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Revenge Page 5

by Dana Delamar

“Shall I go?” Ruggero asked.

  “No, I’m having Pino bring the car around.” He started to dial, then looked up at Ruggero. “I want you with me today.” On a routine local trip, like the one he was about to take, Antonio was usually the only accompaniment. At Ruggero’s look, he added, “Both of you. I’m adding Claudio and Santino as well.”

  Ruggero nodded. Although taking four guards was highly unusual, Ruggero didn’t comment further, perhaps thinking the circumstances warranted the extra manpower. But that wasn’t the full reason for Enrico’s caution.

  Enrico set the receiver back in the cradle without completing the call. He should have told Ruggero about Kate some time ago, but it had seemed of little importance before. That was all changed now. “One of the employees at the orphanage, Kate Andretti, is married to Vincenzo Andretti, Carlo’s nephew.”

  Ruggero absorbed that information without blinking. “Do you think they’ve planned something?”

  “I don’t believe she’s involved. But I can’t take any more chances.” He picked up the phone again and punched in the number for his driver. He asked Pino to bring the car around and told him to have Santino and Claudio travel ahead and report on whether Vincenzo Andretti was at the orphanage. If Carlo heard about the four guards, he’d laugh with glee. But better to live with his pride wounded than die with his bravado intact. Carlo had already called his bluff once today. The next time might be for real.

  He hung up the phone. “One more thing. I’m a businessman to Kate. Do you understand me?”

  Ruggero nodded. “I’ll make sure the others are aware as well.”

  “Va bene. You may go.”

  Ruggero hesitated. “What is it?” Enrico asked.

  “My punishment.”

  Enrico sat back in the chair and looked up at Ruggero. “There is nothing I can do that will hurt you as much as the knowledge that you’ve failed me.” He allowed a small smile to touch his lips. “But don’t tell Antonio that.”

  “I would feel better if you punished me.”

  “That is why I won’t.” Enrico caressed the wood top of his desk. “Just make sure Antonio learns from this.”

  Ruggero nodded, then left.

  The paramount lesson Enrico had absorbed from The Prince, the one upon which his very life hung, was this: it was best to be both loved and feared. Walking that line often proved a struggle, however. Too much leniency, and he risked mutiny. Too little, and he risked being hated.

  He turned to the window that looked out from his study over the broad expanse of lawn and gardens leading down to the lake. Enrico smiled involuntarily at the deep blue water glittering with sunlight, the lush green of the gardens, the gentle sway of the trees in the wind. He loved living in Cernobbio, near the tip of the southwest leg of Lake Como. Enrico had been born here, had grown up here. He loved many parts of Italy, but he couldn’t imagine making his home anywhere else.

  But the villa had felt empty since Toni’s death. Even though they’d never had children, the house had been more alive when she was in it. Her laughter, her singing, her humming, the way she talked to herself, the cheerful chatter of her voice, the huskiness that entered it when they were alone—he was haunted by her voice, and the absence of it whenever he returned home still struck him at odd times. Today most of all.

  He’d been fortunate in falling in love with his wife. True, her nose was too aquiline for anyone to call her beautiful, but Toni had large kind eyes, glossy black hair, and a grace that surprised him during their obligatory first dance at the wedding. Enrico remembered Carlo openly weeping when he’d embraced his daughter after the wedding ceremony. And then Carlo turning to him with naked menace on his face, his voice a low hiss as he said, “If you ever hurt my Toni or let harm come to her, I will make you suffer. And then I will strangle you until the light leaves your eyes.”

  Was that why Carlo blamed him now? He’d made it clear Enrico wasn’t good enough for his daughter. Never mind that Enrico had treated Toni like a rare and precious gift, even when she couldn’t give him the family he wanted, the family he needed.

  Carlo thought he’d stayed with her because he didn’t want to reopen the feud between their families. But he would have endured any hardship for Toni. She’d been worth any sacrifice.

  He twisted the wedding band around his finger. It was the last connection he had left to her. His throat closed up, and a piercing ache rose in his chest. He’d never thought he’d outlive his wife, had never imagined a future without the woman he’d given his heart.

