Broken (Broken Wings)

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Broken (Broken Wings) Page 4

by Sandra Love

  “Sorry, Cam; I was just missing Kale and Ithaca.” Tears fill my eyes at my admission.

  “You know, I still try to remember what our parents did that was so horrible to have to die like that, but nothing comes to mind.”

  “Don’t think about it, Cam. It will only bring heartbreak, and you are too young for that.”

  “Yeah I guess. I think I’m going to go lay down. I have a headache,” he says as we enter the cabin.

  “Okay, I’m going for a walk in the woods. I need some nature in my life.”

  I start for the door. I really do like it here. The woods are divine and peaceful. It’s still warm, even though it’s October, but the colors of the leaves are breath taking; with Mixtures of reds, golds, and oranges—just beautiful. I walk up a small path, listening to the birds and watching the rabbits run free.

  Then I got a bad feeling that Cordelia is in pain. I usually don’t fly, but I have a feeling that she needs me. When I got to her house, I notice that no car is in the driveway. I go ahead and enter. I go to her bedroom; of course, I know which one is hers from the couple of weeks I spent watching her.

  When I enter the room, I see she has passed out, and I notice a picture in her hands. I walk over to see what it is, and I can’t believe my eyes.

  “Oh. My. Goddess.” It’s a picture of Amelia; Cordelia’s real mother. Has she found out her identity? I really hope so; I want to go home. I see a letter that is addressed to her. I pick it up and start to read it. I am completely shocked as to what I am reading. Dean, Cordelia father, wanted to come back and get her. But why? Was her father telling the truth in this letter? I need answers. Then I notice there are other pictures in the folder. I go through them. Some are of Amelia and Dean. Then I stop at one. It is one of my parents, standing beside her parents and smiling. Amelia looks pregnant, so it must be from when Cordelia was still in the womb. I fold up the photo and put it in my pocket. I decide to try to wake her, so I kneel by the bed and touch my hand to her cheek.

  “Cordelia, please wake up. It’s me, Kaleigh.”

  She starts to wake up and then rubs her eyes. “Why are you in my house? I don’t really know you.” She starts to freak out and pulls down the sleeves of her shirt.

  “I am here to help you. I am no enemy; only a protector.”

  “Are… are you a witch also? Is my mother a witch? Why am I a mystery?” She starts to cry. I sit next to her and wrap my arms around her. I sit like that for what seems like an hour, but is probably only a few minutes.

  “Kaleigh, I’m scared,” she admits. “These people are not my parents, according to the letter.” She starts to gesture toward where the letter had been, but when she doesn’t see it there she starts to freak out again. “Where is the letter?”

  “Honey, I read it, and I’m 100% sure it is true.”

  “Wait, how do you know? Do you know my father and that horrible woman in the photo? Please, please tell me. I am already a freak at school.”

  I don’t know what to say. This poor girl is freaking out and wants to know the truth. How can I tell her and not face the consequences? I look in this girl’s eyes and I can see myself; lost and confused.

  “Cordelia, I am your watcher. I was sent here to protect you from your mother; your real mother. She is a horrible person.”

  She turns as white as a ghost. “Wait, are you telling me I am a witch?”

  “I really don’t know what you are. Your mother was a white witch, and your father is an Angel. I have no idea if they are living. The last thing I knew was that your mother was a powerful dark witch, living in the dark part of Ithaca, and your father was on the run, but that was five years ago.”

  She stops me from further explanation. “Why would he run?”

  “Well, because he lied to everyone by saying that The Old Ones killed you, because he didn’t want you to be with your mother. So my parents teamed up with your father to protect you from your mother. Sadly, because of my parents’ rebellion, they were murdered by The Old Ones.”

  “Old Ones?”

  “They run Ithaca, our home planet. They’re immortal. They choose your fate, whether you are a watcher and so forth. My fate was chosen because of my parents. I once was a pure angel. As a punishment, I was made into a fallen angel. I will never love again. I am cursed. I am to watch over teens that are in line to be an angel or white witches, like you.”

  “So, Cameron is an angel?”

