On the Edge of Infinity (A Vampire SEAL Novel Book 5)

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On the Edge of Infinity (A Vampire SEAL Novel Book 5) Page 13

by S. B. Alexander

  Wyman smiled.

  Steven followed me out. As soon as we were in the elevator, Steven punched the wall, putting a deep dent into the metal structure. I stabbed the button for the fourth floor. I had to see Jo. She was the only one who could take me to a quiet place, which I needed so desperately at the moment. Otherwise, I would also be punching something, and I needed my strength for the real fight. I had no idea how we would handle the news of Dyson being a mole, although if it were up to me, I would hunt him down right now and kill him.

  The elevator doors opened.

  Steven and I stepped out.

  “We both need to take a breather before we regroup,” I said. My head was spinning, and I would bet his was too.

  Steven flicked a thumb behind him. “I’m going to check on Olivia and Abbey. They’re in my apartment. I’ll also contact Hollings, tell him the news, and get him back here.”

  “With Kraft and Kodiak detained, we need more troops. I’ll call Victor Costner.” I checked my watch. “How about midnight in the war room?” That would give us six hours to call in folks, relax, and think straight.

  He nodded as he ambled down the hall to his apartment.

  I went in the opposite direction. It was time to steal my future bride for some quiet time.



  Jo and I were snuggled up on the couch at my house on base. Beethoven’s Piano Quartet in E-flat Major was playing on repeat in the background. I wasn’t much into music, but I did love some of the classical pieces, which relaxed and calmed me.

  My legs were kicked out on top of the coffee table, while Jo snored lightly with her head in my lap. She’d been sleeping for the last four hours. I’d closed my eyes for about two hours. Now I was staring at the picture directly ahead of me that portrayed a beautiful sunrise over the Atlantic. I’d taken that photo the morning after I moved into my house in Maine over four years ago. That day had been one of the most peaceful days in my entire life. The water had been like glass with the waves sweeping the shore as gracefully as a ballet dancer, while the sun peeked over the horizon, casting a soft glow across the sky. I wanted that day back again. I wanted Jo to experience the beauty of nature and the peace that nature had to offer.

  Soon enough, I told myself as I began to trace the outline of her ear.

  She stirred in my lap before she sat up and yawned. “We’re just a lively couple, aren’t we?”

  “We needed the rest,” I said.

  She adjusted, turning over on her back with her head still in my lap. “I can’t read your mind. You’ve taken that mind-blocking potion.”

  I tapped her on the nose. “Didn’t we talk about you staying out of my mind?”

  She sighed. “You’ve been preoccupied, and I want to make sure you’re okay.”

  “You almost died,” I said. “And I can’t seem to get that out of my head, especially not when we’re about to confront Edmund. I’m tired of worrying about you getting killed.”

  She found my hand that was lying on her stomach and started rubbing my fingers. “I’m sorry about not being more attentive when I was near Nicki at the funeral home. She just made me so angry.”

  “Anger can be good and bad,” I said. “Around your enemy, you have to temper that anger to be able to think on a dime. Promise me you’ll be more prepared when we face off with Edmund.” I knew better than anyone that rage could fuck up a mission in less than a second. Edmund was a prime example, considering he’d lost all thought when he killed Ella Case.

  “I promise,” she said with conviction. “Was that all you were thinking about?”

  I dragged my hand through her hair as I grinned. “No. I was daydreaming about us, about how I can’t wait to get married. Speaking of marriage, we haven’t talked about where we would get married. Any ideas?”

  She sighed as she glanced at the window area. “I have been thinking. What if we get married next month around Christmas? Of course, it would be too cold for a beach wedding in December. I know that’s one place you wanted to get married.”

  “The beach would be nice in the summertime. Frankly, I don’t care if it’s a beach, a church, or any place as long as we get married. But why Christmastime?” Not that I was complaining. I loved the idea.

  She gnawed on her bottom lip. “Growing up, Sam and I never had a true Christmas. We hardly got presents from our foster families. Most of them couldn’t afford to spend a lot of money, especially with their own kids. And I’ve never experienced the true meaning of Christmas with a family who loves me. I know I had Sam, but we didn’t have our parents. So it would mean so much to me to celebrate our marriage on that day with my dad there and all my other extended family, like Olivia and the SEAL team.”