  She’d told him she wanted him to remarry, that it was the best thing for him, even though he hadn’t wanted to hear it. But when hadn’t Toni been right?

  Still, it seemed an impossible thing to do.

  Delfina was the right choice. The choice he had to make.

  If I can’t have Kate. He shook his head.

  Delfina it was. Delfina it had to be. What he wanted didn’t matter. He’d sworn it: the ‘Ndrangheta, first and last.


  The rap of a knuckle on Kate’s open office door startled her. Vince stood in the doorway, a huge bouquet of red roses in hand. Her heart caught in her throat and she reflexively raised a hand to protect it. His eyebrows shot up at the look on her face. “It’s that bad between me and you?” he asked. “You look like you seen a ghost.”

  Kate let out a breath and tried to relax. Just baby him along until he goes away. “Sorry. I was lost in my thoughts. You scared me.” That was probably the only true thing she was going to say to him.

  Vince came around the desk. Placing one hand on top of her papers and the other on the back of her chair, he leaned down to kiss her. She trembled at the touch of his lips. “You sure you’re okay?” He stepped back from her. “You’re shivering. You getting sick?”

  She rubbed her arms. “It’s just chilly. What are you doing here?”

  He frowned. “I thought I should check on you. Make sure you was okay.” He kissed her again, a quick peck on the unbruised cheek. “I wanted to take you to lunch. And give you these.” He held the roses out to her.

  She placed the flowers on the desk without looking at them. Damn it. How was she going to get rid of him so she could get the check from Enrico? “I’m awfully busy.” She gestured to the file cabinets. “It takes forever to transcribe these files.”

  Vince sighed, a smile curving his full lips. “You telling me you’d rather work on these dusty old papers than spend time with your adoring husband?”

  She automatically started to smile at his playful tone, but the ache in her cheek stopped her. “Vince, I need time to think.”

  “Come on. There’s a café in Bellagio I been meaning to take you to. It’s really romantic.”

  “I’m beyond romance right now.”

  He pursed his lips. “I said I was sorry.”

  “It’s going to take more than sorry.” She pointed to the bruise.

  “Katie, I love you. Let me make it up to you.” He reached out to stroke her face, but she jerked her head away from his hand.

  “You don’t seem to feel that bad. Everyone who looks at me knows what happened. It’s humiliating.”

  “It’ll never happen again. I swear,” he said in a small voice.

  She shook her head. “We’ll talk when I get home.”

  “Whatever you want, honey.” He stepped away from her and stumbled when his foot connected with her overnight bag. She let out a gasp. What a stupid mistake! She hadn’t gotten it all the way under the desk. He looked down at it, then up at her. “What’s this?”

  “I thought I’d work out when I was done here. Let off a little steam.”

  He stared at her for a moment, his eyes narrowing, becoming harsh. “You’re a terrible liar, Katie. You always was.”

  Kate’s blood turned to slush, her heart ceasing to beat. Her hands went numb with cold. Shit, shit, shit.

  A roar of delight from the children playing outside told her Enrico had arrived. Her heart started to beat
again. She could use this to get away from Vince.

  “What’s with the noise?”

  “Signor Lucchesi has arrived.”

  Vince frowned, then reached for her hand. “We got to talk this through. Now. Let’s go home.”

  She resisted the tug. “There’s something I need to ask him. Can you give me a minute?”

  He looked at her unhappily, then nodded. “Make it quick.”

  She’s so damn young. Too young. As the car sped along the road winding through the mountains around the lake, Enrico pondered his potential bride. He was used to a woman with opinions and education, a woman who could spar with him intellectually. What would he and Delfina even say to each other?

  Talking with Kate was never a problem.

  He let out a long breath. Damn it.

  The car turned off onto the long gravel drive to the Lucchesi Home for Children. Enrico’s chest was a collapsing balloon, all his air hissing out from a hole in his heart.

  Going after Kate would be a declaration of war on the Andretti family.

  When the car came to a stop, Antonio and Ruggero got out, flanking Enrico’s door. He stepped out and was immediately surrounded by excited children. Cries of “Zio Enrico!” filled the air.

