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Mine Page 4

by L. R. Black

  Dad wraps his arm around me and kisses me on the top of my head. "Thank you sweetheart. You make your old dad feel better knowing you are safe." I nudge his ribs with my elbow. "Dad, how many times do I have to tell you that you aren't old? You break hearts all over town." He chuckles.

  "I don't date and you know that."

  "That's why you break hearts. I wish you would find somebody to spend time with. I won't be here forever, Dad, and I want to know that you will be happy."

  "I don't need a woman to make me happy, sweet pea. I'm happy with my life now." I sigh. I know this is a losing battle.

  Dad left this morning for his trip. I made sure he had all his stuff packed and ready to go. I offered to fix breakfast before he left, but he promised me he would grab something on the way. I'm lying on the couch trying to decide what to do with my weekend when my phone goes off, playing Hall and Oates' song "Maneater", Laura's ringtone.

  I grab the phone off the coffee table and answer. "Hey, chick, what are you doing tomorrow night?" Laura asks.

  "I don't know yet, I haven't made any plans. Why?"

  "Good! Don't make any because you and I are going out to celebrate my birthday this weekend, instead of next weekend."

  "Why the change in plans?" I ask.

  "My non-existent parents have decided to come home next weekend to celebrate my birthday." Which really translates into they want to throw her a party to make themselves look good. "We can go back to that club where you met Callum." She tells me.

  "I don't know, Laura, you know my dad is out of town and Callum is covering the night shift for him." I feel uneasy about going out to a club, but she's so excited I don't want to let her down. "Ok. Let me talk to Callum and let him know what we are doing in case Dad calls, so they won't worry."

  "YES!" She squeals in my ear, causing me to wince and pull the phone away. "Alright girl, talk to your man and call me later. Love ya!"

  "Love you too." I tell her before hanging up. Now, how the hell am I going to get Callum to agree to this?

  Chapter Fourteen


  It's 8 p.m. on Friday night and I'm sitting behind my desk finishing up some paperwork for Troy. I'm pulling some overtime this weekend while he is out of town. We have enough guys to patrol but Troy asked if I would work just to have somebody in the office while he is away. It's not like I need the extra money. I saved and invested as much as I could when I lived up north, I now have a nice little chunk saved up. Enough that I paid cash for my house when I moved here and still had a nice sum left over.

  Plenty of money to support a family on, thinking about having a family makes me think of Jess, her stomach round with my baby. Damn. I don't need to get hard while I'm at work, it's a good thing I am behind this desk. I've been here about a month now and it's been amazing and it's all because of my Kitten. I am head over heels for Jess, she's got me wrapped around her little finger and she doesn't even know it.

  I've decided we are going to tell her dad about us on Sunday when he gets back. I'm not waiting any longer, I'm ready to move her in with me. I'm not the kind of man to hide things, especially from Troy. I owe it to the man to be honest with him. I check the clock and see that I have about an hour before I can get out of here and go see my Kitten. My phone vibrates across my desk and I grab it up seeing that it's Jess calling. I grin as I answer. "Kitten."

  "Hi, Cullum, um... I need to ask you something." Her voice wavers and I can tell she is nervous about something. "What's wrong, baby girl?"

  "Laura called and we are going out tomorrow night for her birthday." Her voice rises from her nervous tone to a firm one. I stop the chuckle about to come out, knowing it will only piss her off.

  "Really. And where exactly is it you two are going to celebrate her birthday at?"

  "Laura wants to go back to Rave."

  Oh, hell no. There is no way I am letting her go back to the club where we met. I was ready to commit murder that first night with all the men staring at her. And she thinks the two of them are going to go there on their own. "No, Kitten. There is no way you and Laura are going to that club without me."

  "We won't stay but a couple of hours, Callum, and I won't be drinking. I promise." She pleads.

  "Does your dad know about this?" I ask her because I don't see Troy agreeing to this crazy plan.

  "He does, and he said if we were careful and I didn't drink it was fine."

