Claiming Their Racy Sub [Racy Nights 2] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting)

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Claiming Their Racy Sub [Racy Nights 2] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting) Page 10

by Tara Rose

  “Brad Foster was my Dom. I left him a couple of months before Kari and I moved to Racy.”

  Sean nodded as he jotted down notes. “Any idea if he knew Donnie McCoy?”

  “No clue. As far as I know, he had nothing to do with the shooting Kari witnessed.” That much was true, at least.

  “But you think he was the one calling you and then hanging up.”

  “I don’t really know that.” But who else would have done it?

  Sean gave her a cold, intense stare again. “Have you talked with him at all since leaving him?”


  “Who else knows you came here to Racy?”

  “No one.”

  “No family, friends, former coworkers? No one you keep in contact with? What about e-mail contacts or friends on social media sites?”

  “Absolutely no one. And I’m not on any social media sites.” She wasn’t telling him anything untruthful. Alexa had no ties to anyone back home.

  Sean stared at her for a long time, as if trying to read her thoughts. “Okay then. Suppose you tell me why you’re so afraid of this Brad. You’re telling me that no one knows you’re here and you haven’t spoken to him. So how would he know where to find you?” He held up a hand. “Before you answer that, hear me out. If he can’t find you—if there’s no possible way for him to know where you are—why were you so convinced it was him hanging up on you? And why are you trembling right now?”

  She was trapped. She’d have to tell them all the truth. There was no way out. Kari would be so upset that she’d had to tell Chase and Luke their suspicions about the break-in, let alone the police. Should she talk to Kari first, before she said anything? “I want to call Kari.”

  “Why?” asked Chase.

  “This concerns her, too.”

  Chase rose and left the room. When he returned, he handed Alexa her phone. Kari’s number went straight to voice mail. Alexa disconnected the call without leaving a message and tossed the phone onto the coffee table. There was no way she was going to call Julie in front of them. She’d have to make this decision on her own and deal with the fallout later.

  “Alexa, I’m sorry,” said Chase. “We’re not trying to put you in a bad spot with Kari or gang up on you. We’re only trying to help you.”

  She glanced up at him. What he said was true, and she knew that, but would that look of concern in his eyes turn to anger once he heard the entire story?

  “Since you can’t get in touch with Kari,” said Luke, “why not just tell us. We’ll explain to her what happened. I’m sure she won’t be upset with you once we tell her how afraid you are right now.”

  “She knows why I’m afraid. She knows everything. But there is something we decided to keep to ourselves so we wouldn’t worry anyone with it.”

  She caught the looks that passed between the three men.

  “You mean Adison and Noah don’t know this either?” asked Chase.

  “You’d have to ask Kari that.” She didn’t want to break a confidence by letting them know Kari had told Noah and Adison.

  “Why don’t you tell me?” Sean’s voice was softer now, and Alexa was grateful for that.

  “Kacee Cabot isn’t only looking for clues as to how Donnie McCoy found Kari. She’s asked the police to reinvestigate a break-in at the apartment Kari and I shared. It happened shortly before we moved here.”

  “What did the police say initially?”

  “Since nothing was taken, they said it was probably someone looking for drugs or money.”

  “They found no prints at the scene?”

  “No. Only mine and Kari’s.”

  “Tell me what exactly what you found when you first discovered the break-in.”

  “A mess. Papers strewn everywhere, sofa cushions overturned, drawers opened. A total mess.”

  “Sounds like they were looking for something all right. And you’re sure nothing was taken?”

  “Nothing. I had some money I’d saved and even that was left alone.”

  “They didn’t suspect McCoy?”

  “He’d been locked up since the shooting. That’s why they don’t know how he found Kari.”

  “Remind me again how long ago the shooting was.”

  Alexa counted on her fingers. “Twenty-one months.”

  “And you moved into the apartment with Kari in May of last year, right? Two months before you moved here?”


  “Who else knew Kari had witnessed the shooting?”

