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Persona Page 20

by Amy Lunderman

  Liam’s eyes go wide, and he has to swerve from hitting the car in front of him on the highway. He gets a honk and a middle finger for his driving, but he doesn’t care. Gripping the steering wheel tightly, he listens with the others as the broadcaster continues.

  “These kids are just that, teenagers, protecting a friend. They must not get that she is very sick and dangerous to herself and others. Their families aren’t at liberty to speak on the matter right now, but they should be aware that a reward is out to be given at her return.”

  Another rock song comes back on and the voice of the broadcaster haunts Liam’s thoughts. No one says anything, when he reaches for the volume button and turns it down.

  He and the others are in a stunned silence, and the only thing that makes him know what he heard is real. Is the fact that he can now sense Moira and her apple scent again, and it floods his senses.

  “Dude, your name is Reynard?” Marty says quietly.

  “Cool it Martin.” Ray quips back to him.

  It’s too quiet for Liam now, and he knows when it sinks in to everyone what they heard. They are all going to go crazy. So much for the reprieve he was hoping for, and with the scent of apples filling him up, he steps on the gas even harder and weaves in and out of traffic.

  He decides to not think too much, until he can get the chance to talk to Charles. Good time to let his second, come into use.


  Adirondack Mountains Facility

  Peter Fletcher is cleaning his hands of Daniel Warner’s blood with a damp rag in the cell. He is very disappointed that Daniel won’t give up his daughter’s location. He did cry out a few times only to tell him that he doesn’t know where she is. Peter doesn’t believe him though, he isn’t stupid. Of course he knows where his daughter is, he cares for her.

  He didn’t kill him yet though, since he might be useful at a later date. Peter isn’t sure when though, and this bothers him some. Dixon has been dealing with the press like they had planned the day before. He knows it’s only a matter of time before he gets her back now. After all, no one can turn away a reward for such a small duty.

  One thing that is bothering him though is the strange boy that was involved, and can’t help thinking he looks very familiar from the security monitors. He thinks that he might have to step up his game plan soon since she is clearly no longer in NY.


  She can’t breathe. Her lungs feel like they are closing in on her and she can’t catch the breath she needs. The worst possible thing that could have happened just happened. There is a reward out for her and her friends are being targeted as accomplices.

  Moira knows there is no way for any of this to end well now. Not with it all being rested on her shoulders, and if anything happens to them now it’ll be her fault. She can feel her persona again, and it’s like a tidal wave now rising and rising up inside her just under her skin. When she can smell a strong cinnamon, she knows that Liam must be just as bothered as she is.

  Everyone is silent in the truck, even Marty now. She has the feeling he is at a loss, as how to make her feel better, and then realizes it’s not up to him to make her feel that way.

  This makes her feel even more overwhelmed and unsure of herself, and that’s when she can feel the tears pooling in her eyes. She has the feeling that she is about to break down and with that thought, surprisingly enough, her persona flees and leave her. Not wanting to question why, she becomes alert when the truck slows down.

  Looking out the window, Moira notices that Liam is pulling them onto a side street with numerous expensive looking houses all around. He comes to a stop in front of a large three story brick farmhouse style home. He quickly cuts the engine, and turns around to face them, looking glum.

  “Wait here for me. I’m going to see if we can stay the night.” He pauses, and rubs at the back of his neck with one hand before continuing.

  “We need do deal with this new ‘problem’.”

  He deftly turns back around and climbs out of the truck. He slams the door behind him as he goes, and the truck radiates with the force of it. As Moira watches him saunter up the walkway and towards the house, she notices that Marty inches closer to her. He seems almost hesitant in his movements.

  This makes her curious as to why, but her eyes are all for Liam. As he is now knocking at the front door of the house, and he doesn’t have to wait long for a reply. The door opens to reveal a young boy, maybe around the age of nine or ten. He is very tall, so she thinks he could be older. He has sandy brown hair and big brown eyes.

