Security Breach

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Security Breach Page 6

by Evan Grace


  “I do recommend you get signed up for the birthing class. We’ll get you a list of the classes you can take. Are you Dad?”

  “Yes, ma’am.”

  She shakes my hand. “Well, we have a class for first-time dads too. You guys take care, and Delilah, we’ll see you in a few weeks.”

  “Thank you, Dr. Stephens.”

  We make our way out to the reception desk, and they hand us a folder that’s filled with pamphlets for all the classes the hospital offers. All of this has made the pregnancy more real, for me at least. She’s had lots of time to get used to the idea.

  As we make our way through the hall we’re again silent. Once we’re outside, I spot the redhead standing outside talking on her phone. She spots me and hangs up on whoever she was talking to. “Hi.”

  I give her a chin lift but keep walking. It takes a second to realize that Delilah isn’t next to me. She’s in front of the redhead and looks pissed. “Are you kidding me right now? You didn’t see that he’s with me? It’s not like I’m hard to miss.”

  The redhead flips her hair back with her hand. “Honey, if I want him, I’ll have him.”

  “You know what—go for it. He’s all yours.” Delilah stomps away, and I’m speechless right now. She seems so sweet and quiet, but it looks like she’s got that Mackenzie temper. I’ve seen her dad go from calm to busting faces in the blink of an eye.

  Before I can react, she’s in a cab that takes off down the road. “Fuck!” I take off in a jog toward my car. I call Jack and let him know what happened.

  “Sorry Reece, she’s just like her old man. What happened?” I tell him, and he starts laughing. I’m not sure if that’s a good thing or a bad thing. “That sounds like my girl.”

  “She hopped in a cab before I could stop her. I’m not sure if she’s going back to the office.” I wait for him to chew my ass, but he doesn’t.

  “Listen, she probably went to Brandon. I’ll ask him to text me when she shows up. My daughter may have a temper, but she’s a good person. She’s caring, compassionate, strong-willed, and stubborn. Delilah had a shit childhood, and there was nothing I could do because I was deployed. How any of that monster who birthed her didn’t rub off on my daughter is beyond me.”

  “I told you last week her mom texted her, and I only caught a little bit. She asked her if she got rid of her mistake yet. I think that’s been on her mind.”

  Jack curses, and then sighs. “I’m calling that bitch tonight. The nasty texts need to stop.”

  “Do you think that’s a good idea? Couldn’t this backfire and come back on your daughter? Sorry man, but you picked a real winner.”

  “Hey I was young, stupid, and horny. Becky did a great job hiding the crazy from me, until it was too late. I’ll never regret my daughter, but I’ll always feel guilty that she had a shitty excuse for a mother. Delilah isn’t going to be like that.”

  “I know I don’t know her well, yet, but I can see that. There’s no question in my mind that she’s going to be an amazing mother to our kid.”

  “I’ll text Brandon and let you know where she’s at when you get back here.”

  We disconnect, and I head back to the office.


  I just got off the phone with Delilah, and she’s going to have dinner with Brandon before she comes home. She seemed a little more relaxed and not angry anymore. Jack assured me she’s safe and Marcus is keeping an eye on her.

  I can’t really imagine what it was like growing up with a crazy mom. My parents are the epitome of a happy couple. Over the years they’ve fought, but they never stayed mad long. They supported my sister, Rachel, and I in everything we did.

  Dad was involved in the Scouts with me and coached most of my sports teams when I was growing up. Mom and Rach had their stuff too. Every year we always went somewhere fun for vacation, and even if it was just a camping trip, we had a blast. Sometimes we’d pack, jump in the car, and just go. That’s everything I want to give my son.

  I grab a beer out of the refrigerator and drink it down while I heat up some leftover grilled shrimp and rice. That’s one thing I’ve learned about Delilah: she’s a phenomenal cook. It’s been nice having a home-cooked meal every night. I’ve tried to take over the cooking, but she likes it and won’t let me.

  Knowing how good it tastes, I immediately scarf it down. Thank fuck she’s not here because I’m making myself look like a pig. I finish, rinse my plate off, and grab my cellphone and another beer before heading out to my back deck to call my parents.

