The Wolf's Bait (The Wolf's Peak Saga Book 2)

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The Wolf's Bait (The Wolf's Peak Saga Book 2) Page 23

by Patricia Blackmoor

  “What will happen to Seth and his men?” I asked Jasper.

  “Would you like to see for yourself?” Jasper asked.

  He helped me out of my chair and across the room to the window. From here we saw where the elders’ carriages were. One was more of a cage, and I saw Seth’s face pressed against the bars, screaming at the elders. The elders ignored him, climbing into their carriages. The convoy started off, and I watched until they had gone so far down the road I couldn’t see them anymore.

  Jasper turned to me. “Are you ready to go home, my love?”

  Chapter Thirty

  We loaded up into the carriages. The plan was to make a brief stop in the village so Jasper could arrange for a driver to pick up Conor and Christoph, but as he climbed back inside, my stomach growled loud enough for everyone to hear. I flushed.

  “Are you hungry?” Jasper asked.

  “I guess I am.” In the chaos of the day, I hadn’t even thought about eating.

  “When was the last time you ate?”

  I paused. “ was before you came.”

  Jasper’s face paled. “All right. Let’s get you some food.”

  We stopped at a pub down the street. The bartender initially balked at having such a large number of bloody and dirty people to serve, but Jasper slipped him an incentive. After that, the barkeep was much more amicable. He pushed a few tables together for us to sit at, and we filed in. The smell of food wafting through the restaurant made my mouth water, and the baby planted a few solid kicks into my ribs, letting me know that he was hungry as well.

  The food was maybe not the best I’d ever had, but in that moment, it was the most wonderful food in the world. So what if the bread was dry and the meat was a bit bland; it was the first time I had been able to eat a full meal in almost a week, and it was wonderful to fill my stomach up.

  To my left, Jasper was in deep conversation with his men. Bridget sat to my right, and as our meal wound down, she put a hand on my arm.

  “Are you all right?” she asked.


  “I mean, I know you’re safe now,” she said, “but it’s been a lot for you to process. Are you doing all right?”

  I looked around at the table. Just because the men were deep in conversation didn’t mean it was a serious one. They were grinning and laughing, despite looking worse for wear. I smiled.

  “I’m quite all right,” I told her.

  “And you’re all right” she asked, not meeting my eyes.

  “Oh, Bridget,” I said, taking her hand, “of course I am. I’m married to a werewolf, after all. And I brought you here after you were working as a prostitute. Did you think I would let you go because of this?”

  “I didn’t know. I worried about it.”

  I squeezed her hand. “I’m sorry I made you worry.” I sighed. “Not that it all matters. I suspect I’ll have to hire a new chambermaid soon anyway.”

  Bridget tilted her head. “What do you mean by that?”

  “What, you don’t think you’ll be Mrs. Dr. O’Connell soon?” I asked her. She flushed bright red.

  “I’m hoping, of course,” she said, “but we’re not even courting yet.”

  “Somehow, I doubt traditionalism is going to be your strong suit,” I told her, and she laughed.

  “I suppose it already isn’t,” she mused. “Life is funny that way, isn’t it?”

  I glanced over at Jasper and couldn’t help but agree.

  We finished up our meal and Jasper paid for our food. He swept me up in his arms to carry me out to the carriage. I tried protesting, insisting that as long as I had some help, I could walk fine. He ignored me, planting a kiss on my lips before setting me back down on the seat. I stretched out on the seat, my head on Jasper’s lap, as he absentmindedly brushed the hair from my face. He was so warm, and he had put a blanket over me, so I was snuggled into the velvet seats.

  Jasper and Stephen were talking, and Bridget was gazing out the window. She looked sad; I’m sure she was missing Conor. I wished there was something I could do.

  “I’m sure he’ll come back soon,” I told her.

  She gave me a sad smile. “I hope so.”

  “He will,” I said, trying to suppress a yawn. “And then he’s going to propose to you and you’ll all live happily ever after.”