  As she was talking, I couldn’t help but think of Victor Costner’s large estate, where he’d held the charity ball last spring. That would be a perfect venue. “What would you think about asking Victor if we could get married on his estate? He’ll be here for the meeting. We can ask him then.”

  Her silver eyes widened. “Oh my God. That would be perfect.” Then she frowned. “But what if we can’t get Edmund out of our lives before then.”

  “Then we adapt. We can always get married on the beach behind my house in Maine in the spring.” Not that I wanted to wait that long, but I would if our mission wasn’t successful.

  She laughed. “If we have to wait until the spring then I want you to make love to me on Christmas. I’m not waiting longer than that. Deal?”

  The silky strands of her hair slipped through my fingers. Before I could say a word, she straddled my lap and shoved her tongue in my mouth.

  I chuckled.

  She nibbled on my lips. “Don’t say no. Just think about it.”

  That was all I thought about.

  She peppered kisses all over my face. I leaned my head back against the couch and let her explore and have her way as a slow fire started, igniting the tingling sensation coursing through my body. The tips of her canines grazed my neck before she bit, quick and deep.

  I almost shot off the couch. Instead, I stilled, listening to her moan, moving her sweet hips as she pressed her body against mine. I was in heaven with an inferno blazing inside me. I angled my neck, giving her better access to take as much as she needed.

  The sound of my phone tore through my haze, but that didn’t stop Jo. I considered not answering the call, but I was waiting to hear from George. I’d called him before I fell asleep. Not to mention, if Jo’s father was calling and I didn’t answer, he might assume the worst. The phone stopped only to start blaring again in the quiet room.

  “Jo, I have to answer it.”

  She tucked her fangs away as she climbed off me and disappeared through the arched doorway into the other part of the house.

  I adjusted my groin as I got up and answered my phone. “Hello.” My voice was husky.

  “Howell should arrive on base within the hour,” George said.

  “Perfect. Thank you.”

  “Do you need my help with anything else?” he asked.

  “Um, yeah.” I stalked over to the arched doorway that Jo had gone through. I didn’t see her, so I moved to the window in the living room that faced the front of the house. “That hotel Jo and I stayed at recently in Boston. Can you check their availability for a honeymoon suite for next month?” I kept my voice to a whisper.

  “When’s the big day?” George asked with pride in his voice.

  He was like a father to me.

  “Not sure yet, but Jo wants to get married sometime around Christmas.”

  “What about Edmund?” he asked.

  As I stood looking out at the sparse tree limbs, I didn’t know if waiting to kill a vampire who wouldn’t seem to die was the right thing to do. I couldn’t keep putting off my life or Jo’s because Edmund was walking the earth. And whether Edmund was alive or dead, I wanted to marry Jo. I wanted her to be my wife, my everything. Not only that, she was right. She’d said on a few occasions that
we might not be here tomorrow. Fuck. If her in a coma wasn’t enough to wake me up, I didn’t know what was.

  “Webb?” George’s voice cut through my thoughts.

  “I’m still here. Regardless if Edmund is alive or dead, Jo and I will get married at Christmas.”

  “I’m so glad to hear that,” George said. “I’ll do some homework. Be safe.”

  The line clicked off.

  I hurried through the house, looking for my gorgeous vampire. I found her in the bathroom, brushing her hair, looking beautiful and somewhat rested. I wrapped my arms around her from behind as my lips ghosted over her neck. I dared not bite since her blood was like a fine whiskey, smooth and strong. I needed my wits about me to get through the meeting and beyond.

  She melted back into me. “You seem extremely happy all of a sudden.”

  “I had an epiphany.” I locked eyes with her in the mirror. “Whether we kill Edmund before Christmas or not, you and I will get married then.”

  She sucked in a large amount of air, squealing as she turned in my arms. “Seriously?”

  I lifted her up on the sink. “You’ve always been right. We can’t live our lives based on someone else or on what could happen.” I swiped my fingers over her rosy cheeks. “We deserve to start our future together.”

