Biker in Black_A Motorcycle Club Romance

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Biker in Black_A Motorcycle Club Romance Page 5

by April Lust

  I did the only thing I could do: I pushed myself away from him, breaking our eye contact, and went back into thinking mode. Or rather, I tried to.

  “No, Torch. Fuck. Okay. Here’s the thing.” And I looked him back in the eyes, sucking in my lower lip as I thought how best to play this. “Listen. I do need help. But later, not now. First, I have something I gotta take care of. But then after, then I could maybe really use your help. But you gotta understand I’m calling the shots tonight. In fact, I’m calling the shots from now on. And you gotta be good with that. Okay, baby?”

  “You are so cute. You know that, right? Because that’s about the funniest thing I’ve ever heard. Have you met me yet? You have control issues, babe. And I am here to solve them. I call the shots. Always. Me. Not you. Me. Sweet little thing.” Those last three words were under his breath, as he smiled at me almost pityingly.

  My temper broke. “Ha! The last thing I need is another man telling me what to do, Torch. No fucking way!”

  “No, you’re right. You don’t need another man. In fact, another man is exactly what you don’t need, and what you will not have. I won’t allow it. Nice that you are finally catchin’ on.”

  I huffed. “You are so infuriating! You know what I mean. I don’t need any man. I call the shots in my life, Torch. I do. Not you. And not anyone else.”

  “You’re right. Not anyone else, except me. You and your fucking mouth, Erin. So dirty. You need another lesson tonight? Huh, baby? That what you want? I can be down with that. Tell me what you need.”

  “Torch, you are driving me nuts. Get over yourself!”

  “Baby, I’m goin’ to get over you. Right, the fuck, now. Because I know you are wet as the ocean right now—I can smell you. And it is time you learned what benefits there are for you when you finally admit it is me that you want and need. And that you like it when I take control.”

  My mouth dropped open in shock. This man had a way of twisting everything around. He was fucking brilliant. And I was fucked.

  He palmed the nape of my neck and guided me to the private rooms. And all of the Damned Angels guys, who had apparently been enjoying the show, were chuckling, and some even clapped as we made our way back. And my stupid heart was beating loud with the pounding music.

  And, goddamnit, my feet skipped along behind him.

  Chapter 6


  As far as I was concerned, Erin had earned herself a good long lesson in giving up control. I was really looking forward to this. To be honest, I’d been looking forward to this for a really long time. The club no-hands rule made it tough on guys like me. Totally understandable, and the girls needed the rule in order to be safe, so mine was hardly an arguable position. Still, my body craved the ability to finally take over Erin’s. Last night had been a necessary and excellent first step. Tonight would make things a hell of a lot more clear to her. I was finally gonna get to teach her how things would be. To the advantage of both of us. Finally.

  The door shut and clicked behind her, and I once again caged her against it, hitting the Occupied button in the process.

  “You gotta learn, baby doll, you are not calling the shots. I say what, and I say when. You do as you’re told, and you keep your mouth shut unless I ask you a direct question. And when I do, you answer it. Got it?”

  “What the fu—”

  “It’s a yes-or-no question, babe. You got it?”

  Her eyes widened, and she paused before answering. “Well, yes, the fuck, sir,” she answered belligerently. And obediently.

  I smirked. “Good. Lose the pasties.”

  She peeled them off her nipples quickly, tossing them to the floor without concern, then put her hands on her hips. Her feet were a little spread with most of her weight on one foot; she rolled the other around, as if stretching it in boredom. Her chin was a tipped down slightly, and she eyed me through her lashes. Damn, she was sassing me without even using that mouth.

  “Now the panties.”

  She semi-smiled, turned her back to me, hooked her fingers in the strings at her sides, and bent down straight from her hips, giving me a phenomenal show of her gorgeous ass and her pussy as she gracefully stepped out of the G-string. She twisted a bit to the side, arched her back, and rose again with her chest pushed out the whole time. This woman knew her trade and excelled at it. Fucking hot, all the time. My cock was painfully hard.

  I eyed the room, seeing what angles were going to work best. With a quick lift of my chin, I stepped over to the couch and pulled it forward, so it stuck out into the center of the room, one side now against the wall but the other in the open space. “Lay on top of the back, head closer to the wall. I want one foot on the seat cushion, keep the other one of top of the back. Arms above your head.” She’d have to work to keep her balance.

  She saw the challenge, tilted her chin, and smoothly assumed the horizontal position. It thrust her chest up; holding onto the seatback, her breasts were on display. I still had only a limited view of her pussy; she had what looked to be a sweet Brazilian, topped with a small triangle of soft hair.

  “Spread your knees, wide.”

  She looked at me a moment, gauging how to play this, but ultimately obeyed.

  “Good girl.”

  Her eyes flashed in annoyance. I had to suppress a grin. Pissing her off was so easy, and so fun, and she was just as gorgeous angry as happy, so either way it worked out well for me. Plus, making her mad would probably also make her nasty mouth shoot off again, which also didn’t hurt my plans for her. She’d learn soon enough.