  “He is a fallen angel. He has the same fate as me. If he was to fall in love, The Old Ones would murder him. It’s a painful death. I’ve seen it for myself.”

  Cordelia stands up and starts to pace the floor. “So, all of this is my fault? Your parents are dead, because of my parents. My mother is some evil witch that ‘wants me to kill myself’,” she says with air quotes. I look at her in shock. How does she know that part? “I had a dream that she told me to that,” she continues. “All because my father said I was dead. Why the heck would he say that?” She slides to the floor and starts to cry.

  “Cordelia, you have to listen to me. You may never repeat what I have just told you; ever. They could kill us both.”

  “It sounds like The Old Ones are murderers. They cursed you, and now they want my father dead, and probably want to kill me since they have no idea what I am. Wait; do these horrible people, that are my “parents” know what I am?”

  “Yes they do, and I want to change what they are doing to you. You are skin and bones. I also know about the scars on your back.”

  “What the hell!?” She cuts me off. “You know what has been happening to me and you, as my protector just sat back and watched it happen? Why? You are just as bad as they are. Please go.” I went to stand up and walk out the door.

  I stand up and start to walk out the door, but stop and turn toward her. “I was only supposed to watch you, not jump in and be the hero. This was something I was never supposed to tell. I probably will get punished for telling you all that I did. Remember that I was trying to be your friend. You need to stop pushing people away, and talk about your problems instead of hiding behind the blade that you use.” Her mouth dropped open. “Yes, I can see everything you do; that is one of our powers. I live in the old cabin across the creek.” I continued toward the door. “You know where the bridge is if you need me. But I ask of you to not tell my brother anything.” I shut her bedroom door and walk out of her house.

  I really hope she doesn’t do anything stupid. I don’t know what I would do. I start to walk back to the cabin, silently praying that Cordelia will just lay her head back on the pillow and sleep peacefully.

  Chapter Eight


  I watch as Kaleigh walks out of my bedroom door. That’s when the tears start to flow and I can’t take it anymore. I open my bag up and grab my razor blade. I pull my skirt up and place the blade against my thigh. I stop, thinking maybe Kaleigh was right. This might not be the answer to my problems. I’m so confused right now. What am I? Powers? What powers do I have? If my father is an angel and my mother is a witch, what does that make me? Lillian, my mother, or whoever she is, tried to warn me. I wonder if that was Amelia cursing her for warning me. I hope I didn’t put Kaleigh’s life in danger. I decide to look more into my folder. There are photos of my parents, but nothing more.

  A knock on my front door snaps me out of my thoughts. I wonder who it is. I slowly walk to the door and look out. Nobody is there, so I open it and before I know what’s happening, I am hit in the face with an egg.

  While laughing, I hear Kelsey say, “Nobody wants you here. Cameron only feels sorry for you. You should just leave town and never come back.” Then four more eggs hit me. I slam the door and fall to the ground in tears.

  “Why!? What have I done to deserve this punishment?” I am sobbing so loud, I decide I need a shower, so I walk to the bathroom and start the water, turning it to hot. I strip out of my clothes and step into the shower. The water feels so good on my body. I stand there dazed as I wash my
hair and body. I turn around for the water to hit my back. Holding my breath, I wait for the hurt to start. When there is no pain at all, I shut the shower off and step out. After wiping the mirror, I stare at my reflection as I turn a little to look at my back.

  “Oh. my. goodness. My back has healed. The scars are gone. What is going on?” All of a sudden the lights flicker and then I hear thunder in the distance. Then my vision blurs in and out. Then there is a pain in my head. I scream, because it feels like it is being ripped apart. I fall to the ground while holding my head. That is when the vision happens.

  “Enoch and Ezelira. Come to my chambers now”

  “Yes, Lady Amelia, how may we serve you?” They both bow.

  “We must leave now; Cordelia has found out the truth. We must go tell The Old Ones so we can end her. She is an abomination. I will not compete with my daughter. I’m the most powerful of all. Even The Old Ones are afraid of me. She will not have my title.”

  “But mistress, she is your flesh and blood.”

