Deathly Christmas

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Deathly Christmas Page 4

by Irena Nieslony

  A couple of hours later everybody seemed very relaxed and Jennifer seemed to have been forgotten. Eve and Betty had kept away from each other, Eve mainly because David had made sure that she didn’t go anywhere near her. Eve and Yiannis also didn’t cross paths, but Yiannis was hanging around Jane and both Eve and Annie were concerned.

  “I don’t like it, do you?” Eve said. “We should do something.”

  “I agree,” Annie replied.

  Yiannis had bullied his previous girlfriend, Laura, so much that she had blackmailed Phyllis about her relationship with John in order to get money to get out of the country. In the end, Phyllis had killed her.

  “If we had helped Laura, she might have been alive today. I still feel bad about it,” Annie continued.

  “Don’t,” Eve said. “I think it’s highly unlikely that Laura would still be alive. Even if she hadn’t blackmailed Phyllis, Phyllis might have thought her too much of a risk, knowing that she had seen her with John in Rethymnon.”

  Annie was about to continue when the door opened and Dimitris Kastrinakis and another police officer came in. Everybody turned to look and the room suddenly became quiet. Ken turned off the music.

  “We are sorry to disturb you,” Dimitris said.

  Both police officers looked around the room, studying everyone who was there.

  “The only person in this room who was not at Miss Masters’ party on Christmas Eve is Yiannis Neonaki. My assistant here will take you, Mr. Neonaki, outside for questioning.”

  Yiannis shot an evil look at Eve and she wondered what that was for. Had he really expected to be invited to her party? After all, they hated each other and he had threatened her more than once during the summer months.

  Once they had gone outside, Dimitris continued.

  “The strychnine has been discovered to be in the dessert wine. Each person in this room who was at Miss Masters’ party has denied poisoning Miss Anderson or giving the wine to her as a Christmas gift. Someone could be lying as it is highly likely that it is someone in this room. You, Miss Masters, are in the clear with your cake, but of course, you are a suspect with everyone else for the wine. Nobody in this room is to leave the country until the murder is solved. We will be collecting your passports. And you, Miss Masters, I will say this again, don’t go looking for the murderer yourself.”

  Everyone stared at Dimitris, dumbfounded. Their passports hadn’t been taken away in the summer. Annie thought the Greek police must be getting fed up of the English and all these murders. Eve, however, was getting excited. She had hardly heard Dimitris telling her to leave well alone, but instead was looking around the room thinking of who had a motive to kill Jennifer. But did anyone? She knew so little about Jennifer except that she had been interested in David. How was she going to find out more about her?

  Eve’s adrenalin was pumping. Life had been getting a little stale, not with David of course, but with living in a Greek village. It was okay in the summer when there were tourists about and everywhere was open, but in the winter too many tavernas and bars shut down and there was so little to do. Now she felt motivated again, but how was she going to persuade David to help her solve the murder?

  Chapter 6

  The following morning Eve and David went to Chania airport to collect Robert, an old friend of Eve’s, and Alison, Betty’s niece, who were arriving from London.

  Robert had stayed with Eve during the summer and had helped her when she had been looking for John and Laura’s murderer. He was an actor and had previously been one of Eve’s clients when she had been a showbiz agent in London, that is until they had a fling and she thought it prudent he found representation elsewhere.

  Robert was a strikingly handsome blonde haired man in his early forties, who towered above most people. Alison was about ten years younger and was also quite stunning, with long dark hair and an hour glass figure. Betty had tried her hardest to get Alison together with David in the summer, but to her disappointment it hadn’t worked out. As fate would have it, Alison had caught the same plane back to England as Robert and they had got on famously during the journey. They had started dating on their return to the U.K. and since then their relationship had become hot and heavy, much to Eve’s relief. She could well imagine Betty trying to interfere again during this visit.

  Robert and Alison had decided to stay with Eve, not pleasing Betty one bit. Alison had promised her aunt that she would spend lots of time with her, but she wanted to be with Robert and knew that they would have to sleep in separate rooms if they stayed at her aunt’s. Betty was very old fashioned and Eve had called her a prude more than once, though not to her face. David feared she would one day, causing more sparks to fly between the two women.

  “There they are,” Eve called out and waved.

  “Hello, it’s so lovely to see you again,” Alison said a few moments later, hugging Eve first and then David.

  Eve was surprised at such an open show of warmth. After all they had been rivals for David’s affections during the summer. Still, it had all worked out well for both of them.

  Robert then came along with the cases and gave Eve a big hug and shook David’s hand. Eve thought he’d never looked happier.

  “Well, I must say, you two look very relaxed with each other,” Eve commented.

  “And so do you both,” Alison added.

  “Yes, everything turned out fine for all of us in the end, didn’t it?” Eve said, smiling.

  “What you mean is, despite my aunt’s interference!” said Alison with a grin.

  Eve laughed, but didn’t say a word.

  “Come on, let’s get in the car and go home. I’m sure you’re both tired,” David said, hoping to avoid a conversation about Betty.

  Robert and Alison had taken the overnight flight from London Heathrow to Athens and then had a few hours stopover in Athens before taking the fifty minute flight to Chania.

