Deathly Christmas

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Deathly Christmas Page 12

by Irena Nieslony

  The party started at eight, but by half past eight, Eve still wasn’t ready. Robert shouted up the stairs.

  “Come on, Eve, I’m starving.”

  “Yes, we all are,” added Alison.

  David didn’t bother to say anything, knowing this would only infuriate Eve. She would probably take even longer with her make-up and making a decision as to what to wear. He didn’t know why she bothered to take so much time. Eve looked stunning in anything she put on.

  At last Eve came down the stairs looking even more striking than David had expected. She was wearing a long black dress, which was unusual for her as she normally wore short dresses and skirts. However, this dress clung to her body, showing off her figure to her best advantage. There wasn’t an ounce of fat on Eve and Alison sighed. Alison had a lovely hourglass figure, but she could put on a few pounds and she knew she had over Christmas.

  Eve had put her blonde hair up for a change and you could see her new diamond earrings dangling. They were a Christmas present from David and he was touched that she was wearing them this evening. He wanted to stroke her soft, silky skin, which still had a hint of brown, but Alison and Robert were waiting to leave.

  “Are we going then? We don’t want to be too late.” Eve asked, as if she had been waiting for them.

  “God, you’re impossible,” Robert said grumpily.

  Alison laughed. It was fun staying at Eve’s, despite the poisonings, murders, break-ups and arguments.

  * * * *

  In the Fowlers’ house, Kevin and Lucy were getting ready for the New Year’s Eve party.

  “What a terrible day. I’d rather stay at home tonight. Do we have to go, Lucy?”

  “Yes, we do. They’d all be wondering where we are, especially the person who turned us in.”

  “Who could have done it?” Kevin asked his wife. “Only Paul knows about my night with Jennifer and he wouldn’t have said anything to the police. I’m pretty sure of that. I’m just relieved they didn’t throw us in jail. We’ve both got a motive to kill her.”

  “There’s no real evidence though, Kevin.”

  Lucy continued to put on her make-up. She was fed up of looking plain while the likes of Eve and Jane went around all dolled up and pretty.

  But who else knew about Kevin and Jennifer? I’ve got to find out. There’s something at the back of my mind, but I can’t think what it is, not for the life of me.

  “Come on, Lucy, what on earth are you putting all that muck on for?” Kevin asked impatiently.

  “Oh shut up, Kevin and leave me alone. I’ve every right to make myself look nice.”

  “It’ll take more than a bit of war paint to do that,” he replied nastily.

  “Carry on like that and I’ll be going to the police and telling them that you crept out on Christmas Eve and I didn’t know where you were going. They’ll think it was you who killed Jennifer.”

  “I doubt it, dear. They’ll wonder why you didn’t tell them earlier and think you’ve got something to hide.”

  “We’re not the only suspects, Kevin. I’m sure they think Paul might have done it after his performance last night. He really went for Eve.”

  “Yes, he did,” Kevin said, smiling.

  “I’m amazed to see you smile. I thought you were fond of your brother.”

  “I am, but if it’s between me and him going to jail, I’d rather it was him.”

  “And then there’s James,” Lucy put it. “I’m sure the police haven’t discounted him even though they’ve released him. I’m sure he’s got a motive. After all, he was Jennifer’s nephew.”

  “It wouldn’t surprise me; it wouldn’t surprise me at all. Look, let’s get going to this party…… and put on a good show, Lucy. I only hope nobody saw the police come into our house. You know how quickly gossip travels in these villages. They’ll have us guilty in no time.”

  * * * *

  Betty was putting on her earrings.

  “So, do you think they suspect either Kevin or Lucy, Don?”

  “For goodness sake, how many more times are you going to ask me that? I have absolutely no idea.”

  An acquaintance of Betty had seen the police going into the Fowlers’ house earlier in the day and had been straight on the phone to Betty asking if she knew anything about it. Betty hated having to say she didn’t. She usually knew everything that was going on.