  Shit. Damn Troy, he and I are going to have a talk about this. If I tell her no it's gonna make her go just to be defiant. "Ok, Kitten you and Laura can go. But you will call me when you get there and when you leave. Don't forget... no drinking and only two hours... or else I will come looking for you, and I'll redden that little ass when I find you." There is a hitch in her breath, well shit, maybe I should spank her just for the hell of it.

  "Ok. We will be careful." She promises me. I remind her I will be over when I get off and hang up the phone after she says goodbye.

  She doesn't know me well if she thinks I am really going to let her go to a club alone, where other men will be eyeing what's mine. I pick up the phone and dial my buddy Derek, he lives near the club and can go there and keep an eye on Kitten for me. He answers on the second ring. "Callum, dude, what's up?"

  "I need a favor."

  Chapter Fifteen


  I stand at the bar inside of the crowded club, with almost a sense of déjà vu. It's been a little over a month since Callum and I met here on my birthday. I'm standing with my back to the bar watching the crowd. Most of the people here are out on the dance floor, Laura had me dance with her earlier. I only danced one song though, it doesn't feel the same without Callum here with me. I glance over beside me at Laura when I hear her giggle, she's been talking to this guy she met when we were dancing.

  He followed us back to the bar and has been talking to her ever since. I glance down at my phone seeing that it's almost eleven. I told Callum two hours and we have been here since about nine. I nudge Laura and she turns from the guy she is talking to. "What's wrong?" She asks.

  "Nothing. You said we would be gone two hours, don't you think we should get going?"

  "Yeah. Sure. But just a few more minutes okay? I want to get Mark's number." She tilts her head towards the guy she has been talking to. Fine, I'll text Callum and let him know we are leaving."

  I walk to the end of the bar where it isn't so crowded and text Callum.

  Me: Heading out in a min.

  Cal: Call me when you get in the car.

  Me: K xoxo

  Cal: Be careful.

  I pocket my phone and walk back to Laura, but Laura isn't at the bar. Mark is missing as well. The only thing left is Laura's glass that she was drinking out of. I scan the dance floor but don't see either of them. I start to panic, Laura wouldn't have just taken off without telling me. Then I notice the back hallway to the bathrooms. She wouldn't have had him walk her to the bathroom, would she? Shit! I think to myself. I run towards the dark hallway shoving people out of my way. I see two people in the hallway, one is struggling, pushed into the corner near the exit door. "NO!" The person struggling yells out and that's the moment I realize it's Laura.

  I run towards them yelling at Mark, the guy she was with at the bar. "Let her go, asshole!" He isn't expecting me to come up behind him, so I take him by surprise when I sink my nails into the back of his neck.

  "You bitch!" He swears turning and shoving me off him causing me to hit the floor. I'm stunned for a minute until I hear flesh hitting flesh and push myself from the floor. I see some guy has Mark down on the floor, punching him in the face. Laura has slid down the wall and is sitting in the floor in a daze. I rush over to her and pull on her sleeve to get her attention.

  "Laura, we need to go. We need to go now." I tell her urgently.

  Pulling her up with me I hit Callum's number on my phone and he answers on the first ring. "Callum something's wrong with Laura." I tell him, my voice shaking.

  "I know,
Kitten. I'm almost there, take Laura to the bar and wait for me." He orders.

  "Ok." I tell him, not even wondering how he knew something was wrong.

  Laura leans on me as we walk to the bar. "Are you okay?" I ask her. She doesn't respond, she just has this solemn look on her face.

  "She's in shock." A masculine voice behind us says. I jump and turn around, seeing it's the guy that was punching Mark.

  "Thank you."

  "No problem." He brushes it off like he rescues women every day. He asks the bartender for a glass of water and holds it up to Laura's lips making her drink. "Your friend will be fine. That asshole slipped something into her drink."

  I gasp and he glances at me as he sets the glass on the bar. "She'll be fine, she only took a sip. She just needs a good night's rest and she'll feel better in the morning." I feel relieved, knowing she will be okay, I know the situation could have been much worse.

