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Beau Page 4

by Roxanne Greening

  It was the sexiest thing I have ever seen. This dominant male being gentle and sweet. Without a moment of hesitation, I was on the back of his bike. My thighs pressed against his and my pussy pressed up against his ass.

  Fighting the moans that wanted to slip past my lips was becoming more difficult as my arms wrapped around his waist. Linking my fingers together, I press them into his rock-hard abdomen.

  The fight was lost. A small moan slips past my hard-won control. Beau's body stiffens slightly at the sound before relaxing. But only marginally. The stiffness was still there. I wonder if other things have stiffened?

  My dirty mind had more cream coating my panties. I wasn’t sure how much more of this I could take but I knew one thing I needed Beau. I'm not sure when I would need to run again and for the first time I had this connection this need for another.

  Something I wasn’t going to leave unfulfilled. I was going to give myself to him tonight if he would have me that is. I was going to experience what it was like to be a woman, to be human.

  Slipping my hand slowly down his waist, I gently rub the very large hard dick in Beaus jeans. Another moan rents the air, but this time it's not just mine no it’s his. The feeling of womanly power joins in with the rest of my jumbled emotions.

  It was time to plan my seduction. I wanted him to take me. I honestly didn’t think he would turn me down, but just in case I needed to plan this out, plan out all the moves I have read about in so many books.

  All those words bring images dancing in my mind and a smile blossoming on my face. Beau didn’t realize it yet, but he was mine even if only for tonight.

  Chapter 9


  The feel of her wrapped around me accompanied by her inexperienced touch has me almost cumming in my jeans like a fucking kid. Starting my bike seemed to have flipped a switch.

  One moment she was shy the next she was determined to get into my jeans. Her hips rocked against the seat as it vibrated from the motors rumbles. Her moans whispered past my ears.

  Fighting the need to climb off my bike and fuck her right here for all to see was hard. The need to take her felt almost essential. Get your head in the game.

  Going to the club seemed like a bad fucking idea. I would be too close to a bed. Fuck, I would be too close to any flat surface. Quickly turning onto the road, I let the pavement flash under my tires.

  “Where are we going?”

  I had no fucking clue. The only thing I could think about was her legs wrapped around my waist as I pounded my cock into her pussy.

  Chapter 10


  The feel of the motor under my ass vibrating sending tingles straight to my pussy had my muscles clenching in desperate need.

  I wanted to beg him to find someplace and fuck me, show me what all the hype was about. I wanted what others in the world were getting a good fucking.

  As crazy as it seems just weeks ago I wanted nothing to do with it. I had no need no desire to lay down and get dirty.

  I mean really, that’s what it is right? You get sweaty and stinky mixing liquids from each other together seemed wrong.

  Sure, in the books, it’s so romantic, so fulfilling. But real life just seemed not so much. That was until I collided with this beast of a man.

  His gruff husky voice flowed over me like an aphrodisiac. The more I thought of it the more I needed him.

  Slipping my fingers along the zipper of his jeans I play with the zipper pull. Just a little tug and it would slowly slide down.

  I wonder what awaited behind the metal closing. Boxers? Briefs? Just his hard cock? I wonder how big it was…

  A squeal I couldn’t hold back erupted from deep within me as he jerked the bike down a dirt road. The abrupt movement telling me this wasn’t where we were going.

  As the bike slowed my nerves kicked into overdrive.

  “Get off baby.”

  His voice was smooth as whiskey and I feared he was leaving me here that I did something wrong. I didn’t want to move I wanted to stay right here.

  “Come on baby.”

  He didn’t sound angry. Slipping off the back of his bike I warily look around if he left I don’t know what I would do.

  “Close those eyes baby and turn around.”

  Swallowing I do as I’m told I couldn’t help it my body needed to follow his every command. I didn’t hear him move, but I felt his hand press between my shoulder blades.

  I was facing his bike and he was slowly bending me over it. His other hand caressed my ass slowly following the seam of my jeans directly to the place that screamed for his touch.

  “You should have kept those pretty little moans to yourself darlin.”

  A smile spreads over my face as his fingers dance along my jean clad pussy. I couldn’t keep them to myself any more than I could wish for him to be inside me now this very moment.


  I would scream the word if that’s what he wanted. “I’m not going to fuck you like a whore on my bike.” I could hear the need to do just that in his voice.

  “Whores get paid I don’t want your money Beau.”

  “Fuck darlin, you deserve better for your first fucking time.”

  His silence had a laugh, wanting to escape I was handing us both what we wanted what we needed. I wasn’t going to wait for him to get with it.

  Quickly undoing my pants, I press them down my hips. The cold air caressed my skin, leaving goose bumps in its wake. Shivers danced along my body.


  For a terrifying moment there was nothing but the wilderness around us. Fear chocked me as words clogged my throat.

  He wasn’t moving not saying a word, oh god I just basically begged him to fuck me, I gave him an easy in and he wasn’t taking it.