  She laughed. “Take a nap, Christine.”

  I did for a bit. My eyelids grew heavy, and for the first time in a week I fell asleep feeling safe. Jasper continued to run his hand over my hair. It was soothing, as was the rocking of the carriage. I was so exhausted from everything, there was no way I was going to be able to stay awake for the rest of the journey. I let myself drift off.

  I woke up when we stopped briefly. I uncurled my limbs. My muscles were stiff, and I stretched and yawned. We had paused outside another pub, and though it was dark, the pub was lively. We went in to use the washroom, then got back inside the carriage and continued.

  I hadn’t been sure where Seth had kept me. Evidently, it was closer than Ashford Castle, although to the west. It took us less time to get home by a few hours. As we started on our home stretch, I sat up, trying to clear my head. The sky was dark, stars twinkling in the black. The moon shone brightly, reminding me that the full moon was right around the corner. I snuggled up to Jasper. I didn’t want to think about going another night without him. I never wanted to leave his side.

  Which was silly, of course. His duties would pull him away from me. I hoped, though, that for at least a few days he’d stay with me. I needed time to recover, and I needed him with me. As if reading my thoughts, Jasper leaned down and kissed the top of my head. He took my hand in his and stroked his thumb across mine.

  “I’ve missed you so much,” he said.

  “I missed you too.”

  Jasper leaned down and kissed my lips, and I kissed back, leaning in.

  “Oi,” Bridget called out, “we’re almost home. Can’t you wait a bit?”

  “I could have died several times,” I pointed out. “I think I’m entitled to kiss my husband.”

  “I’m inclined to agree,” Jasper said.

  Bridget rolled her eyes, but she was smiling.

  The sight of Wolf’s Peak was one of the most wonderful things I had ever seen, the mansion glowing in the moonlight. My heart was filled with happiness as the carriage pulled up to the door. I had missed this place so much. I was finally home.

  My eyes welled up. I blinked back the tears.

  I was home.

  “Oh, thank God!”

  The moment my feet hit the ground, Annabelle and Hazel enveloped me.

  “Christine, we were so worried,” Hazel said. “We saw them take you, but there was nothing we could do!”

  “Oh, I’m so glad you’re all right,” Annabelle said, squeezing me tightly.

  “Careful,” I said, wincing as she knocked me back so I had to put unwanted weight on my ankle.

  “Sorry!” she gasped. “Are you all right? Did he hurt you?”

  Jasper came up behind me. “Ladies, perhaps we should do this inside,” he suggested.

  “Yes,” Annabelle agreed.

  “Of course,” Hazel said.

  Jasper carried me into the house. I reminded him he didn’t have to, but he insisted. He set me down by the fire in the parlor.

  “Can I get you anything?” Bridget asked.

  “Some tea would be nice,” I admitted. “And maybe some crumpets.”

  “I’ll be right back,” she promised.

  The second carriage pulled up to the house, and Hazel sprang up to greet her fiancé. He kissed her softly on the lips and they stood in the entryway, hands clutched between them.

  Annabelle returned to the parlor, stepping aside to speak with Jasper and Stephen for a moment, after greeting her husband with a peck on the cheek. As they spoke, I saw her eyes flicker to me several times. I knew she was asking what had happened to me so I wouldn’t have to recount it for her.

nbsp; “Here you are, ma’am,” Daisy said, bringing me the tea and crumpets I had asked for.

  “Thank you, dear,” I murmured, taking the cup and saucer and plate from her and setting it on the table next to me.

  “If you don’t mind me saying, ma’am, we’re all very glad you’re back,” Daisy said. “We missed you dearly.”

  Again, my eyes welled up. I needed a proper night’s sleep to reset my emotions. “Thank you, Daisy. I missed you all too.”

  She gave me a slight curtsy before bowing out of the room. Hazel and Annabelle came back to sit beside me.

  Hazel looked around, worried. “Where’s Conor?”

  I recounted the story of Christoph. “Conor stayed behind to tend to him until he was doing better.”