  “SILENCE! Her powers are more powerful than mine and I will not have that. Her father has lied and betrayed us all. He will die as well.”

  Amelia walks to the window to look over the city. She thinks about how beautiful Ithaca is. She turns just in time to see an old guy enter the room.

  “Abem, Darling, we must talk.”

  I snap open my eyes, the image of the evil woman who is supposedly my mother fading to be replaced with the dingy walls of the house. I have no idea what I am supposed to do, so I walk to my room to get dressed. Thinking about everything that Kaleigh has told me. I need to speak with her. I go to my bedroom and look for some clothes. I get dressed, and then I hear a car pull up. Seconds later the door shuts.

  Then my door flies open and my ‘father’ barges in.

  “You little bitch, Lillian didn’t make it! This is your fault!” He walks over to me and slaps me so hard across my face that I hit the floor. “I want you gone! You are not my daughter. I hate you; I hate you with every bone in my body. My brother was always so perfect. He cast me out! So it’s your turn. GET YOUR THINGS AND LEAVE!” He walks out and slams my door.

  I am sobbing while I walk to my closet. I grab my clothes out of the closet, throw them on my bed, and find my suitcase in the back of my closet. I grab it and throw it on my bed. I put all my clothes into the suitcase, and then double check that I have packed anything important or valuable to me. I already put the folder in my backpack, so I think I’m all set. I grab my things and walk to the front door. He isn’t anywhere in sight, but I don’t hesitate on the doorstep in case he feels like punishing me one last time before I leave.

  I walk toward the woods; it is almost dark and I have nowhere to go, but the woods have always felt like home to me. Then I remember I could go to Kaleigh’s. She is the only person I know that can help me, but she said I wasn’t supposed to let on that she had told me the truth. I started to walk toward her cabin when someone step out of the shadows.

  “Well well well, if it isn’t my precious daughter walking alone in the forest. Looks like your father, Dean, didn’t know this would happen; being tossed out by the uncle who had his wings striped.”

  Tears start to stream down my face. “What do you want with me? None of this is my fault.”

  “Oh boo hoo.” She grabs my arm hard. “Your father kept you away from me. I could’ve raised you right. But he had other plans. He didn’t want you to turn dark like his dear wife. Well little girl, he will be dead once he is found. He broke the law of the coven. He married a witch, when he was supposed to marry his own kind. I gave him a potion, you see. I wanted to know what it was like if a white angel and a white witch birthed a baby. Clearly, nothing. You don’t even know of your powers.” She paused and pushed me to the ground. ”Sweetheart, you will never know.”

  I never expected what happens next. Every part of her starts to glow black, even her eyes. She looks so evil that I start to panic, thinking now is the time I will exit this earth. Then she raises her hand and shoots out a ball of flame toward me. I scream and place my hands over my face and fall to the ground, waiting for my death. Nothing happens. I open my eyes and see I am glowing as well. It is some sort of force field protecting me. I feel funny, but strangely comforted. The force field has a purple tint to it that I can’t explain, but it’s incredibly beautiful and gives me a moment of peace. It is glowing bright, but then all of a sudden it bursts forward and knocks Amelia over. I hear her gasp, but cannot see her as I feel like I have blacked out for a moment.

  When I can see again, I stand up and back away. I stop when I run into something hard. I turn slowly and see those beautiful blue eyes and jet black hair that I’ve thought about since English class. He was a true god. I had this weird urge to kiss him.

  “Hey; are you okay?” He is inches from my face with his arms wrapped around me.

  “Yes. Oh!” I exclaimed, finally remembering what had just occurred. “Wait, the woman… where is she?” I break free from his grip and look around. She vanished.

  Chapter Nine


  I can’t just sit here in this cabin; I need to get out of here. I can’t keep my mind off her and her beautiful grey eyes, her long flowing black hair. She has a rockin’ body, too. Woah! I think. Where did that come from? I really don’t need to be thinking about that. I head for the door as Kaleigh walks in. She looks like she is in distress.