  My mom’s bubbly voice comes through the line. “Hi, honey. How are you?”

  Don’t let her sweet demeanor fool you, because you hurt one of her babies and she goes into crazy mama bear mode.

  “Good. How are things? How’s Dad?”

  I love that I can hear the smile in her voice. “Things are great. Your dad is good. He’s actually at your sister’s right now helping Tim hang some new blinds.”

  I take a deep breath. “There’s something I want to tell you.”

  “Oh God, are you sick?”

  “No, Mom. I-I’m going to be a dad.” Silence greets me on the other end. Fuck, she’s upset, which is the last thing I want. I decide to tell her everything…well, not certain details.

  “That’s wonderful news. Sure, I wish you were married first, but children are blessings no matter how they get here. Our first grandson.” She makes a squealing noise that has me pulling the phone away from my ear.

  “I’ll text you the ultrasound picture. The doctor said he’s measuring big.”

  “Yes, please send me a picture of him. You should probably tell her that you were almost ten pounds when you were born.”

  “Well shit,” I mutter, because damn, I don’t want to tell Delilah that.

  “Hey! Watch your mouth, young man.”

  I smile and shake my head in exasperation. I’m almost thirty-five, and she still scolds me like when I was twelve. “Sorry. Delilah’s only five-foot-three. I can only imagine what that’s going to be like for her.”

  “Delilah? That’s a pretty name. What does she look like? Is she pretty?” Of course she wants that info.

  “She’s got dark blonde hair, beautiful dark brown eyes, and she’s petite but fit. She gorgeous, and she’s sweet, funny, smart, and a great cook.”

  Again, silence greets me. I hear my mom clear her throat. “She sounds wonderful. I can’t wait to meet her.”

  I hear a noise and turn to find Delilah standing in the doorway. Her eyes are wide, and I know she heard what I said to my mom. I watch as she disappears back into the house. “You’ll get the chance. I promise.”

  We hang up, and I quickly text her the ultrasound picture of her grandson. Her response is a bunch of the smiley face emoji with hearts for eyes.

  My sister has two girls: Lara is three, and Joy is a year and a half. They live in DeWitt and not far from my parents. Rachel’s husband is her high school sweetheart. They waited until they both graduated from college before they got married, but as soon as they said, “I do,” she started spitting out kids. Last time I talked to her, they were trying for another baby.

  I lock up downstairs before heading up. Delilah’s door is opened far enough that I can see inside. She’s standing in front of the full-length mirror with her shirt pulled up and tucked into her bra. My body reacts when I see her turn to the side, looking at her belly that in a little over a week already seems to be bigger. She rubs her hands over it lovingly, and I reach for the door knob but decide against it.

  It’s amazing that from behind she doesn’t even look pregnant, but I’m sure that once the baby gets a lot larger that’ll change. She looks at herself from all angles, and I’m not sure what she’s looking for but she looks beautiful, and now my dick’s hard. Delilah’s killing me with the little booty shorts that she wears. For someone so short, she’s got legs for days. I remember the feel of them hugging my hips as I slid in and out of her hot, wet pussy.<
br />
  I squeeze it through my basketball shorts, trying to ease the ache. A groan slips past my lips when she whips her shirt up and off, so she’s left in her bra and booty shorts. Did she hear me? I don’t think so, because she doesn’t react. I should walk away—this is bordering on super creepy. She pulls her ponytail holder out of her hair and shakes out her wavy locks.

  My fists are clenched to keep myself from reaching for the doorknob, shoving the door open, and fucking her into oblivion.

  Chapter Eight


  It’s so hard to pretend I don’t know Reece is watching me from the doorway. I had come up with this seduction plan when I heard him talking about me on the phone to whoever that was. I know this won’t go anywhere, and I won’t get my hopes up, but that doesn’t mean we can’t have fun.

  I’m just so freaking horny right now, and if he doesn’t fuck me I may scream. Oh sure, I could use my toys because they do work, but I have the real thing right down the hall. I know this is a slippery slope I’m traveling on, and I could very well fall for this man, getting my heart broken in the process, but I can no longer ignore this pull that I feel toward him.

