When Sparks Fly (First-Responders Book 1)

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When Sparks Fly (First-Responders Book 1) Page 3

by Essen, JA

  Chapter 5

  I don’t know who’s more ready for the school year to end; me or the kids? I’ve decided to take the offer from the Elementary school nearest to my house. I can’t wait to have my own classroom, designed how I want, teaching in my own way in the fall.

  Look out Westridge Elementary third graders, Miss Hart is ready to fill your mind!

  My last two finals are next week, but more importantly, my first real date with Seth is tomorrow. He’s taking me to a chic little Italian Restaurant on the north side of town.

  Currently, I’m waiting for my mom to finish showing the house next door. She’s a realtor and has been trying to sell that property for six months. She sounded excited about this young couple. I see a vehicle pull out of the next door driveway through my dining room window as I pour us some glasses of tea, so I know she’ll be coming through the front door any moment.

  “Afternoon, sweetie!” Mom is all smiles.

  Right on cue.

  “I take it the showing went well?”

  “Yep. They are ready to make an offer that I think the seller will happily accept. They’re a really sweet couple. Just got married three weeks ago. Speaking of which…”

  “Geez, Mom. Nice segue.” I shake my head; she’s hopeless.

  “Well, I’m not getting any younger and last time I checked, you didn’t even have a boyfriend. Relationships don’t develop overnight and dammit, I want grandbabies while I’m still young enough to enjoy them.”

  “About that.” Her eyes begin to sparkle. “Now don’t go jumping the gun, but I have a second date with a guy tomorrow. Well, first solo date. Rachel and I met up with him Saturday at the beach and spent about four hours with him.”

  “Really?! Who is he? What does he do for a living? How old is he?”

  “Slow down, Mom. His name is Seth, and he’s a firefighter with the SBFD. He did a couple of tours with the Navy in the Middle East. Now he’s some kind of Medical Services chief of something at his department. Tomorrow he’s taking me to that little Italian spot up on Twenty-First street.”

  “The one that’s all candlelit with two-person tables?”

  “Yep. One in the same.”

  “Wow, Macy. You must’ve made a great first impression. That place is not cheap. Good for you baby. Do you have anything going on the rest of the night?”

  “Nope; why?”

  “Well, how about we go for mani/pedis then? My treat!”

  I’m definitely not one for turning down getting my nails done for free. “Sounds great. Let me just grab my purse.” Fortunately, I’m still dressed from teaching today in my capris, so I’m good to go.

  Mom and I chit-chat for a couple of hours while we get massaged, painted, and glossed. I even get my brows done, which were in desperate need. I duck walk back to the car with pads in between all my toes; I’m definitely less than graceful, but Mom doesn’t even seem to be fazed. Just another day in the life of a professional realtor I suppose.

  After she drops me off at the house, I start going through my closet, trying to figure out what I want to wear tomorrow. I Facetime Rachel as I start trying on dress after dress, getting her opinion, and then tossing it to the side. Everything shows off too much leg, and with the injury still very apparent, I need something longer, yet still fun.

  “Where’s that yellow sundress you own. It goes down to nearly mid-calf. That should hide almost all of your sidewalk-rash.”

  “Hold on.” I walk back into the closet, shuffle things around, and finally locate it. Throwing it on, I realize it’s been a while since I’ve worn it. When I walk back into view of the camera on my computer, Rachel lets out a cat-call. “I think the dress has either shrunk, or my tits have grown since I last wore this.”

  “Damn I’m jealous girl! I’d kill for those tits. You should definitely wear that dress.”

  “I don’t know.”

  “Well I do, so wear it. Grab that little white wrap, and if he can’t keep his eyes off the gals, throw it on. He seemed like a total gentleman, though. I bet you’ll be surprised.”

  “Alright.” I head back to the closet and slip the dress off and hang it back up. I walk back out in just my panties, forgetting that Rachel is still on the line with me.

  “Well, that right there is almost enough to make me drive across town for the night.”

  “Oh shit! Sorry Rachel.” I grab a t-shirt off the bed post and pull it on over my head.

