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Sold Page 9

by Sean Michael

  “Feel better?”

  “Yeah, I do. I just needed some calories in me.”

  Adam cleared the trash away, then came to help him up. “Come on. Let’s take you home and get you a massage.”

  “Oh, that sounds amazing.” He chuckled, putting his arm around Adam as they walked. “I’m not making a very masterly impression.”

  “You’re fine. I’ll care for you.”

  It was, he thought, a role Adam was very used to. “Thank you.”

  “Anytime, Master.”


  Adam made Matt lunch, fed the man, then went outside to water and mess around in his garden, get some sun while Matt napped. There were eighteen messages on his phone, and a bunch of texts that he had to answer, too. So after his gardening was done, he plopped down with his calendar and tried to schedule scenes after his mini-vacation.

  Matt came outside while he was doing it, stretching and yawning, and looking adorable all sleep-tousled and somewhat blinky.

  “Feel better?” He texted back Marcus with approval for a show on Dom’s night, scribbled out that space on the calendar.

  “I do.” Matt came and sat next to him, frowning. “I thought we were going to talk about your schedule after a few days of relaxing?”

  “I know. I just needed to get back with some people.” He’d relaxed yesterday.

  “Well, how about letting me help you? I wanted to go over it with you.” Matt pointed to the dates marked off. “You’ve already filled a bunch of days -- do you mark in what kind of scene each one is?”

  He nodded. “C is caning. A is assplay. HC is hard-core. S is service. CBT is cock and ball torture. If they want something specific, I’ll make a note.”

  “I’d really like to see you take a day in between everything but service to recover.”

  “I don’t do service often. I don’t have sex in a scene.” A whole day?

  “You may not have sex, but caning, assplay, hard-core, and cock and ball torture all need recovery time. I want you healthy and whole, lovely.”

  Adam reached out, took Matt’s hand, held on. It felt odd to have Matt worry over him. None of the Doms abused him, none of them. In fact, they were quite generous to him.

  Matt squeezed his hand. “You were not in a great state when you came home from that caning, lovely. And I need to have your schedule, so I know what to expect when you get home.”

  “No. The canings are hard. I... this is very new, Matt. Very new.”

  “I know. For me, too. But my work is well-suited to afternoons and evenings, which means I have the time to care for you after scenes. You no longer have to come home to an empty house.”

  “They’re not mean to me, you know that, right?” He didn’t want to be disloyal.

  “Of course they aren’t. But at the end of the scene, you part ways. That’s not how most subs experience the afterglow of a scene.”

  He nodded. He’d never had a scene with Matt, not really.

  “So I’ll be here when you’re done, and you’ll get the care you’re supposed to get.”

  He met Matt’s eyes. “Do you want to?” How long would Matt be satisfied, caring for a man wearing another man’s stripes?

  “I do. I want to care for you, Adam. I’m your Master, it’s my place.”

  He nodded, smiled, but a part of him knew that Matt could change his mind.

  Matt took his pen and marked off a number of days. “Time off is important, lovely.”

  “I...Those are a lot of days.”

  “Your body and your psyche need time to recover from the scenes, lovely.”

  “I don’t know what to say, Master.”

  “’Yes, Master’ would sound good.”

  He made a soft sound. Worried. This worried him a bit. Maybe a lot. “Yes, Master.”

  Matt stroked his cheek. “Talk to me, lovely.”

  “I’m worried. I have a system. I have a real system, and I have to think about how to make changes.”

  Matt regarded him for a long moment, then took the pencil and erased the dates that he’d marked as time off. “Okay. But you need to take care of yourself, to not push to the point you did over the last week. And you have to remember that I’m here for you, and that sometimes I’m going to want more than one night and morning to take care of you.”

  Oh, God. He hadn’t meant to fuck up. “I’m sorry.”

  “For what exactly?”

  “I just.” He stopped, took a couple of cleansing breaths, centering himself. “Not being more adaptable.”

