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Beau Page 6

by Roxanne Greening

  They knew where we were just like we knew where they were. We didn’t exactly hide our presence.

  Chapter 23


  I just played my hand and he seemed relieved? Not that I could be positive about that. Jaxson’s long stride ate up the distance between us.

  “Tell me everything.”

  “Why do you want her?”

  I wasn’t telling him shit until I knew for a fact she wasn’t being hunted by them for all the wrong reasons.

  His calculating eyes cold as he took me in. I could tell he was assessing and weighing my every move all the things I’ve said and didn’t.

  “Jason tells me she’s yours….”

  He was fishing, and he already knew the answer to that, so I don’t say anything.

  “Do you love her Beau?”

  Ice dripped from his voice and a weaker man would have run for the hills.

  “She’s mine and I protect what’s mine, so whatever it is she did its null and void.”

  I would pay any price to keep her safe.

  “Good answers.”

  “Don’t you want to know what she did or didn’t do?”

  “I don’t give two fucking shits Emilia is mine now.” The ice around Jaxson thinned a little and everything in my tensed.

  “She’s very important Beau.”

  What the fuck was he going on about it’s not like she’s the queen of England... well fuck is she? “We need to find her and keep her safe.”

  I completely forgot about Jason I was so focused on his twin.

  “No, I need to find her and keep her safe you need to go fuck off somewhere.”

  “We can work together on this.”

  “When the fuck did you become a hippie Jackal?”

  What the fuck was he going to spew out next peace, love and flower power?

  “Look Beau Emilia is…”

  About fucking time someone starts fucking talking I didn’t really expect it to be Jaxson.

  “She’s our little sister.”

  Jason finished in a rush. Just like that the world turned different shades. She was a princess? A fucking mafia princess?

  “I don’t give a fuck what standing she has with you she’s mine do you hear me?”

  I thought they would fight me on this, but instead I got looks of relief.

  “We need to find her now.” My thoughts exactly.

  “And when we do she stays right here with me.”

  I wasn’t handing her over to them if I had to kill them all I would.

  Chapter 24


  The cold metal dug into my flesh.


  “I’m here Lucy.”

  “I’m scared.”

  “I know, hon it will be okay.”

  Every day for the last month she calls out my name as if I could save her from our fate. She was different than the rest of us.

  We were here to be sold she was here as a hostage and then she was to be sold. It didn’t save her from the visits.

  Shudders had my cage rattling. The sound of the door opening had tears filling my eyes not today please not today.

  I wasn’t going anywhere until the baby was born. My stomach hurt as it pressed into my knees and no matter how much I shifted the pressure didn’t dissipate.


  Her screams echoed around me as the man we all dreaded came walking into view.

  “No, not her.”

  I screamed the words, hoping to distract him. As much as I didn’t want his attention I didn’t want it on her.

  “Miss us sweetheart?”

  Bile rises in my throat. Hands everywhere. I could feel them touching me. Opening my eyes, I remind myself I’m here and I’m alive.

  “No Emmy please it will be okay.”

  I could hear the fear in her voice the tears clogging them. She was terrified and from what she’s told me I could completely understand.

  She’s been here for almost six months and she has suffered everything I have and more over that time. John was a sick bastard.

  He liked us to watch sometime what he did to those he was breaking in as he liked to call it. They were the impure, so they were undeserving of the care we were given.

  Honestly, I was thankful I wasn’t them at this point I fell into their category and, yet this child keeps me safe.

  Five more months and I would be them, but I would already be broken. They were going to rip my child from me and sell it on the black market.

  “Oh, our little red apple wants some quality time.” The desire in his voice had my skin crawling. He can’t have her.


  “You need to remember your place.”

  I could see him getting closer to my cage and it took everything not to sink into myself as far as I could.

  “I’m lonely.”

  A small voice from below me whispered. My heart sunk as Alissa tried to take my place.

  “No, please.”

  I whispered the words. If I could get on my knees, I would beg her to keep quiet, she was one of the impure.

  The sweet woman took as much of the attention from Lucy and I as possible and I knew one of these days she wasn’t coming back.

  “They’re going to sell me soon.”

  The resignation in her voice broke my heart. She has accepted her fate. Something in this felt final. “You won’t survive this trip, not after last night.”

  The cage below me was jerked open and Alissa was pulled through the opening at a painful speed. Her eyes connected with mine.

  “I’m so very tired Emilia.”

  “Shut the fuck up whore.”

  “Remember what you promised?”


  She just nods her head as he walks her out of the room. The sound of the door slamming didn’t cover the laugher that echoed around us.

  The men were here and ready for a little fun. Looking at my dirty fingers I cry. The promise ate at me. I wasn’t so sure I could keep it.

  She wanted me to find her family and tell them she loved them, tell them that she was gone, and it was okay because she was at peace now.