  “No prob, girlie. Not like I haven’t seen it all before.” I wipe my chin with a smile, making her laugh. “Anyway, you seem set for tomorrow, so get some sleep. I’ll talk to you Friday and see how the date went. Bye.”

  The screen goes back to the Facetime logo as she disconnects.

  I think a shower is desperately needed tonight. I grab a fresh pair of panties from my drawer and head to the walk-in shower. Leaving them hanging beside my towel on the glass door, I step inside and turn the water up to make it nice and steamy. After shampooing up my hair, I grab the loofah and body wash and take care of the salty film covering me. Rinsing the California air down the drain, I grab the conditioner and work it in, good and deep.

  As I wash the slickness off my hands, my mind wanders to Seth causing my nipples to perk up instantly. Fortunately, my vibrator is on the shelf right above the faucets. Grabbing it and giving it a twist, I slide it down my body and place it at that sweet spot right at the apex of my thighs. Propping my left leg up on the in-shower seat, I grab my breast with my left hand and tug on my nipple. The vibrator buzzes away at my core, sending chills up my spine.

  “Oh Seth, yes, touch me,” I moan. My mind goes wild with scenarios as the buzzing crawls all over, causing me to lean my body up against the cool, tiled wall. Sliding my left hand down my body, I slip two fingers inside. It only takes three strokes before I start coming. “Yes, Seth. YES!”

  My legs begin to shake as the sudden orgasm overtakes me. I lean further into the wall while I ride it out. Removing my fingers from my core, I blink my eyes slowly and shake my head to bring me back to the here and now. After rinsing the conditioner out, I grab the towel and dry my body. Once dry, I slip into the clean panties and climb into bed.

  I know I’ll definitely sleep well tonight.

  Chapter 6

  “So, I take it the lasagna is pretty fantastic?”

  I look down at my all but empty plate, while Seth’s is still half full. “Oh my goodness. I don’t think I’ve ever had anything quite this wonderful in my mouth before. That could, however, be due to the fact that I had absolutely no time to eat today. There was a surprise sit-in by the district and my stomach was so tied up knots that I couldn’t even get a single bite of lunch down.”

  “You sure?” He has a bit of a mischievous smirk on his face.

  “Sure about what?”

  “That it’s the most wonderful thing you’ve ever had in your mouth.”

  I feel my cheeks flush red and cast my eyes down at the polka dot tablecloth. Wow, just full of surprises tonight aren’t we there Mr. No-Holds-Barred. Wiping the sauce from my lips, I look back up and decide two can play this game. “Well, I haven’t tried everything yet tonight.” I lick my lips at him.

  “Well then, let’s not deny you any longer.” He motions for the maître d to come over, and I’m certain he’s going to ask for the check. “This lovely young lady thinks that the chef’s lasagna is the most amazing and authentic Italian she’s ever had pass through her lips. Please give him our regards. Oh and,” he pauses, and I’m starting to feel the tingle just thinking about what I hope he’ll do to me later, “could you please bring us the dessert menu? Thank you.”

  My shoulders slump noticeably, and Seth cocks his head at me. “Something not please you?” His face is impassive, and I can’t tell if he’s goading me or not.

  “No. Not really. Just not sure I can fit anything else in me.” He smirks again. I’m really stepping in it tonight.

  “Well, we can share then. Something a little swee
t and salty perhaps?”

  Okay, now I’m sure he’s fucking with me.

  Taking the menu from the waiter, he looks over it for less than five seconds. “Yes, perfect. The sea salt and caramel biscotti with vanilla gelato. Thank you, again.”

  The busboy removes our plates and my wine glass. Seth is driving so he passed on the wine. A shame. It was a wonderful vintage. “A couple of small cappuccino’s as well?” he asks me before the busboy walks away.

  “Sure.” A little caffeine will help if the evening goes the way I’m really hoping for.

  Seth nods, and the busboy makes his way to the maître d to add it to our order.

  “If I remember correctly, you said you graduate next week.”