  “That’s nice of him,” Hazel said. “How’s Bridget taking it?”

  “I’m all right,” Bridget spoke up from behind me. She shrugged. “I mean, he’s doing a good thing, so I can’t be too upset, right?”

  “You’re stronger than I am,” Hazel murmured. “I was in tatters while Adam was gone.”

  “Well, it’s only the first day,” Bridget said with a grin.

  Eventually the house settled down, and the girls and the councilmen left to go home.

  “Shall I draw you a bath?” Bridget asked me.

  “You don’t need to do that,” I told her. “I can do it myself.”

  “Nonsense!” Bridget scolded me. “You’re practically an invalid, and besides, it’s my job.”

  “Yes, but probably not for much longer.”

  “Let’s not get ahead of ourselves.”

  The bath was wonderful. All of the dirt and grime and blood of the last week washed off, and the water felt marvelous on my sore and bruised body. I soaked in there for at least an hour, my eyes closed, inhaling the lavender oil Bridget had added to the water. My hands ran over my baby belly, knowing that each moment that passed was one moment closer to getting to hold my little man.

  I stepped carefully out of the tub, keeping my hand on the edge so that I could keep the pressure off my ankle. I wrapped my warmest, fluffiest dressing gown around myself. I began to hobble toward the door when a wave of nausea overtook me. I just barely made it to the toilet when I began to vomit.

  My first fear was that I had been poisoned yet again, but after I emptied my stomach, I felt much better. More than likely, after such lean meals the last week, it was the rich food I had eaten that had made me sick. I rinsed my mouth out with water before limping into the bedroom.

  I was resting on the bed, reading Jane Eyre when there was a knock on my door.


  I set the book down. “Come in, Jasper.”

  He shut the door behind him and came over to lie on the bed next to me. “You should be asleep,” he told me.

  “I know,” I admitted. “I’m trying to wind down. My mind is racing.”

  He leaned down and met my lips in a heated kiss. “Anything I can do to help you with that?”

  I reached over and touched my hand to his face, pulling him back down for another kiss.

  “I missed you so much,” I sighed.

  Jasper’s hand ran over the thin fabric of my nightgown, stroking my skin. My nipples hardened immediately as he began brushing them with his thumb. I moaned into his mouth, heat and wetness pooling between my legs. Jasper pulled the strap of my nightgown off my shoulder, exposing my breasts. He kissed down my neck and chest, stopping to lavish me with his tongue. My back arched as he worked his tender ministrations, pleasure surging through my body. As he used his mouth, he moved his hand lower, cupping me between my legs. I ground into him as he slipped a finger inside of me. I moaned.

  Jasper stopped what I was doing to pull my nightgown off my body. He gazed at me for a moment, in all my naked and pregnant glory.

  “You’re so beautiful,” he murmured, kissing along my bump and down lower. The moment his tongue hit me in my most sensitive places, I cried out in delight.

  This was so different than the last time we’d been together. That had been urgent and anxious. This was slow and teasing, a couple happy and in love. I could do this every day for the rest of my life.

  His tongue slowly dragged from my sex up to my clit. He sucked there a moment, sending ecstasy through my body.

  “Oh God,” I moaned.

  He continued licking me until I was ready to explode.

  “Jasper,” I breathed, “I’m going to...I’m going…”

  “Shh. It’s all right.”

  “No, Jasper, I want...I want you...I want you inside me.”

  I hadn’t known it was physically possible for someone to take their trousers off so fast. In a flash, they were on the floor and he was positioned at my entrance.

  He didn’t need to go slow; I was more than ready for him. He filled me and I took all of him in, bliss racking my body as he hit the pleasure spot inside me.

  “Harder,” I panted, and he acquiesced, thrusting deeper inside me. I felt so full I would explode, but it was a wonderful sensation. We joined together in a rhythm, keeping him thrusting as deep inside of me as possible. I was getting close again; I had known that I wasn’t going to last long.