  Alexa shrugged. “The police, I guess, and the DA’s office. I don’t know who else. No one we worked with. She never said a word to them about it.”

  “Where did you work?”

  “A shop called What’s Your Pleasure in Chelsea.”

  “Do you remember which district in Manhattan took the report?”


  “Were you working there then?”

  “Yes, but I didn’t see the shooting. Only Kari did.”

  “Was there information in the apartment you and Kari shared that would have connected her to Racy?”

  “Sure. Lots of it.”

  “So I’m assuming then that you and Kari have always felt there was a connection between the break-in and McCoy, right?”

  Alexa nodded.

  “But there’s more to this, obviously. You also believe it may be connected to Brad in some way.”

  “Yes, I do.”

  “Okay, Alexa. I need to know why, and I need you to go into a bit more detail about Brad. Why do you feel he would break into your apartment?”

  “My leaving him was…it was sudden and traumatic. Kari’s ex-Dom and two of his friends went to get my things. On their way out with the last of them, Brad said something to them.” She glanced at Luke and Chase. “I didn’t tell you this because I didn’t want you to worry. He said it wasn’t over, and that they’d better tell me to watch my back, because when I least expected it, he’d get even with me.”

  “Oh, Alexa,” Luke whispered, pulling her closer. “Please tell me this is the last of it. That there’s nothing else about Brad you haven’t told us.”

  “That’s it.” It was true. Brad had nothing to do with the life she’d led before she met Luke.

  Sean closed his notepad. “Alexa, thank you. I know that was difficult for you. I’m going to talk to the police in New York and the ADA you mentioned. If I need anything from else from you, I’ll call.” He took a business card out of his pocket and handed it to her. “Call me anytime, even if you think the question or the tidbit of information isn’t important, okay?”

  She nodded.

  Sean stood. “Thanks for calling me, Chase. I’ll reach out to New York today, and I’ll let you know if and when I dig up anything.”

  “I’ll walk you out.”

  Alexa tried Kari’s number again, but it still went to voice mail.

  “Do you want to call Julie?”

  “No, Luke. Not right now.”

  “Speaking of her…Alexa, I’m sorry. I slipped up in front of Chase earlier when you were still asleep. I mentioned Julie.”

  She sighed loudly. “That’s okay. It doesn’t matter anymore. Now you both know everything I never wanted to have to tell you. I didn’t want you looking over your shoulder the way I have been.”

  “Alexa, don’t you understand what you mean to us?”

  She gazed into Luke’s dark eyes, overcome with what she saw there. No man had ever looked at her the way he and Chase did. She didn’t know how to handle it, and she didn’t feel as if she deserved it. Especially not now. She’d placed them both in danger.

  Chase came into the room while on a cell call. He didn’t look pleased at all. When he ended it, he knelt in front of Alexa. “I have a lot of things to say about what you told us, but I’m sorry I can’t right now. Something happened to City Hall in the storm and I have to go over and have a look. But don’t you worry. I’ll come back later and we’ll talk, okay?”

  “Are you upset with m

  “What?” His face registered genuine surprise. “Of course not, love.” He kissed her tenderly. “Not at all. You were very brave to finally tell us that. I’ll be back as soon as possible.” He glanced at Luke. “What about your bar? Do you have to be there, or can you stay with Alexa?”

  “All taken care of. I can stay as long as she needs me.”

  What did she need? Alexa wasn’t sure right now. She wasn’t sure of anything except that she wanted both Luke and Chase in her lives, and she wished this whole mess with Brad was over and done with.

  Chapter Thirteen

  Luke pulled Alexa closer. He was finally alone with her. He just wished it was under better circumstances. “Are you hungry? You haven’t had breakfast yet.”

  “I am a bit hungry.”

  Luke rose. “Then I shall make you a feast. Come on.” He followed Alexa into the kitchen, admiring the way her tight ass wiggled under her jeans.

  “You don’t have to cook for me.”

  “Alexa, I want to. I don’t even get to do the cooking in my bar. Although from the complaints I get, I think perhaps I should start doing that.”