  “Well, finals are next week and then graduation is the week after. I’m so ready for it too. It feels like I’ve made a career out of school. I haven’t taken so much as a semester off. I even took some mini-mesters over the holidays to speed things up. Summer break is going to be well earned and completely carefree.”

  “Glad to hear it. I know this is our first official date, but the conversation is so natural with you and everything just feels so right. I have some time-off coming, and I was thinking about a long weekend down in Cabo. Any chance I could interest you in tagging along? It would all be on me of course.”

  My god. Those dimples when he smiles. Poof! My panties just went up in smoke. Well, they would’ve if I was wearing any. “Wow. Um, yeah that is a bit much of an offer on a first date,” I say even though I have a million ideas of what I can do to him in that period of time.

  “Don’t dismiss it entirely. Just, think about it for a few days. I was thinking about the first weekend after Memorial Day.”

  “Okay.” I agree. “I’ll give it some thought. Maybe we can fill in a few more dates between now and when I decide?”

  Seth nods his head with a half-crooked, dimple-wielding smile.

  Dessert arrives, and we don’t do much talking as he feeds me biscotti’s dipped in the smoothest gelato I’ve ever had. I don’t know if it’s the ambiance of the restaurant or the fact that I haven’t been laid in nearly three months, but I feel like I need to try and move things along. When his finger dips into the gelato while dipping the last of the yummy cookie stick, I grab his hand with mine as he places the cookie bit on my tongue. I take his finger all the way into my mouth, wrapping my tongue around it and sucking every molecule of vanilla off of it.

  His eyes widen, and I smirk with the right side of my mouth when I see him shift in his chair. His bottom jaw sags slightly as I release his finger with a pop and flourish. “Mmm, delizioso!”

  “Waiter, check please!” His eyes never leave my face.

  Now we’re getting somewhere!

  As he digs into his wallet, I giggle when I see he’s realized he hasn’t brought any cash and will have to wait for the credit card to be run. His jaw flexes as he grinds his teeth and I know that I’ve finally gotten to him. He damn sure better make good on his earlier innuendos.

  After an eternity, his Amex is returned. He hastily signs off on the slip. We are up from our seats and make our way quickly through the front door and to the valet stand.

  “Your card, sir?”

  Seth hands his little mini credit card style number to the valet who quickly disappears. Facing him, I slide my hand into the back pocket of his slacks and can feel how tense he is. Suddenly and without warning, I feel myself being hoisted by two strong hands.

  “Fuck it,” he hisses.

  Seth lifts me up, one arm under my ass and the other cradling behind my back as he presses us against the brick wall. His lips crush against mine as our heads tilt opposite of each another. I grab his short, styled dark-brown hair between my fingers and give it a tug as I bite his bottom lip, pulling away until it pops loose.

  He’s on me again, our mouths locked together as his tongue explores. I run both my hands up through the hair on the back of his head and over the top. Grabbing two handfuls, I pull his face back until I am looking directly into those deep pools of chocolate eyes. Lust and desire shimmer in them, making me anxious for the rest of our evening.

  “Sorry, but I’m not giving anyone a free show.” He whispers to me as he lets me down.

  Just then, the Hummer pulls up. Seth opens my door and helps me in. Walking swiftly to his side, he leans in and grabs tip money from the center console.

  “Grazie,” he tells the valet and then winks at me. Well, at least I know for sure he’s into me.

  Here’s to hoping this is going to be a very long night.

  Chapter 7

  “Your place or mine?” Seth asks as we pull out of the restaurant parking lot.

  “Well, which is closer?” I lick my lips and put my hand on his thigh. His leg twitches, and I feel his muscles contract as I draw my fingers up and down.

  “Mine it is then.” He turns and does a slight double back. It takes less than five minutes, and we’re pulling into a gated, luxury apartment complex. Driving around to the backside, he reaches to the overhead console and presses a button, raising the garage door to his spot.

  Out of instinct, I duck my head as we pull toward it. “Wow! Tight fit much?”

  He slowly turns his head to me and curls the right side of his mouth up as he turns the key off. “We’ll find out soon enough, won’t we?” More with the innuendos.