  “Oh God, Jasper,” I moaned as my muscles began to constrict. I felt it all the way in the muscles of my abdomen, twisting and tightening as my body prepared for orgasm. Finally, I couldn’t handle the pleasure anymore. Stars exploded behind my eyes and I cried out, my entire body tingling from my head to my toes.

  Jasper wasn’t far behind me. He bit his lip.

  “Christine,” he groaned. I watched his body tense as he felt the same pleasure he had treated me with.

  I turned out the lamp and we curled up next to each other. It was so fantastic to be snuggled into bed with him again, and this time we were safe and we were home and we weren’t worried about being murdered.

  I fell asleep happy.

  I woke up wet.

  It took a few moments for me to figure out what was happening. At first, I thought my bladder had released, but I tried squeezing the muscles and it did nothing. Realization dawned on me, and I rolled over, shaking Jasper’s shoulder.

  “What? What is it?” he murmured, his voice sleepy.

  I swallowed.

  “Jasper, the baby is coming.”


  Thanks for reading The Wolf’s Bait!

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  The Wolf’s Peak Saga will return in February 2017 with The Wolf’s Cub.


  Chapter One

  I couldn’t stop looking at him.

  I knew I should be sleeping, since he was sleeping, but I couldn’t look away. He was utterly beautiful, nestled in my arms. His perfectly formed lips, tiny, button nose, all the details of his face relaxed as he slept. Under his dark eyelashes, his eyes would open to be a shocking blue, and under his knit hat he had soft, fine brown hair. He took my breath away.

  His hand rested on my arm, and I slipped my finger underneath his palm. My heart fluttered as his hand reflexively closed around it, his tiny fingers wrapped around mine. He let out a soft sigh as he nuzzled against my chest. I leaned down and kissed his forehead, inhaling the warm scent of his skin. I traced along his cheeks, gently stroking his face.

  What was he dreaming about, I wondered. What sort of things does a week–old baby dream about? Food, maybe. Perhaps he was dreaming of me, or Jasper. The thought made me smile. This tiny, innocent baby, and we were his whole world. I couldn’t imagine.

  He was a good baby so far. He cried, of course, but he was easily pacified. Sometimes all he needed was to be held and cuddled. He loved snuggling me or Jasper. He practically lived in o
ur arms. If I wasn’t holding him, Jasper was, and both of us were perfectly fine with that. It was a little exhausting, of course, but I didn’t mind. It was all worth it.

  I still had trouble believing he was mine. Sure, I carried him for nine months, I had birthed him, I had held him in my arms for hours and hours, but I still couldn’t believe he was mine. I was his mother. I wouldn’t have to give him back to anyone. I got to keep him. He was going to grow up in this house. I was going to guide him through his first steps and his first words. I would watch him run and play in the courtyard. This little bundle would be with me for the next eighteen or so years, and I couldn’t wait.

  Lowell’s eyes fluttered, and my breath hitched. As much as I adored him when he was awake, I was tired, and I needed to get some rest. I’d survived many exhausting weeks in the last year, but this one had been the most difficult of all. Midnight feedings, only sleeping a few hours at a time. Of course, there was the physical toll everything had taken as well.

  Labor hadn’t been easy. I hadn’t expected it to be, of course; they wouldn’t call it “labor” otherwise. Still, I hadn’t been expecting how much I would hurt, both during and after. My body was still recovering.

  I had gone into labor, my water breaking, in the middle of the night. My contractions didn’t start for several hours, giving the doctor plenty of time to get here. I had woken Jasper up and he had jumped out of bed immediately, ready to move. He sent Bridget to my room to help me get comfortable in bed while he went to find one of the servants to send into town to get the doctor. By the time Jasper returned to my room, Bridget had changed my bedlinens, helped me into a new nightgown, and had me propped up in bed drinking tea. Jasper’s eyes were wide; I was more calm than he was for once. He couldn’t stop checking on me, asking if there was anything he could do, and I assured him that I was all right. Yes, the baby was coming, but I was still comfortable for now.


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