  I was going to be her in a few months and I was never getting out of here. They all seemed to think I could save them.

  That for some reason someone cared about me and was going to come and save us all. I laughed to myself no one was coming.

  I was an orphan I carried my life in a trash bag like I was trash until I was old enough the system kicked me out.

  I had no one. No home no friends and I couldn’t bring myself to tell them it was never going to happen, I couldn’t save them or my baby.

  Alissa’s screams could be heard through the door for what felt like hours. The silence was heartbreaking when it happened, I knew she was gone that she finally escaped this hell.

  “I should have begged for my turn and she would still be here. They all die.” Lucy started to mumble, and I feared she was losing herself in the insanity trying to take us all.

  Chapter 25


  “We may have found her.”


  “You’re not going to like it man.”

  His voice was dark and cold fuck Hyde was a mean fuck, but something crawled up his ass as of late and he needed to dig that shit out.

  Only one person is allowed to be a dick and that was me.

  “Where is she.”


  What the fuck was she doing there?

  “Boss we need to move fast.”

  A stone settled deep within my abdomen.

  “Keep your fucking head on though.”

  “What the fuck are you not telling me.”

  He didn’t say a word and I knew it was bad, whatever the fuck was going on in that warehouse was bad.

  I couldn’t fucking sit here anymore. Standing I grab him by the shoulder.

  “Fucking take me there now.”

  “We need the Carte

  “Where the fuck are they?”

  He just shrugs, and anger had me tightening my grip.

  “I don’t fucking care where they are, we are going to get her now.”

  Without another word I pushed him towards the door.

  Chapter 26


  The coldness was settling into my bones. It was so cold in here. I was so tired of being naked. It was funny really that here I am locked in a dog cage and all I could think about was clothes.


  “I’m here Lucy.”

  Her sigh echoed around me. She needed sleep, I could hear it in her voice from here, but the nightmares would come, and she just couldn’t face them alone.

  It hurt to be so far from her. We haven’t been more than a few feet from each other watching the parties sometimes watching as the other was the party favor.

  I hated this she had such a beautiful heart and she deserved more than she has in this world.

  “I’m so tired.”

  “I know, sweetheart but it’s over for tonight so try and get some rest.”

  She knew what I meant. That the men had their fun and now we had a few hours of peace before it began all over again.

  I was so hungry I haven’t eaten since yesterday when it was my turn to be passed around and caressed.

  They liked to touch the ones they couldn’t fuck. They would touch us all over fingers would go... I couldn’t think of where they put them.

  After that we would be forced to sit in the room as they took their lusts out on the other woman the ones they could do more too.

  I hated watching their spirts break. The light goes out of their eyes as the fight left their bodies. It was like going and looking through a crystal ball.

  My future was in front of me playing out. When I dreamed sometimes it was about them and instead of their faces I would see my own.

  Closing my eyes, I pray for a good moment to comfort me tonight not some nightmare I’ve had enough of those.

  Gun shots echoed around the large open space.

  “Someone’s coming for us.”

  I wasn’t so sure this was a good thing.

  “Emmy are we safe?”

  “Quiet down, honey.”

  I couldn’t tell her it may be worse than we already had but I wanted to hope like a foolish child it was over, and the world would be a little safer. “Fucking find her.”

  Beaus desperate voice echoed and was both music to my ears and dread filling my center.

  “Boss you need to come see this.”

  Feet slammed into the cement floor.

  “Oh fuck.”

  Swallowing as his voice coated me like a warm blanket.

  “Emilia darlin you in here?”

  I wasn’t so sure I could answer that I was no longer the Emilia he called darlin.

  “She’s here. Emmy?”

  Lucy’s sweet voice had me closing my eyes.

  “Emmy please….”

  Her voice was full of fear she thought I died. It’s not the first time that’s happened in here a lot of the woman don’t make it sale they get used and they just give up.

  “I’m here.”

  I didn’t want to say the words, but honestly, he was going to find me either way it’s not like I could run.


  Opening my eyes, I look into his deep brown ones. They were filled with tears as he looked at me. I didn’t want him to see me.

  “Please don’t look at me.”

  My voice broke as the words spilled from my mouth. I was no longer worthy. “Get this fucking thing open now!” Beau screamed hurting my ears.

  “Baby look at me.”

  Shaking my head, I didn’t want to see the revolution I knew would be there when I found out what happened here.

  “Darlin please.”

  The begging tone almost broke me. No matter what they did to me, I stayed solid, but his hurt filled voice damn near did me in.

  “I’m sorry.”

  That was all I could think to say. I was so sorry for running away for not just telling him they were my bosses and friends.

  “No baby you have nothing to be sorry for I was an asshole, I shouldn’t have… I should have come after you.”

  The door opened, and hands grabbed at me. I wanted to scream and fight.

  “I’ve got you baby.”