  Taking a slow, deep breath, I reach behind my back and unhook my bra. I let my bra drop to the floor and use all my might to keep from covering myself. My boobs are about a cup size bigger, and I honestly love them so much right now. They look like I got a really good boob job. I plan on breastfeeding, and I’ve heard horror stories about it destroying a woman’s boobs, but it’s an easy sacrifice to make.

  I let my hands run up my body until I cup a breast in each hand. My nipples are so sensitive right now that I’ve come just from stimulating them. I pinch them between my fingers, moaning softly. I think I’m ready for him to know I know he’s there. Licking my lips, I take a deep breath and turn around just as his phone rings.

  “Shit,” he whispers. Then the door to his room slams shut, and I can hear his muffled voice.

  I flop down on my bed with a frustrated sigh. It’s just never going to happen with us. As willing as I am, he’s just not, and that’s okay. I throw my tank top back on without the bra and peel off my shorts. The panties I’m wearing are little bikinis with a wide waistband that feels comfortable around the underside of my belly.

  After crawling into bed, I lie on my back and stare at the ceiling. Why did I even try to seduce him? I heard what he told Erik—that he wasn’t going to be with me, and I was too young for him. That’s okay. I certainly had planned to do this alone before I saw him again. We can co-parent our son like two civilized adults. Lots of couples do it, and if he has a family someday—hopefully his wife will love my son and treat him right.

  God, I am just Debbie Downer tonight. Normally I’m pretty much the “glass is half-full” kind of girl. I hate blaming it on the hormones, but what else could it be?

  Rolling to my side, I tuck my hands under my pillow. Luckily it doesn’t take long before the ever-present exhaustion I have consumes me, and I fall asleep.

  I fly up in bed. My heart is beating a frantic rhythm in my chest. I wipe my sweaty forehead with the back of my hand. I know I was dreaming, but I don’t remember about what. All I know is that I felt hopeless and scared. In the bathroom, I splash cold water on my face. Back in the bedroom, I lie down, but can’t sleep.

  Before I can stop myself, I walk silently out into the hall and down to Reece’s bedroom. His door is open, so I pad in until I reach the side of his bed. He’s on his back with a hand resting on his stomach and one tucked under his pillow.

  “Reece?” I whisper. “Reece, can I sleep with you? I had a bad dream.”

  He doesn’t say anything; he just lifts the blankets. I climb underneath and snuggle into him, my back against his front, and he wraps his arm around my waist. His large hand covers my belly. I’m surrounded by his natural warm scent and the faint hint of laundry detergent. In seconds his light snores fill the room.

  Reece holding me lulls me into a dreamless sleep.


  My eyes open, and it takes a second to realize that I’m in Reece’s bed, and I’m alone. I slide my hand across the mattress, and his empty spot is cold. It gives me a flashback to our night together, but I shake it off. I climb out of his bed and quickly make it before heading back to my room.

  After a quick shower, I throw on another pair of knit shorts and one of my dad’s old rock band t-shirts. AC/DC is stretched out across my belly, but the shirt is so worn it’s nice and soft. Hopefully my dad doesn’t mind that I stole it, especially since we’re spending the day together later shopping for furniture for the nursery.

  We haven’t really seen a lot of each other since I was attacked, but that’s only because he’s been busting his ass trying to find the guy who hurt me. I know he and all the guys have been working double time looking for him, but the guy’s a ghost.

  I quickly braid my hair until it hangs over my shoulder in a thick plait. After slipping on some Nikes, I head downstairs and find I’m alone. I make myself some tea and a bowl of oatmeal. Settling into a seat on the back deck, I wrack my brain trying to remember the dream I had last night. All I know is when I woke up I felt so helpless.

  How long will Reece keep me here? How long before I wear out my welcome? Through the sliding door, I can hear my phone ringing. I set my bowl down and step inside to grab it. “Hello?”

  “Get rid of that baby or I’ll get rid of it for you.” The call disconnects and my phone slips from my limp fingers, nausea swirling in my stomach. Before I can collect my thoughts about what I just heard, the sound of glass shattering fills the house.