  Chapter Sixteen


  I rush into the club, flashing my badge at the bouncer. I scan the room and see Jess and Laura at the bar with Derek. Thank God, I had the foresight to have him watch over the girls until I got off shift. I had planned on getting off earlier and heading over to watch over them myself, but got held up at the station when Troy called. After we had a nice chat about where Jess was at and him being okay with it, I rushed out to my truck and headed to Club Rave. I was fifteen minutes out when Derek called and said some asshole had just dragged Laura off and he was going after them. I flipped on the red and blue lights on my truck and broke every speed limit the rest of the way.

  I make it over to the bar and wrap my arms around Jess from behind and she jumps, trying to pull away from me. "Relax, Kitten, I'm here." I reassure her. She turns and throws her arms around me, but not before I see the tears in her eyes.

  My poor Kitten, the rage inside me is set to explode. It almost boils over when I look her over to make sure she is okay and see the bruise forming on the back of her arm. "What the fuck, Kitten?!" I yell. Derek speaks before she can. "She attacked the ass before I got to him and he knocked her down." He informs me and I see red.

  "Where the fuck is he?!"

  "On his way to a nice cold jail cell. I called the boys that were making rounds and they picked him up at the back door."

  "I'll make sure he gets charged." Derek promises me.

  Jess speaks up. "Um, I take it you two know each other?"

  "Yes, Kitten. Derek is a buddy of mine that works at the department near here."

  "Oh." She says, laying her head back on my chest. She's exhausted, both girls have had an ordeal, and I still must tell her dad about this. Fuck. I dread explaining this to him.

  "Come on, baby, let's get you girls home." I guide her out the side door to the parking lot as Derek follows me, helping Laura. We get the girls into my truck and I thank Derek.

  "Hey, no problem man, anytime." He shrugs before clapping me on the shoulder, then heads to his Charger.

  I slide in the truck and look over at my Kitten, she is sound asleep against the window and Laura is curled up on the back seat asleep, as well.

  It takes us a couple of hours to get back to town and I decide to take the girls to my house instead of Troy's. I wake Jess up and she helps me get Laura into the house and put to bed in the guest room. I watch as she tucks Laura in and then I pull the door to and show Jess to my room. This is the first time she has been in my house and I look around my room trying to see it from her eyes. I have a typical bachelor bedroom. A king size bed with matching tables and dresser. Dark blue comforter and grey sheets, it's tidy because I'm an organized person and can't stand clothes laying everywhere.

  "Do you want a shower?" I ask as I search my drawers for one of my shirts to sleep in.

  "Please." She says, looking tired. I take her in my arms and kiss her softly before I show her to the master bath and get a towel out of the cabinet for her.

  "Bath or shower?" I I see her eyeing the giant tub in the corner of the bathroom.


  Any other night and I would have her in that tub. Just the thought of her in the bath with bubbles sliding over her perfect breasts makes me hard. Wrong time, I mentally tell my cock. Turning the shower to hot, I help her out of her clothes, getting more and more turned on with every inch of skin revealed.

  I leave her to her shower and head back into the bedroom to turn down the blankets. Once done I go and make sure the house is locked up. When I get back to my room, Jess is standing by the bed in my shirt, it swallows her whole, reaching her knees. I'm still hard, of course, and seeing her with her wet hair and dressed in my shirt looking like my sweet little Kitten, makes me groan. I prepare myself for a night of torture. Fuck it, I'll take the torture every night if it means I get to hold her while we sleep. She climbs up into the bed and lies on her side pulling the blankets over her. I slide in beside her and turn off the bedside lamp, rolling to my side I grip her waist and pull her from her side of the bed to mine. With her back to my chest, I wrap my arm around her waist and tuck her head under my chin and let out a sigh of relief.

  "Thank you for coming to get us tonight." She says in a soft voice. I kiss the side of her head and tighten my grip on her waist. "You're mine, Kitten, I will always be there for you."

  "Did you call my dad?"

  "No. We can talk to him tomorrow evening when he gets home."

  "Are you going to tell him about what happened tonight?"

