Claiming Their Racy Sub [Racy Nights 2] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting)

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Claiming Their Racy Sub [Racy Nights 2] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting) Page 3

by Tara Rose

  “How many people live in Racy?”

  “As of the last census, ten thousand four hundred and sixty-seven,” said Chase without missing a beat.

  Alexa laughed. “Why do you even know such a thing?”

  Luke rolled his eyes. “He keeps numbers like that in his head. You should hear him talk about housing units and the ratio of coffee shops to residents within one hundred square miles.”

  Chase gave him a droll look. “Well at least I don’t bore people with statistics about beer kegs and how many greasy onion rings it takes to feed an average crowd on a Friday night.”

  “How many does it take?” asked Alexa.

  Luke flashed her a molten look of gratitude mixed with lust, and Alexa had to put down her fork before she dropped it and embarrassed herself. “Three hundred and fourteen.”

  “Bullshit,” said Chase. “No one eats that much food at your bar.”

  “And Racy only has two coffee shops so who gives a shit about how many residents each can serve?”

  Alexa put her elbows on the table and rested her chin in her hands as she watched Luke and Chase trade digs at each other over the work they did. The gleam in their eyes reassured Alexa that they weren’t really upset with each other. It was more like they were trying to show off for her. Her clit throbbed and her nipples tingled. What had she done so right to earn the undivided attentions of these two gorgeous, sexy, charming men?

  As they drove back toward Racy down Interstate 65, Alexa wished she could spend the rest of the evening with them. This had been the most fun she’d had since moving here in July. They passed a sign that advertised a country bar off the next exit, and Chase glanced toward Alexa.

  “How do you feel about Keith Urban?”

  “The man or his music?”

  Chase chuckled. “His music. I don’t want to hear you tell me you think some other guy is hot, Alexa.”

  She grinned, and then turned around to glance at Luke. “What if I told you I thought you both were hot?”

  “Oh great,” said Luke, a big grin on his handsome face. “It’s official now. My competition is the zoning commissioner. I’m screwed.”

  Alexa laughed. “Why do you say that?”

  “Are you kidding? He’s in county government and I own a bar.”

  “Luke, I hope you’re teasing. I admire the fact that you’ve built a thriving business. I admire what both of you do. But honestly…I don’t care what you do for a living. I like both of you because of who you are inside.”

  “So,” said Chase, his voice soft, “you do like us both then?”

  She turned her gaze toward him. “Very much, Chase.” Alexa sucked in a deep breath as desire raced through her. She and Julie had discussed the very real possibility that Alexa might find herself in a situation like this one day. She’d spoken from the heart without thinking first. But now that it was out, she couldn’t very well take it back, and she didn’t want to. She’d told Chase the truth.

  “How long have you been withholding this information from us?” His eyes danced with amusement.

  “Since I met each of you.” They weren’t upset with her. Each one had known she was dating the other, but never had all three talked about it like this, even the evening they’d gone to Nan’s Place together. It had always been there, lurking in the background, but never spoken. She’d assumed they’d get all territorial the way guys did, and it would turn out badly.

  But what if she was wrong about that? What if they made her choose between them? She couldn’t do that. She didn’t want to. She wanted them both.

  Chapter Three

  Luke snorted from the backseat. “I knew it.” The smile that lit his face sent a strong wave of arousal coursing through Alexa’s body.

  Chase pulled off the exit. “Do you like us both enough to go dancing at a country bar?”

  “I’m not dressed right for that.” Her cashmere sweater and skinny jeans didn’t exactly scream country girl, and her black boots would be more appropriate for Maddox’s club than a cowboy bar.

  He shrugged. “They don’t care here.”

  “You’ve been there before?”

  “A long time ago. Are you game?”

  “Sure.” Alexa had never been to a country bar in her life. Maybe she was wrong about how people would be dressed, or whether they would care what she was wearing.

  Chase glanced in the rearview mirror. “Luke? You okay with this?”

  “Sounds like fun. Just let me call Peppi and make sure she hasn’t burned down the bar.”