  He gives Liam a harsh look, almost saying ‘who are you and why you are here?’ and it makes Moira want to laugh at the boy’s bravado.

  The boy narrows his eyes at Liam, as he seems to be explaining who he is and what they want. The boy looks around Liam and to them in the truck. He then shrugs and calls to someone over his shoulder further into the house.

  “What do you think they are like? They have kids that are like us right?” Daisy asks softly.

  This brings Moira back to the rest of them in the truck, and she really thinks about what the other girl just asked. She is right. They do have kids like them. Meaning they are about to get a crash course in how the other half really lives. This excites Moira, even given the circumstances.

  “I’m sure they’ll be like us Dais, uniquely challenged.” Raven says to her, as she is staring out the window with the rest of them.

  Moira turns her attention back out the window and Marty her hand in his as she does. At the touch of him, she shivers and tries to not let it show that it makes her feel funny. Whether that is a good or bad thing, she doesn’t know.

  A woman with long dark hair comes to the door now, from behind the boy and smiles a greeting to Liam. Her smile dims slightly though, when Liam repeats what he must have told the boy. She then looks to the truck at them, and nods her head in what looks like agreement. She then waves to the kids in the truck and signals them to come inside, and quickly turns around and goes back into the house.

  Moira wonders if Liam will go on in or come back for them. Her worries are answered when Liam turns back toward the truck, with the boy in tow.

  All eyes are on Liam and the boy as they approach the truck and when Liam opens the back of the truck where their belongings are. She thinks that he looks more relaxed now. This makes her wonder if he knows the people that live here, the woman did seem pleased to see him. Liam starts right away grabbing bags of things and handing them to the boy. Who doesn’t look so annoyed that they are here.

  “Guys, this is Casden. He kindly offered to help out, but not to do all the work. Wanna lend us a hand?” He says with an easy smile.

  Everyone shuffles about embarrassingly and quickly gets out of the truck to help. As Moira climbs out right after Marty, she can’t help to think, that it’s nice to see Liam smile like he did.

  Then she disregards that thought though, just like the one she had about him looking without his shirt. Yup, he doesn’t bother her at all, and she’ll keep telling herself that no matter what too.

  It takes no time at all to gather the little amount of belongings they have, and soon enough they are all walking into the house. Once inside, Moira notices that the inside of the house is just as nice as the outside. She sees the woman wandering about across the room, and then she sees another boy, much younger sitting on a sofa.

  Their group, led by Casden, walk into the living room with the woman and other boy. Casden deftly drops the bag he was carrying onto the floor and slumps down onto the couch beside the other boy and the rest of them come to a stop just inside the room. The woman faces them apologetically before giving a stern look to Casden.

  “Casden, don’t be rude.”

  She literally crosses her arms over the other and glares at him, and it makes Moira snicker silently.

  Casden looks up at his mother, and doesn’t even look guilty of anything. He picks up a controller then and when he pushes the button shooting starts from the larg
e television from across the room.

  “Sorry, I’m just in the middle of a game. If I knew we were expecting company, I wouldn’t have started it.” He says distractedly.

  Shaking her head, she faces them again and gives them a sincere smile.

  “I’m sure Liam forgot to mention, but I’m Jo and these lovely angels are my boys. The one playing the God awful game is Casden, and the one here on the laptop is Kai.”

  She points to each of the boys as she talks, and the smaller one Kai absently lifts his hand to them.

  “You are all welcome to make to make yourselves at home. Charles won’t be back till later with your passports, so take a load off.”

  With another smile, Jo disappears around the corner and heads for the Kitchen, Moira suspects. Left alone with the boys now, they are all unsure of what to do. Then Raven just shrugs and walks over to Kai and kneels down next to him. He doesn’t even look up or say anything. He just turns the laptop so she can see what he is doing.

  Now Marty and Ray both wander over to Casden, and start commenting on who to shoot in his game. They get pretty rowdy and Liam goes over to them laughing. This makes Moira smile, as this is seriously the first moment where they are all having a good time.

