rarely make friends there, even.”

  “I’m new.”

  “I know. You’re special, too.”

  He beamed at Adam. “Thank you
-- I was thinking the same thing about you.”

  He turned the car onto his block. Adam pinked but didn’t answer. Matt was smiling as he pulled the car into his parking spot beside the neatly manicured lawn. “Come on in.”

  “Yes, Sir.” Adam frowned, looked at him. “Would it be all right with you if I didn’t call you ‘Sir’? That’s what I call my clients.”

  “Then I definitely don’t want you to call me ‘Sir.’ I am not a client.” He was very clear on that point.

  “No. No, you’re not, Matt.”

  “I’m so glad we’re on the same page with that.” He stroked Adam’s cheek, let his finger trace the lovely lips. Adam leaned into his touch, moaning softly. Leaning in, he kissed Adam gently before backing off. “In. Or I’ll get lost in you and we’ll give the neighbors a show.”

  “I wouldn’t embarrass you like that.”

  He chuckled. “No, but I might embarrass myself.”

  He held Adam’s hand from the car to the door, wanting the connection. Adam took his hand, kissed his knuckles. Smiling, he got the door open and barely managed to close it before he pushed Adam up against it, bringing their mouths together. Adam’s arms wrapped around him, lips opening eagerly. He pressed their bodies together, sliding against Adam’s body to get some friction for his prick.

  “Yes.” Adam groaned into his mouth, hands clenching his shoulders.

  He slid his hand between them, palming Adam’s hard on through the soft pants. The heat was amazing, proving that Adam was as affected as he was. Swollen, wet-tipped -- that cock begged for attention. He pushed his hand into Adam’s pants and stroked his hand along the hot flesh, wondering how many times he could make Adam come tonight.

  Could he make Adam beg? Could he dent that control? He wanted to, very much.

  Groaning, biting at Adam’s lips, he tugged harder, eager to make Adam come right now, just like this. He felt Adam shudder, shiver, heard the deep moan.

  “Give me your pleasure, Adam.”


  He tugged one more time and heat hit his fingers, wet and musky. “Yes. Oh, yes.” Groaning, he brought their lips back together, his tongue pushing in as he tasted Adam’s mouth after orgasm.


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