  I walked over to her side, behind the couch, resting my hands on her ribs just under her breasts. I used my fingers to bring them up together against the gravity, recreating her natural cleavage. My thumbs tweaked her nipples, which were already hardened nubs, just waiting for more attention. I leaned down and bit one, hard and fast, then sucked it into my mouth and rolled my tongue over it. Erin gasped and arched her back, her body begging for more. From this position, I could smell her desire emanating from her wet core. It washed over my senses, and my nostrils flared. “You like that, you naughty girl? You like a little bite? You want more?”

  “Yessss…” She bucked her hips up, trying to get me to give her pussy some attention, too.

  “Don’t move.” I pressed my palm on her lower abdomen, pushing her back down flat on the couch back. “Who’s in charge here?”

  She didn’t answer. She was starting to get the picture, and her mind was fighting it.

  “I asked you a question, Erin. Who’s in charge of this situation?”

  Again, she refused to respond. But her eyes were shooting daggers at me, so I could see she was processing the situation, and she wasn’t all in favor.

  I shifted and bit her other nipple, sucked and licked at it, as I massaged both breasts for several moments. It brought her focus back to her body, and again she arched her back, this time giving in with a moan. I kept it up longer, going back and forth between her breasts, massaging them both roughly, nipping lightly, sucking, biting hard and fast, licking and twisting.

  She began to pant, almost keening.

  I finally pulled back, standing tall over her again, pressing flat her bucking hips. “You see how good I am to you? But I told you to stop moving. So stop, the fuck, moving. Who. Is. In. Charge?”

  Again, no answer.

  “You want more? This is not the way to get it. Baby, you gotta learn to play by my rules. On your knees. Now.”

  Her eyes widened, and I could sense her immediate suspicion and fear. It was obvious she thought I meant for her to give me a blowjob, and she didn’t want to do it like this. Couldn’t say I blamed her; she didn’t understand yet.

  I dropped my tone even lower. “I said, on your knees, Erin. Right here.” I cupped the nape of her neck, raised her up to her feet, and eased her down in the open space until she was kneeling at my side. Then I took both her shoulders in my hands and eased her back to sit on her heels. Her eyes flicked quickly
to mine, now getting that there was no BJ on the immediate horizon. But she still wasn’t totally following the plot.

  “Sit up, Erin, straight. I wanna see those gorgeous breasts. Keep your knees spread, so when you drip you can’t do anything about it. I want you to feel the air. I want you open to me. Keep your back arched and your chin tucked down. Arms behind your back, hands holding opposite elbows. You getting the picture now, baby? Tell me how you feel.”


  “Liar. Don’t lie. It’s not uncomfortable. Tell me how this position makes you feel.”

  Silence. She was weighing her options. This woman had such issues with control. I could understand it, but no way was I going to stand for it. She needed to release, and she would do it for me. And then I’d get my answers, I’d get my piece—and she’d get hers—and everybody would feel a whole lot better.

  “Okay, Erin. You wanna play it like that? Then stay in this position. Do not fucking move. And think about your answer.”

  I moved away from her, stripping outta my MC kutte and pulling my T-shirt over my head, tossing them both onto the arm of the couch. Then, giving her a little show, I moved the couch back to the wall so it was in its original position, and I sat down on it facing her. I had my knees out with my feet on the floor, wearing only my old faded jeans with a black leather belt, and my black biker boots with the silver rings and studs. I could see her eyes focused on my body, and I knew she liked what she saw. I was a big guy—tall, broad shoulders, heavy muscle, very little fat. I spent a good amount of time working out, liking the feel of my own strength, and I was proud of my body and confident in its use. That women drooled over it—that was gravy. That Erin couldn’t take her eyes off my chest, six-pack, and V—that was just awesome.

  I leaned back on the couch, relaxing under her hooded gaze, watching her eyes. As she sat there, naked, breasts on fucking display and legs wide open, I ran my hand down my chest, over my abs, drifting slowly to my belt buckle, and I slowly—slowly—started to undo it, slipping the overlay out from the belt loops, pulling it back to release the buckle, and finally sliding the buckle off the opposite end of the belt. I undid the top button of my jeans, which were doing nothing but getting tighter by the moment, showing off the bulge of my hard cock. I was big there, too, and I wasn’t trying to hide it.

  Erin licked her lower lip, her eyes glued to my hidden package.

  “What are you thinking about, Erin? What are you supposed to be thinking about? Do you remember?” I asked her, not even expecting an answer this time. No way did she remember. She was totally focused on me and my body.

  Her eyes flickered, and she actually blushed. It started at the top of her head and spread all the way down to her neck and chest, and it was fucking cute. I had to work really hard to suppress my smile. She would’ve probably taken it badly, thought I was laughing at her. Which I was, but not in a mean way. I fucking loved it.

  “You’re supposed to be thinkin’ about how you feel, sittin’ there like that. Remember? Lookin’ all beautiful, with your tits showin’ off, and your ass all perfect, and your pussy open for me.” I leaned forward on the couch, putting my face a little closer to hers, with still about two feet between us. “How does that feel, Erin, to be open to the air? Are you wet? Are you drippin’? Is it rollin’ down your leg, or is it fallin’ to the floor? Or do you need some more time there, to find out which way it’s gonna go?”