  I scream and drop down to my hands and knees, scurrying across the cold tile flooring, heart racing, until I make it inside the empty cupboard under the breakfast bar.

  The scent of pine—and fear—burns my nostrils as I listen for any imminent danger, but I can’t hear anything over my rapidly beating heart.

  “Delilah!” It takes a second before I realize it’s Reece calling my name.

  I open the cupboard door, and he’s there in seconds pulling me out and into his arms. Tears begin to flow as he tugs me to his chest. “What happened?”

  “Someone called. T-They told me that if I didn’t get rid of the baby, they’d get rid of it for me. Then I heard glass shattering, and I hid.”

  He cups my face. “You did good, baby.” His thumbs brush my cheeks.

  My dad shows up thirty minutes later, followed by half of his team. They take my phone to see if they can track the call. Then they start talking about what to do with me. It’s obvious that whoever attacked me knows where I am.

  As soon as my dad mentions a safe house, I put my foot down. “Dad, no, I need to be here. My doctor is here, my job is here. Carrie’s going to have her baby soon, and I’ll need to find her replacement. Who’s going to keep you in line? Dad, please don’t make me go into hiding.”

  My dad comes toward me. “Let’s go upstairs, and talk.”

  I follow him reluctantly, and we step into my room. “Dad, please don’t send me away.”

  He grabs my shoulders, raising an eyebrow as he looks down at my shirt—I mean, his shirt. “First, nice shirt.” Hugging me tight, he mutters, “Nothing can happen to you. I can’t lose you, and I can’t lose my grandson.”

  “Whatever you need me to do I’ll do, but please don’t send me away.”

  Dad reaches out and places his hand on my belly. My son kicks his grandpa, and I smile up at him. He knows it’s his papa. My dad was adamant that he be Papa, which I love.

  “Let me talk to Reece and the guys. Just sit tight.” He disappears downstairs, and I lie down on my bed. I don’t understand why someone wants to hurt me and my baby. Who could hate my dad that much?

  I’m not sure how much time passes before Reece comes into my room. He sits down next to my hip and places his hand on my belly. “You’re going to keep staying here. Egan is going to install a more heavy-duty alarm system that’ll tie into our office. They�
�ll see everything in the perimeter. Someone will always be with you. When we’re here, your dad has the police set up to do frequent drive-bys.”

  I sigh heavily. “I hate this. I’ve never hurt anyone.”

  He rubs small circles on my belly as he talks. “Sweetheart, it’s not lost on me that you’re a good person. Until we figure out who is doing this, we won’t know the why. Your dad says you were supposed to go shopping for baby furniture today.” I nod, bummed that I won’t be able to go, but it’s for the best. “I know it’s not the same, but let’s look online later. We’ll see if we can find something we like.”

  I nod and push myself up to a sitting position. “Thank you.” He holds my gaze then wraps his arm around my waist, pulling me toward him. That invisible pull has us moving closer and closer before his lips brush softly against mine. Our kiss is slow, and sweet. I open my mouth enough to let his tongue flick against mine.

  All too soon he ends the kiss. Before he gets up, he presses his lips to my forehead. “I’m going to go talk to the guys, then we’ll shop.”

  He disappears into the hall, and I place my fingers against my lips. They’re tingling right now, and I want to kiss him over and over again.

  I slip my shoes off since I’m not leaving, and head downstairs. Ugh, they all stop talking as soon as I enter the room. They end their conversation in quick whispers. I get hugs from everyone, and then my dad stops in front of me.

  “Be smart, and listen to Reece. I’m going to find him, I promise.” He kisses my cheek, and then he’s gone. I don’t want him burning himself out, but I can’t tell him to stop. He wouldn’t listen to me if I did.

  I’m left hanging with Reece and Erik. We order pizza, hot wings, and breadsticks, and while we wait for the food to come we start looking at cribs. Hearing these two huge men talk about cribs cracks me up. They talk about design, color, what bedding would match. If I were smart I would’ve recorded them and used it for blackmail.


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