  Hearing the children call him “uncle” filled his chest with warmth and took the bite off his disappointment over Kate. As the children swarmed them, he glanced at Ruggero, who shrugged. What could they do? The children were harmless. And it wouldn’t do to alarm anyone, though the presence of Claudio and Santino, who were already waiting for them, would certainly be remarked upon, if not by the children, then by the staff.

  Enrico unbuttoned his suit jacket and hitched up his trousers so he could crouch down to accept hugs from the younger children. Antonio gazed at him, a wistful expression on his face. There had been a time when Enrico had been greeted by Antonio this way, at this place, a time when he’d taken Antonio onto his lap and treated him like a son. But those days were gone.

  Enrico noticed a shift in the children’s attention. He stood up and looked past Antonio to see Kate standing at the top of the steps leading up to the doorway of the orphanage. She was gazing out at the commotion. Enrico couldn’t help staring at her. Hearing a satisfied hum to his left, he glanced at Antonio’s half-turned face and saw a longing there that surely was mirrored on his own.

  Enrico raised a hand in greeting to Kate, and she returned his wave and started descending the steps. She headed straight for him, her auburn hair gleaming in the sun, a few strands of it blowing across her pale cheek and into her green eyes. With a delicate hand, she brushed the hair out of her face. Enrico’s fingers twitched with the desire to touch her cheek like that, to feel the slide of her silky hair. A small, almost secretive smile crossed her features, and he swallowed hard. Dio mio. He felt that smile down to his toes.

  She stopped a couple feet from him. “Signor Lucchesi, it’s good to see you, as always.”

  He bowed his head slightly. “And you, Signora Andretti.” He paused, a grin spreading across his face. “Since when did we get so formal, Kate?”

  She half-turned and motioned to the doorway behind her. And that was when he noticed it—a bruise on her right cheek. Merda! Had someone hit her? Tearing his eyes off the mark, he followed her gesture. A tall, sandy-haired man, well-muscled and handsome, leaned in the doorway, his arms crossed. “My husband, Vincenzo, is here.”

  Enrico’s smile receded. Of course. Santino had called with the news a few minutes ago. He looked back to Kate. “I’d like to meet him.” And if he did this to her, he’s going to pay.

  Something flashed in her eyes—fear perhaps?—then she smiled again. “Of course.” She turned and motioned for him to accompany her. Antonio and Ruggero fell into step behind them.

  Enrico glanced up at Kate’s husband. Andretti didn’t look happy. Enrico’s eyes flicked back and to his right at Ruggero, who nodded. Andretti could have a gun tucked under his armpit, could be ready to draw when they came upon him. Ruggero stepped deftly around Kate, putting himself a little ahead of her. Antonio followed suit on Enrico’s left.

  They approached Andretti. When they were two steps from the top, Andretti smiled, derision on his face. He addressed Enrico. “Don’t you worry, signore. I wouldn’t think of it. Not with all these kids around.”

  “So you have more scruples than your uncle.”

  “It was your pop who made things personal.”

  Blood rushed in Enrico’s ears, the pounding of his heart the only sound he could hear. “Carlo was not justified in what he did. You know that.”

  Andretti shrugged and looked away. “The past is the past. There ain’t no changing it.” His eyes swung back to Enrico. “You gotta know that.”

  Enrico felt Kate’s eyes on him, her gaze a weight. There was so much he wanted to say to her husband. And all of it would make him look horrible to her.

  Kate looked from Enrico to Andretti. “What are you two talking about?”

  “Things ain’t been easy between the Lucchesis and my uncle.”

  When her gaze turned back to him, Enrico said, “Your husband is being delicate.”

  “Will one of you actually tell me what’s going on instead of talking in riddles?”

  “Carlo was my…” Enrico groped for the word in English.

  Andretti supplied it. “Father-in-law.”

  Kate’s brows shot up. “What happened between you?”

  What could he tell her that was at least half true? Before he could settle on a story, Andretti winked at him, a glint in his eye as he said to Kate, “I’ll explain later.” He extended his hand. “Signore.”

  Enrico took Andretti’s hand. The man squeezed harder than necessary. He resisted the impulse to return the extra pressure.