  “They must be suspects in Jennifer’s murder, don’t you think, Don? Otherwise why would the police have visited them?”

  “They might be, but you can’t ask them outright this evening. It would be extremely rude.”

  “Not half as rude as killing somebody.”

  “Good grief, woman,” Don said, his voice rising.

  Don was a mild mannered man and usually shut his ears to Betty’s rants and ravings, but now she was going too far.

  “You are not, I repeat, not going to say anything to either of them about this tonight. Do you hear me?”

  Betty was silent. She had never heard Don speak to her so harshly before.

  “I said; do you hear me?”

  “Yes, Don, I won’t say a word.”

  My goodness, she thought. He’s being so forceful. I could almost fall in love with him again.

  “Right, Betty, let’s get going.”

  “Yes, Don, I’ll get my jacket.”

  Don felt himself trembling. It had been a long time since he’d spoken to Betty like this, but it did feel good. She went too far a lot of the time and upset so many people. It was about time he took control.

  * * * *

  Eve and David walked into The Black Cat with Alison and Robert. She was relieved that she didn’t have to come alone, especially after the previous evening and Paul’s unexpected attack on her. In fact, she had almost decided she wouldn’t attend if she had to come without her darling David.

  Thinking about it, Paul’s behavior was very odd. They had been getting on well until she had set up Jane with James, but still, she would never have expected him to try and strangle her.

  Eve’s eyes then caught Betty’s and she could tell that her arch enemy was upset to see David was with her. She knew Betty had hoped she had had an argument with David and had perhaps broken up with him. Eve was happy she had proved her wrong, but of course it could have been all so different. Eve shivered thinking about what the alternative could have been.

  Eve naturally put on a good show for Betty, and was very affectionate towards David. He didn’t mind too much despite not usually going in for public displays of affection. However, he allowed her to do what she wanted because of the difficult time she had experienced at the party the previous evening, plus today she had actually done as he wished and had given the police information about the murder. He could hardly believe it when she told him that she had met Dimitris Kastrinakis and had told him about Kevin and Lucy’s argument.

  However, Eve was slightly worried and kept looking around for the Fowlers, but they hadn’t arrived yet. Had they been arrested? She didn’t think there was enough evidence for an arrest, but perhaps she was wrong.

  Jane and James spotted Eve and David and came up to them.

  “Good evening,” James said. “I’m pleased to see you here, Eve. No lasting effects after last night then?”

  “No, I’m fine, thank you.”

  “I’m here to protect her now,” David put it.

  He still didn’t much care for James.

  “Perhaps Paul won’t come tonight,” Alison said.

  “No such luck,” Jane put in. “He’s just come in with his brother and Lucy.”

  “Ignore him,” Robert said.

  “I don’t think she’ll be able to,” James said. He’s coming over…. What do you want,” he asked Paul harshly.

  They all turned and David moved to protect Eve.

  “Just a word with Eve if you don’t mind.”

  “Well, she doesn’t want to talk to you,” David said severely.

  “It’s alright, David. I�
��ll talk to Paul for a moment.”


  “David, you’re here. He’s hardly going to try anything.”

  David and I will be watching. And Robert,” James put in.

  David grimaced. Why did James have to interfere? Eve was his woman and he was the one to protect her, not James.

  Eve moved away with Paul.

  “I want to apologize, Eve, I don’t know what came over me last night.”

  “I don’t either, Paul. I would never have imagined it of you.”

  “Well, the police gave me a good talking to.”

  “I didn’t call them, Paul.”

  “Apparently James went in this morning and reported it. He said I had a violent temper and thought they should know. I think he’s trying to pin the murder of Jennifer on me.”

  “Why should he do that?”

  “He despises me. It’s probably because he knows I like Jane, but he knows I’ve got no chance with her, so why should he worry?”

  “Perhaps he’s insecure underneath it all.”

  “I doubt it. He’s got everything going for him and Jane’s obsessed with him.”

  “I’m sorry, Paul.”