  Her lips locked with mine. I kissed her with all the energy I had, taking as much as I could, memorizing the way her lips molded with mine, the way she tasted of home, sunshine, and my future. I would die before I let anything happen to her.

  After that body-humming kiss that lasted a good five minutes, we left the house for the meeting.

  The bright lights of the war room made me squint. It took me a second to clear my vision. When I did, Victor Costner; his daughter, Alia; her son, Matthew; and Sam were busy talking to one another.

  Jo glided over to Matthew, who was by far not the lanky human anymore. Since turning vampire, his upper torso had broadened and his jaw had grown sharper, much like his grandfather, Victor’s. The only attributes of Matthew’s that matched his mother’s were his blond hair and blue eyes.

  I settled next to Victor. The last time I’d seen the formidable vampire was when he had helped Olivia and me find Sam and Jo, and he’d almost taken Edmund’s head off. Man, when he’d had Edmund in his grasp, I’d held my breath, praying so damn hard Victor would slice Edmund’s head right off. Sadly, Edmund had been quicker.

  Victor extended his hand. “Webb, good to see you.” He raked his dark gaze over my face. “You look tired.”

  Story of my life.

  After a tight and quick handshake with Victor, I nodded to everyone.

  Jo slid next to me. “Victor, while we have a minute, Webb and I would like to ask you a favor. We were wondering if we could get married on your estate next month.”

  Alia’s voice hitched. “Jo, we would be honored to host your wedding.”

  Victor grinned. “We owe you both for saving Matthew. And as Alia said, we would be honored.”

  Jo threw her arms around Alia. “Thank you.” She went to hug Victor, when the side door opened with a creak.

  The air thickened when Sam jerked his head at Howell. “What is he doing here?” Sam snarled as black threaded through his green irises.

  I jumped in front of Sam. “I called him.”

  Howell strutted over, his bald head glistening beneath the lights. The last time I’d seen the vampire, his hair was on fire and his skin was falling off him. Now it appeared as though he was a brand-new vampire.

  He arched a brow as he set his sights on me. “I look that bad, London?”

  “I’m surprised your hair didn’t grow back.” As vampires, we could heal from just about anything. I was slowly learning that maybe our physical characteristics as vampires didn’t render us totally immortal.

  He rubbed a hand over his head. “Nah, I shaved it.”

  Sam sidled up to me with a scowl on his face. “Explain what he’s doing here.”

  I opened my mouth, but Howell held up his hand. “Let me. Look, Sam, I get you’re ready to drive a dagger into my heart, but Webb saved my life, and I owe him. I’m not here to give you shit or get into a fight. The only fighting I want to do is killing the asshole who decided to blow up the building I was in.”

  Sam lowered his shoulders but kept the scowl. “Then maybe my sister should read your mind before we embark on this mission.”

  That was my plan before we started our meeting. “We’ll make that happen,” I said.

  Suddenly, an eardrum-piercing roar caused the room to shake and sent me running out the side door. I found Steven in the hall with his fist through the wall and his phone pressed to his ear. We had several holes in walls around the base that we would have to fix.

  “I will carve you into tiny pieces when I get my hands on you,” Steven yelled.

  Edmund’s voice came through the phone. “I would like to see you try.”

  Jo, Sam, Alia, Victor, Howell, and Matthew spilled into the hall.

  I wrangled them back into the war room. “Let’s get settled. Sam, can you call Tripp and Olivia and see where they are? Jo, find Ben, please.”

  Once they were back inside, I blocked the door while I listened.

  Steven hit the speaker button and held out the phone with his fangs down, eyes narrowed, and face beet red.

  “Agent Thomas and Wyman seem to be ignoring my calls.” Edmund’s voice echoed in the hall. “Any idea where they are?”

  Steven let out a low, evil chuckle. “The humans are no concern of yours. And tell me, why would you involve the human government in your grand scheme?”

  We knew the answer, but I suspected Steven wanted to hear the reason from the horse’s mouth.

  Jo came out and gently moved me out of the way, or more like I moved of my own accord.