  “Yes,” Robert agreed. “I think we could both do with a couple of hours shut eye.”

  * * * *

  Alison’s eyes lit up when they got inside Eve’s house and she saw her beautiful Christmas tree decorated with white ornaments. It was a living tree and as it still had roots, Eve planned to get David to plant it in the garden after the festivities.

  Not content with one tree, Eve had bought a smaller one for the hallway and there was a surprise for Alison and Robert when they got into their bedroom. There was another tree in there and both this one and the tree in the hall were also decorated with white baubles. Alison couldn’t help but notice that the decorations looked expensive and the trees had been very elegantly dressed.

  Apart from the trees, there were other decorations all over the house; Father Christmases, snowmen, wreaths, the list was endless. Eve hadn’t considered the cost, but then money was no object to her. However, although the decorations weren’t tacky and everything she had was tasteful and classy, Alison couldn’t help but feel that Eve had gone over the top.

  “Your decorations are wonderful, Eve,” Alison remarked nevertheless. “They must have taken ages to put up.”

  “They did, but I love doing it. Christmas is my favorite time of the year,” she said excitedly.

  Alison thought Eve had never been so enthusiastic about a project apart from the murders!

  “Wait until you see the outside decorations,” Robert said. “She used to go overboard in England, so I’m sure she’s kept up the tradition here, or am I wrong, Eve?”

  “I’ve put a few up outside,” Eve said smiling, but not elaborating.

  “That’s Eve for you, always the modest one, aren’t you darling,” David said, giving her a hug.

  They all laughed, knowing that describing Eve as unpretentious or humble was as far from the truth as you could get.

  “Does anyone want a cup of tea?” Eve asked, ignoring them.

  They did, and once they had sat done with their tea and biscuits, Eve started to talk enthusiastically. She had been waiting impatiently to tell them wh
at had happened over Christmas, but had decided to hold back until they were sitting down at home and had her undivided attention. David knew how desperate she had been to tell them about the murder and had marveled at her ability to keep the news to herself for so long.

  “Well,” Eve said. “I have some very exciting news.”

  David sighed, wondering if exciting was the right word to use about Jennifer’s death.

  Robert and Alison looked at her expectantly, but both had a feeling of foreboding. Robert was beginning to think that he might not be going to have a quiet holiday celebrating a Greek Christmas and New Year after all. Something out of the ordinary had obviously happened.

  “There’s been another murder,” Eve blurted out.

  Both their guests gasped. Robert was stunned and couldn’t think of what to say for a moment, remembering the day he was in Eve’s car when the brakes had been tampered with and he thought they were going to die.

  “Aunty didn’t tell me about this. Who was killed?” Alison asked realizing that Robert was lost for words.

  “It only happened on Christmas Eve,” Eve continued. “In fact it was your aunt who discovered the body on Christmas Day, Alison. The woman who was murdered, Jennifer Anderson, was supposed to have lunch with your aunt and uncle, but when she didn’t turn up and didn’t answer the phone, Betty went over to her house and found her body. It was strychnine poisoning apparently. And do you know what? Betty had the audacity to insinuate that I poisoned Jennifer. Can you believe it? She ate a piece of my Christmas cake before she died, you see. However the poison was in the dessert wine she was drinking, but nobody knows if it was a gift or who gave it to her if it was.”

  “You’re not thinking of looking for the killer, are you Eve?” Robert asked glumly. “Remember what happened last time. You could so easily have died.”

  “Of course she is,” David piped in before Eve could say anything. “Even though the police have warned her not to.”

  “You should take their advice,” Alison said. “You escaped death so many times in the summer. You could be tempting fate.”

  “Well, I have you three to help me now. It’ll be so much easier with all of us.”

  “We’ll all be in danger more like,” Robert said despondently.

  “That’s what I’ve been saying,” David agreed. “But will Eve listen….”

  Eve pulled a face. She wasn’t going to give up, whatever anybody said.

  “Well,” Alison remarked. “I’d love to hear more about it, but I haven’t had a wink of sleep all night and nor has Robert, so do you mind if we have a few hours in bed. We can talk about it later. We need to be awake for Aunt Betty’s do tonight. You know what she’s like!”

  Eve grimaced. She wasn’t much looking forward to Betty Jones’ Christmas do that evening. She knew Betty was going to go all out to outdo her Christmas Eve party. And to top it all, it didn’t look like Robert and Alison were particularly interested in helping her solve the murder.

  She was certain David would be relieved about that and would expect to forget about it. Well, she wasn’t going to, even though it seemed as if she was on her own in trying to find Jennifer’s killer.

  * * * *

  Robert, Alison and David waited impatiently in the sitting room for Eve that evening. As usual she was taking ages doing her make-up and choosing what to wear.

  “Come on, Eve,” David shouted up the stairs. “I know you like to be fashionably late, but this is going a bit far.”

  “I won’t be a minute,” Eve called back, slightly annoyed at being rushed.

  Eve wanted to get her make-up and hair just right for Betty’s party. She knew she shouldn’t do it, but she wanted to outshine Betty.