  “You’ve been on your own for a long while. I imagine it’ll take time to get used to having someone else in your life.

  “I have. I haven’t had someone who I considered signing a contract with before.”

  “I’m glad. I want to be the only one.”

  “We’ll have to discuss it, together. But I am willing to commit.” His own words made his heart beat a little faster.

  A smile bloomed on Matt’s face. “Me, too.”

  “Yeah? Even though I serve other men?”

  “Even though you serve other men. You don’t have sex with them. You don’t spend the night with them. It’s a business transaction.” Was Matt telling Adam or himself?

  “I don’t have sex with them. Sometimes I do get aroused, however.” He had to be honest.

  “You’ll have to tell me when you do, so I know what you like.”

  That request felt good to him, relaxed him a little bit. “Yes, Master.”

  “I like the way that sounds.” Matt moved closer.

  “I like saying it.” He took Matt’s hand. “Are you the kind of Master who likes to make rules?”

  “I usually do. Not about everything, but I am used to setting the tone.”

  He nodded. “I like to know the rules. In fact, it’s important to me.”

  Matt smiled. “Excellent.”

  He reached out, touched Matt’s lips, and smiled.

  “Rule number one. No more than one scene a day. No more than four scenes a week.” Matt’s lips moved against his fingers as he spoke.

  Adam nodded. “That’s fair.” His eyes were on Matt’s lips.

  Matt’s tongue came out, licking across his fingertips. Adam moaned, traced the soft lips again. Matt’s lips slid over his fingertips, closed, and gentle suction began. Adam let his eyes fall shut, focused on the rhythmic suction, his body swaying with it. A low moan from Matt vibrated against his fingers.

  “Master...” So good. So hot.

  Holding his gaze, Matt bit at his fingertips. His cock filled, swelled, his balls aching from that tiny bite.

  “You’re so sensual, lovely. A man could spend years exploring you in tiny increments.” Matt bit again, and then resumed sucking.

  Adam let his head fall back, focused on nothing but his fingers, that sweet, steady pressure. Matt stayed right there, letting all but one finger drop out of his mouth, tongue, teeth, and lips all working together.

  Deep moans began to escape him. One finger after the other was slowly, carefully explored. By the time Matt got to his thumb, Adam was aching, needing. The heat in Matt’s eyes was nearly as arousing as the things he was doing with his mouth. Adam wanted to go to his knees and worship every inch of his Master.

  “Come for me, lovely.” Matt kissed the center of his palm.

  His cock jerked, his balls emptying at the words, his orgasm crashing over him. Matt moaned, kissed his palm again.

  “Master.” He knew he was gaping, lips open like a fish, but he was stunned.

  Matt smiled and tugged him in close, pressing their mouths together. He opened, offering Matt everything he was, everything he had. Cradling his head, Matt kissed him absolutely breathless. To his surprise, his cock started to fill again, swell again. The kiss turned into two and then three, Matt’
s tongue sliding, twisting around his. He shifted, grunting as the wet mess in his pants made itself known.

  “You okay, lovely?”

  “Little messy.”

  “Ah, of course.” Matt grinned and kissed him quickly. “Your shower’s big enough for two. If they get close.”

  “We’re close.” He stood, took Matt’s hand.

  Matt chuckled. “I hope so.”

  “Me, too.”

  They went inside. Matt stopped at the curtain to the bathroom and tugged him in to take a kiss. His Master. His.

  “That was very sexy, you know.”

  He was still lost in the kiss. “Hmm?”

  “You. You’re very sexy.”

  “Me? You... did you see what you did?”

  Matt nodded. “I smelled it, smelled you.”

  “That’s sexy.”

  “And so are you.” Matt’s hands slid over him, tugging at his clothes.

  “It means something, coming from you.”

  Matt nodded. “I’m glad you realize that. I’m not just another master. I’m your Master.”