  I wanted to cry as humiliation consumed every living cell in my body. One moment I was alive and the next I was cold and dying.

  “I’m sorry.”

  It seemed like the right thing to say and I have no clue why.

  “Shit baby don’t fucking move.”

  Fear took hold pushing everything to the back was a bear going to eat me? Looking back over the last few moments that may not be a bad thing.

  Jumping as his fingers slipped over mu pussy lips I scream in both pleasure and pain as two fingers press deep into my pussy.

  “Oh, fuck that’s a good tight pussy.”

  Wetness dripped from my pussy at his words. Those seven words had my hips pushing into his hand.

  It was like a signal my brain sent a signal to my pussy.

  “Put both hands on the bike baby and don’t fucking let go.”

  The firm tone of voice had my fingers gripping the leather seat my nails sinking deep into the soft buttery surface.

  The sound of his pants hitting the ground had my hips pressing harder onto the hand still deep inside me.

  I waited for him to remove his fingers and finally give me what I needed it was almost necessary for survival at this point.

  Pleasure filled screams ripped past my lips as his finger moved in and out of my pussy. Little squishy noises followed each pull back and push back in.

  My tongue was pressed firmly between my teeth hard enough to numb it, but not hard enough to break the skin.

  My body stiffened and tightened as pleasure induced sparks flashed behind my closed lids. Screams ripped from my throat as I orgasamed.

  I’ve never orgasamed so hard before. My kung fought for air as the scream went silent. My mouth was open, and I was still creaming but the sound was gone.

  My pussy clenched on empty air as his fingers swiftly left it, leaving me feeling bereft. Another silent scream this one full of pain and intense pleasure as Beaus cock ripped through my virginity and bottomed out against my cervix.

  I could feel him still pushing like he wasn’t all the way in. A tear slipped down my cheek as his cock throbbed in my now over stretched pussy. It burned.

  “Fuck darlin.”

  His v
oice was like a caress. Wetness coated his cock as it slipped down my pussy. I thought it was over. Was he ever going to move?

  I wanted to scream at him to move to take me to the place I was just at.

  “Hold on baby.”

  The very second baby left his mouth, he was moving. Not in the gentle in and out way I expected no he was pulling back and slamming into me hard.

  Planting my feet into the dirt I try to keep my balance. I could feel him in my tummy with each thrust it felt like he was getting bigger going in deeper.

  His hands gripped my hips tightening with each thrust. I could feel his nails sinking into my flesh. Digging deep enough to leave little crescent bruises behind.

  Pleasure sparked along my nerves my muscle tightened uncontrollably. The pain made way for the most beautiful pleasure.

  Fireworks danced before my vision as his cock throbbed deep within me. The veins in his cock rubbed my sensitive flesh adding to the pleasure.

  I could feel everything. The cool night air, his warm flesh as it rubbed against my naked skin, the stretching of my body to accommodate him everything only heightened what I already felt.

  This was what the books talked about, but it was so much more. Sure, in the black and white print, it describes the pleasure and all the steps but this this was something else entirely.

  The world around me shattered as all the pleasure exploded within me. The old me shattered with it and each thrust of his hard cock put the pieces together.

  He was remaking me. Screams of pleasure erupted around us as he pounded into me over and over.

  The orgasm kept going on and on with each new thrust giving it more power.

  I thought I was dying that he was going to kill me with pleasure.

  “Fuck darlin.”

  The moment those words passed his lips and reached my ears he swelled deep within me.

  Stretching me further adding a hint of pain with the pleasure sending me into another mini orgasm.

  Beau's body stiffened as he slammed into me again, this time he hit my cervix and stayed there. Warmth. It spread like wildfire in my pussy this heat as he jerked behind me.

  Slumping forward I rest my face on the soft seat of his bike. I would have fallen forward in a puddle of nothingness if not for him holding me up.

  “You okay baby?”

  I could only grumble a yes or maybe or something like that. I’m not really sure what I said exhaustion stamped me like an over stamped package.

  I just wanted to curl up in a ball and drift in the peace his magic cock just gave me. The hands on my hips tightened as my body became heavy.

  I could fight off the sleep for my longer.

  “Hold on darling, let’s get to my place.”

  He wanted me to get back on his bike and hold on? Like stay awake?

  “Yeah baby, I want you to do just that.”

  If I wasn’t so tired, my cheeks would be red just as red as an Indian sunburn. But I was too tired to be embarrassed.

  Beau pulled my pants up and even closed them for me before repeating the process for himself. As they glided up my legs, he would press little kisses behind my ear and on my neck.

  He was such a sweet man. Blinking, I realized I was so lost in my cocoon I was already on his bike and at his place.

  Blinking like the owl I was sure I resembled in this moment I try to register the large white building surrounded by a tall metal fence.

  My legs wobbled as I tried to stand I was literally putty.

  “I got you darlin.”

  Strong arms swept under my legs and the other behind my back, pulling me close to his chest. Securing me and offering me safety.