  She leaned against the counter as he rummaged in the fridge. “If you did, you’d never be able to leave it. You do everything there as it is.”

  “Well, I hope Annalise works out. She seems to be doing well. But I still need to hire more help than I have. Do you eat eggs?”

  “Only the whites.”

  “What about potatoes?”

  “Potatoes? Sure, I eat potatoes. Do we have any?”

  Luke closed the fridge and opened the pantry. “You do. Amazing. Chase actually left some comfort food in here.”

  Alexa laughed. “Were you two up all night?”

  He glanced sideways, hoping she wouldn’t be upset. “Um…I kind of helped myself to your leftover veggie lasagna and Chase ate two sandwiches. Oh, and we had some beer.”

  “You were starving. I must have depleted all your energy.”

  Luke’s dick grew hard at the look of raw desire on her face. “You did. It was incredible, Alexa.”

  “It was for me, too, Luke.”

  They stared into each other’s eyes for long moments, and it was all he could do not to drop the food in his hands, lean her against the counter, and fuck her silly. He’d never made love like he had last night. He’d never even come close to it. She was perfect. Absolutely fucking perfect, and he’d never be able to get enough of her.

  “Okay. One breakfast coming up.” He forced himself to chop potatoes, onions, and peppers, separate yolks from whites, and heat up oil in a frying pan while she watched. She didn’t have a stitch of makeup on and her hair was still wet from the shower, but Luke had seriously never seen a woman look more beautiful.

  Once the omelettes began to cook, he sprinkled parsley and sage over them, added a dash of salt and pepper, and then asked what she wanted to drink.

  “My juice is in here. Would you like some, or did you guys drink all that, too?”

  He stole a quick glance to make sure she was teasing, and was treated to the sight of her leaning into the fridge. The picture of her ass offered to him like that brought back erotic images from the night before, and Luke groaned softly.

  She turned around, holding a carton of mango juice. “Is this okay?”

  “Sure.” As if he’d even taste it right now. There was no blood above his waist.

  They ate in the kitchen, perched on bar stools at the counter. Luke loved this room. Kari and Alexa had done some updating, but they hadn’t stripped it of its ambiance. The appliances were new, and they’d replaced the sink and faucet, but it still had an old-fashioned, homey feel. It reminded him of his abuela, his grandmother. They’d visited her often in Mexico City when Luke was younger, before she passed, and her kitchen had always been rich with the smells of food, and looked like this. Plenty of warmth and light so the family could gather there often.

  “This is delicious, Luke. Thank you so much.”

  “I’m happy to do it.” He took a sip of juice. It wasn’t too bad, but he’d never admit to her that was the first time he’d tasted mango juice. “Chase was right, you know. That was very brave of you to tell us all that.”

  She glanced sideways. “It’s not like I had a choice.”

  “I know. But now Sean will devote all his time to it and you’ll finally have some answers. Between Donnie McCoy showing up and now this, Racy hasn’t had this much excitement in years.”

  “Oh, great. And none of it started until Kari and I moved here. Wonderful.”

  Luke frowned. “You’re really down on yourself this morning. What can I do to cheer you up?”

  The sound of a snowplow cut through the air, and Alexa rose to glance out the window. “I love snow. I always have. Everything looks sparkling clean, the air is crisp, and I can wear layers and layers of clothes.” She hugged herself.

  “Who enjoys wearing layers and layers of clothes?”

  “I do. You can hide under them.”

  She turned around, and Luke recoiled at the flash of pain in her eyes. It was brief, but he couldn’t pretend he hadn’t seen it. He wanted desperately to ask her to elaborate, but she’d been through enough grilling this morning already. “I’m afraid I’m more of a warm weather guy, but I understand what you’re saying. Snow is pretty to look at.”

  A mischievous grin spread over her face. “But not to walk in or play in?”

  “Seriously? You want to play in the snow?” It wasn’t exactly what he’d been hoping for, but then again, she’d been pretty upset at having to tell them more about Brad. He couldn’t really expect her to want to hop into bed again. If only his dick would stop throbbing, he might be able to think clearly.