  “Are you sure you can leave it this long?” Alexa didn’t want to have fun at the expense of his business.

  “Absolutely, Alexa. Don’t you worry about that.”

  The bar was crowded, rowdy, full of raw energy and a pulsing country rock beat that put a huge smile on Alexa’s face and made her want to dance. The smell of beer and greasy cheeseburgers permeated the air. She wondered if Kari, Adison, and Noah knew about this place. They’d love it.

  The floor was wooden and had seen better days, and some of the tables looked as though the patrons had used them for knife-throwing practice. They found an empty one tucked into a corner and took a seat. A voluptuous blonde wearing a miniskirt and cowboy boots sauntered over and asked what they wanted. Chase asked for a pitcher of beer, then with a quick glance at Alexa, asked for bottled water as well.

  “Thank you,” she shouted. She had to shout or he wouldn’t have heard her. “Although tonight I think I’ll drink a beer.”

  Luke gave her a look of mock surprise. “Call the National Guard. Alexa is going to drink beer.”

  She gave him a playful punch in the arm. “Oh shut up. One won’t kill me.”

  Luke rubbed his arm. “You have an arm on you.”

  She laughed. “There’s no way with those muscles that I hurt you.”

  “I don’t know,” said Chase. “I hear he’s quite a lightweight.”

  Luke placed his elbow on the table and bent his forearm up at a ninety-degree angle. “Let’s see who the lightweight is, government boy.”

  Chase raised his eyebrows. “You’re challenging me to arm wrestling? Really?”

  “Chicken? Afraid you can’t beat me?”

  “You two are nuts,” said Alexa, squirming in her seat. She didn’t want to leave this place. It was loud and fun, and the only two men she’d ever met who made her smile and laugh were with her.

  “Nuts about you,” said Chase, winking at her.

  A flood of wetness rushed to Alexa’s panties, and her clit began to throb again. She missed holding a man and having him inside her. She wanted to know what Chase’s mouth tasted like, and she wanted to know if Luke made love as tenderly as he said her name when he looked into her eyes. As soon as the thought took shape, she had to bite back a moan. What would it be like to fuck them both, at the same time?

  Neither one was Brad. They wouldn’t hurt her. She was sure of it. They’d been perfect gentlemen for the past few months as they each danced around this game they played. It would be incredible. She knew somehow that it would be. She knew it as sure as she knew her own name.

  Chase put up his arm. “Okay, bar boy. I’ll take the challenge. Winner gets to dance first with Alexa.”

  She shivered at the molten look of desire in Chase’s golden eyes as he cut his gaze to her.

  “You’re on,” said Luke. “We go on three. Alexa will count.”

  Alexa counted to three, and then she watched the muscles in their forearms strain. Her breathing became shallow, and she was actually dizzy watching such a display of testosterone-laden strength. The men grimaced and grunted, but finally Luke had the upper hand. He eased Chase’s arm toward the table, and for a split second it looked as though Chase would pull out of it. Sweat collected along Chase’s forehead, but Luke was stronger.

  Chase’s arm hit the table, and Luke jumped out of his seat, pumping his fists in the air. Chase grinned at her, and Alexa sighed softly at the lust in his eyes. “Next time,”
he whispered, winking at her.

  She giggled and stood, taking Luke’s outstretched hand, and gazing into the triumphant look in his dark eyes.

  * * * *

  Luke had never danced to country music, but as he quickly glanced around at the other couples, he didn’t see anything that different from the salsa dances his aunts and uncles had taught him as a child. From the wary look in Alexa’s eyes, she had no clue what to do either, so he simply took her hands and led her around the floor in a modified form of what he knew best. Add a few stomps and whoops and hollers every so often, and soon they both looked as though they’d done this their entire lives.

  She laughed and followed his lead easily. Her beautiful blue eyes were bright and shining with lust and joy, and Luke thought his heart would burst. He had to have this woman.