  I fisted my hands into the sofa seats to push myself to my feet, so now I was standing in front of her, belt undone, fly starting to get that way, my erection big and hard behind my jeans. She was still sitting back, down on her heels, so her head was actually below my hip level. She kept her chin down, but her eyes were looking up, glued to my body, and she was breathing shallowly. “Do you feel weak? Or do you feel strong?”

  And she got it. She looked up at my eyes, finally giving me those chocolate depths, and said lowly, “I feel strong, and I feel beautiful, and I like it. But I don’t like it, too, ’cause I shouldn’t like it. I feel like you want me to submit to you, and that’s not me, that’s not something I can do. So, no, I don’t like it.”

  “Wrong, baby. You like it. You just said so. You only think you shouldn’t. I’m gonna promise you somethin’: you will not be doin’ this for anybody else. This is only for me. This is only between you and me. So you can lay down all your shit, and just let it be what it is. Let yourself like it. I fuckin’ love it. You are beautiful, and you are strong, and even when I’m the one in control, you have your own power, too. We need a safe word, so you can pull the action if you ever need to. But outside of that, I call the shots. Got it? Tell me your safe word, babe.”

  She nearly pulled a double-take. “Safe word? Really, Torch? Are we talking that BDSM bullshit? ’Cause I don’t think so. No way. Uh-uh. Not for me.” Then she muttered a series of fuck, goddamn, fuck-shit-motherfucker-BDSM-bullshit-fucks.

  I laughed. “Babe. Get it under control. That’s not what I’m talking about. Take it easy. Jesus.”

  “Then what the fuck are you talking about, Mr. Safe Word?”

  “I’m just talking about control, Erin. As in, I am the one in. You give it to me. The safe word part is only for you; it’s your ultimate veto power. I want you to know you have it. And I hope you never feel the need to use it. You should feel safe with me, always. That’s the point. Because I will always take care of you. But I will be the one calling the shots. Not you. Got it?”

  She took a moment, processing. “Um…okay. I guess I can see your point. Give me a minute. I have to think about this.”

  I waited her out.


  I almost laughed, and I know I cracked a smile. “Why mayonnaise?”

  “Does it matter?”

  “Hell, no. I’m just curious. Why mayonnaise?”

  “Because I fucking hate mayonnaise.”

  And I did laugh. This woman killed me. “Mayonnaise. Okay. But, mouth, babe. Clean it up. You good?”

  She looked me in the eyes, easily this time. “Yeah, I’m good.” She really did look good. Relieved, relaxed, fucking beautiful. And she smiled.

  I crouched down in front of her and ran my hands from her soft, slender neck to her shoulders, down her chest, cupping her fabulous breasts, pinching the nipples hard and twisting. She gasped. I got more comfortable, settling down on my knees but not sitting back, and I drew her to mirror me by pulling hard on her darkened tit bits. She wasn’t expecting it, so she was a little off-balance as she rose up sharply. Her arms unlocked from behind, and she raised her hands to grab hold of me, wrapping around my back, aiming for solidity. Still, she didn’t make a peep, and her breathing had shallowed again. “Tell me what you want, Erin.” I was still working her nipples, working her body up.

  “I want you. I want your cock. I want it in me.” Her voice had lowered significantly, and she could barely keep upright on her knees.

  “Are you ready for me?”

  “Yes, Torch, I’m fucking ready. I’m fucking wet.”

  “You and that fucking mouth.” I palmed her center, slipping three fingers into her lower lips to test her veracity, and they were immediately drenched. I pushed my middle finger up inside her slowly. “This what you want?”

  “Yes. Yes, Torch. Oh God, yes. More.” She swiveled her hips to encourage me, trying to grind her clit on my palm.

  “Not yet, Erin. First, you gotta give me something. Tell me what you were doin’ upstairs with Manos. I never seen you up there before, then suddenly tonight you’re all over the fuckin’ place. What the fuck is goin’ on?”

  Her eyes widened, and her shoulders leaned back, clearly not expecting this line of questioning. “Nothing. Um, nothing is going on. I don’t know what you’re talking about. Nothing is going on.”

  “You little liar. Something is most definitely goin’ on, and I don’t like not knowin’ what it is. So you’re gonna tell me. I’m taking on more than you know, the way we’re changin’ thin
gs up here, so I need you to be straight with me. You’ve already shown me you trust me, Erin. Take it further. If I’m gonna be your protection, I gotta know what I’m protectin’. You owe me that much.” And I pressed my palm up into her clit, reminding her body I was calling the shots and would not be denied.

  She hung her head a minute, struggling to think when her body was screaming for sex. Hell, my finger was still inside her, doing lazy circles and curling forward to hit that special spot, back and forth, and my hand was drenched in her juices. As she struggled for breath, she slowly nodded and raised her head back up to look in my eyes. “I’ll tell you, but not tonight, and not here.”


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