  “Oh come on. Please?” She walked toward him, fixing him with a pleading gaze. As if she even had to try. He’d walk through fire if she asked him to. “You said it was going to melt in a few days. We may not have another chance.”

  Luke laughed. “You haven’t spent a winter here yet. I assure you, we’ll have plenty of chances.”

  “Please, Luke? Just for a short while?”

  “I can’t say ‘no’ to you, Alexa.”

  The smile she gave him tested every ounce of his willpower.

  * * * *

  Alexa ran to her room and dug out her boots, a second pair of thick socks, her ski gloves, and a scarf. She couldn’t find her hat and finally just gave up. Her coat had a hood. She stopped when she realized all Luke had was his coat, and he wasn’t wearing gloves. “Oh…you’ll ruin your shoes and your hands will freeze.”

  “Well, did Noah or Adison leave anything here, perhaps? Chase said they’re here fairly often”

  Alexa laughed. “Those three are ridiculous. It’s like they’re living in both homes. I seriously will miss Kari, but she needs to just move into Noah’s place already.”

  “Why hasn’t she?”

  “She’s afraid to leave me alone.” Alexa mentally shook away thoughts of Brad. “Let’s go see if we can find you some boots and gloves.”

  She found a pair of work boots that had to be Adison’s. He’d told them he often had to walk the fields as part of his job as head of security at Notus. “Try these.” She handed them to Luke. “I’m sure he won’t mind. Do you have gloves in your truck?”

  Luke snapped his fingers. “I believe I do. Now I guess I’m stuck, eh? Especially since the damn boots fit.”

  Alexa laughed again and clapped her hands. “Yes, you are.” She took his hand and led him down the back staircase, and then she disarmed the alarm and opened the back door. “Come on. Let’s go get your gloves.”

  “Alexa, it would have been closer to go out the front door and do that.”

  “Yeah, but then I couldn’t do this.” She kicked up snow and laughed as the powder flew into her face. The sun was out, and the snow sparkled like jewels. Alexa felt like a kid as she ran toward the front of the house, with Luke on her heels. The air was cold and stung her lungs,
but she didn’t care. She needed it to clear her head and feel safe and normal again.

  Luke was panting by the time he reached her. She stood next to his truck, leaning on the hood as casually as if it were a warm summer day. In reality it couldn’t be more than ten degrees out, even with the sun. “Alexa…Jesus. How can you fucking breathe out here?”

  “You’re a big, strong man. You should be fine.”

  “There’s no blood above my groin, and it’s all your fault, you know.”

  She giggled at the look of raw lust in his eyes. He unlocked his truck and rooted around in the backseat, finally pulling out a pair of gloves. As he put them on, his grin turned mischievous. Alexa bent down and scooped up a big snowball, then turned and ran.

  She almost reached the side of the house when something cold and hard hit her in the middle of the back. She cried out and turned around to watch Luke scooping up more snow. Before he could stand, she tossed her snowball, and it landed on the side of his head. He roared in surprise and stood, but she didn’t wait for him to throw another one.

  She ran to the back of the house and dropped to the ground. When he finally came around the corner, she was lying in the snow making snow angels. “Did you ever do this?”

  “Ah, no. Can’t say I have.” He stood over her, watching for a second, tossing the snowball up and down in his hand.

  “You wouldn’t dare. I’m not armed.”

  “Neither was I.”

  “You struck first.”


  “Well, I’m making angels. You can’t hit someone with a snowball while they’re making angels. It’s a rule.”

  He laughed, and the sound washed over her like warm water. “You didn’t play with boys much while growing up, did you? Rules don’t exist in snowball fights, Alexa.”

  She tried to scramble to her feet, but Luke was faster. He tackled her and stuffed the snowball down the front of her coat. She cried out in surprise, and then tried to scoop up more snow, but she was no match for his strength. He had her face down in the snow before she could even think about how to get away again. “Let me up, you big brute.”

  “I thought you liked snow?”


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