  "Yes Kitten, I'm going to tell him everything, even about us. I want you here with me every day where you belong." I feel her sigh and relax into me.

  "Okay." She whispers.

  I lay beside her until her breath evens out and I know she is asleep, before I drift off, I know I'm holding my world in my arms.

  Chapter Seventeen


  I wake up surrounded by warmth, confused for a moment until I remember that I'm at Callum's. Callum is wrapped around me and holding me so tight that there isn't an inch of space between us. The room is almost dark, the only light coming from what I assume is a lamp outside of the bedroom. I don't remember seeing a clock, but I'm guessing that it's still night, maybe early morning.

  I need to find my phone and go check on Laura, I know the guys said she would be fine after she got a good night's rest but I will feel better when I can check on her. I can just imagine what dad will say when he finds out about last night, I'm even more afraid of what his reaction will be about Callum and I.

  I carefully slide out of Callum's embrace trying not to wake him. I try to find my phone in the darkened room but no luck. I decide to go check on Laura first. Leaving the room, I come into the hallway. There are three other doors down the hall but only one has an open door, I look in and see Laura sleeping peacefully on the bed. I lean on the door frame and wonder what possessed her to be so careless last night.

  Going off with a guy she didn't even know. Dad has always taught the both of us about the dangers of crowded places. Things that can happen to young girls when they are out by themselves. It seems like Laura is getting more careless when we do go out, almost like she is rebelling, I'm just not sure who she is rebelling against.

  When I'm satisfied that she is okay, I go looking for my phone. I find it in on a table in the entryway by the front door, no missed calls from my dad, the last time I spoke to him was before Laura and I left for the club last night. The clock on my phone says it's 3 a.m., Dad isn't due home until late this evening. I decide to go back to bed and get a little more sleep.

  Entering Callum's room I almost laugh when I see him curled up with my pillow. I climb back into his bed, pulling my pillow from him and sliding into it's place inside his arms. He tightens his grip on me, even in his sleep he doesn't want to let me go.

  Chapter Eighteen


  I groan as I feel heat surrounding my cock, I look down and see Jess' long blonde hair spread across my abs. My stomach clenches at the erotic picture she makes as she devou
rs my shaft. Fuck, if this is a dream, I never want to wake up. I gather her hair in my fist and move it to the side so I can watch her. She looks up at me through her long lashes and it takes everything in me not to come in her mouth like a teenage boy. I tug on her hair hard enough that she pulls off me, releasing my shaft from those perfect lips. My dick mourns the loss of contact.

  "Come up here to Daddy, Kitten." I watch as she climbs up my body, still covered in my t-shirt. She straddles my hips, sitting up, bringing her core right over the hardest part of me. It's then that I realize she isn't wearing panties and I can feel her wetness cover my cock as she slides her pussy along it. The little tease is trying to drive me crazy. "Kitten what are you doing?"

  She leans down until her lips are a breath apart from mine. "What does it look like, Daddy?"

  "It looks like you are asking for trouble." I warn her, arching my hips, rubbing my cock against her, the piercing on the head bumping her clit and causing her to gasp. "Please."

  "Please what, baby?" I tease her.

  "I-I..." She stumbles over her words, already lost to the pleasure only I can give her. "Ask me for it, Kitten. Tell Daddy what you need."

  "Oh God." She moans. Throwing her head back, causing her small but firm breasts to rise like an offering through my shirt. I grab her hips as she rocks against me.

  "Do you need to come? Do you want me to fill this tight little pussy with my cock?" She whimpers.

  "Yes! Oh, my God, Callum! Yes, I need you inside me, now." She demands causing me to chuckle. My feisty kitten. I grab the hem of the shirt and pull it off over her head, tossing it to the side. I take in the sight of her completely nude on top of me where she belongs.

  "Raise up, baby." I tap her hip. "You are going to take me like this." I instruct her as she rises on her knees.

  I fist my cock, soaked from her juices. I press the head at her opening, sliding it around and teasing her with the ring on the head. I remind myself to go easy. I ease the head into her, she's so tight. Once inside I let her take over.


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