  She wonders if maybe she should let go of her animosity towards Liam. He can’t be all that bad, if he can be so at peace here. Then for reasons she doesn’t know, it makes her sad.

  As the others are busy, Moira notices that she and daisy are the only ones left unoccupied. The girls share a look at the same time, and Daisy steps over to her.

  “Want to help out Jo with whatever it is she is doing? By the smell, I’m thinking dinner.”

  Moira smiles with a nod of her head, and the two of them make a quick exit out of the room. As she follows Daisy towards the smell of chicken, she relishes in this carefree moment. They still have to talk about what they heard on the radio, and she knows it’s not a talk she is going to want to have.


  They are all sitting at the dining room table together, and Liam almost chokes on a piece of chicken when Charles tells the others a story about him. It’s been like this for a while now, ever since Charles had got home. The man seriously refused to admit they had a problem, and decided to make the best of the situation. This is fine with Liam, anything to take his mind off of things.

  The others seem to be enjoying themselves too, much to his pleasure. He can’t help to notice the way Moira’s eyes light up when she laughs, and her laughter is like music to his ears. Usually he would stop himself from thinking anything like this about anyone, especially about a girl that most likely loathes him. But he can’t help the feelings he’s been having regarding her, and he’s not sure he wants too either.

  “You’re saying Liam did, what, to a squirrel?” Raven snorts out between sips of her soda.

  Liam feels his cheeks heat up as he shakes his head, and shares a look with Charles. Who looks way too pleased with himself to be embarrassing Liam. He doesn’t his friend from explaining though. It wouldn’t sound right not to hear the whole story.

  Or at least that is what Liam tells himself. Leaning across his empty plate, Charles smirks as he continues.

  “You see, our Liam here, was a very quirky little boy. He always tried to act tougher than he really was, and did the most ridiculous things. One of those was trying to catch a live squirrel.”

  Everyone turns to look at him, except for Charles, and give him a ‘are you insane’ kind of expression. He just shrugs and tries not to laugh, and nods at Charles to continue.

  “So here was this skinny little ten year old, running around in my back yard like a chicken with its head cut off. He’s not the stealthiest, our Liam. He wound up climbing into a tree, that was too weak for him, and he and the squirrel both came crashing down.”

  This gets sounds of alarm and a few displeased ones, like it was his fault for injuring the tree or squirrel. Alright, he admits, it wasn’t his brightest idea.

  “As predicted, he and the squirrel were both hurt in the fall and you know what Liam did?” He pauses for dramatic effect and they all hang on his every word.

  “The little shit came jumping up screaming to makes sure the damn squirrel was fine. It was of course, but Liam here had a broken leg. And was insufferable for weeks after.”

  This makes half of them give him sweet looks, most from the ladies. The other half give him a look that makes him feel like a wuss. He admits to being fine with his manhood.

  “Awe, Liam. We had no idea you were so tenderhearted.” Daisy coos at him.

  This makes his blush deepen, which makes everyone cackle with laughter, and then of course his blush deepens still. He shakes his head, of all people. He didn’t think sweet Daisy would pick on him. He thinks he is getting to close to these kids, and that can’t be good.

  “Come on Daisy, leave the poor guy alone. It’s not his fault he is apparently an old sap.” Ray says admonishingly.

  “Thanks man.” Liam retorts back.

  Ray nods to him, as if saying, sure anytime. He is about to stick up for his manhood, when he senses the all too familiar apple scent. Turning to face Moira, he finds her watching him with a strange look on her face. It’s one he can’t entirely read either, and it makes him feel kind of funny.

  That’s when he realizes the feeling his is persona creeping up on him. It’s like a light buzzing hum that is vibrating along his skin. Unlike all the times before, when it makes him feel out of control and close to changing, this time it doesn’t. Instead this feeling along with the scent, envelope him like a warm blanket on a cold winter night.