  The dance ended, and Chase was at her side before Luke could lead her back to the table. He took his seat and drank his beer, watching Chase try to dance with her as though he knew what he was doing. Luke hoped he hadn’t looked that awkward. For two men who had grown up in Racy, Indiana, where country music was heard just as often as rock or pop, it was crazy that neither had ever learned to dance to it.

  It didn’t matter though. Alexa was clearly having a blast, and that’s all that mattered. Luke tried to remember the last time he’d been away from the bar for an entire day in the company of a pretty woman, but he couldn’t. It simply didn’t happen. Women saw him as the guy who fixed things, not as their lover.

  The next dance was a slow dance, and Luke jumped up before Chase could try to claim that one first. Chase’s eyes flashed with disappointment for a second, but he backed off and took a seat as Luke pulled Alexa close and led her around the room. He inhaled her sweet scent, hoping she wouldn’t notice the raging hard-on in his jeans, but also knowing there was no way she’d miss it.

  She must not have minded because she pressed close to him, singing along with the song softly under her breath. When she kissed his neck, Luke moaned softly. Shit. A man could only take so much. He knew she wasn’t teasing just for the sake of it. She was too honest and down-to-earth for that kind of a game, but she had to know this was killing him.

  “Alexa,” he whispered into her ear, “please stay with me tonight. Even if all we do is hold each other. Please.”

  She pulled away and looked into his eyes with so much tenderness and trust, Luke had to bite back a groan. “I want that, Luke.”

  “So do I.” He caressed her cheek just as the song ended.

  Another slow dance started, and Chase was at her side. Luke stepped away, not able to stop the grin that spread across his face.

  * * * *

  Alexa’s heart hammered so loudly she was sure Chase could hear it over the music. Had she just agreed to spend the night with Luke? Yes, she had. Chase pulled her close. Alexa inhaled his cologne and moaned softly at the realization that he was as hard as Luke had been. Good Lord. What was she going to do? How had she ended up at a bar, dancing with both men, each of them so hot for her they’d probably fuck her on the table if she asked them to?

  What surprised Alexa more was the fact that she wasn’t afraid tonight. She wanted them—both of them. She had for three months. That was no surprise. But she’d held back out of fear and bad memories, and because she couldn’t tell them what or who lurked in the darkness, waiting to bring her new world crashing down around her ears.

  But Brad wasn’t here. Chase and Luke were. She was safe with them. Why shouldn’t she enjoy herself in the arms of two men who would protect her and help her forget the past? Julie had said she was ready. They’d discussed it. Alexa was ready to face it head on.

  She and Kari had also discussed it, but when she talked to Kari about sex it was girl talk, not a therapy session. Alexa smiled as she recalled Kari’s graphic descriptions of sex with both Adison and Noah. The thought of having what Kari had made Alexa so hot she couldn’t stand it. Kari had told her to just go for it, but Alexa wasn’t Kari. She never could have gone to Maddox’s club and just allowed it to happen, the way Kari had first had sex with both her Doms together. Alexa wasn’t ready for anything to happen at the club.

  “You’re miles away,” said Chase, looking into her eyes.

  “No, not at all. I’m right here with you.”

  He smiled. “Good. Because I was hoping I could persuade you to end this evening with me.”

  Alexa bit the inside of her cheek and sighed. She had to tell him. “Funny you should ask. Luke already did, and I said yes.” She swallowed hard and kept talking before Chase could react. “And I was hoping we could make it a threesome.”

  She held her breath as Chase stopped dancing. So many emotions crossed his face that she had trouble keeping up with them. His Adam’s apple bobbed up and down as he swallowed. “Does Luke know?”

  She shook her head.

  “Alexa, are you sure about this? I mean, I’m all for it, but…” His voice trailed off as concern filled his eyes. “You haven’t exactly been… I don’t know how to say this.”

  “It’s okay, Chase. I’ll say it for you.” A couple jostled them as they danced past. Alexa took his hand and led him back to the table.

  Once they were seated, she moved her chair so that she could talk to both men at the same time without shouting. Every nerve ending was on fire. She was aroused and terrified at the same time, but she knew these men wouldn’t hurt her. She also knew that she was tired of living in fear and looking over her shoulder. She wanted that to end, tonight.