  “Slow down, Sis. What’s wrong with you?” She stops to look at me and I notice such sadness in her eyes.

  “Nothing; I was just checking in on Cordelia. I started to think about Kale. I just really miss him. He’s the love of my life, and I will never be with him again.” I pull her into a tight hug.

  “I’m so sorry. I wish we could’ve stayed Angels so you could have married your prince charming.”

  “Me too,” she sighs. “I think I will just go lay down. Hey, where are you going?”

  “For a walk; I feel like I’m suffocating sitting here.”

  “Okay; see you later, Cam. Love you.” She starts to walk toward her room, and I go out the door. It looks like a storm is brewing. I love the rain; it smells so good, almost a natural smell. I head toward Codelia’s house. I just want to look at her, to know she is okay. On my way, I notice two rabbits chasing each other. They stop and it looks like they are kissing. I almost feel jealous. I want to kiss Cordelia, but I know I will never be able to do that.

  Then I notice a strange glow and I run toward it. I stop when I notice where it is emanating from. Wow, I think. It is Cordelia balled up, surrounded by a purple force field.

  “I knew you would show your face eventually, Cameron. How are the parents? Oh wait, they’re dead.” My head snaps up to see Amelia before me. “They are dead, because they wanted to protect Cordelia from her own mother.” She looks toward my Delia and snickers. “That didn’t work so well, now did it? I am, after all, only a few steps away from my dear daughter. But, that’s what happens when people break the rules; you’re parents helped out Dean and lied to Abem, so now I’m the one who gets the last laugh.” She cackles like the crazy witch she is.

  “What does Abem have to do with this?”

  “You see, he’s on my side. He wants this child dead, just like I.” She smiles wide and winks in the most wicked way. “I will see you soon,” She finishes before she disappears in a cloud of black smoke.

  . Immediately after she leaves, Cordelia comes to and starts to look around with a terrified expression on her face. I grab her and wrap her in my arms in comfort.

  “Are you okay?” While my arms are wrapped around her, I want nothing more than to connect my lips with hers, but I hold back, because it’s not appropriate.

  “Yes. Oh!” She exclaims. “Wait, the woman… where is she?”

  “She left. Do you know what happened to you?”

  “Am I going insane? What was that force field?” She places her head in her hands. “I’m such a freak.”

�Hey now, calm down. I’m here.” I hold her closer; I don’t want to let her go. She smells wonderful, like passion fruit. Her hair shines against her very fair skin.

  “Is it true?” She questions. “Am I a witch?” She doesn’t give me a chance to answer, but continues to ask questions. “If so, am I a dark witch? Why does my mother want me dead?” She starts to ramble, but I remain quiet and listen, knowing she needs to think everything over in her mind.

  Wait. “So you know the truth about yourself?” She shakes her head and starts to cry into my chest. “Listen Cordelia, what I just saw tells me that you have a white witch’s power. Your force field was light. What I can tell from that is that you have the power to protect yourself from evil powers. Amelia has the power to throw fire balls. And trust me; I’ve heard they kill with one throw.” She lifts her face and looks into my eyes with a little hope glimmering in the misty orbs.

  “So, I’m not an evil witch that wants to kill the world. Does that mean I have no angel powers, or wings?”

  I look at her in shock. “You know about your father being an angel?”

  “Yes, and I am freaking out right now.”

  “Come here, Sweetheart.” I squeeze her tighter and whisper in her ear. “You know I am here to protect you, right?” She nods. “I will never let anyone hurt you or take you away from me.” I move her over to a tree stump and we both sit down next to each other.

  “Cameron, I spoke to Kaleigh today. Is it true you are cursed and will never fall in love?”

  I sigh. “Yes, I am cursed. But I do have a heart, and I could fall in love if it was special enough to break through that curse.”

  “I’m sorry your parents died because of me,” she shocks me by saying.

  I cut her off and look down into her eyes. “Wait, what are you talking about?”

  Her cheeks start to turn red. “I’m sorry. I swore I was to never to talk about that. Look, I really need to go. I was kicked out of my house. I really need to start walking out of town to find a place to stay.”


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