  Merda. His pulse quickened, his stomach doing a little flip. Kate couldn’t hear anything about who he really was. Particularly not from a member of the Andretti family.

  Did she even know what her own husband did for a living? The look on Kate’s face said she was mystified. She must have no idea that Andretti was a Mafioso.

  Kate looked from Vince to Enrico Lucchesi. What the hell was going on? Vince disliked Enrico, so why had he encouraged her to work for him?

  A sick feeling invaded her gut. If Vince was in the Mafia, and if Carlo hated Enrico, perhaps Vince wasn’t really here to see her? A few weeks ago he’d asked when she saw the big boss, and she’d told him Enrico’s visiting schedule. At the time, he’d seemed merely curious. But perhaps he had a darker motive for asking. What had Vince said to Enrico? I wouldn’t think of it. Not with all these kids around.

  She had to speak to Enrico privately, and it was going to take more than a few minutes. More time than Vince would spare her. And there was the little matter of the overnight bag. Vince had taken it; it was sitting at his feet right now.

  Except for the photos, she could replace everything. If he thought taking the bag would stop her from leaving, he was dead wrong.

  All he’d done was make her more determined. But first she had to get rid of him. Fake an illness. She let out a little cough and rubbed her arms again.

  Enrico touched her forearm. “Are you unwell?”

  While she was nodding at Enrico, Vince stepped down, pulling her to him, his body curving around hers. “Maybe I should take you home.”

  No! “You were right earlier. I’m not feeling that great.” She pressed a hand against her stomach. “I think I’m going to be sick.”

  “Come on, I’ll take you home then.”

  She shook her head. “What about the Ferrari? The road is so twisty, I might throw up.”

  “I don’t care about the car.”

  Ooh, that was a lie. But of course he’d say that. He knew she wasn’t sick. “I’d like to stay put for a while and see if this passes.”

  “Come on.” His eyes cut into her. No doubt he was thinking of the overnight bag.

  “I can take her home when I leave,” Enrico offered. />
  Vince stared at him. “I can take care of my wife.”

  “I did not imply otherwise. It is clear she would like to stay here for a time. Since I have business here, I can accommodate her. And you.”

  “I don’t need no accommodating from you, signore. Just mind your own business. This is between a husband and wife.”

  Enrico looked at her cheek, then he said dryly, “I can see that.”

  Kate flushed and jerked away from Vince’s hold. “Signor Lucchesi can bring me home.”

  “Fine,” Vince said, though his tone indicated the situation was anything but. He kissed her on the cheek. “Call if you want me to come get you.” She nodded, and he leaned in close, whispering in her ear. “Come home to me, Katie.” The pleading note in his voice tightened her throat.

  “I will,” she lied, then watched Vince head to his car after picking up her bag and giving a curt nod to Enrico. Part of her still didn’t want to believe that he’d hit her.

  Part of her still didn’t want to believe it was blood on his jacket.

  But maybe she’d get some answers about that. If Enrico had been Carlo’s son-in-law, he knew the family well. He would know who they really were. And she would find out how much trouble she was in.

  Then again… Guards surrounded them. Maybe Enrico has a secret of his own. He looked down at her, concern evident in his gaze. Could she trust him? Some instinct said yes.

  She took a deep breath to calm her nerves. “May we speak?” She looked around at the guards. “Without your entourage?”

  Coloring slightly, Enrico studied his shoes and nodded. He followed her inside and down the hallway, their steps echoing on the marble floor. As always, Kate thought the place was quite ritzy for an orphanage. Enrico spared no expense when it came to the children. They had new clothes, sparkling furnishings, an extensive library, excellent teachers. He even sponsored private university educations for the children with top marks. A man like that, a man who really cared—that was a man worth trusting, right?

  When they reached the door to her office, Enrico’s hand brushed the small of her back as he leaned around her, pushing the door open for her. He’d never touched her in such a possessive way before. The heat of his hand branded her through the thin blouse. He was a great deal taller than she was; in fact, he positively loomed over her. Perhaps she should have felt intimidated, but his height served only to highlight the contrast between his masculinity and her femininity.


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