  It gives him the illusion of being safe. She gives him a brief smile, before she goes back to the new conversation piece with the others. Watching her now, he has a deep sadness and guilt riding up inside him. He blames himself for her not smiling in a long while. He vows to make it a mission to make her smile more, even if things get worse for them.

  After dinner, they all split up and he and Charles go into his private study to talk about what is going on. After a lot of explaining on Liam’s part, they are finally on the current topic of the reward out for Moira. Charles is seated behind his old oak desk, and Liam is lounging on a torn loveseat across from him.

  “To be completely honest Liam, I don’t like that you’re involved in all this.”

  Liam lets out a sigh, and thinks as if he even had a choice in the matter.

  “What can I do old mate? Can’t exactly change the past, now can I?”

  “No my boy, you can’t. Wouldn’t it be something though if you could?”

  That would be something he thinks, there is so much he would change about his past. So many wrongs made right. That isn’t an option though, and this isn’t helping the current problem.

  “So what’s your sage advice Charlie?” Liam asks after a moment of silence.

  Charles is the one to sigh now, and Lima watches as the man leans back in his desk chair and rub his face with his hands. When he lowers them and sits back up, Liam thinks this is the first time he had ever seen him look so haunted. Things must be bad then, to do that to Charles.

  “Be very careful Liam. That is all I can offer for now. Watch your back like a paranoid hawk and don’t trust anyone.”

  Liam sits up now and give Charles a once over.

  “Seriously that’s it?”

  “I’m not kidding Liam, be very careful. Not everyone will be kind enough to help all of you. Don’t even trust some of the pack members you meet. There are spying eyes in every corner, so keep a look out.”

  Liam stares at him and doesn’t know what to say. Just that the man has gotten highly paranoid in his old age. But, he is trustworthy and will listen to him anyways.

  The guys catch up a while longer with Liam filling Charles on how his parents are doing, mostly skipping his father related topics. He sticks to his mom instead and how she is a front runner for the rights bill that is in works right now. Charles listens but doesn’t real
ly chime in about it, he does talk a great deal about his boys though. It makes Liam wish his own father talked that way about him.

  What’s done is done, no use crying over spilled milk on that one. After a while, Charles hands over the infamous passports that they value their lives on. Liam is just relieved he was able to get them in light of the new situation with the reward. Charles reassured him though, saying their names get changed on it for a reason. Good enough, Liam decides.

  Following behind Charles, Liam walks into the living room with the others. Ray is sitting on the floor with Casden and Kai playing video games again, and by the older boys groans it seems he is getting his butt kicked. Daisy and Raven are currently helping Jo clean up the dining room table and bring out a dessert of some sort for them.

  He notices though, that Moira and Marty both are suspiciously missing from the area. He can’t help the ugly ball of hatred and jealousy that surges through him. He goes over to sit beside Ray and the boys on the floor, even though all he wants is to go yelling for Marty and punch him a good one. He knows that wouldn’t be right and he has no claim to Moira, but it doesn’t stop him from feeling like he does.

  Chapter Fifteen

  Lying on a strange bed in a strange room makes Moira long for home. It’s a small comfort having Marty beside her, but she still wishes to be someplace else and at another time. After dinner she was feeling strangely tired and needed to lie down. She knows she hasn’t exactly rested like she should, but she doubt lack of sleep is what is making her tired. An option yes, but the reason no.

  Moira believes the reasoning behind her exhaustion is based on everything that had happed to her recently. It has to weight on her mind and body, after all that Fletcher did while she was captured. Her body might be healed, but her mind sure isn’t, and she doesn’t know how to make it better.

  When she was sitting at the table and laughing with everyone, she felt like an imposter. How can she laugh and be carefree, she thinks, when nothing is. It felt wrong and made her guilty to be able to laugh and smile along with everyone else. She knows she probably has just as much right as anyone else to be happy, especially now, but it feels funny to her. Thank goodness for Marty, she realizes. He noticed before she even did, that she needed to lie down before she fell over.


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