  “Well, that’s life. Anyway, I apologize again about yesterday.”

  “Let’s forget it. Okay?”

  “Thanks, Eve.”

  Eve went back to the others, thinking what a much nicer person she’d become in the past few months. Before, she’d never have forgiven him.

  “So, what did he want, darling?” David asked.

  “He apologized for last night,”

  “You didn’t forgive him?” James jumped in.

  “Yes, there’s no point holding grudges.”

  James shook his head. Eve wasn’t the bitch he’d heard she was. However, David was proud of her. Despite not liking Paul and not thinking he deserved forgiveness, Eve had been a better person than he would have been.

  The men went to get the drinks and Eve turned her attention to Jane.

  “Well, you look radiant this evening.

  “I’m so happy, Eve. James is a wonderful man. I can’t believe how lucky I am.”

  Eve and Alison looked at each other and smiled, but Eve saw Kevin and Lucy and she became anxious. What if they thought it was her who went to the police and one of them was the killer. She could be their next victim.

  “What’s up?” Alison asked Eve when Jane went to the ladies. “You look as if you’ve seen a ghost.”

  “Oh, nothing really. Just wondering if anybody’s going to try and kill me again, that’s all.”

  “Oh, Eve, why should they? You’ve been as good as gold.”

  “What about Kevin or Lucy? It’s highly likely one of them killed Jennifer, or perhaps they both decided to get rid of her, and if they find out I went to the police, they could get rid of me next.”

  “The police would suspect them straight away so I doubt if they will try anything, and anyway, the more I think about it, the less likely I think one of them killed Jennifer. They don’t seem like murderers. If Lucy knew about the night Kevin spent with Jennifer, he would have had no need to silence her, and if Kevin had promised never to see Jennifer again, why would Lucy want to get rid of her. There would have been no need to risk a life sentence for nothing.”

  “I suppose you’re right,” Eve said.

  “Oh God,” Alison said. “My aunt’s coming over.”

  Eve groaned. She knew Betty would want to talk about the previous evening and Paul’s attack on her. She wanted to put it behind her. Paul had apologized and she had accepted and that was that. She didn’t want to discuss it further. However, she was surprised when Betty spoke.

  “How are you, Eve? Don and I were concerned about you last night.”

  “Oh, I’m fine, thank you. No damage done.”

  Why is she being nice? Something’s up, I’m sure of it?

  “He seems such a nice chap, but you never know, do you? Did you…”

  “Everything alright here?” Don said, interrupting his wife.

  “Yes, thank you,” Eve replied, wondering what Betty had been going to say.

  However, she could see that Betty wasn’t going to continue. There seemed to be friction between Don and Betty.

  “There you go, Eve, a nice large gin and tonic,” David said, giving her a kiss on the cheek.

  Eve glanced at Betty, but she wasn’t even looking at them. In fact she was staring at Lucy and Kevin. Had she heard about the police visiting them? Then Eve looked at Don and he was keeping a close eye on Betty. That was it. It suddenly dawned on Eve that he had told her not to interfere. At last Don had stood up to that obnoxious wife of his! However, Eve was certain it wouldn’t last long and Betty would be back to her normal nagging self.

  Lucy was downing her third glass of wine. She’d had one before she’d left home and she’d had another very quickly when she’d got to the party. She was sure people were staring at them. Somebody must have seen the police arrive at their house. This was awful. She wished they hadn’t come, but if they hadn’t it would have looked suspicious.

  Who could have told the police? Lucy looked around the room. Ken and Jan were busy behind the bar and she thought it wouldn’t have been them. They barely knew them apart from coming into The Black Cat. Of course anyone in the room could have seen Kevin go into Jennifer’s house that one night he slept with her and suddenly remembered it, thinking it suspicious.