  I can’t wait a moment longer. I unbuckle my seat belt and climb across the console, right onto his lap, placing one knee between the console and seat and the other between the seat and door. I settle all the way down onto his very apparent erection. He palms my breasts with both hands as I go for his mouth with gusto. He sucked on a peppermint after we left the restaurant, and I can taste all of the minty flavor as I slide my tongue into his mouth. Our lips slide across one another’s as our tongues dance in unison.

  I start to grind myself on his lap, and Seth slides his hands around my body and down my back. Gathering my dress up, he grabs ahold of my ass with one hand and a hip with the other, controlling my movements, and prolonging the sweet torture.

  I lean back, pressing myself deeper into Seth as I stroke myself on his hardened length. His hands gravitate back to the front, one residing on my chest, the other sliding two fingers into my mouth, which I greedily suck. Arching my back as a moan slips out of my mouth, I inadvertently honk the horn in the process.

  “Oops! Guess the Hummer’s as horny as we are.”

  Seth chuckles at my comment. He opens the door, and I wrap my legs around him as we exit. Pressing a button on the wall by the door leading inside, he closes the garage door and then the door leading inside. He lets me slide down his body once we make it to the living room. I do my best to stand on trembling legs.

  “Just a quick tour then, huh?” Seth points around to the kitchen, bathroom, and etcetera. “Now, why don’t we deal with this.” As he grabs the hem of my dress at the hips, I hold my arms up for him, ready to be disrobed. He lets out a long whistle as the material passes over my perfectly waxed pussy. “Jesus Christ!” he groans. “You haven’t had panties on all night?”

  “Nope,” I say from behind the gathered material. He continues to pull up and has to give a little tug when he gets to the top. My tits burst forth, sagging to my chest just marginally. “Oopsie. Guess I forgot my bra, too.” I bite my nail as he throws the yellow material onto his couch.

  “Fuck. Me. Sideways.” Seth steps forward and leans into me, taking first one, then the other nipple into his mouth with a quick suck and pop on each. “These are the most mouth-wateringly perfect tits I’ve ever laid eyes on, Macy.”

  I grab the top button on Seth’s shirt and start undoing them, one by one. Reaching the bottom, I pull up to remove the rest of the material from his slacks and start peppering his gorgeous, muscular stomach with little nips of my teeth. He slides his arms out of his shirt as I unhook his belt. After sliding the clasp of his slacks apart, I drop to my knees, using my teeth to grab his zipper and slowly
drag it down. The bulge pressing forward against my lips is impressive.

  Grasping two belt loops, I glide his slacks to the floor. He steps out, leaving him standing model-perfect in just CK boxer briefs. To say I’m turned on would be a gross understatement. I run my hand up and down along the protruding outline of his cock behind the deep blue material. He grows even longer, the head now peeking out of the top of the elastic of the briefs. Unable to restrain myself, I give it a quick lick with just the tip of my tongue and feel him flinch.

  “Tease.” He looks down at me with those deep, chocolate eyes. “Come here.”

  He offers me his hand, and we walk over to the large, leather sectional. He takes a seat sinking down and forward slightly. He lays his head on the back cushion, and motions me over. “Step up here. I want to taste that beautiful, smooth pussy.”

  I’m not about to deny anything Seth wants, or that I desperately need for that matter, so I quickly climb up over his body. Grabbing my curvy hips, he pulls me down greedily onto his face. He runs his nose up my glistening center before suddenly taking my clit between his covered teeth and sucking… HARD.

  “Shit!” My whole body shivers from the shock.

  He slaps my ass before locking onto both cheeks with his hands. Pulling me down entirely onto his mouth, he slides his tongue in as deep as it will go. I grab a full hand of hair and start grinding my pussy on his lips, his perfectly trimmed facial hair tickles my inner thighs and drives me forward to what is obviously going to be a…

  “Holy fuck, Seth!” My legs give way, and he is forced to hold me up on his own. What felt like a small tingle starting in my stomach a moment ago suddenly, and forcefully, erupts into a mind-numbing orgasm as I feel his finger slide in between my cheeks and press against my asshole.


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