  I fight the need to let it all go black as we walk into the building I wanted to see everything but judging by the moans and screams I may not really want to see anything.

  Better yet closing my eyes seemed like a way better plan than witnessing a porn movie in the making.

  “What are you doing building a porn industry?”

  The grumbled words slipped out before I could stop them. The muscular chest I was resting my head on shock as Beau laughed.

  So glad my pleasure drunk self could be of some amusement. His laughter was infectious and soon I was giggling as well.

  His long stride ate up the space between where we were and where we were going. Sighing, I press my face into the warm hard wall Beau was and let the exhaustion weighing me down like a sinking ship take me.

  Chapter 11


  Fuck how was I supposed to walk away from her now? I thought giving my dick as a taste of what it was begging for would be the end of it.

  I thought she would need a bed and some sweet words, but I was so fucking wrong, she took everything I gave her out in the dark against my bike and loved every fucking minute of it.

  Emilia was everything a man could want and more. Her sweet voice and fuck me eyes. That tight fucking body her sweet pussy was mine all fucking mine.

  Top that shit off with a sense of humor and she was the complete fucking package. I just claimed her in front of every fucking person in this club.

  Not one of them will fucking touch her or they will lose some very important pieces. I wanted to crawl into bed behind her and pull her close.

  Run my fingers through her dark brown hair fanned over my pillow rest my other hand under her head. I wanted my cock pressed against her ass and her sweet sent all I breathe in.

  I was a fucking goner, she chained my ass with that magic pussy. She was hiding something, and I needed to know what the fuck I just took on.

  Her problems were my problems now. Looking at her sweet lips part as she took deep even breaths

  I let it sink in.

  I had an old lady and she needed my protection. Turning I smile as the realization that all my men were fucking and if they haven’t gotten there nuts off yet well they were shit out of luck.

  The sounds of clothing rustling and a few deep moans reached my ears as the door closed softly behind me.

  Emilia’s words run through my mind porn industry. Honestly in a way it fit. Shit, we could film some of the stuff done around here and make a fucking killing.

  “Meeting now.”

  I don’t bother to look who was clothed and who was still balls deep in some woman I had shit to do and no time for any of that.

  Now that I’ve seen fucking perfection looking at any of them bitches out there just didn’t sit well. The sound of feet and some grumbles echoed around the room as they all took their seats.

  “We have bigger responsibilities boys.”


  Turning I look at Hyde sitting to my right. I let my eyes tell him.


  I smile as the word left his mouth.


  Turning my attention to Jackal, who apparently caught on.

  “I have an old lady who is top fucking priority now.” The silence was expected.

  “She’s running from something and it’s up to you to figure that shit out and fucking fast.”

  The very thought of her fearing something had me grinding my teeth. Shit, she pussy whipped my ass.

  “Say one fucking word out of line and I will rip the tongues from your mouths.”

  No one said a word not even a twitch was made as the words sunk in.

  Chapter 12


  Warmth surrounded me something I’ve never felt before. I always woke up cold. Sighing, I roll over and try to sink into the heat.

  Instead, my face presses into a muscular chest. His scent surrounded me comforting my now frayed nerves.

  For a moment I forgot everything that happened last night.

  “Sleep well.”

  His deep voice coat with sleep had shivers rushing down my spine.


  His laughter brought a smile to my face. It was such a beautiful sound.

  “Where are we?”


I liked the sound of that, but I knew he meant his home not mine and definitely not ours. I wasn’t his girlfriend, I wasn’t his anything.

  The knowledge sunk in and my smile disappeared. It was time to face the real world again. The world where I was alone, and John was hunting me like a frightened deer.

  Even though it wasn’t hunting season I was on his menu.

  “What’s wrong darlin?”

  What do I say? Oh well, I was hoping you would keep me like some pet. Or I was running for my past and all the stupid things I’ve done.


  “Don’t lie to me sweetheart.”

  The hard tone of voice had me swallowing and the words rushing from deep inside me.

  “I don’t want this to be over.”

  Oh no I just said the seven words of one-night stand death. They go right up there with I love you, let’s get married, I want your babies and such stuff.

  “Is that all darlin?”

  Words failed me, so I just nod my head. I was afraid he would catch me in a lie and that I would spew more truths.

  “Who said I was letting you go anywhere?” I couldn’t believe what I was hearing.

  “You're mine.”

  Most women would take offense to me, but that it sounded like heaven.


  “I would say that shit if it was true darlin.”

  Raising my head, I press my lips to his I was sore, but I wanted him inside me again. I know in the books they use lube to help ease the way.

  Running my fingers over his boxer clad cock I give it a massage. I hope I’m doing this right.

  “I know you have to be sore baby, I took you pretty fucking hard last night.”

  Blush stole my cheeks and I buried my face into his chest.

  “Do you have any lube?”


  His fingers grip my chin, forcing my face to meet his. The hungry look in his eyes had me swallowing hard.

  “You sure about this baby?”



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