  Lucy went up to the bar and got another glass of wine. She was both bored and tense. Kevin was talking to his brother and just ignoring her as usual. As she walked towards the food, she saw Eve and Jane chatting and stopped suddenly. There was something at the back of her mind concerning Eve, but she couldn’t quite remember what it was. She went and got a plate and piled it up with sandwiches and little pies. She was already feeling quite drunk and thought she’d better eat something. She didn’t want to say something she’d regret. She often would say such stupid things when she’d had one too many.

  Lucy went down and sat at a table and started eating, but she couldn’t stop drinking her wine. Paul came up and asked her if she was okay and gave her another glass of wine, saying Kevin would be back in a minute. They were having a discussion about repairing his car. Lucy smiled.

  “I’m fine on my own. Tell Kevin not to bother to rush back.”

  Paul, however, was a bit worried. He’d seen Lucy before when she was drunk and it could go either way. Sometimes she was lots of fun, but at others she was really evil. He decided to go and tell Kevin to go and see to his wife.

  Having finished her fourth glass of wine, she started on the one Paul had brought. Then she saw Eve getting a plate of food and it clicked. Eve had been coming out of the bathroom the previous night when she and Kevin had been discussing Jennifer. She could have been there for ages and heard everything. That was it. Eve was the one who had told the police. She got up, but found she felt a little wobbly. Steadying herself, she walked towards Eve.

  “It was you, wasn’t it?” she hissed. “You told the police. You were listening to my conversation with my husband.”

  Eve didn’t know what to say. She couldn’t deny it, but she didn’t want to admit guilt. However, before she could say anything, Lucy shouted out.

  “You, madam, are a snoop. That’s what you are. Neither I nor my husband killed Jennifer, I’ll have you know.”

  The whole room went silent and Kevin rushed over to Lucy.

  “There, there, dear. Of course, we didn’t,” he said, guiding her away to a chair.

  She flopped down, looking tired and pale.

  “I’m sorry everybody,” Kevin said, looking strained. “We’ve had a bad day. “I think I’ll take my wife home.”

  Paul went over and helped him get Lucy up and they took her out of the bar. As soon as they left, everybody started talking amongst themselves.

  David went over to Eve.

  “What did she say to you?”

  “She accused me of
going to the police, which of course, I did.”

  “You did nothing more than tell them what Kevin and Lucy said.”

  “I know, but I wish I hadn’t.”

  “It was the correct thing to do, Eve. The police have a right to investigate them.”

  “I suppose so, but I’m a bit scared now.”

  “Don’t be. They wouldn’t dare do anything, not now everyone knows it was you who went to the police.”

  “Interfering again,” Betty said, coming up to Eve.

  The old Betty’s back, I see! thought Eve.

  “No she’s not,” David remarked immediately. “She didn’t want to go to the police, but I told her to. She overheard something that could be relevant to the case and it was her duty to inform the police.”

  Betty looked peeved. It was turning out to be a particularly awful day for her. She was glad the year was at an end.

  “Now everybody,” Ken shouted, banging on the bar. “Let’s all try and get back into the New Year’s Eve spirit. The band’s about to start playing, so everybody; get a drink and some food and have a dance. Let’s try and forget about the murder tonight.”

  “I think that’s a very good idea,” Eve whispered to David.

  David could hardly believe it. Eve had suggested forgetting about the murder. Could life get any better? Unfortunately it was destined to get worse before it was going to improve.

  Chapter 14

  A couple of days went by and things in the village settled down. No further progress was made in the case of Jennifer Anderson’s murder, or at least nobody heard that anything new had been discovered. There weren’t any more arrests and Eve wondered if the police had simply given up. Her faith in them was wavering again.

  David was watching Eve like a hawk, and with Alison and Robert still staying with them, there wasn’t much she could do to seek out the murderer. Although she had more or less decided to let the police solve the case, boredom was setting in and she was beginning to change her mind about searching for the killer. Life as an amateur detective sounded glamorous again and she had conveniently forgotten about being poisoned. Of course she didn’t want to lose David, but Eve had become as complacent as before and thought he would find it impossible to live without her.


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