  He met Matt’s eyes. He knew that. He believed it.

  Matt smiled and grabbed his hand, pulling him into the bathroom. “I’ll wash your back if you wash mine.”


  Chapter Seven

  Matt didn’t go with Adam to yoga, but he did wake with his lover for a brief kiss and snuggle.

  He had breakfast ready for when Adam got home -- pancakes and veggie-sausage, which he wasn’t sure was going to be edible, both staying warm in the oven. All he needed now was Adam to get back. Taking another sip of his coffee, he traded the sports section for entertainment.

  The front door opened and closed, the sound of heavy breathing echoing on the way to the bathroom.

  He headed that way, calling out, “Hey, lovely. You okay?”

  “Uh. Uh-huh.”

  “You look tired.” A little wiped out.

  “Just post-workout.” Adam shuffled to the shower, not even undressing all the way before getting under the water.

  “You’re exhausted. No more yoga and running without a break and without eating first.” It was time for them to sit together and officially work a few things out, establish a few more rules.

  “I’m okay.” Adam leaned forward, panting.

  “Sure you are.” He dragged the rest of Adam’s clothes off, piling them in a corner to deal with later.

  The cool water finally worked the deep red blush off Adam’s golden skin. Matt stayed there, enjoying watching his lover. Adam was graceful and, well, lovely.

  “How was your morning?”

  “I had a nice lie-in. Tomorrow I’ll go to yoga with you.”

  “So don’t have to, but I’d love to have you there.”

  “I liked the yoga.” He chuckled wryly. “Okay, ‘like’ is an awfully strong word.”

  “You honestly don’t have to.”

  “I honestly want to. It’ll be good for me. I will, however, pass on the running. And I want you splitting them up. You can run in the afternoon while I work.”

  Adam looked at him, eyebrows concerned. “In the afternoon.”

  “Yes. It’s a rule. No more than one activity at a time.”

  “But... I don’t know. I don’t know if I can wait that long to eat.”

  “Uh, you aren’t going to. You do your yoga and then you have breakfast.”

  “I.” There came that long, slow, centering breath.

  “We should sit and talk. I have pancakes sitting in the oven.”

  “I’d like that.”

  “Why don’t I go dish up while you get dry, get dressed?”

  “Okay. Sure. Or I can help, if I hurry.”

  “I can manage, but you can hurry if you want.”

  Adam leaned toward him, kissed him. “Have I upset you?”

  “What? No, not at all.”

  “Oh, good.” He got another, gentle kiss.

  Matt licked Adam’s lips and patted the sweet ass. “Don’t be long.”

  He went to the kitchenette, got two plates ready. He took out syrup and jams, setting it all up along with a couple mugs of coffee on the little table.

  It was time to talk to his sub, to start building their relationship, to help Adam find that support and structure that they both seemed to need. It would make it easier having Adam perform scenes with other masters. Even if the thought of that still had the ability to knot up his belly.

  Adam came to him, hands on his shoulders, rubbing. “Master.”

  “Mmm. Feels good. Come and sit, though.”

  “Okay, yeah.” Adam sat, fingers twining together.

  “Homemade pancakes. The best kind.”

  “Wow. I’m spoiled.”

  He chuckled, but it made him a little sad. No one ever did for Adam. All those masters, and none of them knew what a treasure he was.

  “They look great.” Adam waited for him to start eating.

  He put maple syrup on his and cut a bite off, munching happily.

  Adam put the tiniest bit of syrup on his, ate a bite. “It tastes good.”

  “Of course it does!” He winked and ate another bite. Then he offered one of the fake sausages. “They’re vegetarian.”

  Adam’s eyes widened, his lovely obviously pleased. “You... thank you!”

  He smiled and grinned. “Don’t say that before you’ve tasted them.”

  “They could taste terrible, and it would still rock that you thought of me.”