  Well, Betty’s so horrid to me. She deserves it. Eve tried to justify her actions.

  In fact she had no need to go to such lengths to make Betty jealous. Eve was a highly attractive woman even without make-up on, and after all she was twenty years younger than Betty.

  Eve had put on her little black dress for this evening. It was short and fitted the curves of her figure perfectly. Despite indulging in food and wine over Christmas, she didn’t show any signs of it and looked as slim as ever. There hadn’t been much winter yet and Eve had managed to keep some of her tan, so she didn’t need to wear tights or stockings. Her legs were still a delicate shade of brown.

  Finally, Eve walked down the stairs and David gasped. He still couldn’t believe how beautiful she was and that she wanted him and nobody else. Yes, she could be a frustrating woman at times, but she had an exquisite face and a stunning figure, and my goodness, he didn’t think he’d ever loved a woman like this before.

  David took Eve’s arm and whispered in her ear how beautiful she was. Alison and Robert looked at each other and smiled. Both remembered the previous summer when both Eve and David were playing games, pretending not to be interested in each other. Alison and Robert were glad that they had finally come to their senses.

  * * * *

  There were quite a few people at Betty and Don’s house when Eve and the others arrived. Betty barely acknowledged Eve, rushing to hug Alison. Eve smiled to herself, thinking that Betty was probably jealous of the way she looked.

  Eve studied the food, noting how much Betty had prepared. She thought Betty had gone overboard trying to outdo her Christmas Eve spread, but didn’t think she had succeeded. There was possibly more food, but it wasn’t as sophisticated or up market as hers had been.

  She then studied the Christmas decorations. Betty had attempted to outdo her again, and although she might have had as many indoors as Eve, she certainly didn’t have nearly as many lights outside. In addition, the Christmas tree was artificial and the baubles were a mixture of colors, which Eve thought was terribly unsophisticated and tacky.

  Eve saw Jane standing alone in a corner and went over to talk to her.

  “Hello, again. Nice to see you out and about.”

  “I wasn’t sure whether to come or not,” Jane replied. “I don’t much like going to parties where I don’t know many people, but I must admit I was getting a little lonely in that house on my own. I thought it would do me good to spend time alone. I didn’t want to celebrate Christmas this year without Dad around, but I think I made a mistake.”

  “Yes, sometimes we think we know what we want, but in the end it’s the exact opposite!”

  “And now we can’t leave the country as the police have taken our passports. I wonder how long they’ll keep them.”

  “I have no idea,” Eve replied. “Probably until we’re ruled out as suspects, but that could be for a long time. I don’t think the police have any idea who killed Jennifer, not that I’ve heard anything new. Have you?” Eve asked.

  “No I haven’t unfortunately.”

  David came over with their drinks.

  “Not talking about the murder again, are you?” he asked, looking anxious.

  “Yes, but only because Jane’s wondering when we’ll get our passports back. She’s stuck here until then. By the way, where’s Alison and Robert, darling?”

  “Alison’s still having a reunion with her aunt. I think Betty’s having a go at her for not staying here. Robert was chatting to Don a few minutes ago.”

  “Can’t Betty just be happy to see her niece? Oh, that woman!” Eve said crossly, trying to keep her composure.

  David gave Eve a hug, hoping to calm her down. He didn’t want a confrontation between Betty and Eve this evening.

  A couple of minutes later, Don went to answer the door and a stranger stood there waiting to come in. The front door led straight into the sitting room and everyone turned and stared. The man was rather good looking and they all wondered who he was.

  “James,” Don said. “Come in.”

  “Thank you,” he replied in a deep husky voice.

  Wow, what a wonderful voice, thought Eve. An actor perhaps?

  “Who on earth is that?” Annie whispered to Pete.

  He had no idea
and shrugged his shoulders, slightly jealous of his wife’s admiring glances.

  “What a striking man, do you know who he is?” Jane whispered to Eve.

  “He is rather handsome, but I’ve never seen him before,” Eve replied. “And his voice, my goodness, how sexy is that?”

  David was standing behind Eve and he frowned. They were in a committed relationship and here she was swooning over another man. He hoped Betty hadn’t seen Eve drooling all over him. He didn’t want that awful woman to come over and tell him she had been right about Eve. David knew Eve was probably only looking, but he still wished she hadn’t thought him handsome.

  Don was now going around the room introducing James, so David moved closer to Eve. She smiled at him and he breathed a sigh of relief. She had only been admiring the man, not planning to make a move on him.

  David knew he should be more secure in his relationship with Eve, but it was difficult. She was beautiful and he was certain many men were attracted to her. She was bound to find other men good looking, it was only natural, but he was sure she remained faithful to him.

  “I wonder who this mystery man is, David.” Eve asked. “Don and Betty didn’t mention they were inviting anyone new. I’ve not seen him before.”

  “Me neither,” he answered abruptly. “Anyway, why should Betty tell you who she’s inviting? She can’t stand you.”

  Eve was surprised to hear David speak to her in such a manner. What was up with him now? She couldn’t be bothered with him at the moment though; she was more interested to find out who the stranger was.

  Finally, Don came round to Eve, Jane and David.


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