  His voice was like a balm to my frayed nerves. Slowly I inched toward him and then he had me in his arms holding me close.

  “Fuck sweetheart, don’t ever leave again.”

  I just nod it felt so good to be in his arms and safe. My body was cramped from being in the same position.

  As if he read my mind, he gently lowered my feet to the floor. His shirt quickly went over my head. His eyes taking in everything.

  The moment they rested on my tummy the widened.

  “It’s yours.”

  I didn’t want him to think that it was someone else’s that they did this to me. He didn’t even ask if it was possible to be another’s he just kissed my forehead and pulled me back into his arms.


  “She’s okay darlin Hyde has her.”

  I didn’t know who Hyde was, so I sure didn’t know she was safe. Pulling back, I look around the room. Men were opening cages even the Carters were here.

  It took a moment to locate Lucy and when I did my eyes widened in shock. Hyde had her in his arms cradling her like a precious object.

  My eyes stung just looking at her latch onto him.

  “Come on darlin let’s, get you home.”

  I knew he had questions, but I wasn’t ready to share them. I wasn’t sure I would ever be ready to share them.


  Five months later…


  I’ll show her push with a swift kick to the face.

  “That’s it one more good push.” I was going to break her nose.

  “I see the head.”

  Thank goodness. If I had to hear her voice much longer I might rip her tongue from her mouth. “It’s a boy!”

  I already knew that woman. Really did you need to fill every moment with your obnoxious voice? Her voice was loud and high pitched.

  “Shh sweetheart she’ll be gone soon.”

  Beau's voice was full of laughter. I wanted to hurt him as well, it’s all his fault that my vagina was now broken.


  They both looked at me. We hadn’t decided on a name yet, was being stubborn. “Trooper “Troop” for short.”

  “Was she given any drugs?”

  The bitch nurse asked in her overly grating voice.

  “No, ma’am and if I was you I would take your obnoxious self elsewhere before she climbs out of that bed and kills you.”

  Her smile turned to a frown and her eyes dart my way. I make sure she can read exactly what I wanted to do to her in my eyes.

  She got the point loud and clear if the smoke trail she left behind was any indication.

  “Troop? Are you sure baby?”

  I just look at him. Putting it all in my eyes just like I did for the nurse. Beau was a smart man.

  “Perfect name darlin.”

  I give him a smile. Our little angel tucked into the crook of his arms.

  “Can I see him?”

  I was so tired this labor took a lot out of me. Troop didn’t want to come out twenty-two hours of labor and the treat of a c section.

  Finally, he came into the world and gave me some relief. Beau set him on my chest and Troop’s beautiful face was the most precious thing I’ve ever seen.

  “Get some rest darlin we’ll be here when you wake.”


  “I promise sweetheart.”

  “I love you.”

  “I love you too baby.”

  Closing my eyes, I let the darkness take me into a peaceful sleep. The nightmares were gone and now the world was beautiful.

  Jaxson and Jason
came clean a week later when Beau finally let someone besides himself and Lucy into our room.

  I had family and they didn’t give me up because they didn’t love me. Troop had uncles and cousins. I finally found my place in this world.

  The End.

  Bell Pepper Nachos

  2 large bell peppers

  (green, red, yellow etc)

  Handful of hamburger

  Quarter chopped onion

  Shredded cheese

  Canned tomatoes

  Sautee hamburger and onion together in pan. Cut peppers so beg enough to have a bowl like dip to them. add cooked meat, tomatoes and cheese bake at 350 degrees F. for about 15 mins. Eat however you like.

  Roxanne Greening is a mother of two young children and lives in the beautiful rural area in West Virginia, USA. It was because of her love for reading romances, that Roxanne decided to write her own. However, it is the MC romances that she enjoys writing the most. “Being able to become a rebel, an outlaw (in fiction) is a powerful thing.” And so, Axel, the first book of the SONS OF THE APOCALYPSE, was published in August 2016.

  Her comedy nonfiction, The Rantings Of A Crazy Person, was born out of demands from her family and friends to write about her own experiences. And her children’s book, The chronicles of rocky and binx aka the steam punk kid and the angel of death. Titanic's Doom! Came from wanting to write a book for her son who suffers from ADHD.

  Roxanne also enjoys to quilt, and secretly want to be a ninja.

  Books to date:

  Sons of the Apocalypse MC series





  The Blazing Devils MC Series


  The Carter Mafia Family Series


  The Rantings Of A Crazy Person - comedy nonfiction

  The chronicles of rocky and binx aka the steam punk kid and the angel of death Series.

  Titanic's Doom – Children’s book Dino Doom – Children’s book What’s next?

  Maybe book 3 of The Blazing Devils Series or Book 2 Or The Carter Mafia Family.

  “The characters just won’t shut up. I can’t write these books fast enough to satisfy them.”


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