  Reaching out, he touched Adam’s cheek. “Thank you, lovely.”

  Adam leaned into him and smiled. He put his arm around Adam and enjoyed his lovely’s company. They ate slowly, Adam seeming to appreciate every bite. He couldn’t remember the last meal he’d enjoyed as much and knew it was the company.

  When they were done, Adam turned to him. “So, what is your plan for the rest of the morning?”

  “I’d like to sit with you and discuss the parameters of our relationship.”

  Adam nodded. “Okay. I have a list that I use with my clients; do you want to see that?”

  “No. I’m not one of your clients, Adam.” He wanted them to be distinct and different from that.

  “I know. I know that. I just offered.” Adam looked a little affronted. It was... adorable, actually.

  He kissed Adam’s nose. “Okay. I’d just rather start fresh between us. No trappings that you use on the job.”

  “Okay.” Adam stood, rinsed the dishes.

  “I’d like to make a number of rules for you.”

  Adam looked back at him, the electricity in the air sharp and sudden. “Would you?”

  “I would. Where would you like to do this? Here or in the living area?”

  “In the living area.” Adam met his eyes. “I’d like to be close to you, touching you.”

  “Yeah, I’d like that, too, lovely. This is for both of us.”

  He could see the tension ease in his lovely’s shoulders. “Yes, Master.”

  “I do love the way that sounds.”

  Adam came to him, leaving the dishes behind. He wrapped his arms around Adam, bringing their mouths together. Adam opened for him, easy as pie. It felt good and right; Matt knew his relationship with Adam was important. Probably more important than any other relationship he’d had.

  He led Adam to the living room, sat on the couch, then drew Adam into his lap.

  “So we have one rule already.”

  “We do.”

  “So, rule one is only one scene a day, and only four a week at most. I’d like to add that I pick you up from all your scenes and you tell me what happened. I know your clients need confidentiality, but I need to know exactly what kind of care you need.”

  He still d
idn’t like the thought of other men doing scenes with his lovely, but he hated the idea that Adam was left to twist in the wind on his own after these scenes, no matter how intense they were. Caring for Adam afterward would help remind them both whose sub Adam really was.

  “That’s an enormous amount of work for you, Matt.”

  “It’s not work -- it’s caring for you.”

  Running the gallery meant that, aside from openings, he could make his own schedule, work when Adam was running and doing scenes. “And we set your schedule together so you’re not working when I’ve got long evening commitments I can’t get out of.”

  Adam’s fingers moved over his face, his shoulders. Matt was learning that this was a sign that Adam was heading somewhere stressful for him. “Yes, Master.”

  “Does anything about that arrangement bother you?”

  “No. I mean, I hate to be a bother for you.”

  “You aren’t a bother, Adam. Caring about you comes as naturally as breathing.”

  Adam leaned into him. “I’m supposed to care for you.”

  “I believe it works both ways, lovely.” It made him want to scream, how little Adam expected from his Master, from the masters he’d worked with.

  “Shh. Shh. We’re good.” Adam was so attuned to him, to his moods.

  He wondered if that came from years of experience as a sub for hire, or if it was what made him good at his job. Or maybe, it was just him in particular. Matt liked that thought. “Okay. Good. We are good. We’re very good together.” He kissed Adam softly, fingers stroking along his lovely’s back.

  Adam rested with him, quiet and still. “What else do you want?”

  “I’m not going to ask you not to do yoga and running, but I don’t want you doing them together. Yoga every morning, and then running in the afternoons while I’m at work. And you have to eat in between. Something when you get back from yoga and something light, even if it’s just a smoothie, a little while before you go running.”

  “I’ll get f...” Adam closed his mouth, took another breath.

  He tilted his head, ran his fingers up and down Adam’s back. “You’ll get what?”

  “Nothing. That’s not the way to think.”

  He nodded. “That’s right. I’m not asking you to do less exercise, just to rearrange how you do it.”


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