  “Luke, I want to spend the night with both of you.” She didn’t wait for her words to sink in. If she didn’t say this now, she’d lose her nerve. “But Chase is concerned because just like with you, we haven’t had sex.”

  She took a deep breath as she watched surprise fill Luke’s eyes. She wasn’t sure if he was still processing her confession that she wanted to spend the night with both of them, or if he was surprised she hadn’t yet made love to Chase, but she let it go for now. “There is a reason, but I’m not ready to talk about it. I just want you both to know that I’m ready for this now. And I can’t choose between the two of you. I just can’t, so please don’t ask me to.”

  She took their hands and squeezed. “I’ve had more fun these past few months than…than I’ve ever had, and that’s thanks to both of you. Today has been perfect. Please don’t make me choose.”

  Luke and Chase exchanged a glance. Neither man had yet said a word. Alexa suddenly wondered if she’d gone too far. She let go of their hands and excused herself to the bathroom. That would give them time to talk, and give her time to catch her breath.

  When she returned, both men wore relaxed expressions and were drinking beer as casually as if they did this every Sunday night. Had they talked about what she said while she was in the john? Should she ask, or would that seem desperate?

  They watched her walk toward the table, and Luke pushed a glass of beer toward her spot. “I believe you said you’d drink one of these tonight.”

  Alexa smiled, picked up the glass, and took a sip. It was terrible. She’d had beer before, but this was more like piss water. “Seriously?” She laughed. “How can you guys drink this?”

  “I’m thirsty,” said Chase. “And I need it before I dance with you again. I looked like a wounded gazelle out there.”

  Alexa sputtered beer out of her mouth as she laughed. “You did not.”

  “Yeah, he did,” said Luke, giving her a grin that would melt steel.

  “Okay, smart-ass,” said Chase. “You take the fast songs and I’ll hold her close for the slow ones then. How do you like that?”

  “I don’t like it at all. Fuck you, Chase.

  He grinned. “No thanks, I don’t swing that way.”

  Alexa laughed, and then picked up the beer again and drank half of it while holding her breath. “Ah. That’s better.” She held out her hand toward Luke. “I believe it’s your turn to dance with me.”

  Luke grinned as if he’d just won the
lottery as he led her onto the dance floor. Alexa felt totally calm now, and more than a bit silly, but she liked it. This was easily the most relaxed she’d been since leaving New York.

  They shouted and clapped along with the others as they danced, and Alexa was so hot and bothered from the lust shining out of Luke’s dark eyes, she would have fucked him right there on the floor if he’d asked. The realization that she might finally find out later what he was like in bed sent her mind reeling.

  When she returned to the table, she drank the rest of the beer, and then she drank an entire bottle of water. It was hot in the bar, and not just because there were more bodies than was probably legal. Chase took her hand and led her onto the floor. By the time the dance ended, Alexa was dizzy, so she asked to sit down for a while.

  She glanced from one man to the other, still unable to believe this was actually going to happen. Could she handle it? A sharp prick of fear coursed through her body, hot and tight, but she pushed it away. “So…what did you two decide about tonight while I was in the bathroom?”

  The two exchanged a glance. “Are you kidding?” asked Luke. “We’re just waiting for you to say when it’s time to leave.”

  It was definitely time to leave. It was also time to say good-bye to her past and take a chance on some well-deserved happiness. She couldn’t imagine being more ready to make love to both these men, and she wasn’t going to pass up this chance to do so.

  Chapter Four

  “Where are we going?” asked Chase as they pulled onto the interstate.

  “My apartment above the bar is noisy. You can hear everything down there.”

  “I don’t know if Kari will be in the house with Adison and Noah or not. Adison still hasn’t sold his condo but he’s practically moved into Noah’s. Kari spends most nights there with both of them, but sometimes they spend the night in the house. I never know who is going to be there, or if I’ll be alone that night.” She glanced at Chase. “Is your condo okay?”


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