  “You know that I’ve always wanted to take over the world,” Edmund said in a condescending tone.

  Steven sneered. “The only world you’ll be taking over is hell.”

  Edmund’s laughter rumbled through the phone. “Enough of your threats. I want my daughter. A father deserves to see his daughter.”

  “Don’t listen to him, Steven.” Rachel’s tone was sharp.

  Then the sound of him slapping her made Jo, Steven, and I flinch.

  “You’re a sick creep,” Jo said, fisting her hands at her sides.

  “My sweet Jo. I’m sad that you haven’t contacted me. I truly wanted you to work for me. I see though that your father got out of jail. Too bad. I tried everything I could to get him out of the picture.” Edmund’s tone had changed from snarky to warm. “We could’ve done great things together.”

  “Enough,” I blurted out. “You will not get your daughter or anyone else.”

  “Tsk. Tsk. Tsk.” Edmund’s voice was sharper and more irritating than a high-pitched dog whistle. “Webb, you know better than to spit threats. Let’s not forget I have two of your top vampires. I’m sure you don’t want to lose two more men. You’ve already lost three.”

  I inhaled a deep breath then let it out slowly. He had me by the balls. I couldn’t afford to lose Kraft and Kodiak. Between Bruno and Edmund’s plans for power and greed, we’d lost Quade, Crowe, and Sloan.

  “Your silence tells me that you will listen to my demands,” Edmund said.

  Rachel sniffled in the background.

  Steven chewed on the inside of his cheek. “We know you’re in Alaska. We know that Elder Dyson has been working with you. We know Dr. Case has been feeding you and my brother information. We know you killed the Secretary of the Navy. The only logical next step is to kill you.”

  “Are you saying that you don’t want to negotiate to save your men?” Edmund asked.

  “You’re not getting Abbey,” Jo blurted out.

  “That’s too bad,” Edmund responded.

  “No, Edmund. Please don’t. Steven, you’ve got to bring my daughter to me,” Rachel pleaded.

  “It’s too late for that, Rachel,” Edmund sai
d before Rachel screamed at the top of her lungs.

  Then, complete silence.

  Jo slapped a hand over her mouth as tears filled her eyes. My heart sank. Steven froze, horror jumping off him.

  Edmund clucked his tongue. “If you don’t want your men to end up like Rachel, then bring me Abbey, or else I’ll not only kill Kodiak and Kraft, but the wolf shifter as well.” The line went dead.

  I’d heard him when he’d said he had Crysta, but I was stuck on Rachel’s demise, although Tripp wouldn’t be pleased to hear that his cousin had been captured.

  Hollings ran in from the control room, panting. His dark eyes swam with rage and fear. “Dyson took Jonah. They’re both gone.”

  I got whiplash from everything that was happening at once, although Jonah was the least of our concerns. Whether he was on our side or Edmund’s, it didn’t matter. He would die if he got in my way.

  Hollings labored for breath. “What happened?”

  Steven pressed his fingers to his temple. “I’ll fill you in later. Webb, wheels up in two hours. Get the team ready, including Dr. Vieira. Then call in Viking II. We need all the fighters we can get.”

  I nodded as I pulled out my phone. Viking II was our other vampire SEAL team, and they were on standby in the event we needed their help.

  “Oh my God,” Jo said. “I can’t believe Rachel is dead. How are we going to tell Abbey?”

  Hollings gaped. “You’re kidding me. Rachel is dead?”

  Steven stormed out. “Come on, Hollings. Let’s catch up while I pack up my weapons.”

  No sooner had they left Jo and me standing in the hall than Olivia walked out of the control room with Abbey in her arms.

  The little girl jumped down and ran, her black ponytails swinging and her big blue eyes focused on Jo. She leapt into Jo’s arms. “My mommy.” Abbey started to cry. “She died.”

  “How do you know?” Jo asked.

  We all knew Abbey had visions, but she could’ve heard us in the hall too.

  Abbey flattened a palm on Jo’s face. “I’ll show you.”

  Jo closed her eyes for a long minute before tears streamed down her face. “I’m so sorry.” She hugged Abbey to her, while the little girl quietly cried.


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